
EbeleRoderick's avatar

Registered: 01/02/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/21

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About Me

    Name's Ashley. I'm an illustrator that talks too much about food and thrifting. Have a hodgepodge of OCs that I like to have goof off with in the WGs that are listed here, under the "relationships" tab for Ebele.

    I typically have a lot to say because there's a lot on my mind. I tire easily these days, so I must be caffeinated. Not *too* much, though, because then I'll be jittery from the coffee, lol. If I'm away, it's either work, more art projects, running errands, shopping, catching up with anime + manga, or sleeping that I'm doing.

    And that's it. My inbox is always open to talk or to ask about anything. 8D

    My Interests:

    Favorite Anime/Manga/Cartoons: Lupin III, March Comes in Like a Lion, Natsume Yuujinchou, Samurai 7, Black Jack, One Piece, Cowboy Bebop, Oban Star Racers, Gravity Falls, Mob Psycho 100

    Favorite Animals: bears, cats, ravens

    Favorite Food: I like a lot of stuffed foods, along with okonomiyaki

    Interests + Hobbies: fashion, thrifting, organizing, reading, writing, cooking, politics


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Yuko Imai - さよならを言わせて~Let me say good bye~
