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View User's Journal

My life and all its agony, pains, humiliations and annoyances that tend to pleague me. Along with a few chuckles and yuckles... I'm sure you'll feel welcomed. Do post your comments.
Shutensa Arpee
Another Shu arpee set up for archieving purposes...enjoy.

After that interesting meeting at the library the other day, Xel had been wondering about the two he had spent time with. Sorakai and Chiitra, what a weird pair they were. He walked leisurely from his dorm room and out of the building into the courtyard.

A simple stroll around by himself would be just what he needed to clear his mind and prepare for another night of hard work. Despite his deciation to his school work, Xel hated it with a passion. It always made his head hurt. He whistled to himself as he took his walk.

It was Xel's looks that Sorakai noticed at first, and a playful smirk appeared on his face. "Oh-ho....!" Quickly he closed the book he was reading and stood up from where he was seated. He wanted to go say hi. Right.

Striding along he tried to stay unnoticed to sneek up on the other. And once in arms reach he slipped strong arms around Xel's waist from behind as his soft voice purred into his ear. "It's so great to see you again Xel... Long time no see, Hmm?" He teasingly nuzzled that ear. "You going to blush for me again?"

Laughing now he pulled away as fast as he could, arms raising to block any sort of attack that the other might bring.

Xel squeaked at the sudden rush of arms around his waist then he shuddered visibly due to the tickling sensation of Sora's breath in his ear. It took all of 5 seconds to regain himself as he whirled around eyes glaring. "The ******** is your problem?" He shouted and yes he was blushing...again. "Can't you just say hello like normal people." Whatever normal was to Xel that is.

He crossed his arms over his chest trying to breath normally. He'd been caught completely on aware, though he wouldn't tell THAT guy about it. After a moment of silence Xel returned to normal still glaring as usual at the guy in front of him. "What do you want...?" He asked calmly turning around to continue his walk. Weither Sora followed or not was of no concern to him.

Peeking a bit from behind his hands that were guarding that pretty face of his he blinked quizzically. "Normal...?" He asked, tipping his head a bit to the side. "Normal... Hmmm." He seemed to think on the topic for a moment before his shoulders shrugged. "I think unpredictable is more fun!" He laughed.

When Xel started to walk, well so did Sorakai! His feet happily allowing him to trail along at the other's side. "It isn't a matter of what I want.. but who I want really." He spoke, lifting his hand to chew at a hang nail. "Seriously... a friend would be nice." He lowered his hand, flashing a grin at Xel. "You wanna be my friend?" He bat his eyes just a bit.

"Yeah you're unpredictable alright..." Xel muttered stuffing his hands in his pockets. He listened to Sora for a moment before he glanced the boy's way. "Friends? I don't know ... I'm not good with..." he sighed. How do you deal with someone so damn, happy? "Fine. But no friend of mine is going to be touching me like that ever again..." Xel grumbled sending a glance Sora's way. "Got that?" His violet orbs seemed to be shooting hot fire at Sora. This guy rubs me the wrong way. Why the hell did I agree to be friends with him anyway? He thought. Aww you dont think he's cute? Asked a voice in his head. Xel shook that thought away quickly and continued walking in silence.

"Oooh." Sorakai looked a bit disappointed at the mans words. No touching?! Oh how would he survive this friendship! I'm too touchy feely! No wonder I scare people off! He laughed mentally, but gave a nod to what Xel said. "Alright.. no more touching... like that." Emphasis on the last part.

"So... If I can't touch in you like how am I supposed to touch you? This way I know for future reference." He winked.

"Oh God I'm going to be sick...Are you serious?" Xel asked wondering where this guys brain was. He always seemed to want to be so damn touche with people. Though Xel hadn't seen him touch many others but himself. Xel balked...Is this guy...? He sighed looking rather confused. "Look just don't touch me inappropriately. I'm not used to being touched by people period so...yeah just keep your hands off." He wasn't being rude or loud just straightforward. After all he really never had anyone touch him in such a manner save for his mother.

"Now off that topic...why you so late getting signed up to school anyway?" Xel asked, felling this change of topic was safer grounds. He chanced a look at Sora and for once noticed just how blue the boy's eyes were. He blinked and quickly looked away.

Sorakai raised an eyebrow, laughing a bit as he shook his head. Man this boy was just too much fun to tease! "You really can't take joking around can you? But fiiiiine. No more touching." And to prove his point Sora put his hands into his pockets.

