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Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus had been so busy running and weaving around students that he hadn't even noticed his cousin, let alone what was happening behind him. Nimbly dancing around the people on rather crowded streets, he quickly spotted Honeydukes and slowed his running down to a reasonable walk. He figured he was pretty far ahead that he didn't need to run anymore. That brisk pace he had been keeping hadn't been enough for him to be struggling for breath but he was slightly winded.
'Man, I gotta work out more.' He couldn't help thinking to himself as he made his way through the crowds towards the equally crowded Honeydukes.
Perhaps he ought to wait for Rora? Glancing behind him, he wondered if he might have pulled ahead a little too far.
Perhaps it was a good idea if he waited for her...he didn't mind if he had to pay for her candy. He had enough money on him, after all. Moving to the front door of Honeydukes, he re-adjusted his scarf and folded his arms across his chest as he settled down to wait for Rora to show up. Glancing up at the somber but clear sky, he gave a small sigh and allowed his mind to drift back to his grandmother's words. Small whispers reached his ears but he tuned them out as soon as he made out a few of the words in the different conversations. The words meant nothing to him...he didn't even bother looking down at the whispering and giggling girls that passed him.
"That's him, isn't it? I wonder who he's waiting for."
"Oh, he looks so cute just standing there like that..."



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Aurora Rose Riddle

Aurora ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Dodging in between students and faculty, she lost sight of Titus. Slowing down to a jog due to her heavy breathing, She caught a glimpse of his scarf. Picking up speed, She followed the scarf to honeydukes. Resting against the window to catch her breath, she noticed Nxy walking up to the store with a bloody hand. Her eyes widened with fear and looked up to Titus. "You win, I'll buy lets go inside" Her voice rather quick with fear. Her hand went for his, pulling him towards the door. She didnt know what happened to Nxy but she knew that face meant she was out for blood.

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Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus hadn't even noticed Aurora show up. It was only when she frantically grabbed his hand and all but dragged him into the store that he noticed her. Blinking a tat her words, he glanced behind her only to catch a glimpse of Nyx's rather murderous glare and her slightly bloodied hand. Feeling his own eyes widening a little, he instantly felt a surge of concern for her as well a stab of dread. What had happened to her hand? and what the heck was she pissed at this time? It was rather easy to get lost in the crowd of Honeydukes and Titus soon found himself pressed near the back of the store from the flow of the students. Tightening his hand around Rora's, so that he didn't lose her in the crush of people, he carefully moved through the crowd and stopped at the 'Special Effects Candy' section.
"What was that about?" He questioned, glancing over at Rora. She had sounded a tad freaked out when she had tugged him into the store. He was getting the feeling it was probably Nyx again.



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Aurora Rose Riddle

A big rush came over Aurora as Titus pulled her to the back of the store. Her eyes wondered around to the sign that said Special effect candy. Taking a deep breath she looked back at him. Without hearing what he had said she started to studder. "I.....I...I" She took a deep breath to relax. She only studdered when she was nervous or scared. " I dont know, She gave me some death glare and i saw her hand bleeding." She sighed. " You know me. I freak out when people do that. It normally leads to a fight and i lose. or freeze" Forgetting that he was holding her hand, her thumb rubbed against the back of his hand.

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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx was stopped at the front of the Honeydukes. It seemed as though the wizard that runs the place did not want her bleeding all over the candy. She merely just rolled her eyes but let him bandage her hand. In the time it took to bandage her hand she lost the two Hufflepuffs. She just let out a hiss and she yanked her hand away trying to see over the crowd. How many times has she cursed her height. She let out a sigh as she thought of the best thing to do. That was when she noticed Nathan threw the window coming toward Honeyduke. Quickly she shoved her bandage hand, remind herself to see Madam Pomfrey before she headed toward her common room after then got back to get it fix. She did not want her little slip up scar her perfect skin. She then waved him down with her left. He was tall enough to see above the crowd. Now she just had to come up with a good enough lie to tell him that will not give away what her true intention were. Stalking was not high up on the approved behavior list.

