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    From RG Charity Mule

Cleric Saphire's avatar

Birthday: 12/24


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Global Business Etiquette... Whoever thought I would take classes like this in college. Guh.

Hi, I'm your average Korean woman, whatever that makes you think of. I like rping and decorating my avi, and I also love to play games with friends. I don't bite, so please contact me if you want anything or just want to chat. PMs are the best to-go, but you might also find me around in forums, sometimes. I hope you have a pleasant day, and I wish you the best in everything you do! Have a great year. smile


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Art by wingzofdarkness


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TjRaWrPaNtz Report | 11/02/2019 3:57 pm
Aw yer cool beans! I’m just on for the Halloween event really, been logging on everyday for a week up until Halloween only to have the event start the day after haha. You’re the only one on my entire friends list that’s been online this year haha
TjRaWrPaNtz Report | 10/24/2019 4:12 pm
Howdy stranger!!
Glad to know I’m not the only one still coming here haha, how you been?
KibitzRajas Report | 05/07/2018 12:07 pm
I can be smile
KibitzRajas Report | 05/07/2018 7:38 am
Oh nice thats good you are finding rps if anything there is a guild known as Bleach Elites if you are interested
KibitzRajas Report | 05/06/2018 11:56 am
Just hanging Cleric smile
sheskull creator Report | 03/27/2018 4:00 am
sheskull creator
heart thank you for buying heart
KibitzRajas Report | 03/19/2018 8:02 am
Just hanging right now about to work on some customs for one of my guilds smile
KibitzRajas Report | 03/19/2018 7:33 am
hi Cleric
Zairye Report | 02/20/2018 11:16 am
학교도 학업 빼고 걍 학교생활이 좋은데....철들기 싫은데에에에ㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅔㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ
근데 요즘 영어실력이란게 희소성이 떨어지니까........불안해 ㅠㅠㅠ
학업도 그지같이 해서 더 불안해ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ 그거땜에 솔까 불안한거죠 그쵸 왜그랬죠 와이다메꺄아아아ㅏ아ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ
졸업시즌멘붕. 흐규 viva la kidult, viva no adulting emotion_donotwant
며칠전에 일일드라마(완전 슈레긔임)에서 되게 멜랑꼴리한 대사가 있었더라.......
"그갓 돈이 뭔데!" "사람이 사람답게 살 수 있게 해주는거." ㅜㅠ

쵸코데이엔 쵸코먹기! 달달한맘 땡큐여 ~ heart
캔디데이땐 사탕 사재기 해야즹, 후훗 classified_starseed
Zairye Report | 02/14/2018 4:00 am
오오오, 머시땅  o A o
What'd you do??

난......9학기 추가등록.......6학점 부족 ㅠㅠㅠ
졸업논문도 써야되고......(아놔, 자격증셤 제대로 준비하고 볼걸 ㅠ;;;; )
내 유리멘탈이 멘붕가루됨 ㅜAㅠ

(♪ I'm lyk T T, so so T T, 힘들어, 미칠겨 ㅠㅠㅠ)

다 제치고, Happy Chocolate Day!! heart

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A Roses Secret
Prince of the Rainforest
Homicidal Love
Over Yandere
Goldbeard Ceadeus

We could be twins. Personality wise.

I won't apologize for being cool.

We're miles apart...

but not in the heart!

A girl and a guy were speeding over
100mph on a motorcycle.

Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not, please, its too scary.
Guy: then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, now slow down.
Guy: Now give me a big hug.
She gave him a big hug.
Guy: Can you take off my helmet and put
it on yourself? It's bothering me.

In the newspaper the next day a
motorcycle had crashed into a building because of
break failure. Two people were on it, but only one
survived. The truth was that halfway down the road
the guy realized that the breaks were broken and
he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her
hug him and tell him she loved him one last time.
Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would
live even if it meant that he would die. If you
would do the same for the person you love, copy
this in your profile.

Opposites attract. :D

Me and my awesomeness...

Of course I'm amazing. What do you take me for?

You touch me, I glomp you. Got it?

Being Korean is awesome, you know.

We are amazing, don't deny it.

Tee hee!

Hold hands!

I shall be there if you need me.

Always with you.