"And I'm late because I over slept and missed my flight?" He laughed again, shrugging his shoulders casually. "I seem to do that often. Over sleeping. Can't help it when I'm having one of those damn good dreams you don't want to wake up from! I'm sure you know of the ones I mean. Or maybe you don't." Snickering a bit he casually nudged Xel with his elbow.

"Well you have a funny way of joking I'll say. I'm fine with jokes just so long as they aren't on me." He offered, a slight smirk etching across his face. With the change of subject Xel began to feel a little more at ease. The older boy was much more aware of things then Xel was. "What dreams? I have nightmares on a nightly basis." He said not blinking or cracking a smile. It was true, Xel seemed to have nightmares in place of pleasant dreams. "But you should probably set your alarm clock or something..." he arched a brow. "Or it would be my pleasure to drench you in a bucket of icy water in the mornings in case you need a wake-up call." He chuckled a bit learning to deal with Sora's personality bit by bit.

"So mean!" Sorakai said as he raised a hand, placing it over his heart. "I can see it now! The torture you'll put me through!" Faking a few sobs he'd sniffle then wipe at an eye.

"Anyway.." And it was an almost instant turn around from the 'crying' as he grinned at Xel. "Nightmares you say? You want someone to hold you all night and protect you from those icky dreams? I'm available between the house of 3am and 7am."

Xel rolled his eyes slapping the palm of his hand on his face to hide an actual grin. It wasn't easy being friendly but Sora seemed to bring it out of him. He tried to hold back his chuckles a few escaping him. "Are you always like this?" He really didn't expect an answer but he had to ask.

"And you don't need to hold my hand...nightmares are nightmares they dont' rule my life." He said having grown used to them by now. "You hungry?" Xel asked switching up just as quickly. "I need food or I'll die..." he muttered making a detour for the Dinning Hall.

"Am I always like this?" He echoed, doing a little side to side bob of his head in thought. "I guess so, sometimes worse... I'm really holding back since you're anti-touchy."

At the mention of food his stomach would answer for him giving it's angry growl. Someone didn't feed the beast within. "Well.. suppose I am hungry." He laughed, "So let's go eat! You're treat." He said quickly with a small chuckle, leaning over and keeping distance yet was in close to Xel's eaer. "And I never said I'd hold your hand..." He teased and leaned away.

"Guess so..." Xel repeated coming up to the Dinning Hall. He hadn't expect Sora to lean in so close to his ears, again he shivered, his ears a sensitive area on his body. "Damnit! Will you quit that!" he said a little iritated completely ignoring Sora's comment. Entering the Dinning Hall he walked a bit faster partcially wanting to lose Sora in the crowd. With a sigh and a shake of the head he got in line grabbing a tray, plate, napkins and silverware; the line moving at a snails pace.

"Waaaah! Wait up!" Sorakai shouted as the other started to walk faster, doing his best to keep up in the crowd. Thankfully for him the line didn't move, and once he had his tray and utensils he joined Xel in the line. "You're really touchy aren't you? And I don't mean physically... meant things get on your nerves easily. Oh I see I'm getting on your nerves huh? Oh well." He snickered.

"Look call it what you want.. I just don't like people getting close to me okay?" Xel said glancing back at Sora. "I'm doing my best to deal with you. Why can't you meet me half way on this?" Xel sounded childish, almost pouty about the subject. He just wasn't used to such attention. No one really gave him more than a glance or a quick conversation before rushing off to be with someone of more interest. Having someone like Sora paying him more attention than he was used to was unnerving. You know you like it. Having someone trailing along behind you like that...go on admit it. A twisted voice in his mind began to come to life. Xel blushed and reached for some food fumbling with it before he managed to safely set it on his tray.

With a sigh he looked up to find a familiar face entering the hall. She's gotta be an angel... He thought and waved his arm wildly in hopes she'd see him. "Chii!"

Chii slid in quietly, and glanced around for familiar faces. She didn't have to look long before she saw Xel...waving her over??? Whoa, that's kinda unexpected, she thought as she laughed and waved back just as wildly.

"Xel!" She rushed over to him, and soon found that he wasn't along, the new guy, Sora was with him. Good, she thought, I can make up for yesterday.