Hogsmead outfit



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                      It was a nice, quiet walk down the hill towards the castle. It was still early in the day for returning and most of the student's were still up in Hogsmead village. Wrapped up in his hoodie, Gabe went about deciding what his next move was. He didn't really have much planned now that he was without his laptop, his next phase of research, computing the information he had gathered so far on the substance of magic, couldn't really be done until he had that back. Maybe he could start working on a teaching plan for getting the staff updated on the workings of computers. If they all ended up like Slughorn he would need one.

                      Stepping up into the castle's entrance another thought occurred to Gabe that struck him dead. He had... 'movies' downloaded onto his computer. 'Movies' and 'pictures' that if the Headmistress saw or any of the teacher's knew he had, would put him in even deeper hot water. Granted they were hidden pretty well, but still, couldn't delete them before the Headmistress had full computer literacy...

                      "Hey you." Gabe jumped as Argus Filch leered at him from the entrance hall, "Don't hold up the door"

                      Gabe looked back, he and filch were the only people within seeing distance, but he resolved to move anyway. Blushing slightly Gabe made his way into the hall. He resolved then to delete the files at the first opportunity. Maybe before the the Headmistress knew exactly what he was doing. It wouldn't take much time. He hoped.

                      Not really paying any attention to where he was going, Gabe didn't notice Daphne ahead of him until he nearly walked into her. This, he thought smiling, was the first good thing to happen to him all day.

                      "Daphne," he said, "I've been looking for you all..."

                      Suddenly the Hufflepuff girl burst into tears and ran past him. Gaping Gabe turned to watch her run and muttered, "The hell?"

                      Silently, as if he were approaching a scared rabbit or something, Gabe followed Daphne down the hall. Had something happened? Had the Teachers found out she helped him? He hoped not, he had been careful to omit her assistance to keep her out of trouble, but maybe he had made an oversight. He hoped not. He had thought Daphne would be happy for him, happy for them both since he fully expected her to share in the glory, if secretly. He didn't want her to get into any trouble.

                      Peeking around a bend in the hall, down towards Slughorn's Study, Gabe softly spoke, "Daphne? You there?"

                      Sorry for not posting in a while. Life got slightly crazy the last two weeks.

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Daphne Amora Windcharm

Daphne had reached Slughorn's office, hoping for some kind of sanctuary, or at least someone to act as a buffer. Unfortunately, though, she found the office dark and empty. Clearly Slughorn had gone to Hogsmeade and had yet to return. Worse still, was the sound of Gabe calling her from around the corner. Daphne felt herself begin to shake. She didn't want anything to do with him, but there was nothing for it - he was blocking the way back to the greenhouses. Taking a breath, she steadied herself and wiped away her tears. She only spoke when she felt she could do so without crying.

"Yes," she said, "I'm here." The words sounded forced. As if she were trying to fit something great through a very small opening. "What do you want?" Her eyes were watering again, but she faced him anyway. "Do you wish to use me as a pawn again? Do you have another plan to get me into further trouble? Or have you come, expecting me to give you a pat on the back and exclaim 'Well done, Gabe! Marvelous job!' Because you will get neither." She could feel her anger rising, and found she couldn't stop. Daphne pulled her mind to think in the language of her books as some form of detachment, perhaps. Or maybe because through their words she could find a way to express her feelings best. "How could you? No, I know the answer to that. A better question is how DARE you. I trusted you. I did not help you for you to spread it around the school, I did not help you for you to make a business out of betraying me. Did you even think about me? I doubt it. Because you probably expected the entire school to cheer for you and say how wonderful you are for bringing muggle technology to the school. You made a fool out of yourself, and out of me this morning. Do you think the professors don't talk? I'm certain that the moment Sprout mentioned that I had asked her for the keystone's location, Flitwick had told her about you. She trusted me as I trusted you. I thought you were going to keep it quiet. I thought that maybe we could watch a few movies. Spread it around to others QUIETLY. But no, instead you chose to make a spectacle of yourself in the Great Hall and announce your new, dirty business to everyone. And to Sprout, you announced my guilt. I've had 20 points taken from me and a good deal of detention on my plate. Did you think of me at all? Did you ever once THINK of how this would affect me? Did you ever once think of how I would feel? What I would think? Since I'm the reason your venture was successful did you even THINK of asking me what I thought about your little business? No, clearly not. How dare you charge people for help. How dare you do ANY of this? You self-serving, inconsiderate a*****e."

