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Precious Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:14 am
Everyone's A Hero
Username: Cornetified
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Chipo Haurvatat. Chipo- Southern African for “gift”, and Haurvatat- Persian for "health, perfection". Her father named her this in the hopes of preventing the virus from claiming his daughter.
Desired Future Rank and Why: Healer. Being a carrier of the disease, and having watched her parents (especially her father) and siblings pass because of it, she’ll have a great desire to make those in need as comfortable as possible until either they become well again or pass on. Her twin brother will die in his juvenile years, furthering Chipo’s desire to heal.
Is she diseased (and if so at what stage do you intend for him to show symptoms?), a carrier or immune? Carrier. At her birth she showed signs of the infection, but she grew from it within a few weeks (the red spots on her fur now being the dormant sores).
Personality: While Chibo is actually very sociable, she can appear to be distant and standoff-ish of others. She has a fear of getting too close to others and losing them like her family ((and with age will be afraid of contracting the virus again, feeling certain that she wouldn’t be able to shake it off a second time)). She has a silent love of life that the darkness of the diseased pride can’t deplete, and is often found simply gazing at the stars, or watching the hills of the pride land, observing the life that continues on around the little pride while those of her friends’ end. As she ages, she will never become accustomed to the cruel deaths that the virus causes, making her a fairly emotional lioness.
What is her relationship like with others in the pride (both adults and cubs her age?): She is on neutral to positive ground with pretty much everyone. Very polite and pleasant, along with her natural desire to help others, she is easily likeable. However, her wariness of bonding keeps others at a distance, which maintains that neutral observation to her presence. She doesn’t have many friends as she spends most of her time as a cub trying to comfort her brother and her weak father until his passing, though will try to find more friendship (or at least a group to be around) for comfort when her brother finally passes.
Where did she come from? Born to two carriers of the tribe, the new parents were saddened to find that all five of their cubs bore signs of the virus. Frustrated with their third failed attempt at even a semi-healthy litter, they grew lax in their vigilance against the virus and both became infected due to their weak immune systems. Though they had agreed to not name the stricken children, the mother’s quick death produced a need in the father. He gave each child names that stood for health, joy and hope. Three of the cubs died before he himself passed, but he was satisfied with the hope that at least his remaining carrier daughter, and possibly the infected son, would survive.
Any other notes of interest about the cub? Mainly that the red spots by her eye, nose and chest, as mentioned above, are actually the dormant scars from when she showed symptoms of the virus. And thanks to her weakened state as a carrier, she is very much a neat-freak and a bit afraid of touch. Even if the other lion/creature is healthy, she tries not to get too comfortable around others.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs - Just to get a sense of your writing style! X ((long, but one of my favorites. XD )) and XX –both are current rp-
Why should we pick you? Just curious. . . There is so much RP potential in this pride that I would love to be a part of it!