"Hey Xel, Hi Sora. How are the two of you doing today?" she bubbled enthusiastically, a rather faint glow about her.

Sorakai turned his head when he heard Xel shout for the girl. Ow... right in his ear. Giving a small pouty look at the other he took a deep breath to release it as a sigh and look off in the direction Xel was facing. Oh yes.. Chii was that girl from yesterday too.

Casting a glance at Xel, he'd step around him to cut in line. "Fine... I'll just shut up completely. That'd meet you half way." He said with a small nod to himself as he placed some food onto his tray.

When Chii joined them he'd smile, "I'm doing great, and it's good to see you again.." He purred, walking around Xel once more to put his arm around Chii's shoulders. "Why don't you join us for lunch? Might be more interesting that way." He winked.

And so he didn't hold up the line, he pushed his tray along with one hand but kept his arm around Chii until the girl complained.

"I'm doing good..." Xel replyed to Chii. As he tried to explain to Sora what he wanted. "You don't have to be silent. Just the touching part is weirding me out..." but it was brushed off with Sora walking in front of him in the line and wrapping an arm around Chii. Why did that bother him? Taking a deep breath, Xel went about gathering his food and went to find a seat.

Weaving through the crowded cafe he managed to find a place for the three of them. Placing his tray down he waived them over. "Hey I found a spot!"

Chii was so happy to see that Sora remembered her.

"aaah, it's great to see you too!" she replied cheerfully. Chii was a little surprised by Sora's action, but it hardly bothered her, she was used to people touching her, hugging her, and in fact it was something she'd come to miss being so far from her family. So as he slid his arm around her shoulders, she slid hers around his waist. Chii giggled as Sora invited her to lunch..

"I just knew you'd invite me, as if you could have resisted anyway!" she laughed, and walked alongside Sora as they followed Xel to a table.

Noticing Xel's rather downtrodden mood, Chii inquired, chuckling more and more, "Sora-dear, is there something wrong with our lovely Xel?"

There was something about this Sora character, he was fun, a different sort of fun from Brae and Pyper, she loved it.

I shouldn't have said anything like that. Pyper passed it off without anything, but...

Brae's mind wandered as he stepped down the stairs, his clothes and hair overly messy. He's skipped classes today and would certainly pay for it tomorrow, but the youth needed his rest. Not that he actually go any, since he had been up for the past few days just sitting in his bed.

I want to be alone more than anything, but you just can't be alone. You need to be with people, just as flowers need to be with other flowers. They can grow alone, but are their happiest when together in a garden.

He crossed the yard towards the lunchroom, avoiding any looks that his classmates could shoot towards him. There would be gossip tomorrow about how he looked and why he was skipping, but things like that didn't matter to Brae. He could tune everything out since he didn't need it.

Brae pushed the door to the lunch hall open, his hand twitching against the panal. He was overly tired and overly hungry, so he shuffled towards the line. [/green]

"Ooh! Sora-dear!?" He laughed at that, "You just boosted my ego. Watch out or it'll pop." He laughed once more, snuggling Chii a bit as they walked towards the table. He was careful not to hit anyone with his tray. He didn't want to spill his lunch of course!

"And to answer your question Chii-dear," he copied, "Xel seems to be a bit of a poopy head. I think I brushed the nerves the wrong away and got on Xel's bad side already. Must be a new record. Though yesterday I did run that guy off in like 5 seconds.. Cripsy or something." He mused for a moment.

once at the table he placed his tray down, then did the gentlemanly thing and pulled out the chair for Chii to sit, smiling fondly at her. He would have done the same to Xel, but he didn't want to piss him off anymore.

Why do they gotta be all close like that? And what's with the baby-talk? It's horrid. Oh sure he's a gentleman now...I'm going to be sick...again. These were the things rolling around in Xel's head. In short, jealous. He occupied himself with eating his food though his eyes were overted and looking at Chii and Sora's interaction. I coulda pulled her chair out. His mind whined as he gulped down his apple juice. But you didn't did you? Another part of him pipped up. "Shut up..." He muttered a little louder than he wanted.

As he ate he let out a sigh feeling the weight of the day already upon him. He set back in his chair kicking up his feet on the other side of the table (away from Chii and Sora's meal trays) and let his head lay back his hair falling back loosely behind him. It was then he spotted the tiny figure of Brae heading for the lunch line...although he was upside down.