She walked past him now, tears streaming from her eyes, and turned back to him. "It figures that the one friend I make, stabs me in the back. Of course the one person I decide to try and connect with treats me as a tool - an ends to a means and nothing more. Perhaps you should try taking the feelings of others into account before your own desires." She turned away from him and left. The moment she turned the corner, she ran, trying to lose him and return to the safety of the greenhouses.

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Amateur Shapeshifter

{N}ɑȶɧɑɴ {A}ɭɛxɑȵɗɛʀ {G}ɭʀɇɇɴɢʀɑȿȿ

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Nathan had pretty much lost the group in the crowd but spotted Nyx waving at him with her left hand. Her right was stuffed in her pocket and Nathan couldn't help but wonder why. Shrugging the thought away, he made his way over to her, careful to keep his smile friendly and not amused. He knew full well what she was doing in front of Honeydukes.
"Ah, hello Nyx. I see you had the same craving for sweets I had." He joked, nodding at the rather crowded candy store. Speaking of...candy sounded quite nice right now. Perhaps he ought to get some just for the rare occasion he got a craving for the sugary treats.


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Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus gave a small frown at Rora's answer. He knew exactly who the 'she' his fellow hufflepuff was referring to. Trying to keep a straight face when he felt her thumb rub along the back of his hand, he gave a sigh and smiled rather apologetically at Rora.
"I'm sorry about Nyx..." He murmured, running a hand through his bangs as he spoke. His hand squeezed hers in an attempt to convey some sort of reassurance. He would definitely have to
"I don't know what's gotten into her. Sorry if she's scaring you...I'm going to go talk to her and see why she's asking the way she is." He stated, glancing out the window that he was just able to see over the heads of the crowd. His cousin Nathan was currently standing outside conversing with Nyx and Titus felt a scowl slide over his face at the sight of the Slytherin.
"Hey, since we're here...what do you say we go on sugar spree and clean this store out?" He joked, grinning down at her in an attempt to be more carefree. It was his own way of telling her not to worry. Or at least...try not to worry too much.


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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx stepped closer to her fellow Slytherin as she looked over her should as he pointed out the large crowd that filled the candy story. "Hello Nathan. Oh Yes my craving at the moment is quite insatiable." She said with a bit of a giggle as she thought of her own addiction to sweets. Then again she was not talking about sweets at the moment. She was talking about her addiction to Titus who was in the candy shop. "It would be nice to have someone to help battle the crowd. As their is something that specific that I am looking for. Will you help me Nathan?" She asked as she gave him a sweet smile. She knew that Nathan was not the type to fall for such a smile but she gave it to him anyways. More out of habit when it came to asking someone for something with out using force. Which was her usual route. With Nathan it was not needed.

Hogsmead outfit


Amateur Shapeshifter

{N}ɑȶɧɑɴ {A}ɭɛxɑȵɗɛʀ {G}ɭʀɇɇɴɢʀɑȿȿ

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Nathan had to resist the urge to snort with amusement at Nyx's charming smile. He knew full well what she was doing here and what kind of sweet thing she was looking for. Ignoring the smile all together, since it didn't affect him in the slightest, he gave a small shrug. He was in search of some sort of amusement and what better fun was it to help Nyx snag his cousin...or whatever it was she was trying to do.
"I don't see why not." He murmured, glancing down at her with a smile of his own.
"I'm not particularly busy at the moment. What can I do to help, Nyx?" He questioned, tilting his head a little in curiosity. What plan did this girl have in mind?


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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx stepped into the crowed store scanning the room. Her stormy blue eyes flicked from one student to the next looking for the face that was in her mind at the moment. At first glace she did not seem the two Hufflepuffs. She slightly curse before she turned back to Nathan to answer his question. "Oh just looking for a bit of everything. You know how bad my sweet tooth is. What I really want though come in a yellow package." She said with a grin as she said the last part in a lower voice. Though no one was actually paying any attention to the two Slytherins. That last was a comment on the boys blond hair. She grabbed a bag as she began to fill it as she passed by each stand of candy. She was not actually paying attention to what she was putting her basket. Her eyes on the students trying to catch a glimpse of her Hufflepuff.

