NightshadeV1's avatar

Birthday: 04/01

Something To Remember

nothing really to say here. So I'll leave you with some words which mean something better.

It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything. Now is this true? Maybe yes, maybe no. But think about it for a second. How are people controlled on this planet? By fear. Fear from this, fear from that, fear from whatever. Fear, fear and more f**king fear. Now that is really stupid. People are afraid to REALLY be alive, to do what they really want to do, to live the life they really want to live. Why? Because they think too much about what other people think of them. They are not free. People that give a damn about other peoples opinion CANNOT BE FREE to do anything and to enjoy themselves.

Why are we so concerned with what other people think? Is it the fear that we will lose status if we do something that is not "normal"? What the f**k is normal anyway? Who decides what is and what isn't normal? You have to take the red pill in life and know the truth. Most people are too stupid to realize that they can actually be happy in life. Whatever.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. - yes. Imagine you don't have anything in life. Nobody, nothing. Nothing to lose. Only then are you completely free, because you don't care, you just do it, you live it, you are alive. And that is what we need to do, awaken, open our eyes to the truth.



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Hero Kesshin Report | 08/28/2018 1:55 am
Hero Kesshin
Really? wow, yall still going lol and idk haven't rped in like a year and a half. I can't lie and say I don't miss it but GE seemed like a d**k slinging contest full of people who never swung unless they knew they could win. Be honest with me, has that changed at all? or is it too early to tell?
Hero Kesshin Report | 08/27/2018 1:42 am
Hero Kesshin
what are you still doing on here Night lol
Ambien Dreams Report | 02/13/2016 5:33 am
Ambien Dreams
My name is Stephe. I've gone by Gabrielle Lioncourt, Ambien Dreams, Pornim Maryam, among other names probs most like.
Golden_Harajuku Report | 05/15/2015 5:45 pm
Cool! Nice birthday present
Golden_Harajuku Report | 05/09/2015 6:17 am
wait whose that O: bri???
Sylve Report | 04/13/2015 11:53 pm
Sylve Report | 04/13/2015 11:52 pm
heart love heart
Sylve Report | 04/13/2015 11:51 pm
Sylve Report | 04/13/2015 11:51 pm
Sylve Report | 04/13/2015 11:50 pm

People you don't need to know