Chapter 2

As he rode away, he turned his head very slightly to look at his desire being pushed away. As he looked he thought he could see the silhouette of his angel of beauty standing at an open window. His heart began to plague him of the love he wanted to show her. As the lights from the man seemed to get dimmer and dimmer in the distance, the heartache he was suffering became unbearable. He had been running away from these feelings for far too long. Tonight was the night he was to set his love free for her to embrace or reject.

Andre exclaimed, "Stop the carriage and turn around immediately! We must return to Daae Manor!"

As the stallions bucked from being halted out of their sprint, the elderly driver responded without a word and turned the carriage around.

Upon their return to the manor, small beads of sweat appeared on Andres forehead. His hands started shaking from the nervousness flourishing throughout

His body. Within a few minutes the carriage halted in front of Daae Manor. As he stepped out of the carriage, the smooth cold breeze hit his face giving him some relief from the racing of his heart that was making him sweat so much. He wiped away the sweat and his fear. He marched into the manor only to be abruptly stopped by Monsieur Alan Reyer.

"Do not go in there Andre. I say this for your own good," exclaimed Alan.

"No, I must enter to finally reveal to Sidney how my heart weeps to be with her. That being with her is my only purpose in life!" shouted Andre.

Andre forced his way through the restraint of Alan. He seemed to glide over as he turned into the ballroom where Sidney was standing with her father Rene Daae standing with a he had not seen in a decade or so. It was a young man who was twenty-four years old and his name was Vincent Lynn. Vincent was six foot one with a slim athletic body and shoulder-length dirty blonde hair. His eyes were a bright sapphire blue and seemed to entrap all females who he had his sights on. Andre knew his art work from a couple of art galleries for Vincent was a rising figure in the art world. Vincent seemed too much of a playboy or manipulator of women. Even though he had a huge reputation of using women for his artwork and then for his own personal pleasure afterwards, women who knew this perfectly well still desired to be used by him like some common street hooker in the foggy streets of London. It frustrated Andre to the degree that his blood wanted to burst out of his veins and scald that playboy face of his.

Andre set aside his feeling for a moment and wondered why Vincent was standing with Sidney and her father. It was silent in the ballroom and Andre felt the awkwardness in the room. Than an uproar of applause and approval rang through the ballroom as Monsieur Rene Daae announced that Vincent Lynn and Sidney Daae were to be wed by the end of the year. The yells and claps seemed endless and doubled as the chimes of the bells to the funeral of Andres heart. Sidney saw Andre standing in the back of the ballroom looking as if he had just had his soul repossessed by Lucifer himself. She forced her way through the crowd of nobles and aristocrats until she came face to face with Andre

"Andre are you not going to congratulate me on my big day?" asked Sidney.

At that very moment Andres heart sank into the depths of the deepest ocean. It seemed as though the apocalypse had come upon his soul. In Andres mind his heart, his soul, his entire life had just been broken down and thrown into the darkest abyss known to Heaven or Hell. Before Sidney could say anything else, Andre turned around and slowly walked away, an empty man. Alan took immediate notice of Andres pain and escorted him out of the manor and into the carriage. Sidney watched him walk away and out of her life with out uttering a single word.