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Slytherin 0.31914893617021 31.9% [ 45 ]
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Daphne Amora Windcharm

Daphne returned to the greenhouses. For the first few minutes she was angry, but then remorse started to settle in. Maybe she'd been too hard on him? She didn't even really remember what she said - everything had sort of left her mouth at once, and she hadn't been able to stop it. Maybe she hadn't wanted to stop it. She looked down at the plant she was tending and wondered how Gabe was feeling. Part of her hoped he felt horrible, that he understood how much he'd hurt her and that he felt shame and guilt as a result. Although she felt that this was likely well-justified, another part of her hoped he didn't feel badly enough that he didn't want to speak to her again. She sighed. Professor Sprout had said that she should find friends who cared more about her than their projects, so given that advice, it might be for the best if he never spoke with her again. Even though, truth be told, the thought made her feel a little sad.

She turned quickly, hearing footsteps approach her. Maybe Gabe had come to talk and beg forgiveness? But no, it was Professor Sprout.

"Did you get the repellant potion I sent you for, Daphne?" she asked.

Daphne shook her head. "No, Professor Slughorn wasn't in his office."

"Ah yes, I remember he went to Hogsmeade today. He must not be back yet," Sprout concluded. Daphne nodded her understanding, her eyes on her plant again. Sprout's tone became one of concern. "Did something happen, Daphne?"

"I ran into Gabe." Daphne spoke quietly, as if she were speaking so only her plant could hear her. Softly, she told Professor Sprout of the encounter. After she was finished, her head of house was silent for a moment.

"Daphne, I think perhaps you could use a rest. You should go back to your dormitory now. I can finish up here."

Daphne had no idea what Sprout meant by that, but she figured that being alone for a while might be good for her. So, instead of questioning, she just nodded and left. It felt like she was drifting through the corridors, not really walking, but gliding like one of the ghosts. Everything around her felt...hollow somehow. Even she felt hollow. It was a relief when she reached the barrels by the kitchen. She tapped the appropriate barrel lid, and entered the tunnel once the door opened. Daphne took no heed of the plants that waved at her, or the younger students who sat in the common room studying. She immediately went up the stairs to the girls' dormitory, and collapsed on her bed.

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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
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Juniper Gaunt

As Juniper was clearing the tears from her eyes. She noticed that Aaron had stopped and his arms were open as he was offering a hug. She hesitated for a moment as thought about what his motives could be. Then again he could just be offering a hug for comfort. Which she could really use at the moment. So she took the couple of steps that closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around his middle. Her head came to rest on his chest. As she felt his arms tighten around her. She could not help but let out a sigh.

She thought over his question before she shook her head. "No. Titus and I are just friends. He was the first male to treat me just like everyone else." Since she could remember she thought of being a veela was a curse. Never to have real friends as she could never trust whether it her or her blood that they want to be around. These thought brought up more tears as her body started to shake in sobs. She was just so tired of being a veela.

Hogsmead Outfit


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Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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At Nyx's inquiry about his candy stash, Titus couldn't help but give a rather sheepish grin.
"Ah...yeah my supply has dwindled down to just about nothing, which is probably one of the reasons why I was looking forward to coming to Hogsmead again. Honeydukes was on the top of my priority list as it usual is." He joked, wondering if he should get started on his own candy shopping. He did after all have a rather large shopping list when it came to candy.
Blinking a little at Nyx's hands, he realized she was using her left hand and not her dominant hand. Quirking a eyebrow, he glanced up at her.
"I don't meant to sound rude but, is everything alright with your hand, Nyx?" He questioned, subtly pointing at said appendage.
"Or did you decide to give yourself a challenge and use your left hand all day?" He questioned, clearly joking a little again. He figured it was probably because she wanted to hid her injured hand from him but he would let her say that herself. For now, he would give her the benefit of the doubt.


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Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx stiffened a bit as Titus asked why she was using her left hand. Her mind raced for a second as she tired to come up with a good lie to tell him. Then again the truth with a twist is always a good route to go. "Oh it is nothing. I merely cut my hand is all. Just a scratch." She said with a wave as she placed some acid pops into her basket.