What a Man's Gotta Do
Username: Cornetified
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Chukwuemeka. Igbo for "God has done something great". Because he had no physical signs of the virus at birth, his mother at first thought he was one of the lucky immune.
Desired Future Rank and Why: He will desire to be a hunter. Because his vision is affected, he will train his sense of hearing and smell to be among the best, and will feel that this qualifies him to find food for the pride. Otherwise, being a priest would be his next calling, due to the impression his mother left him with of the God.
Is he diseased (and if so at what stage do you intend for him to show symptoms?), a carrier or immune? Carrier. Though he never truly showed physical signs of the virus, it affected him in development, causing his vision to become spotty and blurry, which isn’t discovered until weeks after his birth.
Personality: As a cub, Chuck is playful and friendly. He is wary of those infected, but he would never outright shun them. Born with impaired vision, he works hard to work around the disability and live like any other healthy cub. Due to his mother, Chuck is very humble when it comes to anything about the God of the pride, having a possibly paranoid fear of the God’s power and abilities thanks to the stories his mother told before leaving him behind.
What is her relationship like with others in the pride (both adults and cubs his age?): Chuck tends to shy away from the adults, fearing they’ll find out about his impairment and shun him, though the fear is rather unfounded, stemming from what his mother did to him. He’s more comfortable around those his age, who more than likely won’t notice his disability unless he does something obvious such as run into a tree…
Where did he come from? His mother was a priestess of the tribe long ago, one who was one of the lucky immune. Having left for greener pastures, she left behind her faith and was happy as a rogue, but only for a short time. She tried to have children, but her efforts were in vain. Her most recent litter bore two stillborns and Chuck with his impairment, his father having been an unknown carrier. Fearing for her own health, thinking the God of her past tribe was punishing her for leaving, she brought her only surviving son back to the pride and left him at its border, running off to hide in shame and re-devote herself to the god elsewhere, only to find more punishment from death by a broken leg.
Any other notes of interest about the cub? Just his vision impairment.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs - Just to get a sense of your writing style! Y and YY ((neither are complete, and are different from the previous examples))
Why should we pick you? Just curious. . . Like with the other cub, I see the RP possibilities for this little boy and would love the chance to explore them with him.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:02 pm
What a Man's Gotta Do
Username: musicaloner7
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Pilvikallo, Cloud Skull in Finnish.
Desired Future Rank and Why: A scout/spy, or possibly even an escort if he gets on the royalty's good side enough. He'll be quite a strong, witty, and sharp fello, and very loyal from being brought into the pride. I think these roles would suit him well.
Is he diseased (and if so at what stage do you intend for him to show symptoms?), a carrier or immune? He is immune.
Personality: He's VERY lively! As a cub, he'll be your typical youngling, playing and exploring, though he will be quite sharp even at such a young age. Not much gets past him. Though he has a sort of carelessness to him, it's a very good advantage to throw off his enemies... or even his allies. Though he can be somewhat playful, it's not to say he's not serious of his job, but his spirit is very free. He loves to learn of the world, and gain knowledge. Though his front may make him seem immature, he's a rather old soul, and a natural born leader. He'll do what it takes to ensure the safety of others.

What is her relationship like with others in the pride (both adults and cubs his age?): I'd see him as being sort of a leader that most of the cubs would look up to when he's young. Even when he's older, I could see younglings looking up to him and his charismatic strong personality. Adults might find him entertaining, and some may see the value of his presence. But all in all, he would be appreciated as company.

Where did he come from? He was found by a scout who was out patrolling the territory, and even along the outside of the border. The cub had been unknowingly abandoned by a very young mother, who had not been in the mindset to even have cubs. Once found, he was brought back and raised with the other cubs as if he were apart of the tribe to begin with.
Any other notes of interest about the cub? As I was thinking about him, his personality sort of lies along Spikes, from Cowboy Beebop. Not exactly, but his cool yet semi-playful composure.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs - Just to get a sense of your writing style! one
Two {Where the black writing starts {I usually do IM rp, which is much more indepth, but... those were just a few samples of my abilities.}
Why should we pick you? Just curious. . . I feel I would be a very liable person to play this character. I ALWAYS put a lot of thought into my characters, and they always hold many layers that make them very open to an aray of options and possibilities. I'm certain my rp skills are pleasant enough to make others enjoy their time playing their characters with mine. I'd like to get more into SoA as well, since I own only two, and this would greatly help.
I thank you for this opportunity, and respect and decisions you make. c= <3


Romantic Man-Lover


Romantic Man-Lover

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:05 pm
Tainted Love

.:For The Black & Blue Playa':.
Username: musicaloner7
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Acier, French for Steel.
Rank in the Pride: Scout
Is he diseased, a carrier or immune? Immune
How old do you see him as? A young guy, in human terms maybe mid 2o's.
Personality: He's a pretty carefree guy, who's always up for a good time. Most say he should be a bard, and he certainly does act like one, but his burly physique make him a valuable asset to the fighting ranks. A big flirt, he likes to charm the lovely ladies, species not being a matter at all, and won't mind a nice romp in the bushes with them. Of course, if he did end up knocking one.... or two... or more up, he'd totally man up and help raise those cubs... even if the mothers weren't all entirely thrilled, he's not a douche. All that much... Though he is a flirt, he could be persuaded easily to settle down with a female that just rocks his world.
What has his life been like within the pride up until now?: Pretty lax and smooth sailing. He's only had to deal with a few scraps with a few smaller fello's, but nothing really to write home about. He's pretty chill with all of the guys in the pride, and has had his share of the women there.
How does he feel about being asked to leave the borders in search of new members, new blood, and possibly return with cubs and new blood? He's very pumped for it! He likes to stretch his legs out and look for new tail to chase. Though he may be a player, he takes starting a family seriously, and would like for all cubs of his to be raised together and with him. He's not a dead beat dad. But if the female wants nothing to do with him, he'll give her her space, so long as he can see the cubs from time to time. But don't expect much emotional commitment.. unless he really likes you...
Will he go willingly, looking forward to roguing it for awhile, or will he be adverse to such an adventure? he'll go willingly.
Any additional comments or notes of interest? None I can think of. Thank you for this opportunity.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style! one
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:31 pm
Let's Play a Love Game

