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[HUMAN] ✦ DEBORAH | iStoleYurVamps Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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the good butler

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:45 pm
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This journal is for iStoleYurVamps and her Human, Deborah Griffith!!
Please do not post here without her permission.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:24 pm
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2...Table of Contents
3...Current and Past Events
5...Role-Play Log
6...Deborah Griffith
7...Derek Brewster
9... Relationships
14...Contact Info and Other




Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:39 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:42 pm
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[x]- must have completed setting up journal
[o][o][o][o][o]- 5 RPs, all are treated as flashbacks (2 solos/3RPs) ; solos should expand on the measure of desperation of the civilian
[o]- additionally, 1 pact RP (where your master/butler meet for the first time and form their pact)
[o]- have staff check RPs and stamp with your pact art! (this is when you get your pact art, good job!)  



Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:44 pm
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Flashback Rps:
[PRP] In Wealthier Straits (Valka/Deborah)
[PRP] Better Safe than Sorry
[PRP] Playing Hostess (Deborah and Aloisia)
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:50 pm
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User ImageName: Deborah Griffith

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Social Class: Nobility

Occupation: Family Heiress, owns and runs chain of shoe shops and clothing stores

Region: London

Ethnicity: British, distant Scottish lowlander roots

Genuine: When Deborah acts it is not without thought or careless intention. Her actions often betray her deeper thoughts or emotions, which also are rather readable. She’s slightly ashamed of the lack of ability to hold it back. She tends to try and say that what she’s showing is just a ruse or something to brush off, but the first emotion she conveys is a true emotion and feeling or thought. While it may seem contradictory for her to dismiss her feelings and emotions, in truth she is just trying to hide them.

Flighty/Shy: With her emotions and heart on her sleeve and her lacking a great control of hiding them, Deborah has created a wall to protect those emotions and thoughts she’d like to keep to herself. This wall is the fact she is rather shy about her personal life and not prone to telling a great deal about herself. She also will try to walk away or escape from situations where she feels she’s opening or exposing too much of herself. She knows that now, she can’t afford to risk her emotions. Especially after forming her contract. Even before her contract she was like this, her step sister not giving her much room to open up without fear of it being used against her. After the attempted rape, she is nervous around men alone in private, and when grabbed roughly, reacts badly. She also is unsettled by men she doesn’t know looking at her or trying to touch her in friendly manners. This is eased with repetitive encounters and or public settings.

Savvy: From early childhood, she was taught that when opportunity presents itself, take a gander, asses the possibilities, and then, make your decision. She’s not a fool going to grab at the first thing that presents itself. No, she thinks things through to the best of her abilities and will base her decisions and choices from there. When she does make choices without forethought is when she’s utterly and completely desperate.

Stubborn: When presented with something she wants, Deborah has little hesitation to make it known. When she gets a thought in her head, she sticks to it. If she makes a promise, starts a project, voices a particularly strong opinion, changing or taking it back just doesn’t happen unless she’s pushed to her breaking point or has absolutely no other choice. Her breaking point is high but it does exist, such points would be forced to view her contradictions her failure head on with no ‘candy coating’.

History: Her birth was delicate subject in the Griffith manor, as with her life came her mother’s death shortly after. Her mother had always been a sickly woman, and many expected her to die in or immediately after childbirth. This was thankfully untrue, as the late Caroline Griffith survived for a time. However, the stress of birth was followed with a slow healing, and the winter was particularly cold. The new mother fell ill and succumbed to pneumonia not 2 months after her daughter’s birth.

Her father grieved for much of her childhood, but adored Deborah and the simple fact she had her mother’s smile. He would often tell her stories of her mother, and from them, Deborah learned just who her mother had been, a frail but thoughtful woman who believed that nothing was without god’s guiding hand. As her father’s only child, she was going to inherit his estate as they had no other relatives for it to fall to. So, at a young age Deborah was exposed with some her family’s bare basics. Her father was indulgent and let her go to refinery school for a year (she was 8 ) and become more educated and ‘blossom into a young lady’. He also paid a good sum to have a tutor come in and teach her basic math and sciences. Not of course without her father and her escort, Miss Catherine in the room. At 9 however, a woman named Margaret entered Deborah’s life. She was a widow and had a daughter just a year Deborah’s senior.