Soon enough her basket was now full and she was very happy to be restocking her stash of sweets. "Well I'm am good on my sweets. Hows your going? You almost done?" She asked as she turned toward him. Her basket now fully of nearly every kind of sweet that Honeydukes had to offer.

Hogsmead outfit



Dangerous Lunatic

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( Rykar Cooper )xxxxxxxx

                                                      Rykar walked on the streets with Shane. He walked with his head lowered. Rykar might have looks and talent but had a hard time believing in himself. Plus for him coming out made it harder. Shane on the other hand was smiling at girls. With him being a famous Quidditch Players, people would smile at him. "So should we go to Three Broomsticks for food or do you still need violin strings?" Shane said. Rykar rubbed the back of his neck. "Um sure. We can eat at Three Broomsticks.." He said. Shane grinned and gravbbed him by the shoulders. "Ry, relax. You'll find a guy sooner or later." He said with a smile


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Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus almost laughed at Nyx's question and shook his head, spreading his empty hands.
"Yeah...about that. I'm a little slow at getting started today, it seems. Let me just go grab a bag and at least catch up to you." He joked, hurrying off to get a bag. Making his way back to Nyx through the crowd, he spotted Nathan taling with Rora and his face split into a frown. What was going on over there? Shaking he head, he quickly did a round of the store, filling up his bag to bulging.
Reappeared beside Nyx, a few minutes later, he gave a small huff, clearly a little out of breath. which he shouldn't be since, he was after all, a quidditch player.
"There, all caught up...sorry about the wait." he apologized, grinning at Nyx as he held up his own rather enormous bag.
"Should we head to the cashier?" He questioned, wondering if there was some way he could wait for Rora...but seeing as how she was stuck with Nathan, Titus highly doubted he would be able to wait for her. Especially if Nyx was around.


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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx did not get another word in before Titus took off to get himself a basket. A light frown crossed her face as she waited for him to return. She merely kept pace in the aisle that she had found him in the first place. The basket weighing down on her wrist as she held it. The others around her just ignored her as they did not wish to set her off in some way.

It was only a couple of minutes later when Titus returned with a full basket. A smile replaced the frown as she took up stride with him to the cashier. As they made their way up there she noticed Nathan and the Hufflepuff girl. She nearly faltered in her step. What in the world was Nathan doing talking to a Hufflepuff. She was falling behind Titus as she was deciding to go to Nathan or not. She decided that she will just ask him later and quickly caught up with Titus to check out her items.

Hogsmead outfit



Dangerous Lunatic

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( Shane Striker )xxxxxxxx

                                                      Shane saw Honeydukes and then grinned. "Dude, Candy. I want some licorice." He said grabbing the red head towards the store with him. "Really?" Rykar said. Shane smiled as he went in. He saw Nyx with Titus in the store and saw Rykar didn't follow him into the store. He shurrged his shoulders as he looked at licorice.,


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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Tycoon 200
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx stood in line beside Titus when a flash of red caught her eye. It was one of her fellow Slytherins. She did not know him personally but she did know of him. Then again who did not in this school. Shane was an actual professional quidditch player. Thought why would he sticks around here she had not the slightest clue. If she could get out of here earlier then she would take it. Then again she hated this place who knew what he thought. She merely watched him out of the corner of her eye as she stood next to Titus awaiting their turn.

Hogsmead outfit



Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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As Titus waited his turn, he saw a flash of red from the corner of his eye. Turning his head he saw the red-haired Shane. Giving the boy a nod of his head in greeting, he moved up to the cashier and heaved his bag onto the counter. Giving the amused cashier a sheepish grin and a helpless shrug, he handed the woman the right amount of gold and heaved the bag of sweets off the counter. Moving to the door, he stood right beside it as he waited for Nyx to finish. If Shane was around, Ryder might not be far. Titus knew the two were close as two peas in a pod. one was never far from the other.



