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Gryffindor 0.12056737588652 12.1% [ 17 ]
Hufflepuff 0.26950354609929 27.0% [ 38 ]
Ravenclaw 0.29078014184397 29.1% [ 41 ]
Slytherin 0.31914893617021 31.9% [ 45 ]
Total Votes:[ 141 ]
<< < 1 2 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ... 93 94 95 > >>

Aurora rose riddle

After sipping her butterbeer aurora sighed " oh you know hiding like I always do, flying around the school, dreding the comming summer. What about you?" Her blonde hair had fell in her face, while taking she moved her hair back behind her ear.

Ooc: sorry computer is getting fix tomorrow and I've been having to babysitt my sis baby. So sorry I was off for a few days. I'm having to use gaia online right now

Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx face lit up a bit as she heard the name of the school in which Pandora had come from. She knew how good of a school that was. It was the best in the region. "Well I am a pure blood witch. The house that I reside in is Slytherin. Have you been sorted into a house yet?" She asked as she wanted to know right away if she was actually conversing with a Gryffindor and just not know it. Though knowing from were the girl came from she knew that the house of the lion would not be the girl house.

"I ask because certain houses are better than others. As you can guess Slytherin are the best. Next would the house of Ravenclaw. Then Hufflepuff. Then at the bottom of the barrel there are the Gryffindor's." She spat out the word Gryffindor as if actually left a bad taste in her mouth.

Hogsmead outfit

Janie Knight

Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus gave a small snort at Aurora's response. Someone else had entered just a little while ago and was now conversing with Nyx by the looks of it. Smiling a little to himself, he pondered on her question and gave a light shrug.
"Ah...well..the usual, I suppose. Homework has been a drag, especially Herbology...which I still don't see the point of having. I'm wondering whether or not to organize another Quidditch practice...just for the heck of it. We haven't had one for a while...although I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that if I'm not the team captain." He muttered, frowning a little to himself. Shaking the thought from his head, he tilted his head to observe his fellow Hufflepuff.
"Do you have any plans for this Hogsmeade trip, Rora?" He questioned, curious to see what places she wanted to visit. If she had no plans, he was considering inviting her along to Honeydukes with him.






(( I was planning on having Titus get the notice that he is Team Captain after the Christmas break.))
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                      Gabe took a break from talking to take a sip at his butter-beer and gaze around at the filling bar. The table of Griffindor players was filling up nicely and, to his shock, Nyx had showed up and was speaking with some girl Gabe had never seen before. Slughorn hadn't seemed to notice, which Gabe was glad about, he didn't want Nyx invited to the table, and was instead waiting patiently for Gave to finish her current explanation.

                      "...Its all streamlined. Accounts are electronic. Muggles don't hoard gold, at least not in a way wizards do. Money is tracked electronically and kept in secured digital libraries. When a muggle makes a purchase, the money is directly wired from one account to the next. Its all very efficient."

                      "Fantastic," Slughorn muttered, then after a moment he asked, "And how do the banks benefit from this effieciency?"

                      "Less paperwork for one. Less manpower."
                      Gabe took another sip and added, "And typically, every transaction incurs a fee. Its now the banks make most of their money."

                      Slughorn hummed and rubbed his chin, considering the information. Gabe had tried explaining the actual mechanics of electronics, but had given up when he realized that Slughorn didn't know how magnetic worked and instead thought that muggles somehow harvested lightning bolts. But Gabe was willing to admit the man did have a firm grasp on applied science, and was interested to see how electronics had changed the world at large.

                      "Its strange to think that someone doesn't just go in and change their own accounts, or steal from someone else if they are stored on these 'severs' your talking about."

                      "They do." Gabe muttered, "Sometimes people other peoples information, electronically and pretend to be them. Then they steal their stuff, its called identity theft. Happens more often than you would think, but there are safeguards to protect against them. And, of course, there are hackers, people who crack digital security and take things for themselves. Money, or information. Like pirates."

                      Slughorn raised his eyebrows at this then leaned forward conspiratorially and asked, "And have you ever done this... Hacking?"