.:For The Male:.
Username: musicaloner7
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Pískovec, Czech for Sand Stone
Desired Rank in the Pride and Why: A scout. He's a pretty stalky fello, and would do well in this field. Though he may be nice, he's also very protective.
Is he diseased, a carrier or immune? immune
Personality: A fun loving guy, who likes a good laugh. He likes to take care of others, and looks out for those who are weaker. Many of the mothers of the pride would love him as a nanny, from how well he gets along with the little cubs, but he would rather be on the field protecting the next generations.
What has his life been like within the pride up until now?: It was a little rough for his family growing up, and being the only male of the litter, but he helped a lot and grew up nicely with his child hood friends.
What are his relationships like with the spotted and dark furred female?
Spotty: They're rivals. She's always picking on him, and trying to challenge him, with the intention of seeing if he's worth her time for matehood. Though her tactics are very much a turn off to him, thus just making him find her sort of a joke.
Dark: Ah. His lovely friend since childhood. He's always found her quiet enticing, and simply loves being around her. They're light banter is tasteful and classy, always leaving him wanting more. Of course, he doesn't know of how he feels for her.

Who will he choose to take on as a mate? Dark female
Does he come to this decision lightly or was he torn over the two females in his life? Nope. It was easy for him. Especially since she was immune, and he naturally wants his offspring to have a better chance against the plague.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style!

.:For The Female:.
Username: Cornetified
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Mbali Chausiku “flower born at night”
Desired Rank in the Pride and Why: Nanny. Because of her status as immune, she feels it’s her duty to look after those cubs whose parents were not as fortunate as she was, and her affectionate and playful manner helps her work well with the children.
Is she diseased, a carrier or immune? Immune.
Personality: Mbali is a very affectionate lioness. Because of her immunity her mother spoiled her, and she’s used to having whatever she needs. Along the lines of growing up, she learned to share her fortune with others, and when she has excess, she shares it with those around her, especially the cubs.
What has her life been like within the pride up until now?: Mbali is a trusted lioness in the pride. Her mother will give her nearly everything she needs, so she is one of the healthiest (aside from the immunity) and has a fairly easy life. Her only worry was when it came time for finding a mate, pining for Pískovec without knowing his feelings.
What is her relationship like with the competing female (if she has one at all?) They have a pleasant but strained relationship. Because of Mbali’s good relationship with Pískovec, the spotted female is fairly jealous of Mbali, but Mbali wishes things could be better between them.
How does she feel when she is finally chosen as his mate? Though exceedingly happy that Pískovec does return her feelings, she is sad that it harmed any chance she had for friendship with the spotted female.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style! X and XX

(To be filled out together, or at least agreed upon by both writers) What will the relationship of the male and his chosen female be like? Their relationship will be based purely on love for one another, and basic instinct to chose a healthy mate. The picturesque couple of a 'happy ending'.


