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My life and all its agony, pains, humiliations and annoyances that tend to pleague me. Along with a few chuckles and yuckles... I'm sure you'll feel welcomed. Do post your comments.
Shutensa Arpee
"A little Shutensa arpee save-point. I like to keep most of my sessions on file so I'll be using my Gaia journal to keep things updated. Below is a seesion between my character Xel and fellow students at Aquila Academy, Brae and Pyper. If you don't know what a Shutensa is, click the mark [X] "

After literally bumping into the girl (Chii), Xel felt a little guilty for yelling at her like he did. After all they both weren't paying much attention and it was hard to see at this time of the day (evening) expecially around a corner. He stopped to call to the girl but he could see she was upset and had already left. "Sorry..." he said softly thought it didn't matter now. "I gotta stop doing that. I drive more people away with words then anything else..." he muttered making his way toward his previously destination.

Once in the garden he found a patch of land that was fitting for him to lay back and admire the floral. The sun was dipping past the academy's main building which soon cast him in complete shadow though it wasn't completely dark yet. Lights began to flicker on flooding the area in abundant light. Xel turned on his side to look at a single flower that had yet to emerge from its bud. "Having a hard time at it eh, little guy. Don't worry thought the sun will be back tomorrow and you can try again." he said softly caressing the delecate bud with the back of his hands. Rolling on his back he placed his hands behind him looking up at the sky, stars were reluctant to come out but they did one by one very slowly. He smiled taking in the view.

Brae looked up from behind a bush, having come out here to check on a flower seed that he had secretly planted. The flower was only a sprout, but none ther less Brae was pleased that it took to the soil.

He wasn't too happy to see Xel, as the girl didn't seem to fond of him. He was quite content to stay alone and stay hiddedn behind the bush until she went away, but unfortunatly his luck wouldn't allow that to happen. As he crouched back down his foot his jar flower, causing it contact with the ground and roll towards Xel's resting area.


Brae gasped softly and reached for it, but his short arms prevented him from getting any closer. He knew he couldn't have been heard by his soft exclimation, but that jar might give him away.

Xel was content to sit there all night if it would take him that long to get over his current mood. He raised one arm up to the sky looking at his hands not really admiring them just bored and a bit upset at himself. He was completely unaware of the figure hidden nearby but the jar was another subject altogether. Not moving but simply eyeing the jar he recognized it to be Brea's. The little guy always had the damn thing clutched to him like a safety blanket.

Sighing softly he returned to gazing at the stars reaching a leisure hand out to pick the jar up and set it straight. Looking at the flower within he spoke through it to Brea; assuming the boy was close by. "I don't know what's more pathetic the fact that such a beautiful flower has to live its existance within a jar, or the owner of this jar carrying the damn thing around like some homesick child." Xel said though his words were soft they were still laced with annoyance.

Brae's mouth opened in a silent scream of protest as Xel lifted the jar, his mind reeling with anger and fear. He was by no means big enough to go out there and get it back himself, but he wasn't about to let Xel keep touching it in the manner that [she] was.


He was about to speak when Xel's word caught his ears, causing them and the rest of his face to turn a disgraced and embarassed shade of red. Sure he carried the flower around everywhere, but that was only because it was his treasure. Italy had given it to him, and Brae loved Italy very much. She was one of the first people to take care of him when he arrived at the school, next to Pyper of course.


Brae bit his lower lip and hunkered lower, doing his best to not make any sounds. A plan ran through his mind of how he could attack Xel and get the jar back, but it really had it's flaws. Two of them being the fact that Xel was a girl and Brae's mum had always told him to be kind to girls. Even girls as nasty as Xel. The third thing was of course was his size and his lack of courage. At the last thought a tear slid down the Irish youth's cheek, rolling off his chin and splattering against his fisted hands.

With a sigh Xel sat the jar next to him and returned to laying on his back. He figured the boy wasn't coming out or either wasn't there. Looking back up at the stars he spoke again, "Well if you're not gonna come out I'll just have to take this jar with me." He began sitting up. It was a little chilly out for his taste and he wanted to go back to his dorm. Ignoring the fact that for some reason this boy just grated his nerves. Stupid kid...reminds me of myself when I was younger. Damn it! He thought to himself standing up straight he picked up the jar again still unsure of where Brea had hidden himself.

"Well come on out!" He called raising his voice slightly. "I know you're here..." Xel confirmed growing tired of this iritating game of 'hide from the mean kid'. After getting no response not even a single bush twitching, Xel raised the jar over his head. "If you don't come out then I'll just break it. I have no need for a jar and this flower is suffocating." he said it so nonchalantly.

Pyper strolled along outside, humming a tune familiar to anyone who had witness her first 'concert'. That's when she noticed Brae hunched over in the bushes. He looked as though he were hiding from something. "Huh? What's he up to?" She decided to investigate. As she walked closer she noticed Xel leaning against a nearby tree, and next to her was a jar that Pyper recognized. Wait, isn't that Brae's? Why does Xel have it? ......... Her thoughts wandered back to Brae hiding in the shrubs. She came up behind the small boy, and tapped him on the shoulder and whispered, "Hey whats'a matter?"