                      "No, but my friends have. I'm more hardware than software." He shrugged and muttered, "But I've tried once or twice. Stole a few emails."

                      "Have you ever tried it with magic?"

                      Gabe frowned, "I don't think Data can be modified with Magic."

                      "Have you ever tried"

                      "No..." Gabe muttered. This was a avenue he hadn't ever explored before. Too bad he wouldn't be able to try anything until after he got his computer back. He wondered if he could download runes, or maybe create some sort of magical construct on a digital level. It would be an interesting to try but how. Gabe missed Slughorn's next question, but by then his mind was already churning through new possibilities.

                      "I need to go to the bathroom,"
                      he lied, standing.

                      "Why do you need your book bag?"
                      asked Slughorn, and Gabe realized he had grabbed his things on instinct,

                      "Uhh... Prescription toilet paper?" Slughorn gave Gabe a dubious look, but Gabe headed off before the professor could say anything more. Walking into the hall he ignored the washroom and simply walked out the backdoor into the snowy alleys of Hogsmead.

                      Whatever enjoyment he had gotten was already gone by this point, but he still had business he wanted to attend to. Walking to the post office he ran into a couple Hufflepuffs who recognized him from the morning and flagged him down to talk. They chated briefly about his services, they didn't have their computer's here, but at home, but Gabe convinced them to drop a few silvers as an 'advance' that way they would be the first serviced once the rush began. Walking away Gabe had a few more coins in his pocket, which continued to grow as he ran into more and more student's on the street.

                      Walking into the post office with a wide smile Gabe flagged down the postmaster. After about half an hour he left the post office with a small pile of paperwork stuffed into his bag. It wasn't as easy, it turned out, to get deliveries from muggle companies deliver to Hogwarts through the mail. But, thankfully, the postmaster knew a small company that handled such things for wizard businesses to buy bulk materials through muggle companies. With the money he had picked up along the way, as well as the allowance his parents had mailed him that month, Gabe should have enough materials to upgrade at least twenty items.

                      Grinning to himself, Gabe turned down the street, ignored the rest of the shops, and returned to Hogwarts.


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Current outfit=This...

Pandora had noticed that Nyx's face had lit up a bit when she had mentioned the school she had come from. To her it was not really that big of a deal. It was just where she got her education from and she didn't very see what the fuss was about in a sense. She just liked getting to know people for who they were. Perhaps that made her slightly odd but she didn't really care all that much if others saw her as strange. She just was herself and she didn't want to pretend to be someone that she was not.Besides her school ran differently than Hogwarts.Wands were a stronger focus point for those of her school to figure out the peeking order and not houses.

That much Pandora could tell already. "I have been informed as to where I'll be sleeping for the remainder of the year."She spoke with a day dream sort of tone. She listened as Nyx was listing off the different houses. Though her lips held a small smile as she spat out one of the houses as a bad word. "I take it you have some bad history with the Gryffindors?"She asked as she ran her fingers though her long blonde hair for a few moments.

"I suppose in your view I would be in the second best house that this school could offer. Ravenclaw."she spoke with a slight nod and a certain ease in her voice."From what I understand the people in different houses share certain traits of the founder of said house."She added as a second thought. To her the whole sorting thing was like the horoscope thing. Amusing at best but not to be taken too seriously. After all people could always change or do something unexpected of them.

Aurora Rose Riddle

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Aurora gave a small laugh. "i know what you mean. Unless we are going to be a healer we dont need the class but the professor is pretty cool.why dont you ask Professor longbottom if you can. We do need more practice if we want to win a game." She sipped her butterbeer and sighed at his question." nothing really all i planned was to get a new book and come here, Which i already did. Why? do you have something in mind?"

Aurora smiled at his invitation. Ever since she was in her 2nd year, she had a small crush on him. She never said a word due to their friendship. I wonder if he is staying for Christmas?

Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx was only partically listing to what Pandora was saying. Her eyes kept flicking to the two Hufflepuffs at the counter. Though she seemed to scare away one Hufflepuff it seem that another had popped up in little Junipers place. She was paying so close attention to Titus and the other blond female Hufflepuff that she nearly did not catch what Pandora was saying to her about the houses.

She blinked a couple of time to get her words in order before she answered the girl, in which she now knows is a Ravenclaw. So her reputation is safe for the time being. "Oh yes the houses. The sorting hat put you in your house by the values in which the house is. For Slytherin's such as myself are most valued for their ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. You house, Ravenclaw values are intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Then you have Gryffindor which values bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. Then their is Hufflepuff which values...." She lost her moment as she could not for the life of herself could remember what their values are. A deep blush ran across her cheeks as she was at a lost of words. "Oh please forgive me. It seems that I had forgot all about the values of the house of the badger." Which seemed odd that she would forget such a thing since she had been in love with one for quite some time. Thought she always thought that Titus should have been a Slytherin like everyone else in his family.

Hogsmead outfit

Janie Knight



Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus chuckled a little at Aurora's response and took a sip of his half finished butterbeer. Giving a small shrug, he motioned towards the door of the tavern.
"Well I was thinking of hitting Honeydukes and getting some 'supplies'. My secret stash has dwindled down to two sugar quills and a few Pepper imps. I was wondering if you wanted to tag along, you know...for the sake of warmth and well...sweet, sugary goodness?." He stated with a cheeky grin and a quirked eyebrow. Almost everyone on the team, except the new recruits, knew he had a addiction to sweets. He didn't spare another glance at Nyx's table but he was glad to see his childhood friend and current crush actually conversing with someone outside of Slytherin. Nyx didn't usually do that...from what he saw.
"That and I haven't seen you for a while. It seems the library has been spending more time with you than I have. And since I can't have that happening, I've got some catching up to do." He joked, winking good naturally at her.



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Lonely Gaian

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+++ Aaron +++ Soohoo +++
+++ 5th +++ Year +++
+++ Gryffindor +++

Aaron continued to talk with his friend at the Sporting Goods store in Hogsmeade. He did not realize that he had been in there for almost an hour. "Hey Z. I think I'm going to take advantage of the little "discount". Aaron browsed the shelves to see a multi-purpuse charmed hoodded jacket that he could wear not just for quidditch. The hood even matched what he was wearing at the moment. He took the jacket to the register, with Z giving him a little over half off the attire.

He went into the fitting room to put on what he purchased and gave a Z a wave, before leaving the store. "I'll come by next time we're in Hogsmeade.". He smiled as he closed the door behind him. Keeping the mask and hood up, he walked down the main street of Hogsmeade to find Honeydukes not as busy as it was before. He walked inside and took off only his hood. He had plenty of galleons, sickles and knuts left in his money sack. He did not have to use it all. However, he bought a little of everything, he liked, from caudron cakes, to licorice wands, from chocolate frogs to sugar quils. He liked everything, since his parents treated his sweet tooth since he was 5. However, he knew he had to eat in moderation. He did not want to get fat, and not be able to perform on the Quidditch pitch. Lucky for him, he paid a little extra to get the candy charmed to not have the candy go rotten.

He did not really stay and chat with anyone in the sweet shop, even if he knew a couple faces inside. He paid what he needed to pay and left. Hood back on, remaining masked, he walked over to Zonko's Joke Shop. He never really bought anything, just browse around, especially now with the Weasley Wizard Wheezes joining up some of their products. Inside, he saw a few Gryffindors stacking up on their prank items. There was a small tradition of the 3rd-7th year Gryffindors doing light pranks to 1st years in the house, as their last "initiation" into the house. Lucky for Aaron, he never really had to experience it for himself, hearing some older students talk about it during his first year. He just hung out in the library for the evening.

He looked over to the new section of the joke shop, the WonderWitch section. It was all pink and lovey-dovey, mostly consiting of love potions, intended for the female wizards. In the distance, he could see plenty of girls from Hogwarts over there crowding the section. It was pretty hilarious to watch to say the least, seeing them fight for potions to have their crushes later falling for them. Aaron walked by a couple aisles closer. He heard a couple girls begin to whisper. "There he is..." Aaron shook his head and went back for the exit.