Romantic Man-Lover

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:35 pm
Won't You Be My Melancholy Baby?
.:For The black and teal edited lioness:.
Username: Light Atago
SoA Name & Meaning: L'Etoile ("The star" in French.)
Rank in the Pride: Hunter
Is she diseased, a carrier or immune? Diseased, though she has milder symptoms for the moment. They'll go up later in life.
How old do you see her as? Her "Late 20's Early 30's" XD
Personality: L'Etoile prefers to be left alone, in general. If you talk to her, she'll talk back and is generally quite nice. She tries to pull out the best from herself that she can. She cannot be riled up; she won't let herself get to the point of yelling. She is very diplomatic. That doesn't mean that she can't hold her own- she can if she needs to- but she's very good at remaining calm. However, she will not discuss her past with anyone Unless she ABSOLUTELY needs to. It drudges up way too much pain.
What has her life been like up until now?  Tell me this girls story. . . : There was once a pride of nomads in the roguelands... They were a pride where gender nor color played a role in where you fell in society. They were young, just and fair leaders who had never abused their power. Leaders were given no special treatment other than the respect of the rest of the pride- they upheld the few rules there were and they ran any pride-wide events- these were the sole entitlements of the leaders. The pride was pretty open to anyone who wanted to join, no matter your species. It was with this mindset that L'Etoile was raised. However, they also had the philosophy that no matter how good things seemed, you must not let yourself be placated. You must always be willing and able to defend what you had- your freedoms and your philosophies. For if you were weak in this way, they would certainly be taken from you.

Toi was the heir, her father was the king, but he died of old age. However, her mother continued to live as the queen. Heirs were selected in their late juvenile stage and were brought up from there to specialize in the duty of the pride's leader. Toi was seemingly destined for it... She was a great huntress, a decent fighter, and had a sense of dignity to her. Out of all of her extended family she was the one who had worked the hardest and showed the most promise.

L'Etoile's mother died of a disease, ((not from the plague that killed off the canon TLK characters, a different one,)) and the girl, then freshly an adult was forced to take her place. Though sad, she assumed power and began to work on bettering the pride. She planned to cut down on lost energy and make things more efficient by ceasing with officially planned hunts, and she made a few changes in pridal rituals. She had yet to choose a mate, but that would be difficult for her to do quickly... She was still mourning her mother's death, and she felt things needed to stable-out before choosing.

However, there were those lurking in the darkness of the pride looking to take that power for themselves… and to abuse it. While the pride's leaders believed firmly in being able to defend what they had, the majority of the pride trusted the leader to take care of them. There was a lot of potential to take over, and one of the males in charge of this little project had gathered a number of supporters. He was so convincing, in fact, that he had no need to use extreme force- all it took was himself, a couple of pridemembers that would be given preferential treatment, and a couple of rogues. It wouldn't be long before the dark lioness was out, and darker lions were in.

One night shortly after her ascendance to the throne, L'Etoile got a rude awakening from one of her guards- he cried out and was silenced moments later. Now awake, more sounds reached L'Etoile's ears. Cries of anguish, mothers begging to have their cubs back...

She was confused, but she knew something was dreadfully amiss. She emerged from her den to find the leader of the rebellion- someone she knew. A good friend from her cubhood stood before her den, blood on his claws. She questioned what he was doing, and he explained that she was too soft, and that the rule of the pride no longer belonged to her. If she promised to step down without a fight, she along with the rest of the pride would be unharmed.

She knew it wasn't true. Even if she gave up power and they didn't kill her, they would then be under the rule of the usurpers. But what chance did she have? Her whole pride was held hostage.

After considering her options… she gave up power. She would rather die herself than cause the rest such extreme pain that she knew would come if she resisted. She was escorted to the center of the pride, but unlike he had promised… And as she thought, they were not going to keep up their end of the promise. She was to be made an example of, but L'Etoile had different ideas.

The queen managed to flee from the lands, not sending out a single blow herself to any of the usurpers. She was no longer what she had been trained for her whole life.

With no more purpose, Toi took on the roguelands, wandering here and there, eking out what some could call a living. Something, though, was wrong. Anyone who talked to her could determine that she wasn't truly there...

She found herself chasing a herd of prey beasts for a few days, where they led her into the Kitwana'antara's lands. Having never left her own pride's lands, she was completely oblivious to where she had just found herself before a kill made by a diseased member and, thinking herself lucky, ate it, thus catching the disease herself. A pride member found her not long after, and she too was quarantined. Fear began to overtake her; the first emotion she had felt since she had managed to escape. While her mother's disease was not the same as this one, some of the symptoms were the same… She knows now that the disease is deadly, but is terrified and haunted every day. She fears that she will die as her mother had, but also that stragglers from her old pride will track her down and underfall the same misfortune as her.
Why does she look so glum and downcast? Um… Pretty sure her backstory sums it up, but in summary, she was overthrown from a position of power, attacked, and then found herself accidentally in a pride of diseased lions, getting diseased herself. And she's concerned about her old pride, but understands that she can no longer go back. She won't be leaving, she'll be very careful to minimize the spread of her disease- that makes her sad.
How does she get along with others, both in and out of the pride? For a short time close to when she quarantines herself in the pride, she greatly resents them for infecting her, but she comes around to accept it and try to make the best of a bad situation. Still, she seems to always be lost in thought.
If she had to have a theme song, what would it be? Falling inside the black Warning: this video contains extreme cases of win.
Any additional comments or notes of interest? I'd be willing to help out with future plots from her backstory, maybe someone tracking her down?
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style! One with Machafuko (It's a little short, so here's an unfinished one from Mkinaifu) And one from Din-tei