Brae stayed hunch down, still silent as he possibly could be. He wasn't going to respond, even at the threat of his jar being taken. He knew that Xel was a roommate with Nich, so he could easily ask him to retrive the jar.


No bushes moved as he breathed silently, watching Xel's every move. He was determined to stay that way until Xel was gone, since he didn't want to get into a fight. Tears still streamed down his cheeks and onto his hands, but Brae was such a crybaby he didn't make a sound. However as the jar was lifted up and Xel threatened the gift from Italy, Brae felt his emotions overtake himself.


With that yell he lunged himself out of hiding, tackling Xel against [her] midsection. Though he was petite and less in weight, he was able to knock the taller and older teen down, his hands snatching the jar as he attempted to roll away.

Pyper was suprised to see Brae fly out of the bushes and tackle Xel. Was she actually witnessing this? The little Irish lad, didn't seem the type to even stand up for himself. But apparently he was, seeings as how he was currently calling Xel a 'freak' and attempting to swipe back that jar. Oo; "Whoa hey, take it easy you two!" Pyper said, trying to intervene.

Xel grew tired of this and was about to let go of the jar until he heard the boy shouting then out of no where he came from behind the bushes tackling him. Xel fell back managing to catch himself and make sure Brea fell within the protective circle of his arms. Snatching up the jar rather quickly, Xel snorted more concerned with himself.

Standing to his feet he brushed grass and dirt from his pants, snatching small leaves out of his long hair and letting it fall to the ground. Once situated he glared at the boy rather miffed with the situation. "Are you an idiot...you could have hurt yourself doing that. And what about the jar I could have dropped it anyway and all that would have been for nothing!" Xel shouted his anger more in concern for the kid. "Geez. I was only trying to lure you out how does it sound for me to harrass a damn flower when I like them too?!" In a huff he tossed his hands in the air and turned to leave. He noticed Pyper at the last minute and his features pailed considerably. s**t she was ******** ******** ********.... Now he was really beginning to hate this kid. "Whatever...." he tossed as an after thought and walked away from the two heading back to his spot under a tree to calm down.

"It's not a damn flower! And it's not suffocating!"

Brae hugged the jar close to his chest, hot tears streaming down a beet-red face. He was breathing rather heavily for only a small skirmsh, mostly because his brain was finally catching up to what he body had done and he was growing scared. Brae dropped to his knees, still clutching the jar.

"I don't think you really like flowers. A freak like you who can't even try to understand other people can't understand flowers!"

He shouted the words, tears flying off his cheeks. He would have continued to kneel and cry, but his eyes followed Xel's towards Pyper. With a wail he rushed over to the girl, pressing himself against her.

"Pyper!! Pyper!!"

"Aw, shh it's okay," Pyper whispered in a comforting tone. She held Brae against her and ran her fingers through his hair. She raised an eyebrow, and looked at Xel. "What the hell is going on here?" she questioned. She wasn't sure what to think. Motherly instinct was telling her to defend Brae, but at the same time she wondered if Xel would really have hurt the child. She eyed the other girl suspicously for a moment, before turning back to Brae. "It's okay. She's not gonna bother you. Not while I'm around anyway."

Xel heard Brea's words and quickly put a hamper on the deadly anger rushing through him. "A freak am I..." he repeated. Those words were all to familiar still to this day someone considered him a freak. So be it he had tried and it never seemed to work. For every person who was nice to him there were five more people calling him everything under the sun. "What the ******** do you know about me?! Answer me that?" he softly though his words carried clearly on the wind. He didn't bother to turn around or face the two it didn't matter to him if they cared what he said or not. He had been provoked and therefore, a retaliation was in order.

"You're so damn quick to call someone a freak yet you never took the chance to get to know me! How do you expect me to do the same? You cling to that damn jar like some damn flotation device; who are you waiting for to save you? He watched the boy rush over to Pyper in tears. "Figures. Always waiting for someone to protect you."

The scene was something right out of his childhood. Always when he'd been bullied or treated poorly his mother was there to comfort him while he cried. The hell I need to know you for? It's like looking in a mirror. Was I really that pathetic? He spoke to Pyper his words placid and void of emotion. "Look I'm sorry this had to happen. There's nothing I can do to fix it or no matter of apologies...just take him to his room, get him cleaned up and put him to bed or something. I'm..." he sighed walking away leaving his last comment to himself. He was tired himself all this drama was definately not his scene.

"I called you a freak because you're pretending to be something you're not."

Brae's voice was muffled but his message was clear. He had found something out about Xel by listening to her earlier...and something else by tackling her and beind taken in her arms.

"And if I'm hiding behind this jar and other people in order to survive, at least I can say I have something. You would too if you would be honest to others about who you are. I could say I know something if you'd let me and stop hating me."

