Chapter 3

It had appeared as though the sun had never risen above the mountains in the distance. dark clouds of fused black and grey hid the sky from the naked mortal eye. Drops of rain poured down from Heaven, as though all the angels we weeping in severe agony. Thunder rang throughout the land like God was howling in furious anger. Although the humidity was rising rapidly as through hell was trying to engulf the Earth with its maliciousness. It seemed to be the apocalypse of this World.

Andre remained inert in his chamber bed. His eyes were dry and bloodshot for he had not slept a single moment that night. Due to the trauma he suffered the night before. he often wondered if he would ever be able to live with himself after what he did. As the rain drops hit the window like a million miniature drummers, came a tapping upon his chamber door.

"Back away from my chamber door and do NOT return until summoned", shouted Andre.

Yet the chamber door continued to slowly open despite his shouting. Then from behind the heavy oak door peered the seemingly sorrow filled face of Sidney Daae. Andre saw her face and he sank down into his bed. He turned his face away from her and towards the rain-covered window avoiding her face.

"Andre..." Sidney softly said.

"Stop right there! i have nothing to say to you! Have you not caused enough damage? My heart now aches with every breath I take! My soul has been shredded and thrown to the wayside!" Andre said with a small tear forming in the corner of his eye.

"Andre if you would simply hear me out"

"Why should I? You use to bring the warmth that filled my heart, yet now it freezes with the bitter cold morn. Your smile use to bring a small glimpse of happiness in my soul, but now that smile has disappeared into the abyss of a dark hole in my soul. Now i can no longer listen to the symphony of your voice ringing through my ears for now all I hear is my heart beating its own funeral song. You have taken away so many things from me you cannot even begin to comprehend how empty and lonely I feel at this very moment." Andre exclaimed with a cracking voice and tears slowly running down his flush red cheeks.

Sidney stood there completely crushed. Her heart had been set ablaze last night once Andre left the manor. As the smoldering pile of ash started to settle, she felt Lucifer spitting upon the remains.

"Andre i never thought you would feel about me in that manor. You must believe me that this matrimony was not my decision" As Sidney was now desperately pleading with Andre.

Andre would not reply back. the silence was like the funeral of hearts. Sidney simply moved her left hand to wipe away her tears, and than slightly nodded like a corpse unwillingly accepting a casket as their final resting place. She turned her back to the stern faced statue that remained motionless in the chamber bed. The room was now colder than the blizzard where Andre and Sidney warmed each others heart with their very first kiss. Sidney slowly closed the chamber door trying to keep as much dignity as she possibly could have left. She walked down the hallway and lost control of her emotions. She began weeping furiously with her hands covering her face and her feet hastily carrying her out of the manor. She left Andre to deal with her screams of heartache and despair.

Andre arose from his bed sluggishly and staggered to the window. He let his forehead lay on the cold window to cool down the fever that was plaguing his body. Andres tears were rolling down the window and blending with the rain as they rolled down the window. As he breathed the steam grow upon the window blocking out the vision of Sidney Daae leaving his manor and his soul for eternity. Andre turned away from the window after several minutes of wiping away the steam and watching her leave until he could no longer make out the carriage disappearing into the distance.

Andre looked around his chambers and was furious. Memories flooded his mind at every corner he looked at. He stared at the golden trimmed mirror that he once so gleefully gazed at his reflection. It was a gift from Sidney on his eighteenth birthday. He could no longer stand the sight of his own self in it. As he stared at the broken man in the mirror he grabbed the mirror and pulled it off the polished oak dresser and to the ground with great force. The mirror shattered into a million tiny razors that flew through the air and slicing his flesh with ease. He looked to the ground seeing his reflection a million times over. He watched the blood trickle down his face from the cuts. It only infuriated him more. He looked across the room and saw his closet. He walked over the glass towards the closet on the other side of the room. The sound was like hail hitting the gravel. The blood was flowing but Andre felt no pain. He grabbed the handle and swung the door open. He looked around and saw the most precious memories that he had of Sidney. It was locked away in a chest hidden under many stacks upon stacks of cloths. He threw the cloths aside and grabbed the chest. He reached to the necklace around his neck snatched the key. Slowly the key inched closer to the box. His heart pounding faster with every passing second, and the blood was flowing from the soles of his feet and slices on his face. The key went into the lock and Andre turned it opening up a past world of joy. The very first thing was a small portrait of Sidney and Andre holding hands in the snow filled field of Switzerland when they were twenty-one years old. Andre grabbed the portrait with his blood covered hands and reluctantly ripped it into many small fragments of a past world. Next Andre picked up the first handkerchief that Sidney ever bestowed upon Andre. He picked it up and could practically smell the perfume she was wearing that warm summers day fifteen years ago. His blood was staining through the thin piece of cloth. He than wiped his face with it, and ruined the cloth. He than spat upon it and threw it onto the broken shards of glass. Than, he came upon the most precious memory he could have ever kept. The first ever poem Andre wrote expressing his love for Sidney. Andre had spent weeks trying to form his words into the way he wanted. This was sixteen years ago. It was what determined both of their destinies for the next sixteen years. He clutched it in his hands and than crumbled it up into a small wad of trash.

Andre stood to his feet and walked to the window. He clutched the paper and held his hand out the window. He let go of the paper while weeping and watched it fall to the ground slowly. As the paper lay inert on the ground and deteriorate with the rain, Allan stood in front of it looking down at it. than looking upwards to the window only to be hit in the face by drops of Andres crimson life force. Andre looked down upon Allan with a look of emptiness and closed his window without uttering a single word