((I made it all size 9 font because it's pretty long. XD))  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:32 pm
Tainted Love
.:For The Black & Blue Playa':.
Username: Puhterodactyl
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Appaliunas : An Anatolian god whose name possibly means "father lion" or "father light" (I figure he'll do quite the large amount of fathering)
Rank in the Pride: Hunter
Is he diseased, a carrier or immune? Immune
How old do you see him as? Young adult, growing left to do, but it's mainly in the thickness of his mane.
Personality: Strapping. Strong. Sexy. Kind of oblivious. He's come to realize from how lionesses act around him that he must be good-looking, but he doesn't know how to woo or act upon it in the most suave manner. He's just so charming and good-hearted that any time he gets with a lioness it's sorta dumb luck.
What has his life been like within the pride up until now?:
He's been hard working and always pulls his weight during hunts, and maybe a little more. Liuna isn't the sharpest stick, going more by "gut feelings" than on logic or reasoning, but his motives are always good and usually pure. What can he say? He loves the ladies. But he's a gentleman. He's clear cut in what he'd like from them and doesn't lie- unless he's telling her that no, her butt doesn't look big.
His interactions with male pride members are easy going, or at least that's what he strives for. A bro-friendly atmosphere. But when he's got rivals, it's not very pretty. He doesn't confront, but he competes, and as a healthier member, he's pretty good at winning.

His parents were a part of the pride, his momma immune and his daddy affected, his father died soon after his birth and his mother grew to a ripe old age before peacefully passing away. He wants to have as healthy of a family as he can, and he's known for a while that most pride ladies aren't his best bet, so when he was presented with leaving the pride for a time, he accepted the offer with great pride and hope.
How does he feel about being asked to leave the borders in search of new members, new blood, and possibly return with cubs and new blood? Liuna musta won the lottery! It was a surprise, but a pleasant one. He feels like he's a different kind of hunter for the pride. It's a great responsibility and he wants to make the pride proud.
Will he go willingly, looking forward to roguing it for awhile, or will he be adverse to such an adventure? It'll be a nice breather to get away from the disease and death that is part of the pride, so he's looking forward to it, but actually leaving the pride has never crossed his mind. Plus he loves him some ladies.
Any additional comments or notes of interest? :V Yum
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style! One Two!


Ghostly Friend

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:49 pm
Won't You Be My Melancholy Baby?
.:For The black and teal edited lioness:.
Username: Neon Fly
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Duasanifu Mikono [Origin; Swahili. Meaning; Spellcraft Hands]
Rank in the Pride: Nanny
Is she diseased, a carrier or immune? Diseased
How old do you see her as? By human standards, probably in her late 20's to early 30's. Old enough to have experienced most things such as love and her first litter but not so old that she doesn't have plenty of life ahead of her (hopefully) to someday find a happy ending.

Personality: From a young age Duasa was raised to enjoy life to the fullest, her mother didn't want her concentrating too much on the death that surrounded her and her siblings on a daily basis. As a result Dua was rather selfish and self absorbed only concerned about what was going on in her world until she met her best friend and future mate, Potevu'mtoto. As the pair grew up together, initially in a love-hate relationship, they'd begin to lean more and more on one another as those around them passed away. Dua would teach the young outsider about the way the pride worked and how to enjoy life in it while Pote gave Duasanifu something besides herself to focus on and care for.

As she matured the lioness retained a playful and carefree streak and tendency to only consider situations and others who directly effect her, but her personality had softened, becoming more empathetic over time. Preparation for the cubs also made her a slightly more responsible and forward thinking girl, tending to think more about how her actions could affect her future.

