This is Perfect

Supra Mayro Kratt



Clover_IceQueen's avatar

Birthday: 01/22

Buy my schist

I try to always have my items set at reasonable prices. The only items I will haggle on are those that I am selling for more than 200 mil.
I hope you find what you are looking for. Have a nice day!


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Think of what you are getting yourself into

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How about you get to know me?

Greetings. I am Clover. I am a total nerd, and I'm not just saying that because everypony has that on his or her profile. I really am intelligent. I am almost in love with Sonicwave1000 on YouTube because he makes the best music to ever grace my ears. I am obsessed with books, manga, anime, cosplaying, music, medieval stuff, Pokemon, etc. I want to become a writer, so watch for my books in bookstores ;D

If you want to know more about me, talk to me. Here's some stuff that shows how nerdy I am:

This is about Death Note. I AM NOT A 22-YEAR-OLD MAN!

Name: L (L. Lawliet)
Age: 22 (at death)
Gender: male
Birthplace: presumably England
Hair color: black (possibly dark brown)
Eye color: gray (with dilated pupils)
Blood type: refuses to reveal due to irrational fear of vampires
Height: 5'8"
Weight: varies (mostly 110 lbs.)
Likes: sweets and friends
Dislikes: socks and liars

Notes: Patient suffers from OCD, autism, xeroderma pigmentosum, insomnia, unhealthy obsession with/diet of sweets/junk food, unusual habits, immature behavior, and extreme suspision/distrust and paranoia. Patient is also easily offended and prone to childish tantrums or fits/may freak out when something goes wrong. Patient refuses to give out personal information or even get picture taken. Patient must not be allowed to drive or operate heavy machinary (excluding helicopters). Patient must be kept away from sunlight, computers, teen idols, Mello and Near, candy stores, cameras, notebooks, dentists, and strangers.

HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BEST FRIEND? (taken from Spongebob Squarepants)

1. What is his/her favorite color?
2. Is he/she right or left handed?
3. Does he/she have an inny or outy belly button?
4. What is his/her favorite food?
5. What shape is he/she?

Things I Like Because I'm Nerdy

Favorite Movies/Anime

Favorite TV Shows

Favorite Reads

Favorite Music/Bands



This Pokemon is deadly. Fear it.
Jingle jingle. Hide your Dragons.
Like Klefki? You'll love my gaming channel

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Tyler558 Report | 08/27/2020 7:10 am
Hello! Sorry to bother you. I used to be friends with Xentrax 607, I have not heard from them in a few years. I just wanted to know how they were doing, they said they would get back to me, but haven't seen in a long time. smile You also offered to help me out once back in 2010, so hello! Lol! It's amazing that you're still online.
Whispering Embers Report | 06/07/2017 4:50 pm
Whispering Embers
Congrats on the publish!
Gundamu Report | 01/22/2017 10:51 am
Happy Birthday
Finally Fantastical Report | 01/22/2017 6:02 am
Finally Fantastical
Happy Birthday, Clover! User Image
Raven Wind KuroNeko-Chan Report | 11/30/2016 6:35 am
Raven Wind KuroNeko-Chan
Your Patronage is Much Appreciated!
Please Feel Free To Come Again.
You are a very nice Customer!

Meow Mew Meow!!!

User ImageUser ImageUser Image
Nishido_Satsunoyama Report | 10/06/2016 7:13 pm
Whoa! You weren't kidding about "nerding out". I'm not making fun of you, I mean, I watch Steven Universe too; Pearl is my favorite, by the way.
I subscribed to your channel, and I thought to add here a link to mine, but then I realized I haven't updated the thing in over a year.
I have lost all sense of the pass of time sweatdrop I could swear it was last week I uploaded something.
Anyway, it's just a series of weird voice recordings with a creepy, semi-animated background, so the video isn't just a black square...
If you want you could check it out, but I warn you: it is heavy on zombies and I have an accent.
You know that accent people consider sexy? Well, it's not that one, not at all... emotion_dowant
Kari Twilight Mist Report | 09/23/2016 8:38 pm
Kari Twilight Mist
I don't blame you. There are so many. @_@ I use a guide because I get lost very easily.
Kari Twilight Mist Report | 09/23/2016 7:53 pm
Kari Twilight Mist
Kari Twilight Mist Report | 09/23/2016 7:46 pm
Kari Twilight Mist
What is your favorite kin? Mine is Vibrant Bunnykit.
Kari Twilight Mist Report | 09/23/2016 7:37 pm
Kari Twilight Mist
I must admit I'm lazy when it comes to leveling them to be strong enough. I use my Ally Plus 100% potions from voting in runway.

R/S/E Legendary Battle Remix

D/P/P Arceus Battle Remix

D/P/P Snowpoint City Remix

B/W Final N Battle Remix

Pinky's Lie

Fluttershy Remix

My lovely stalkers <3

lily702 on 09/13/2024
Xentrax 607 on 03/06/2023
Delicious-Sound on 05/26/2022
-Let the Bridges Burn- on 12/24/2021
Whispering Embers on 07/03/2021
So Here We Are on 10/19/2019
Cracker Hax on 09/15/2019
Compactkitty on 09/13/2019

I have no life

Posts per Day: 6.03

Total Posts: 28479

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So Here We Are
ii kuma kaiju
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Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
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Kei Tanaru
Goo kee eel yer selfies
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The Child of Aura

I am such a nerd for Gaga

The artist with whom I write a comic. Awesome guy. Yays!

My brony friends

I am this type of anime girl.

Best friend

Why did you leave? :(