Before he could see any love drama unfold in the joke shop, he left the place. He's pretty much been to every store he wanted to go into. They still had a very long time until it was time to head back to the castle. Keeping his hood up, mask surrounding his face, he walked through the end of the main street of Hogsmeade and began walking towards the Shrieking Shack. He knew all about the place, and the reasoning behind it...something about a former student of Hogwarts having to do his werewolf transformations in there, causing the place to have the title of the most haunted place in England.

Seeing the place in the distance, he placed his sack of candy and sweets down next to him and just laid back against a tree. He made sure the ground he was on was snow free, or dry for that matter as he just watched the weather in the distance. He liked being in solitude, no worries for Quidditch, studies, people in general. It was his time.


Outfit: Hogsmeade Trip!!


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Daphne Amora Windcharm

Professor Sprout had sent Daphne on an errand. She had been asked to go see Professor Slughorn, and ask for him to brew a fertilizer potion for a small crop of plants in the greenhouse. Daphne sighed in contentment as she wandered the quiet corridors at a leisurely pace. There was no reason to rush. Everything was nice and quiet, and she had calmed down considerably. While today's help didn't count toward her detention time, Daphne would still rather be in the greenhouses than anywhere else. Tending to plants was therapeutic, and her tensions had soon eased. Today had become a decent day. She smiled at the thought, and swayed side to side as she walked, a song playing in her head. It was a muggle song - one of the of the songs from her aunt's CDs. It was strange, she thought, how it was nearly December. Soon it would be Christmas, and she would be back home with her parents. She hoped they wouldn't think badly of her for believing a troublemaker, but maybe the fact that she would be back at home for Christmas would make them happy enough that they wouldn't care so much.

Her happy mood was spoiled as she turned a corner and nearly walked into Gabe. Daphne's smile fell, and a look of horror crossed her face instead. Before she could stop them, she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes, and she pushed past him and began to run.

Why was he back here? Had he stayed for detention? He was definitely the last person she wanted to see. She ran down the corridors toward Slughorn's office. Where was the happy feeling again? She needed to forget about Gabe. Daphne wanted to feel happy again, but the feeling was gone. Sooner or later she would have to face him, but she'd rather it be later.


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Aurora Rose Riddle

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Aurora smiled "yeah some sweets sound good right now. " She took her last sip of butterbeer , setting it down gently. Standing up rather quickly, She shook her coat and slipped it on. " Oh really now" she said to his remark with a small smirk on her face. Aurora always acted different around him. He always brought out a fun side to her.

"by the way, are you staying for christmas? i could always use a buddy around then" She asked stuffing her hands into her pockets.

Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus gave a small snort and took one last sip of his own butter beer. Rising to his feet, he watched her shrug on her coat and listened to her question. Giving a small frown, he shook his head with a sigh of regret.
"Unfortunately not this year...I wish though. My parents want me back home for their annual Christmas party. My mother has been complaining that I don't go home very often for the holidays. So I have to appease her in some way...plus, I sort of feel bad for not going back last Christmas." He muttered, rearranging his scarf as he spoke. He could still hear his grandmother's voice ringing through his head in the letter that had been sent to him just asfter the last Christmas break.
'You should be ashamed of yourself. How could you leave your parents to celebrate christmas alone? Don't ypu know they actually wanted you there this year? And you call yourself a Malfoy? Ha...don't make me laugh, you foolish child.'
Shaking his head again to get rrid of the rather unpleasant though, he plastered a smile onto his face to ward of what was the beginnings of a very foul mood.
"Whenever you're ready Rora...I'll race ya." He grinned, looking rather boy-ish as he did so.
"Last one there buys the other's candy!" He chuckled, turning on his heel and speed walking towards the door. Pulling it open, he turned behind him to wink at Aurora before taking off at a rather surprising speed into the chilled outdoors.