After the loss of both her first litter and her hubby in a single event Dua's demeanor changes drastically. No longer as outgoing as she once was, she appears--at least on the outside--a shattered shell of the strong, stubborn female she had once been. Her lack of voice serves to hinder her greatly, but Dua would prove to others that she's not as lost a cause as she might first appear if others could put aside their pity long enough to notice.

What has her life been like up until now? Tell me this girls story. . . : Dausanifu Mikono was born into a small litter to an older female named Mchawimsaka (Witch hunter). Her father died before she and her siblings were born and her mother never spoke much of him, preferring to live in the present and not linger in the past. Her philosophy being that death comes too quickly in the Kitwana’antara for its members to dwell on what is already done or what may come in the future. She had raised her cubs to live in the here and now, take chances and risks they might not have normally, because there is just no telling how long you have on this big, beautiful earth and they should spend it enjoying every moment.

As a result Dua and her siblings grew up without many boundaries, rules or restrictions which allowed them to be rather reckless and havoc causing. This undoubtedly made their mother Mchawi an unfavorable member of the pride, but the lioness possessed a good sense of humor and no desire to apologize for her children living her fullest.

Dua met her future best friend and mate Potevu’mtoto when he and his mother and father were escorted into the pride by a scout who had found the ailing family. His parents died not long after he arrived leaving the young male orphan, though Dua did well to make the boy feel right at home in the pride as if he were one of her own siblings, despite how he cared little--at first--for her completely self centered demeanor. Their love-hate relationship eventually blossoming into something solid not long after Dua’s mother passed away, leaving the lioness family-less as well given that her siblings had all died years earlier.

It was just another day in the Kitwana’antara for my pride mates.
The day my world fell apart.

In the lands where I make my home. Where death shadows so many, ready to steal their last breath at a moments notice, it could be considered both a blessing and a burden to witness a loved one fade into the twilight. While it may never be at the forefront of our minds at the time, these events always stand as a grim reminder tugging at the subconscious that we will all someday share a similar fate. The only difference is when.

For my sweet, innocent cubs their lives ended before they had ever received the opportunity to feel the sun on their backs. Slipping into eternal stillness in the same dark cavern where they had first made their arrival. I can only thank the gods that I didn’t have long to endure their suffering. My heart breaking with every breath that caused their tiny bodies to tremble with the effort. They were so beautiful. Too beautiful for the cruel world they had been born into. I can only assume that was the reason why they were taken from me so suddenly.

I spent every moment with them without rest. My beloved mate, Potevu’mtoto, he couldn’t bear the pain. He left the cave we had made our home long before our twins passed away. It’s funny. They say males are supposed to be made of stone, but I suppose I had always been the rock in our relationship. Ever since we were little.

I remember how heavily he sank into me as we stood shoulder to shoulder while they prepared the cold, lifeless bodies for the death ceremony. Gorgeous, waxy petals of sunrise pink and purple and others still in hues of refreshing sky blue and ghostly white forming a soft bed beneath them. How hollow his eyes were, so guarded and determined not to show his sorrow. Perhaps if I had paid better mind to the tension that had building in Potevu over the course of the day... if I had been more attentive, he might still be with me now.

Pote had always been wary of the secret keepers ever since they carried away the bodies of his parents not long after he had first arrived in the Kitwana. That day though it was more than wariness that compelled him. A sense of morbid curiosity maybe or a desire to protect the cubs he hadn’t been able to shelter from their inescapable fate. Whatever the reason, he followed the secret keepers that evening and set in motion the events that would open my eyes to the truth behind the pride I thought I knew.

Despite the weight wide paws carried, the broad shouldered lion moved with surprising stealth across the mostly uninhabited terrain of the Kitwana lands, lead by the fragile aroma of flowers. Like a beast possessed Potevu’mtoto couldn’t find the will to turn back once the decision had been made to follow the pair of secret keepers who had carried his cubs away forever. He wasn’t ready to let go, unable to understand why everything was taken from him. He’d been lucky that Duasa had always been too stubborn to be torn from his side. A trait he had taken advantage of.

Sighing inwardly, the sound of gnawing suddenly put Pote on high alert. Ears straining at attention as he hesitantly passed through the thick brush that stood as a veil between sleuthing male and the answers he sought. Where did the secret keepers take the bodies of the dead?