Brae still held onto Pyper, but his voice was strong as he yelled at the retreating figure.

"I've never done ANYTHING to you, yet at every turn you try to bully and test me. Who's pathetic here?"

Pyper was astonished to hear Brae speaking in such a forceful tone. She swallowed hard as she listened carefully to what the little boy said. She couldn't help, but think this kid would easily ace a debate class. "Now just a minute you two! Nobody's going anywhere till I say so. And that's not happening till you both apologize. Yes BOTH of you, and not to me, but to each other. This is rediculous. And what's this crap about 'hiding' anyway" *obviously missing someting* She mumbled something which couldn't be understood before speaking again. "Brae, you apologize to Xel for calling her a 'freak' because you don't know her well enough to make that judgement. And Xel, for God's sake you know perfectly well how he'd react to such instigating, even if it was just to get him out of the bushes. And it's not like he's a three year old."

Xel did stop arms crossed over his chest, he turned to face Brea ignoring Pyper for the moment. "You listen here you little runt. What I hide from people is none of your damn business. And if you would have spoken to me when we met rather than going mute at every chance; we could have probably gotten to know each other. But you neglect to realize that... instead you toss this 'freak' lable at me and expect me to understand where you're coming from?" He snorted. "******** that! I have my reasons for hiding behind things and you've got yours...we'll leave it at that."

Turning on Pyper he reigned in his temper just enough not to be too condicending. "And as for you...I do what I want, say what I want and go where ever the hell I please." He squinted his eyes looking up at the night sky, now the stars were twinkling and for some reason all this drama made him feel really drained. With a sigh he knelt down to Brea's level. "Whenever you're ready we can try this again...but you gotta open your mouth if you wanna get heard kid. That's all I ask." It was as close to an apology as anyone could get out of him. He turned to Pyper chancing her reaction. Don't know why I even listen to you...stupid girl. He thought but his face probably said something like: There I apologized ya happy now?

Brae's face flushed, and he resisted the urge to clock Xel right in the eye or nose. This GUY, as he had come to find thanks to accidental wandering hands during a fall, was starting to piss him off. Even this shy youth had a limit to how much could be spoken to him and his friends, and he for certain had a limit to how much someone could treat him like a child.

"You piss me off."

He turned his head away, clearly a bit more spiteful than anyone could take him for.

Pyper groaned, and nudged Brae. "That doesn't sound like an apology to me." She stopped, and looked at Xel. "And neither did that, but it was close enough. So I'll let it slide. Now come on Brae. Be a man, and say you're sorry for calling her a freak. Come on, say it and I'll quit buggin' you. I swear." She sighed, and prodded the boy, hoping he'd at least give a reason for his behavior as Xel did. Even if it wasn't the most legit reason.

Xel laughed at the sheer honesty of the boy. "Ha! That's great so I piss you off. See no harm in tellin' me what's on your mind." It was all he really wanted but at the same time he could see where this all was going. Brea was probably at his breaking point and Xel didn't need the boy to be vengeful and spill the beans so he stood to his full height. "Well this has been fun...but I got some studying to do and sleep to catch. Night." He said waiving an idle hand in the air as he sauntered off.

Once out of sight he moved himself within earshot on the other side of the building near the garden. He wanted to hear what was going on and make sure that brat didn't tell Pyper anything she didn't need to know. He would tell people when he was damn good and ready!

Brae watched as Xel stood up and walked away, his eyes smoldering inside his head. He didn't like getting angry towards people, he didn't like having to speak what he felt. If he could be left alone with flowers everything would be okay.

"...I'm sorry Pyper."

Brae looked up at the older girl, his face red and childish once more. He hoped that Pyper wouldn't think he was trying to turn on the like-me charm. He really was sorry, sorry that she had to see that snappy side of him. He liked being quiet and gentle.

"I won't do anything again."

Pyper sighed, and slumped down on the ground. She leaned back against the tree for support. "Bah, it's okay," she said, giving Brae a slight smile. "We all get ticked off sometimes. It's no biggie. I kinda think Xel's just....unsure of how to show her feelings or at least getting her point across. Just kinda rough around the edges maybe. Let's just forget it even happened. How about that?" she asked.

Satisfied with where the conversation was going, Xel turned on his heals heading back to the dorms. It was high time he got himself back into his books to finish up his work; then get some rest. He glanced back in the general direction of the garden and smirked. "That boy is a lot stronger than I used to be...guess he does know me. Some what." Xel muttered to himself. He shrugged figuring he'd see Brea a lot more since they all had to pretty much live together. With Brea knowing his secret it might cause a little problem but at the same time, Xel never really cared who knew before. Why did it matter so much now? Cause you like Pyper and you don't want Brea to tell her. A voice spoke up almost teasing Xel into awareness. "Shut up..." he muttered back entering the dorms. "I just like her music that's all." He said satisfied with the answer.

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