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Dangerous Lunatic

Shane gave the two a smile as he looked on the wall. He found some of the new products and spotted there was muggle candy. And he knew Rykar lived muggle candy. He grabbed some and walked over to the window and knocked on the glass. Rykar looked at him causing Shane to put up the candy causing the boy to smile. He ran in and took it. "Coke gummies. Oh god." Rykar said as Shane grinned.

Desirable Rogue

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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx did not acknowledge Shane as he past by them. She just placed her basket full of candy. Reason behind the snub was of course behind his blood status. No one knew it. Which seemed very odd to her. How did you not know your own blood line. Her own you could follow it up to ten generations back. Her blood was a pure as freshly fallen snow.

After paying for her items in which she got another odd look from the witch at the counter. She only ignored her and continued out with Titus. Though most would not think she would be caught dead with the Hufflepuff boy. When it came right down to it his blood was just as pure as hers. Which was one of the main things that drew her to him in the first place. Of course real feeling have blossomed over time. Her boots crunched on the snow below as she walked with Titus. The air getting colder as the sun starting to descend in the sky. It still hand a couple of hours before it disappeared below the tree lines plunging the area in darkness. She decided it was a good time to head back to the castle. As she was feeling the cold air on her tight covered legs. It was not a pleasant feeling. "It looks like it time to head back. Care to join me in the carriage ride back?" She questioned Titus as she changed her route toward the awaiting carriages.

Hogsmead outfit



Amateur Shapeshifter

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ʆɨ {T}itus {D}amon{M}alfoyʆɨ

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Titus nodded at her question and changed his direction towards the carriages. This was the perfect time to talk to Nyx about everything, but he didn't want the talk to turn sour between the two of them and cut off whatever friendship they had. Frowning a little to himself, he mentally steeled himself for the task and took a deep breath. The blast of icy air sent chills down his spine but the cold fortified him.
"Nyx, do you think we can talk...about more serious matters once we get into the carriage...provided we get a carriage to ourselves?" He questioned, bundling his scarf closer to his neck. He would have to apologize to Rora when he saw her again in the common room. No doubt she was probably still stuck with Nathan. He'd have to pay her back somehow for leaving her behind the way he did.


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Desirable Rogue

8,675 Points
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No one knows what it's like...
To be hated...
To be fated...
To telling only lies...

{ Nxy Carrow. }

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Nyx furrowed her brow at his words. What kind of serious matter would he want to talk about? She racked her brain for an answer but she was coming up empty. "Sure Titus." She said her words slowly as she walked toward the carriages that were lined up waiting for passengers. It was not hard to find a empty one as it seemed that nearly all the others had already made their way back to the school. The only thing they had to worry about was others joining their own carriage.

Grabbing a hold of the side she pulled herself into the carriage and took a seat to the right. Placing her back on bought good on the seat beside her, she just waited for Titus to join her. Her mind still trying to figure out what he wanted to talk about. Then idea popped in her head, making her blush slightly. Luckily her skin was already red from the cold so hopefully it was able to hide it. The thought that ran threw her head, was he going to say something about them. Confess feelings she always hoped he had. Running her hand threw her hair to calm the mess the winds had created. She had been waited for this since she was ten years old. When the first time she realized that the feeling she had in her was love. At least she hoped that was what he wanted to talk about. A serious talk from Titus were very rare.

Hogsmead outfit



Lonely Gaian

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+++ Aaron +++ Soohoo +++
+++ 5th +++ Year +++
+++ Gryffindor +++

Aaron felt Juniper's warmth amongst his chest as she hugged the Gryfindor. A sign of comfort to say the least and it seemed Juniper needed one. "I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through at the moment. I wish I could relate." Juniper then responded to his original question about Titus...claiming that they were just friends that he was the 'first' to treat her normally. They let go of the small hug they had.

"I don't understand. You seem normal to me...why would other people judge you like that. I'm glad to hear that Titus has done that for you. Not many people are kind like that anymore." He noticed the beginning of the carriages were beginning to arrive back at the castle.

"Hey Let's get inside before the fan girl club arrives."

OOC: so...busy....i...hate...it....

Outfit: Hogsmeade Trip!!


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