Thin, wiry branches scraped against lean sides like claws, attempting to hold him back from the truth that Potevu would not be denied yet what he found caused his mind to still. Refusing to believe the scene that unfolded before him. Too horrific to grasp. A pair of hyenas, the very same that had carried away his offspring, stood in the distance. There was a somber air as the duo devoured the flesh of the diseased cubs, but whether they enjoyed their meal or not was of no interest to the devastated father.

Duasanifu started at the roar that echoed across the Kitwana lands, realizing for the first time since the end of the death ceremony that her mate wasn’t at her side. His name escaping her maw in surprise as slender frame twisted to bound in the direction of the enraged bellow, “Pote!”

Snarling howls, snapping jaws and the scuffle of paws skidding against the ground in sharp, jerking motions was all that could be heard as the fierce protector bullheadedly rushed the secret keepers. “Filthy scavengers! Disgusting pestilence! How could you?! Lulling families into a false sense of peace with your frilly celebration of death. Only so that you can feast on the bodies of their loved ones?! You make me sick!!"

Chasing the scavengers from the corpses he hovered over, it wasn’t a difficult task to surround and overwhelm the furious lion by sheer numbers. They held Pote captive while a single servant was sent to discreetly reach the royal family, seeking council in order to decide what fate should come of the male who knew their dark secret. Yet the secret keepers were unprepared to find Duasanifu Mikono. Frozen in stillness just beyond the very same brush that her mate had breached, the fur upon her cheeks stained with tears and her body aquiver. Made distraught by the battle she had witnessed and words that still rang in her ears, hauntingly.

“What now? If she overheard.. she knows too much as well. We can’t possibly let them live. If they breathe a word to the rest of the pride we’ll be killed right along with them.” A dusky colored, Hyena male with a nervous twitch was the first to speak. His gaze locked tight upon the bulky female at the other side of Dua’s flank as they circled the pitch colored lioness tucked low to the ground.

“We can’t have her running off to tattle while we’re seeking out royal council,” buttercream keeper mused with a weary sigh. This had become an all too uncomfortable position of better judgement. Beyond the recognition of those who now focused their attention upon Duasa, dark eyes steeled. Heart hardening against the act that Potevu had decided to commit out of sheer desperation. It was the only way. Forgive me Duasa. This was my mistake and though I can never make it right, I can make sure you live on. For the both of us.

It’s hard to describe the sensation of watching the most precious person in your life charge at you with completely vacant eyes and teeth bared. I didn’t understand it at first as his teeth closed upon my throat. A hot, sticky wetness spilling down the front of my chest as my blood flowed freely. Until the moment I collapsed in unconsciousness all I could feel was heartbreak and confusion. They never expected me to live, but several months later I was nearly good as new again physically except for the loss of my ability to speak. I suspect it’s the only reason they allowed me to keep my life. I understand now, even though I wish I didn’t.

Potevu’s death was easy enough to dismiss given my condition. He was unstable after the loss of his cubs. Something in him had broken. I try not to listen to the rumors they tell or the pitying stares I can feel when they think I’m not paying attention. A second chance was my mate’s gift to me, without him it seemed a wasted effort or at least I used to think that at first. I’ve realized that I would be spitting on his memory not to acknowledge the sacrifice he made. The nights are long and lonely without him beside me, but I keep him in my heart and I live for the both of us.

Why does she look so glum and downcast?: Besides having lost her cubs so soon after they were born and quickly after her husband in a rather tragic set of events, Dua feels great guilt and sorrow for how her mate is portrayed within the pride. He was given quite a nasty reputation and Dua will never be able to tell anyone the truth of what happened given that she is now mute.

How does she get along with others, both in and out of the pride?: Duasanifu Mikono tends to keep her head down and avoids stirring up confrontation in the group or outside it. She's not unfriendly, but considering she can't really speak she doesn't have much of a way to communicate so she often seems withdrawn given her perpetual silence. She avoids the higher ups of the groups and those who are known body-disposers who she flinchs and acts far more anxious around. Her position in the group is to care for the children and it's the only thing she seems to take joy in. Seeming earnestly happy and at peace when she's with them though she tends to get over protective when the body-disposers come around. Her antsy nature is something that the group dismisses and takes at face value since they have no idea what actually happened to her. They just assume that she's a little off her rocker because she lost her love and children.

