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Desirable Alchemist

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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Hallway Company - Mags OOC - Back~ Sorry about that, baby has been fussy today.

Sarah turned upon hearing Mags voice. "Sounds good to me." She says with a smile as they head in that direction. "Besides being the only class taught by the headmaster? Its simply a way to help the students bond, make friends and such. He felt that there might be some animosity among the male students with all the changes and that this might help. Though really I think Uncle just wanted to have some fun with his charges. He didn't actually tell me what the class would be though. Uncle likes keeping secrets." She says with a smile. Uncle really wanted this to work, she could tell by how much he had talked about it over the summer.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Break *
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Dapper Reveler

1,275 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Hallway Company - Mags OOC - Back~ Sorry about that, baby has been fussy today.

Sarah turned upon hearing Mags voice. "Sounds good to me." She says with a smile as they head in that direction. "Besides being the only class taught by the headmaster? Its simply a way to help the students bond, make friends and such. He felt that there might be some animosity among the male students with all the changes and that this might help. Though really I think Uncle just wanted to have some fun with his charges. He didn't actually tell me what the class would be though. Uncle likes keeping secrets." She says with a smile. Uncle really wanted this to work, she could tell by how much he had talked about it over the summer.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Break *
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Margherita Alyssa Reede

User ImageLocation ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜Hallway Company ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ Sarah OOC: Please quote me. I may be doing something else, I don't always hang out on Gaia so I may not know if you're talking to me, unless I get the email I've been quoted.

⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ

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Mags listened to her explanation and laughed about the keeping secrets. “I can see that,” she replied. Mags headed into the library, it was huge and that was being kind. She looked around at all the books in the cathedral like space and smiled. “Your uncle impresses me yet again,” she smiled. With a grin at Sara she stepped across the floor and examined the various sections. She moved into the classics first, she wanted to read Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time.

Bonding and dance

⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ

Brainy Bookworm

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                          Yesung lifted himself up and approached the male on the couch. "I'm fine, thank you," he said, waving a hand at the offer. He sighed. "Speaking of my sister," he started,"I would like to ask something of you." He paused, taking a seat next to the man. "As we both know, Sun-Hee is blind," he started again, "I was just wondering if there was any way I could work here as a cafeteria server or something. I've been spending most of my life trying to save up for Sun-Hee to get her vision back. I owe her that much."

                          ooc: j o u r n a l Little Yesung wants to help his sissy. c:


Desirable Alchemist

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Outfit Location - In front of the 3rd year math classroom Company - Yesung OOC - I'm going back and forth between this and playing with my sewing machine. So that's why my answers are a bit delayed. xD

Headmaster Emmett Kingston,

Emmett nods at this, stopping his walk towards the cupboard and takes a seat on the couch before Yesung does. "Very well then." He says, turning his full attention to the young man. "As I've noticed, yes she is." He says. "Hmm...I might have something you could do for me. I am actually in need of an assistant. Someone to run errands for me. Or you could work in the kitchen if you really have your heart set on it." He says. He really did need to get an assistant. He detested the idea of having a secretary though. He wouldn't get to see his students as much if he had one. Which was why he had fired his father's secretary when he had taken over six years ago. He'd barely been out school then, but he knew enough about running the school. "So what do you say? It'll only be in the evenings of course." He says with a smile on his lips.

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Desirable Alchemist

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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Library Company - Mags OOC - But I have been...

Sarah simply shrugs at her comment. It was well known that Emmett did, well at least to those who knew him. He'd be most put out if he couldn't have his secrets she assumed. She follows her into the library and smiles at her comment. "Generations of Kingstons and donations I believe. But this is the first time I've been here. It really is as enchanting as Uncle Emmett made it sound." She says softly. She stands there for a moment while Mags wonders off. She walks down the rows, looking for fantasy section. She usually only read such books, it was what she liked to read after all. Emmett had always said it was fitting for her.

She finds the section she is looking for and frowns. Not because of the books. No because it would seem all the good books as usual were out of her reach. "Why do they always have to be on the top shelf?" She whispers to herself as she edges closer to the case, trying to reach the one that had caught her eye. She'd look for a step stool in a bit. She wanted to at least try and reach it.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Break *
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Brainy Bookworm

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                          Yesung nodded at the man. "Thank you, sir," he told him,"if the errands are in the evenings, do you think I could do both? You know, maybe do some lunch serving and then go to your office in the evening?" It may be overloading, but Sun-Hee's happiness would be worth it. He was her older brother after all and he did cause this. "What kind of errands would I have to do?" he asked him.

                          ooc: j o u r n a l | no biggie, i've been playing gravity falls games for the past 30 mins +. > <


Desirable Alchemist

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Outfit Location - Headmaster's Office Company - Yesung OOC - I'm also looking up sewing patterns biggrin and...its storming again O_O

Headmaster Emmett Kingston,

Emmett thinks on his suggestion for a moment. "Very well, but if your grades start slipping too much you'll be requested to take a break from the work." He says. At his other question he simply shrugs, "Nothing much for now, just taking files to the other staff members and helping me sort through the paperwork the school board deems necessary to send me." He says. "Now is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" He says.