Hogsmead outfit


Amateur Shapeshifter

{N}ɑȶɧɑɴ {A}ɭɛxɑȵɗɛʀ {G}ɭʀɇɇɴɢʀɑȿȿ

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Nathan chuckled a little at Nyx's response as he stepped through the door behind her. The candy shop was crowded as usual, not that he was very much surprised. Honeydukes was one of the most popular places in Hogsmeade along with Zonkos and The Three Broomsticks. Watching Nyx from the corner of his eye, he noted with some amusement that she was scanning the crowd.
'Yellow package, indeed.' He mused to himself as he watched her grab a bag and made her way through the store. He could tell she wasn't paying attention to anything she was grabing mainly because she picked up a few things she would never have normally choosen. Shaking his head with amusement, he glanced around the crowd, seeing if he could catch a glimpse of his cousin. With some difficulty, he spotted Titus standing with the blond Hufflepuff somewhere near the back of the store. The boy was scowling at him. Smirking a little, he gave the two a cheery little wave and picked up his own bag. Moving around the store, he pretended not to pay attention to the two as he filled his own bag with treats. As he passed Nyx, he paused only enough to murmur something at her.
"Back of the store, dearest Nyx. Near the Special Effects Candy." He stated, before making a beeline straight for the sugar quills and leaving Nyx alone. He had been rather fond of those things and besides, Nyx could handle herself quite well.



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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx head snapped to the back of the store. She still could see over the students but she knew that Nathan would not steer her wrong. She turned back to thank him but he was already on this way to the sugar quill stand. So she began to make her way threw the large crowd of students. Rounding the corner she stopped in her tracks as she spotted the person who she was looking for. Titus and the other Hufflepuff girl over exactly were Nathan said he would be. Her injured hand automatically went to the wand in her pocket. She wince a bit as she gripped it to hard. The handle cutting into her wound on her hand. Though she just ignored it as she thought the best way to 'accident' run into the two. Thought she could not help but catch the freaked out look on the girl face. Nyx wondered what her deal was.

Hogsmead outfit



Desirable Rogue

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Juniper Gaunt

Juniper had finished her drink some time ago. Now she was just watching the other students around her. All who she came with had left already without a thought to her. She did not mind though. It was better for her to be alone. She preferred it that way. Her soft green eyes flicked from person to person as she just relaxed in the corner of The Three Broomsticks. No worries trouble her. Then her eyes happened to catch the time. It was getting late in the day. Soon everyone will be leaving. So she decided to beat the rush and head back herself.

Pushing herself from the chair she left her empty mug at the table. Knowing that it will be taken care of by the staff magic. No one took mind as she made her out of the pub and out into the cold November air. Her boots made a soft crunching noise in the snow as she walked. She was nearly to the carriage when she heard a group of girls talking about Aaron. One would whisper something then the others would burst out in a fit of giggles. She stopped in her tracks as she saw what she assumed was the leader of their little group showing the other a box of chocolate. She heard that she was going to give them to Aaron, thought what consider her was when the girl said she place a very strong love potion in them. "Oh no." She whispered to herself. She had to warn Aaron, but she had no clue where he had taken off at. Then she caught one more thing. That someone had seen him looking at the shrieking shack.

So with out another thought she took off toward the area that she had heard about that the other students go to, to catch a glimpse of the the shack. Her pace was hurried but not that anyone paid any mind. The other students where getting tired and the group of girls tend to do what every girl did to her. Ignore her.

Her breath somewhat ragged as she reached the clearing by the fence, and as she was told there he stood. "Aaron!" She nearly yelled out as she reached him. She looked over her should to see if the group of girl have reached them yet. When she saw that she was in the clear she turned back to the Gryffindor. "I know that this is going to sound really weird, but there is a group of girl coming. Don't taking the chocolate. They laced it with love potion." She said in a rushed whisper. So rushed that her words nearly ran together.

Hogsmead Outfit


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