If she had to have a theme song, what would it be? Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
Any additional comments or notes of interest?: Duasa is a mute. I'd love to eventually get her edited to have scars and/or bandages around her neck to better depict this. Ahh... I absolutely love the song I picked for her. It's got just the right touch of melancholy and hopefulness in it to make it just perfect for her. I would like to eventually find her a new mate that she could confide in, but it would definitely be something that would take a great amount of rp to build up trust and a lasting bond since she's still really attached to her deceased hubby at this point.

OH! I'm sorry her history ended up being written in three different formats. I couldn't figure out how to put it all in one and still make it sound good. Some parts of the story just required a certain format so I switched to accommodate. lol.

Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style!: Shadows of the Mind (SoA RP) Living Lies in Fashionable Ties (Outside RP)

LAST MINUTE ENTRIES SUCK. DX;;Sorry it's kind of jumbled. I'm probably missing things that I wanted to add.. but.. no time now. Hahaaaa.. I hate that I wait until last minute to get this stuff done. v___v;;
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:51 pm
Everyone's A Hero
Username: musicaloner7
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Grurotto
Desired Future Rank and Why: Warrior. Her serious and focused mentality will make her an excellent fighter on the field, as will her undying loyalty.
Is she diseased (and if so at what stage do you intend for him to show symptoms?), a carrier or immune? She is a carier.
Personality: She is very reserved, and doesn't socialize much, so not many know what she's like. She usually has a stoic or blank expression on her face. Independant, and able to hold her own, she rarely ever played with the other cubs, and doesn't make small talk when she's an adult. Adament and disciplined, she doesn't really give off the "come talk to me" vibe, thus leaving her usually to being alone most of the time, most keeping their distance... as well as the infection along her nose and bit on her chest. Though it's hard to get through this guarded beauty, she holds quite a soft and nurturing side.
What is her relationship like with others in the pride (both adults and cubs her age?): Her 'tough girl' front doesn't make many come to her, but when they do she does show respect... though she never played much with the cubs; her maturity evident at such a young stage in life.
Where did she come from? She was the outcome of a plagued mother and an immune father; who at the time didn't know her mother carried the disease to begin with. Father having left her mother before birth, the stages of the lionesses sickness grew worse, causing her to become rather insane. Once the cubs were born, most of them were still born, while a few were killed under their mothers blinded infection. All but little Gru, who'd managed to get a slash to her nose, and was sent tumbling into thick shrubs to be forgotten in her mothers rage. The scar became infected, due to not being treated, causing her to get a fever... it was quite lucky of her to have survived as a bard passed by, picking the young cub up on his way back to the pride, where she was raised with all the other younglings.
Any other notes of interest about the cub? She's not infected, just a carrier; the red on her is from the infection of her mothers attack.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs - Just to get a sense of your writing style! One {Where the black writing starts}
Why should we pick you? Just curious. . . I feel I would be a very liable person to play this character. I ALWAYS put a lot of thought into my characters, and they always hold many layers that make them very open to an aray of options and possibilities. I'm certain my rp skills are pleasant enough to make others enjoy their time playing their characters with mine. I'd like to get more into SoA as well, since I own only two, and this would greatly help.
I thank you for this opportunity, and respect and decisions you make. c= <3


Romantic Man-Lover

Kitwana Antara

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:31 pm

Wow, talk about some last minute entries! Yeehaw!

So, the contest is officially over! Please be patient while I update all the lists and . . . .figure out who wins what!

I really appreciate everyone who has tried out! :3 Hopefully this won't take too long.

*gets out reading glasses* <<  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:38 pm
Good luck everyone!!  

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:01 pm
Good luck all!  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:02 pm
Everything's updated! Now it's . . just a matter of reading. More reading. And reading.

For now, dinner.  

Kitwana Antara

Wylde Roses

Unleashed Healer

23,525 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Overstocked 200
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:56 pm
Good luck everyone~!  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:21 pm
Good luck to the entrants, and to the person behind the mule who has to read this mass of entries! XD  


Precious Loiterer


Demonic Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:44 am
Good luck for everyone. : )  
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