"You? have an ego? NEVER!!!" she exclaimed, then collapsed in a fit of giggles, and popping motions. There was just something about him that made her feel lighter than air, and rather confident.

"tsk tsk Xel-sweetie. Being such a downer...already?" she pipped, "Why I must agree, that is a new record!" She smiled as she dodged various people, but then snapped her head around at the mention of Crispin.

"You mean Crispin? ooooh, he's positively lovely!! A little too sharp around the edges, but I'm working on softening, and loosening those edges up." she grinned, rather mischeviously.

Blushing slightly at the sight of Sora pulling her chair out, Chii pretended she was a princess and sat down accordingly, smiling at Sora, and instantly turning towards him when he sat down.....but then she heard Xel's small outburst.

"awww, Xel don't be that way. We're just having fun! You're the one I really love!!" she grinned as she jumped up and ran over to give Xel a big, BIG hug. ^^

Just as she was about to hug Xel she saw Brae entering the dining hall, her hand shot into the air and waved madly "BRAE!!! Brae, over here!" she called, hoping she'd been loud enough...

Now about that hug...

Brae stopped at the food line, passing everything up except for juice. He didn't have much of an appitite anyway, and he didn't like the way the lunch lady stared at his dark circkles and dishevled clothing. He paid his amount and started to drink the juice, ready to head back out.

Almost nearing the door, Brae's eyes caught a sudden figure jumping up and down with flair and loud voice. He knew the person to be Chii...and he shuddered. He'd seen her earlier from his window out in one of the gardens, so he was sort of hoping that was his only chance for today. It was in his best interest, however, to allivate the attention being thrown his way and hers by going over.

"Oh...Chii, it's a pleasure to see you. How are you?"

A thin smile spread across dry and cracking lips, a side effect of poor nutrition and lack of hydration.

Sorakai chuckled as Chii sat in the chair all lady like. It was rather cute! Almsot enough where he wanted to reach over and pinch her cheeks. However, when he sat and started to eat, Chii's sudden jump up would startle him. The food on his fork would fall into his lap and he cursed a bit.

Putting the fork down to pick the food out of his lap he raised it to his lips to eat. Why waste it? It only fell on clothing! For the moment it was calm and quiet at the table, but soon enough he looked up and at Xel. "I am sorry, for pissing you off. Just can't help myself sometimes."

Xel leaned back in his chair balancing it on two legs as he looked over at Sora, "Its not that you piss me off, its just..." before he could finish, Chii jumped up surprising him even as she looked to be coming his way. When she stopped he sighed in relief but as she called to Brae, he groaned. "Don't call him over here..." he hissed but it was too late. He didn't have time to react as her attention reverted back to him and she went to hug him. s**t s**t s**t....no hugs! His mind reeled as he kicked the chair out from under him, sliding it to the side and catching Chii within the hook of his arm.

He set the chair down softly and looked to Chii who was rather close to him. She smells nice. He thought then shook it away. "I was having problems with Sora touching me...now you wanna do the same?" He said though it was obvious his mood had gotten lighter. Removing his arms from around her he sat back down reaching for an apple he bit into it to keep from saying anything foul to Brae as he made his way to the table.

Focusing back on Xel, she grinned and lunged towards her, but unexpectedly the chair from under Xel swung out and caused both Chii and Xel to fall to the floor, luckily she'd been caught by Xels arm....strong arm...

Chii made a face inwardly, rather confused how a girl would have been able to catch and hold her weight so last minute. Brushing it off for the time being she looked up into Xel's eyes, doe eyed and smiling.

"Thanks Xel. That could have ended rather embarrassingly." She smiled as she lifted herself off of Xel's arm and stood up straight, just in time for her to hear Brae's words.

Very excited to see him she was about to hug him, but taking a better look she decided against it. "Hey there! I'm great how are...." she started but suddenly gasped, "Brae, I'm sorry to say this but you look like death warmed over. Are you alright? Here sit down, you're welcome to my food. No, maybe we should go out to the garden instead?"

Very concerned for her friend she looked for any clues as to what might ease his current state.

Brae frowned as his apperance was brought into question, completey ignoring the fact that Xel was at the table. He wondered if Chii knew his secret, but decided against speaking out at first.

"Death warmed over? Is that an expression?"

