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<center>User Image</center>

The Winners!
GRAND PRIZE!: Spearfrost
Runner Up: Yelehna
Second Runner Up: jennis233
Honorable Mentions x5 +4: Lola_Su, Snow_Blossom, ryo0oki, AvaH.Kaedo, ...Nique, shiinigami, ACVan, Sirenz, Demon Angelina

Best Lobot!: Sam Skip Sam
Most Romantic: Lish
Cutest: Julimonade
Best Nandi alone: Flourentine
Best Wari along: Lish
Funniest: Madrigal
Sexiest: Nenya
OMG that's so us!: RoChan
Best doll/avatar edit: Abandonned

Trophies and comments on all pieces start on page 56

Thanks for coming! April 26th will be my boyfriend and I's 3 year anniversary and I'd like to do something extra special for him as he'll be all the way in Korea serving for the military and I won't be able to give the gift of "myself" to him. But a book I can send! I'd like to make a book for him with drawings of our two bear characters being all snuggly cuddley. Or maybe drawings of our crazy love robot. But I need YOUR help! Read on!


DUE DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 26th, 2005 11:59pm!


01.14.05 - Got info for Lobot up! And another ref pic for Nandi and Wari. Also a pic of Jake and I heart
01.07.05 - Setting up and starting up!
<center>Prizes + Categories</center>

GRAND PRIZE!: September 03 letter (containing mini wings)
Runner Up: Nove 03 letter (containing AFK or OMG hat)
Second Runner Up: 100k pure gold
Honorable Mentions x5: 10k each

Best Lobot!: 10k pure gold
Most Romantic: Feb 04 letter
Cutest: June 04 letter
Best Nandi alone: 5k
Best Wari along: 5k
Funniest: Nov 04 letter
Sexiest: Dec 04 letter
OMG that's so us!: July 04 letter
Best doll/avatar edit: Nove 04 letter

Judging will be done by me (and my mom and sis might help if I need it).

To submit please copy and paste the form in quotes and fill it out. Below is just an explanation of the form.

Name: (name of the submitter. This is the person who will be credited for the art and given the prize. If the prize reciever and artist are different, for some reason, you can note that here.)
Password: (it's somewhere on the front page! Be sure to check back before you submit! The location of the password won't change but the password itself just might!)
Submission: (the url to your submission. If you want to post the picture itself in the thread, that's fine, but PLEASE include a url too. And please keep the picture there until the contest is over.)
High Res: (I request that a big resolution, full quality huge ol' pic be sent for printing purposes. If you don't have a suitable place to host it you can send it to my gmail: the.desired.one@gmail.com . .Jpgs and .psds are prefered.)

[b]High Res:[/b]

The following are submissions I've recieved:
Nandi + Wari

Lambretta- [X] [X]
Aya Yuugi- [X] [X]
Snow_Blossom- [X] [X]
Mysti-q- [X] [X]
shiinigami- [X] [X]
The Caffiene Queen- [X]
MoosieFate- [X] [X]
Auguries of Destruction- [X]
wishcat- [X] [X]
Abandonned- [X] [X] [X] [X]
Uennie- [X]
AvaH.Kaedo- [X] [X] [X]
x_Kitanya_x- [X] [X]
Xalticus- [X] [X] [X] [X]
ACVan- [X]
Sirenz- [X] [X] [X]
Kuroda Emi- [X]
Julimonade- [X]
Sam Skip Sam- [X]
KeiFujimi- [X]
Yelehna- [X]
Brina_Knight- [X] [X]
Nenya- [XXX]
Florentine- [X]
MysticAir- [X] [X] [X]
Notary- [X]
jennis233- [X]
Lish- [X] [X]
Spearfrost- [X]
Kill All Human! - [X]
allychan90- [X]
Baka-Neko13- [X]
Demon Angelina- [X]
ruka2990- [X]
liiya- [X]
Aureolee- [X] [X] [X]
KeiFujimi- [XXX] [X]
TempestAngel- [X]
Lola_Su- [X] [X] [X] [X]
dirty vicar- [X]
RoChan- [X]
MamoruK- [X]
ryo0oki- [X] [X] [X]
Kyoot- [X]
Werecoyote- [X]
[ w i n g ]- [X]
violue- [X]
garnet_wing-[X] [X]
Sabin Duvert- [XXX]


Xalticus-[X] [X] [X] [X]
Maki- [X]
Sam Skip Sam- [X]
Kiyo_Michan- [X]
[Constantine]- [X]
Sunwing- [X]
Madrigal- [X]
<center>Nandi + Wari</center>