Like the story of Cinderella, the wicked step mother and step sister came a ruined Deborah’s life. Only not. At least not immediately. To her credit, Margaret was a rather kind step mother, but her favoritism was obvious and it lead to many times Deborah’s father struggling to make sure both his daughters were treated fairly and as equals. He wasn’t blind to Margaret’s bias, but his wife was. Not out of cruelty, but just her love for her birth daughter. No, Elizabeth, Margaret’s daughter was the evil step sister, going out of her way to one up Deborah in anything the young girl desired to do.

Frustrated, her father found it best to keep Deborah at home to continue her private lessons with Miss Catherine, while sending Elizabeth to a refinement school. The daughters lived apart in many ways, only seeing each other in the mornings and evenings at family meals. They lived at odds, with Deborah focusing on her own interests and trying to become a young lady, and Elizabeth doing all she could to cast her step sister in poor light. Elizabeth would often lie of Deborah’s doings, steal her things, undermine or sabotage her work. She had set her sights out to turn the nobleman’s daughter’s life hell. And it worked. One of the only things Deborah was able to herself and Elizabeth had no interest in was the paranormal, a secret Interest originally of Miss Catherine’s which she shared with Deborah in private.

At 13 Deborah fell in love with a young nobleman, Gregory Carlton. A young nobleman from the Scottish lowlands. Her father was moderately approving but allowed the romance to go unhindered. But like all things, Elizabeth was not to let her younger stepsister have what she didn’t. It came to be that in the end, the two sisters were after the same man. A year of playing both sides, and at a Christmas, Gregory professed his love to Elizabeth, and openly rejected the idea of him and Deborah. What spurred this on was a rumor that Deborah was no longer a caste woman. Not only were the rumors untrue, and she had many that supported her, a single whisper was all it took to ignite the flames of doubt and speculation. It did not help that before the rumor, she had taken private tutors in things not suited for ‘young ladies’ and a much worse incident; her carriage had been attacked by roaming thugs, one of whom attempted to rape her before her screams and the screams of Catherine got the attention of patrolling officers from Scotland Yard. Their coachman giving the young woman and her ward sometime to start causing a commotion and getting attention before the situation escalated. For the rest of that fall she was more or less under her father’s eye.

In a grand act of cruelty, the Elizabeth and Gregory kept their secret for a month, and chose the social party of Deborah’s own 15th birthday to announce their plans to wed. Her heart broken, Deborah started to become more withdrawn from her father and social events. A month after her birthday and another tragedy. A carriage accident. Both her father and Margaret died. The only saving grace for Deborah was that her father’s will left explicit instructions that the family company pass to his birth daughter and her husband, whom ever that might be. Her Guardian would be a longstanding family friend, and an accountant had already been chosen. Elizabeth was infuriated, but had her small portion of assets and her own inheritance from her birthfather and her mother, not to mention her new husband had his own chain of tailor shops and men’s fashion, the original reason why few questioned moving the wedding or it’s secret for a month. People assumed the two companies were merging. It was not the case.
The wedding was pushed not back but forward, Gregory now far crushed under Elizabeth’s heel, and unaware of the hate the elder step-sibling had for the younger girl, not that he minded, as he slowly grew more like Elizabeth’s parrot, further tormenting Deborah.

Struggling with not only watching her first love marry the one person Deborah despised, but the fact he was now just as cruel to her as she was, compounded with her father gone, Deborah couldn’t take it. She wanted to pay Elizabeth back for all the pain, all the suffering she’d endured not just recently, but ever since she first met. Her and Gregory both.

Recent History: After making her contract with the demon, Deborah Spends much of her free time attending her lessons and secretly getting tutored by Derek in things like math and literature and history. She still is going out and attending social parties as needed to keep up her looks, all while building herself up while tearing her sister and brother in law down. Them and their company. Slowly, bit by bit, until at the end, they would be nothing. A slow process, but one Deborah is determined to see to the end.  



Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:55 pm
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Name: Derek Brewster

Gender: Male

Actual Age: Questionable. Hints old enough to have been around since the fall of Hadrian’s Wall.

Joval: Quick to joke around of have a laugh, Derek seems to find life and everyday things rather enjoyable if not downright fun. While he is serious about his work and his contract, he smiles and shows what looks to be a general air of enthusiasm for events and work. For all appearances, this demon is rather gay. When alone with Deborah, this holds true, but often blends with his more sadistic aspect since he need not appear so human for her.