He stayed standing, not really desiring to sit down or move away. He noticed the new person behind Chii, but didn't speak. It was not really his thing to make more conversation then needed.

"I'm fine, just pushing a few all nighters. Please don't worry about me, I'll be alright."

A thin smile once again spread across his face, and a slightly foul smell of unwashed clothing wafted into the air. Brae really had been sitting up and not doing anything, including changing his clothes.

Sora had to bite back a laugh when the two went toppling over. It really wasn't funny but in a way .. well.. it was! As Chii turned her attention away, Sorakai rose to go to Xel's side of the table, "You alright?" He asked concerned.

"No bo-boos that need some kisses to make better?" He teased. If Brae was ignoring him, well the favor was returned!

Xel blinked as Sora came near, he didn't have any reason to pay much mind to Brae. Though there was a slight smell in the air coming from his general direction. Xel bit into his apple again to quail the snide remark that was just under the surface. He waived Sora away, giving him a look...playful at that. "I'm fine... Sora-sweetie." He said stressing 'sweetie' a hint of jealousy under his tone.

Chii smirked at Brae's question.

"Yeah, at least it is in my family. My mama, and papa say it all the time, when I look like I havent' slept in ages, or eaten for that matter...Have you eaten today?" She moved in closer to Brae, still concerned.

"All nighters?!! How many have you pulled?" she said in amazement, actually impressed that he wasn't dead or close to dying. She'd tried to pull all nighters before, but it never worked. She always ended up falling asleep for at least an hour or two.

She leaned in closer to Brae, and sniffed a little, making DAMN sure no one saw her. "Brae, dearest." she whispered. "When was the last time you washed your clothes?" she quirked her mouth to the side, and looked at him again.

"Are you sure you're alright? Is there anything I can do?" she wasn't trying to be a nuisance, she just wanted to figure out what was going on with him. Sure he seemed depressed at times, but never anything this bad.

Brae raised an eyebrow as Chii sniffed him, and he raised the collar of his shirt to sniff as well. His face scrunched at the smell, and he shook his head to clear it.

"I guess I was so busy I didn't even think of cleaning myself up. I probably smell worse then I think I do, and look as well."

Brae hiccuped slightly, embarassed at his current state. His cheeks quickly flushed, and combined with his bed-ragged hair he looked once more like the child he was trying to escape.

"I...I'm jsut...I said something I shouldn't have and i wanted to say I was sorry. Btu I can't tell them, because they...won't listen..."

His lower lip quivered as he fought back tears, already gathering the stares of a few around him. The peach juice carton in his hand shook as he trembled, the juice slosshing around.

"Oooh honey." Sorakai teased Xel, reaching over to gently pinch his cheek before he'd lift it to brush through Xel's hair. "Betcha you're going to blush." He teased.

And now.. he too was able to smell the other, frowning a bit as he looked up at Brae and then around at everyone else. Hmm.... Glancing at Xel he chuckled. "I'll be right back muffin." He purred lightly, standing and strolling over to Brae.

"Well now... I haven't met you yet." he said as he casually put his hand around Brae's shoulders. "Why don't you have a sit instead of standing? You look like you can just drop any moment and sleep a week. By the way my name is Sorakai."

Gently he gestured Brae forward towards the chairs, and even pulled it out for the other to sit. "Don't cry." he whispered lightly into Brae's ear, seeing the man on the verge of tears. "I cry when I see others cry.. not a pretty site."

Jumping out of his seat his face flushed as usual around Sora, "Will you cu-" but his words were cut short as Sora skittered over to Brea. Having been so caught up in Sora's attention, Xel didn't even notice how badly Brea looked. And even for an obnoxious person like himself a concerned look came over his face.

Moving away he went to stand in front of both Sora and Chii. Placing an oddly gentle hand on the boy's shoulders. He leaned in to embrace him, with simple hushed words he spoke. "I'm sorry..." he really wasn't sure why he was saying it but he felt he owed the little runt. Sure they had a fight but he wasn't mad or anything...Brae had stood up for what he thought was right and Xel couldn't fault him for that. "If you want to talk meet me at the gardens later." Xel said softly enough for Brae to hear. He looked down at Brae his eye shimmering though he was smile. "You really should take better care of yourself...I'm hardly a reason for you to look like this."

"You don't smell that bad.." she cooed reasurringly.