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Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx watched in anger as Titus and the other female Hufflepuff talked with each other. Her grip on her mug that once held her hot chocolate became tighter and tighter. In tell it snapped. Cutting the palm of her hand. The blond who was now staring daggers at the closed door of the The Three Broomsticks did not even noise as she was to busy thinking of ways to hurt a certain little badger.

She then simple looked down at her hand. The liquid quickly became the main color. It spread over her pale skin dying it red. She wiped in on her coat as she stood. It blended well with the black color that she was wearing. "Well Pandora. It was a pleasure meeting you but I have some where I need to be." She said her goodbye to the girl before pushing back her chair. Her hand still dripping her life force. Making a trail of droplets with each step that she took. Her stormy blue eyes followed the pair as they made their way unaware to Honey Dukes. She merely just followed. Devious things popping her head as she went on her way.

Hogsmead outfit



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Aurora Rose Riddle

A small frown came across her chapped lips. "too bad i was hoping for a buddy to help pass the time" She said as pulled out her chapstick. " At least you have family to bug you. The home just cant wait to get rid of me " She sighed and swiped on her red cherry chapstick. Slipping her hand back into her pocket she smiled.

As he ran off, She watched him wink at her again. Her knees weakened at the sight of his boy-ish charm. Why do he always have to do that to me. Cant he see what it does to me? She looked down and blushed before running out the door. She didnt notice nxy and her bloody hand or the way she was looking at her.

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Amateur Shapeshifter

{N}ɑȶɧɑɴ {A}ɭɛxɑȵɗɛʀ {G}ɭʀɇɇɴɢʀɑȿȿ

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Nathan watched with a great deal of amusement as his cousin all but bolted from the carriage the moment it stopped. Oh what a cute little gullible thing Titus was. Chuckling to himself, he exited the carriage at his own leisure and glanced around.
What to do? Starting up a rather relaxed pace, he wandered the streets of Hogsmeade, despite the chill in the air. Sure there was snow on the ground, but Nathan wasn't one to feel the cold. While most students would probably make a run for The Three Broomsticks to warm themselves up, Nathan made his way to the Quidditch shop. The little bell on the door tinkled merrily to announce his arrival when he stepped through the threshold. Greeting the cheery shopkeeper with a smile, he glanced around the store, letting his eyes fall upon a rather nice pair of gloves. Making a beeline straight for the set, he picked it rather gingerly and examined it rather closely. The shop keeper seeing his interest, came hustling over and began to tell Nathan all he needed to know about the gloves. Nodding his head rather absentmindedly at the shopkeeper's explanation, he glanced down at the price and gave a small snort. It was nothing for him since he had a sizable amount in the family vault in Gringotts bank. Digging his free hand into his pocket, he pulled out his money pouch and set the glove down. Taking out the necessary amount, he dropped the gold into the surprised but pleased shopkeeper's hands. Sliding on the glove to make sure it fit snug enough, he nodded at the shopkeeper's suggestion to package it for him. Taking the glove off, he dropped it into the shopkeeper's hands and watched the small portly figure scurry off. Shaking his head, he tightened the strings on the pouch and slipped it back into the same pocket that held his wand. He didn't have to wait long for the shopkeeper to return and soon found himself strolling the streets again with the nicely packaged bag in hand.
Just as he passed the Three Broomsticks, he saw the door open and his cousin tear out of the tavern. Blinking in surprise, he watched the boy disappear in the direction of Honeydukes. Lifting an eyebrow, he turned his attention back on the tavern, only to see another blond haired girl run out, following the same path his cousin was just running in. Not even a few seconds later, Nyx appeared and trailed after the blond girl. Blinking at the rather strange scene, he couldn't help but smirk a little at the look of murder on Nyx's face.
'Oh little cousin, what have you done now?' He mused to himself as he watched Nyx vanish in the direction of Honeydukes.
Suddenly intrigued, he followed the trio at a rather safe distance. Something told him that things were about to get amusing.



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((sorry about not posting Nathan, I accidentally forgot about him. sweatdrop ))

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