Inquisitive: When not off joking with staff or serving, Derek spends his time reading or looking to the newest inventions. Modern and new things are to him, fascinating, and he often wonders how they work, sometimes going to far as to taking new gadgets apart and putting them back together. Deborah finds his inquisitive nature annoying since he also attempts to pry into thoughts, feelings and personal emotions. Thankfully, Miss Catherine tends be present to mediate.

Sadistic: If he needs to punish the staff he will punish them in inventive and often cruel ways. If not physically, but emotional or mental. While he knows to keep up face of a normal human, if given the right chance or permission, he’d love to draw out more brutal and outright grotesque tortures. He makes this known to Deborah in some of the ways he treats her and what he says around her. Setting her off and pushing the limits of his contract is a his personal joy. He tends to try and seduce Deborah to some of his ideas for Elizabeth’s torment, but is commonly shot down.

Perverted: This is done to tease Deborah. Often words only, or a ‘casual’ brush of his fingers on skin. He knows of Deborah’s rapist encounter and it’s psychological effect on her and how she reacts with men. He might do this to other women, (Most commonly Catherine), or men to rile them but the limit is when he’s dealing with people Deborah needs on ‘her side’, that this is downplayed. In public he’s borderline lewd providing those he’s engaging with once more, can’t come around to bite Deborah in the a**.

Flamboyant: Where as Deborah doesn’t want to gather attention, Derek loves to show off and get as much attention as possible. He’ll showboat and drag Deborah in it if he can. Only her orders can stop him from doing this. But he is a showman. Whereever he goes, he wants attention. Often, bad attention.

Pact Formation:
At reception of Elizabetha’s wedding, Deborah was so distraught and filled with grief and bitterness, she fled the manor and hid herself in the gardens. There, she wished to make Elizabeth suffer as she had suffered. To ruin her completely and utterly. Make her regret having taken everything Deborah had ever wanted. That one great thing having been Gregory, the man she had foolishly fallen in love with and clung to after her attack. She wanted to make Elizabeth suffer a living hell and be unable to escape it. Make each year of life she’d tormented and demoralized Deborah be returned on her tenfold. In short, six years of hell on earth. A slow, drawn out process. And not just her, but Gregory as well. In that moment, they had betrayed her both. She had tormented Deborah, and Gregory had broken her heart. They wanted to be together, and so, Deborah wish them together in a living hell.

Animal Familiar: Peacock

Compliance Motto: For your pleasure, anything.

Brief History: After joining the Griffith household, Derek was introduced as a second family butler, to be taught by the longstanding butler. But the man who previous served the family found himself oddly shown up at every turn, and soon left Deborah’s service. This caused a small rift between some of the staff and Derek but Deborah would brush it off and dismiss it. Derek was staying she told them. If they didn’t like it they were free to quit. In the end no one really did, but the staff hold a touch of animosity towards the flamboyant Derek and his showmanship. He’s been reliable and the ideal butler in his duties, but his attitude when in private with Deborah could use some work. Most of his time is spent actually working for her as butler might. When he does the work of the contract is mostly at social gatherings, executing events behind the scenes or herding people and things to cause his target disaster. These plans are often thought of days before, and each one is done to fulfill the contact, and keep his sadism streak in line.

His relationship with Deborah’s escort, Catherine is at odds. The woman says she hates him and doesn’t trust him very much, but in truth she believes in Deborah and trusts her. Part of her is actually charmed by him, and hopes that being around a ‘rough’ man will force Deborah to be less shy and more upfront with her feelings. In turn, Derek likes to tease Catherine just as much as he does Deborah, but he’s careful around her due to his nature. Especially given the fact the woman has such an interest in the paranormal. Catherine has openly shared her hobby with Derek, and it’s actually become somewhat of a hobby for the trio.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:56 pm
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Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:14 am
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:16 am
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Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:21 am
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:22 am
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Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:23 am
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:24 am
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Call me Vamps. This is my contact info so peeps can nab me for RP. If you AIM or Skype just tell me who you are, so I'm not left going 'IDK MY BFF JILL?' AIM is fastest and it dings my mobile if I'm not on the net. I'm in PST, or GMT-8. My usual, or best times for RP is late afternoons; I tend to do quote or PM tags.

AIM- iStoleYurVamps
..........--If mobile, make sure its not past 1 am my time!
Skype:- iStoleYurVamps
PM Fine by me!

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Trash Husband



Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:30 am
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Kuroshitsuji © Toboso Yana
Story Concept © staff
Art © pistolsys
Deborah and Derek © iStoleYurVamps

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