Seeing Sora approach Rin bit her tongue, but she fully intended on finding out what it was Brae was talking about, and who woudln't listen to him. It was obvious he wanted to apologize and that was something that shoudn't be ignored.

Sitting down with Brae and Sora, Chii placed a hand tentatively on Brae's. Just then Xel walked over and slung his arms around Brae, mumbling somiething about being sorry...

"Xel?" she inquired, a little confused by what was happening...but then it clicked. Xel was the one that wasn't listening to Brae.

"XEL" she growled, "What did you do to Brae?" she was angry sure, but she wasn't about to jump to conclusions, she wanted answers.

Once the hug came around his shoulders, Brae's lip quivering stopped. For some reason he felt okay to be hugged by Xel, but he knew it was wrong that the other boy was apologizing.


Brae hiccuped loudly before wailing, got tears rolling down his cheeks. He pulled his hands up to his face, the tears now running between his semi-spread fingers. The people around him had stopped looking somewhat and were back to doing whatever, so Brae allowed his shoulders to shake with each sob.

"I..she...she didn't do anything, Chii. It's not Xel's fault at all."

He continued to cry, his face flushed and overheating. If he wanted to move away he really couldn't because he was too distraught to do much else.

The others seemed to, of course, know Brae better and Sorakai took that step back. It wasn't his place at the moment but he couldn't help but get teary eyed himself. A weakness.. the sight of tears making his own eyes misty. s**t... He swore mentally as he turned his face away from the trio. Don't let them see! he whined, raising a hand to casually wipe at his eye as if he had something in it.

If he stayed quiet and in the background no one would notice right.... RIGHT?!

As the moment was broke by accusing shouts... or so Xel though he turned to Chii. "What'd I do? It's not always my fault you know...damn." He said giving her a look. He muttered something incoherent chancing a look at Sora who seemed to be at odds. "Eh? You okay over there Sora?" Xel asked not really concerned so much a snickering. Aww. He's a softy...pay dirt! His mind reeled a ca-ching money sound echoing in the background.

He turned back to Brae ignoring the other two for the most part. "Listen, we can talk it over in the gardens. Anything you want to say I'll listen...even if you think I'm a p***k." He smiled slightly, "Which I openly admit to that." Checking his watch he growled low in his throat noting the time. "I gotta jet class is due in a five." He said, patting Brae on the shoulder he grabbed up his things and stopped near Brae again. "If anything get something to eat, go take a long shower, change your cloths and then by that time class will be over and I'll be in the gardens. Alright.." he nudged him slightly waiving at the others while ignoring Chii's sudden anger. That girl is so wishy-washy... Was his final thought as he exit the building.

Suddenly being reprimanded by Brae, Chii slumped back into her seat.

"Oh, I see. Sorry Xel, I just, I get scary when a friend is hurting...sorry." she slouched lower, it wasn't a good feeling to be wrong....what an a** she'd been, to just randomly accuse Xel...that wasn't right and she knew it...

Not trying to eavesdrop on Xel's words to Brae, Chii glanced off in various directions, shooting nasty glances at anyone who happened to be rudely staring, or pointing. She then caught sight of Sora. Was he crying? She figured it best not to say anthing...or maybe he needed comfort?

Feeling the sudden need for a hug herself, Chii slowly got up and walked over to Sora. Ar fist she sat down, her back facing him, but then she turned around and leaned into his chest, grabbing ahold of his shirt at the back. She didn't know why, but she needed a hug darnit, and Brae was, well she didn't know if he'd accept a hug from her or not...

Brae hiccuped once more, but nodded as Xel spoke to him and left. Chii had moved away to that other person, the kind one who brae had rudely ignored. He would have to apologize properly to him at their next meeting - if one was going to happen.


He wiped his cheeks, though the tears still flowed. He wasn't wailing loudly, his crybaby attack stopping almost as suddenly as it had started. Once again he was alone, but now he had a reserve to go and get clean. Xel said they would talk...but maybe something else would happen. He wasn't really sure.


Brae's voice was weak from his chair, but he tried to get her attention.

Sorakai looked damn well surprised when the girl hugged him. Instantly his tears were forgotten as he stared down at Chii. "You alright? Well.... wasn't this lunch eventful."

Lightly he slipped his arm around her, casting a glance over at Brae. "You going to hold up or need a hug too?" Though just looking at the other boy he was starting to feel his eyes welling with tears again.

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