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Feline Autobiographer

9,425 Points
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Prisci lla Aurora Medley


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Books are the key to the world

Unfocused, Priscilla sat in her first history class. Her mind was more focused on the upcoming dance. She had helped her new friend pick out which dress she would wear, and gave her a manicure. The time had been fun, and she was looking forward to doing Aspara's hair and make up on the day of the dance. Had it not been for the dance, she would be more focused on her class however. History was one of her favorite subjects. My contacts should be delivered today, so I can wear the new blue contacts with my dress. Oh this is going to be fun! she thought to herself.

She brushed a strand of her hair from her face and sighed as she sat back in her seat. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes for a moment so she could try and focus her mind on class. With another deep breath she sat up and began taking notes. She was not a slacker, her father had not raised her to be as such.

Libraries are the key holders.

✯I am here:In history class
✯I am with:Whoever is in class
✯I am looking:Great as always
✯I did this:Painting my face is fun!
✯I am feeling:Unfocused

Feline Autobiographer

9,425 Points
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Garrett Benjamin Myles


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Got a problem with the way I am?

Garrett hated science, no matter how good he was at it. Too many chemicals tested on animals in the past, something he hated with a strong passion. He was seated cross armed in his desk, not bothering to pay any attention to what was going on. He really could careless if the teacher failed him or not. He would find some way to get around to getting out of this class. In the mean time, he would just sit in the chair, letting time go on. He could not wait for this class to end.

Grow up and get over it...


Where am I Science Class
Who am I with Everyone who is in the room
What am I wearing Jeans
Sneakers Vest
What am I feeling Bored
What my puppeteer says Short post is short, sorry!


Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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"Most people say first impressions are everything."

| O U T F I T | L O C A T I O N Science Classroom | C O M P A N Y Classmates | O O C |

If there was one thing Kris hate, it was being bored with things she already knew. Which was why she was only pretending to take notes in Science class. Really she was..well it was best no one read what she was righting. Her eyes scan the classroom boredly before landing on the blonde boy from last night. The vegan. Seemed someone didn't like this class. She was a few seats behind him, so if she actually wanted to mess with him she could. She liked being in the back of the class room, she could see what everyone was doing.

She taps her pencil against her notebook, thinking. This class was seriously dull. But she didn't feel like getting in trouble on the first day, she did have an appointment to keep this evening. Hmm. She flips to the next page in her notebook and draws a chessboard, labeling each space with her classmates names. For future reference. She did this at every school. Why? Who knew.

"I think they can be rather deceiving."

Class Schedule

Science *
Elective – Free Period
Computer Science
Lit 101
Bonding Class on Wens. & Thurs. Mon Tues & Fri Study Hall

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Peaches Sophia Reid

Brainy Bookworm

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                          Yesung nodded at him, understanding his claim about homework. "I will assure you," he started, "homework will always be top priority." He shook his head when he was asked if he had anything to speak about. "If it's okay with you, I would like to keep this from her. She doesn't know about my plans," he told him. He then stood. "Am I excused?" he questioned.

                          ooc: j o u r n a l | annddd, that was me running off to play minecraft. i am so sorry. > <


Desirable Alchemist

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Outfit Location - Headmaster's Office Company - Yesung OOC - Lol its okay, I know how it is ^^

Headmaster Emmett Kingston,

Emmett nods at this. "Good, wouldn't want to have to pull you from your work." He says with a smile. He raises an eyebrow at this but nods. "I thought as much." He says. When he asks if he is excused he nods. "If you ever need anything, my office is always opened to you, Mr. Park." He says before rising and heading back to his desk.

Maybe he should just burn it all and send the ashes to the Board. Ha that would give them something to think about. As amusing as that would be, he doubted they wouldn't send more. Letting out a sigh he sits back down at his desk and gets back to work. Hopefully Sarah would come here for lunch. He'd send her a message later telling her to do so.

At Your Service

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Dapper Reveler

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Location Head Master Emmett's office Company her class OOC:


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Jessica tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear and headed to Emmett's office, she knocked gingerly and waited for him to call her in. Jessica thought the idea of a creative writing group would be a nice addition to the school and she was eager to run the thought by him. She shifted from one foot to the other and waited for the door to open. 'kingstion,' she thought mentally, 'Emmett Kingston' with a satisfied nod she waited to be called in.


Dapper Reveler

1,275 Points
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Margherita Alyssa Reede

User ImageLocation ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜library Company ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ Sarah OOC:Feel free to approach my character in the hall, I know I've been preoccupied but she's here to make friends lol.

⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ

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Magsy headed back over to Sarah and studied the fantasy books. Instinctively she moved behind Sarah to catch her if she fell. “Find anything good?” She asked, Mags looked at her watch. They had a bit more time before they hand to scramble to the next class and as Sarah looked she studied some of the fantasy authors, looking at books that caught her eye.

Bonding and dance

⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ

Desirable Alchemist

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Outfit Location - Headmaster's Office Company - Yesung OOC -

Headmaster Emmett Kingston,

Emmett looks up from the paperwork he was doing upon hearing another knock on his door. What was with people today? He wasn't this popular last year on the first day of classes. "Come on in." He says standing up and heading towards sofas before his mystery guest entered. He takes a seat on one of the sofas and crosses on leg over the other. The man was relaxed again already.

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