Name: Nandi
Age: 18
Sex: girl
Species: Polar bear (sorta) or human
Body: pudgy, round, vuluptous, normal. She's not fat, nor is she skinny. Just think cute!
Height: 5'7"
Skin/Fur: In both cases- white, colorless. Not just pale, she has no pigment. And she's not albino, she's colorless. But she does blush... a lot!
Hair color: Orange, sometimes fading to read at the tips, sometimes with with red streaks, sometimes just orange. Naturally it's colorless white, but since she met Wari she dyes it.
Hairstyle: Shoulder length, fine + whispy. It's a bit wavey too and easily curls. Her bangs are eyelid length and usually parted to one side. She wears it any and every way, sometimes intricate and crazy, sometimes down and effortless.
Eyes: Grey, colorless. She's not albino!
Piercings: 3-5 on her ears. Always at least one. I'm not too picky about this.
Other: As a bear she has a tail. It's white and... like a golden retriever or irish setter. Yes, I know she's a polar bear... look at her history. Also, as a bear or human, her ears are a little larger than normal. And... as a bear her nose should be black, but it's not that important so don't force it if it looks bad (which it usually does for me).
Favorite Colors: Red, pink, orange, warm colors. But any color is fine with her when it comes to style.
Clothing: Anything cute. She likes to mix and match styles + accessorize. Everything from mod fashion to tank girl to the raver look to EGL to just being comfy. All in bright (or just matching) colors.
Personality: Super smrt! Her best subject is science. But even with her superior intellect she's very flighty. She likes to just plain be cute and fun. And basically, she's always in that euphoric, just-found-out-you're-in-love state... 'cause she's always lovin' Wari!
History: Nandi is the product of her mad scientist father. He made her completely colorless (not albino) and gave her some special (yet unimportant to this contest) abilities as well as that tail. Yes, she originally had white hair... don't draw her with it unless you need to show a before Wari type Nandi. Growing up she was often teased and pretty depressed... until she met Wari. After he came into her life her world (and image) filled with color. Even after 3 years they're still smitten with eachother.
Likes: Wari, sushi, candy, science, love, sleeping
Dislikes: cats, italian food, drugs + alcohol

Name: Wari
Age: 18-19
Sex: boy!
Species: Sun bear or human
Body: His build looks small, but under that shirt is a buff, nice boy body. He works out!
Height: 5'9"
Eyes: Gold.
Skin/Fur: As a human he's very tan. Not like... fried... but medium well. As a bear his fur is a medium warm brown w/ a patch of golden around his nose, mouth and chin.
Markings: In the middle of his chest he's got a sun (gold in the middle, orange "rays" wink , as a human it's a tatoo. On his back (upper back) is a gold cresent moon with ends facing up.
Hair: As a bear he's just got one huge curl in the middle of his forhead the same color as his fur. As a human it's brown, shortish and very curly. Also as a human he sports sideburns and a soul patch.
Clothing: He's a jeans + t-shirts kinda boy. His shirts usually have some kind of logo, band name, or saying (like Urban Outfitters, 80s Tees or J-List (WARNING! 18+up!).) Sometimes he wears rugby shirts, sweaters, coats ect. He likes scarves. And sometimes dj headphones. As a human he also wears beanies (w/ his curels stickin' out).
Favorite Colors: Rainbow! But he wears a lot of browns + golds.
Personality: Very happy-go-lucky. Like Nandi, he's always in that euphoric, in-love state. He's the more serious of the two, but only by a little. He's also just a tad crazy and a little bit of a sex fiend.
History: Wari was created specifically for Nandi, based on my boyfriend. He came from my boyfriend's habit of djing wearing a bear suit. He doesn't have much of a history character-wise.
Likes: Nandi, djing, mustic (if you need me to list bands I'll do so at request), sushi, cola flavored candy, italian food, milk, being in love, kissin', sleepin'
Dislikes: carbonation, guys, drugs and alcoholics.

Good face/hair ref
Two looking... crazy?
Wari lookin' hot
Red ears ^^
Cute, recent pic
The REAL us <3

I'll have more once my computer is back up!
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Lobot is a very special robot. He stemed from a comple different ideas and has grown from there. It all started with my fascination of robots. From the term "robots and rainbows" (hugs and kisses) throw at my boy in the early days of "us", to my inability to ever really draw a robot.
Finally a good friend who has no importance to this contest (but I love you Jay!) came up with a robot I could draw- The Lobot. He was built in Japan (of course) and can only say "Lobot!", or just robot with a Japanese accent. But Lobot has grown from just being a doodle to being a doodle with a purpose in my online comic and my personal logo.

Appearance: The general Lobot is very round and covered in black metal and silver tubey things. His head is a round ball with cone "ears" and a white grin. His body is also very... round. It might be best to look at the reference pics.

He comes in a variety of flavors! From smallest to biggest:
Chibot: The smallest size of a Lobot. They're only about 1.5 feet tall and look like toys, but pack the strength of an average Lobot. Chibots can show a variety of emotions from User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. to User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show..
Chobot: This Lobot is about 4.5 feet tall and holds the stature and attitude of a kid (8 year old maybe). He's very childish and stubborn, but just as powerful as a full size Lobot.
Lobot: At 6.5 feet tall, the average Lobot is the perfect example of good and sweetness. They're very loyal and always seem happy to do anything you ask of them (of course they are! they always smile!)
Mobot: The big guy. They average about 14 feet and up. These are the mecha type Lobots and often can harbor up to 5 people controling them from the inside. These Lobots are a bit slow, physically and mentally.

