About, scroll for art collection under spoiler tag
yes, it's gate. no, i won't be the active poster i used to be
my PMs are off, i do not get the message that comes when you send a friend request! D:
before you believe ridiculous rumors about me, why not try asking me instead?
i really should put an actual about in in here, shouldn't i? if it wasn't for the ******** decision to make the profiles of b& users unviewable you could see how nonlinearly my mind thinks in the about me of my previous main. it came in spurts. i wonder if there's an old google cache of the page i can still access...
i'll try to fix this up later when finally updating my art collection. the skelekitten stitches pose is on every avi, please don't forget it when arting. the gills are my 5th generation life support system (if you can't see them, think naruto). i literally wasted sig space so that people would stop forgetting them ):
yes, i'm a kinky asexual. it's uncommon but not unheard of. i used to have it in my sig but now i barely talk about it anymore. you can find it buried in my old sigs. i'd prefer if that isn't the only thing people remember me by, it's why it's buried now
i have some of the most posts of any human on gaia, with over 850k between all my accounts. the aquarium botter has about the same amount between all its accounts, and [NPC] cow has over 3 million. but neither are human. i've probably been passed now since gaia has turned a blind eye to bots, and my posting has near-stopped.
my perma-selling thread is here if you like kindred RIGs! trade frequency can vary from hours to weeks...
i love making friends but i do NOT accept random friend requests! talk to me a little first, PLEASE!
last update: february 15, 2023 (small update april 26, 2023)
i'm an extremely nice and friendly person most of the time, i love to meet people! my PMs are friends only. therefore i don't see the message that comes with a friend request. please talk to me instead before trying to add me! and don't just randomly ignorelist me, that's ******** cruel. t(-_-t)
added blinker and more about me july 14, 2019
finally got this back febuary 15, 2023 after bring broken since early 2021. character count around 25000 before new edits
yes, this is the real gate. it's about time i started being able to actually post again ;A; 118 days had that last avi ~did you know that quote trees automatically cut after 5-6 quotes?~ ~no need to trim them manually~
i fell really far behind in my backreading & posties. i have SO MANY QUOTES that it will literally take me a few hours to answer everyone in linear order, doing 3 posts every 2 minutes. PLEASE don't feel like i'm ignoring you. quote me & i will get back to you when i get through the bulk of it & get back to my normal posting cycle.
have fun in 10mil, everyone! feel free to quote anyone, including me~
i don't think i'm meant to find love (but actually i am! <3), so i just hug my pug. temp sig (click above for 10,000,000 pages)
platinum ticket: 49.54 tril out of 85 tril+
gateXbutterfly PLEASE NOTE THAT MY NEWER LAPTOP IS BROKEN AND GATE IS STUCK USING A DECADE OLD SONY VAIO it only has 2 GB of RAM, so can only be on one account at a time. usually pi. click my sweater pug for 10,000,000 pages! <3 ASEXUAL /still wants a platinum ticket, but it just keeps running away in price...
holding this one while i do a temp sig, despite few differences from the last one:
MY AVI IS FEMALE gate has been on an acer for a year now. windows 10 sucks tho click my sweater pug for 10,000,000 pages! <3 ASEXUAL /still wants a platinum ticket, but it just keeps running away in price... <- TWINNY ART WITH ANGELICRAMEN
please buy from my store? sorry i advertise so much. >< pi is my other main
FINALLY GOT UNLAZY ENOUGH TO REMOVE THE DATED INFO HERE LOL gate has been on an acer for a year now. windows 10 sucks tho click my sweater pug for 10,000,000 pages! <3 ASEXUAL /still wants a platinum ticket, but it just keeps running away in price... <- TWINNY ART WITH ANGELICRAMEN
yes i am gate & yes i like scat (poop) and yes that's me. please click my pictures for 10,000,000 pages! art by pho cough ASEXUAL /still wants a platinum ticket, but it just keeps running away in price... please buy from my store? sorry i advertise so much. >< pi is my other main (ty sailor buffy for flair!) i don't use platinum or gaia cash
and yes that's me. please click my pictures for 10,000,000 pages! art by BrokenMelody13 ASEXUAL FINALLY GOT A PLATINUM TICKET please buy from my store? sorry i advertise so much. >< pi is my other main (ty sailor buffy for flair!) i don't use platinum or gaia cash
In fact, I reported to moderators in general the whole situation, both sides, both you and the people who came to my profile to comment on, it was they who probably deleted the comment, it is not my position to take a side, since I don't I have no proof of anything, but I think despite everything, gate,
You should seek psychological help, this whole situation is very dangerous for both sides sad, I don't know if you really did something, since no one has sent me no screanshot, but a horrible situation, I don't know what the moderators did, I let them check out what can be done and who should be punished.
This is horrible! sad, I don't know if you have done it, but it would be better to get out of this person, getting close to someone like this is something that can make you even worse, I hope all your friends will see the truth about this person, if Someone even doesn't want to believe you,
So maybe this person wasn't that friend of yours? I would never have the courage to end a friendship without knowing all sides or wait for a while things to calm down
I don't even know what to say, this is a very sad situation, I still have faith that everything goes right in the future, positive thoughts! smile
if you need to talk to me privately PM chromiumgate
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You should seek psychological help, this whole situation is very dangerous for both sides sad , I don't know if you really did something, since no one has sent me no screanshot, but a horrible situation, I don't know what the moderators did, I let them check out what can be done and who should be punished.
So maybe this person wasn't that friend of yours? I would never have the courage to end a friendship without knowing all sides or wait for a while things to calm down
I don't even know what to say, this is a very sad situation, I still have faith that everything goes right in the future, positive thoughts! smile