Elemental Lobots: Lobots also come in a couple of elemental states, but the only one worth mentioning is the Hobot (because it's Jacob's favorite). This lobot is white metal with gold tuby things. And in the place of the kitty ears is a gold halo fixed around it's round head. Hobots also have fluffy white wings and healing powers.

I'd like to see Lobots drawn in a couple of different ways: mainly good. If you're good at drawing mechas I'd like to see your take on a Lobot. I draw them very cartoony, but I'd like to see some ideas of what one might actually look like if it were made. Lobot pictures have just as good of chance at first prize (and any others they qualify for) as Nandi+Wari pics.

If you'd like to include a lobot in a Nandi + Wari pic please keep it to the Chibot size. They aren't really involved with the Lobot so a picture of them with one is kinda unrealistic. But feel free to throw the head logo in anywhere!

Chibot emotions
Unfinished Chobot. Referenced from models.hint: I'd like to see more like this!
Size chart (compared to Jay)
Again, don't mind Jay
The Hobot
<center>Possible Ideas

Note: These ideas are just a refrence to get you started. You don't have to choose from this list. Just giving you some ideas!</center>

two eating sushi
two picnicing
Wari djing whild Nandi dances
two cuddling in bed
two on a bus looking sad (twas a moment, ask for story if interested)
two sharing a scarf
something w/ fishies
super happy w/ rainbows
two w/ a baby girl or daughter (unspecified... looking OLDER!)
two looking at the constellation Orion
Warin in army clothes w/ Nandi all happy like
Driving (nowhere in particular)
two at a concert
on a couch watching TV or playing video games
Nandi daydreaming of Wari or visa versa
one or the other writing a letter or something

Lobot with another robot... wearing tophats (don't ask.)

1. Try to draw them together. I'm not really looking for single pictures, but if you go that route make sure to put the other in there somewhere (a doll or something) or insinuate they're doing something for the other (writing a letter, thinking, dreaming, making something.)
2. I don't mind if they're drawn human or bear. It won't effect my judgement.
3. Sexually explicit pictures are allowed (and encouraged! *cough*) but must be submitted in private, either by pm or email ( the.desired.one@gmail.com ). I will not link it on the front page, but I will add your name and it will be judged just like the others. Sexually explicit as bears is perfectly fine with me also... for some reason I don't concieter Nandi and Wari furries.
4. I'd like to see diffedrent versions of the lobo + such. Lobot picutes will be judged just like Nandi + Wari pictures and all eligiable for all prizes. But nothing more than a Lobot toy in a Nandi + Wari pic please. sweatdrop
5. I would really like your high res, non resized versions of your artwork. If it's done with real media I'd like your big ol' scan. If it's done digitally I'd like a .PSD or . RIF (if it's another file I can prolly cope). This is for printing purposes only! The bigger the better! More info in rules.

1. All artwork submitted must be original and drawn for this contest. I know my characters and I know if it wasn't drawn to be them.

2. No copying! Whether it be someone else's artwork or examples I've provided (yes, that'd be dumb but I've seen it before.) Anyone caught copying artwork will be disqualified and publically humiliated 3nodding

3. Be nice to everyone. Only good things will be said in this thread. If someone asks for a critique please be nice about it. Anyone being rude or disrespectful may be asked to leave and may even be disqualified from the contest.

4. Please use the submission form and make sure every part is filled out.

5. I have the right to print all submitted works with due credit to the artist for a personal and non-commercial book for my love.

6. If at all possible, submit the large, unresized, big ol' version of your submission. (password: ursus) I will be printing out every submission to put in a book. I would like to give every submission a page of it's own. I may even judge differently if all I get is a small image. If it's too large to upload send it to my gmail ( the.desired.one@gmail.com ) If you used real media a large scan, high quality .JPG will be fine. For digital media I'd prefer a . PSD or .RIF. If you have another file type bring it up with me and I'll see what I can do. .BMPs and .GIFs are not welcome for quality reasons. The prints made will be no bigger than 8.5 x 11 inches (standard paper) but if you're not sure... the bigger the better!

7. I will judge as fairly as possibly, based on my own criteria. I know feelings can get hurt when results come in, but maybe I'll get around to making prizes for eeeeveryone! ninja Maybe.

8. If you have any questions I prefer that you post them here. Things that need an extended discussion or you'd like to keep private may be pmed or imed.

9. I will require at least 40 submissions in order to judge (unless I feel the quality of arts at a lower submission count is acceptable). I reserve the right to hold the grand prize if I don't feel any entries are worthy of it. Of course I won't abuse this rule, but I want my minis to go to someone I feel really deserves it.

10. If you've come this far, congrats! I'd hope that people would read everything before entering... and this rule states that they do! But you, you already have. Good job. 3nodding

Rules may be added as I see fit!

Link me!
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ninja whee *waits*
and first post! w00tikage whee
kaptain pico
ninja whee *waits*


Questionable Streaker

o.o *blink blink*
family time! i'll finish this later!
family time! i'll finish this later!

aw, okay. i'll be back... if i don't get disconnected... ninja

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