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"Who dares to hurt a weakling...


Dragging her luggage in the main building, Varian has no time to stop and look at the new school. She had gotten a bad morning while going to school and she has no time for admiration. Someone spilled coffee on her shirt while walking to school. She knew that the person means it because everyone know who she was. Instead of attacking him, she calmed herself and just ignore it. She quickly changed clothes in a public restroom but she slipped in the wet, dirty floor as she was about to change. To her anger, she had punched the mirror which made the other girls scamper in fear.

She didn't hesitate to enter the office and march towards a woman which was seating and doing some paper works. She cough, trying to get the woman's attention. "Morning", she greeted coldly. "I'm Varian Ellcock and I'd like to get my dorm key.",she uttered. The woman looked at her for a few seconds and when she frowned, the woman snapped out and open the drawer and pulled out a key with a label of '03A'. She put it on her pocket and nod sign of 'thanks' and 'I'm going'.

Instead of heading to her dorm to put her luggage, she pulled out a few coins to get a cola at one of the vending machines. She sat down on a bench and drank it all over. Now, her hazel hair was tied up and her brown eyes were about to be closed. She was lazy and sleepy. She looked at the window behind her and there was a big Oak tree letting a few raise of the sun pass inside. The wind was blowing smoothly and that felt her more sleepy. She drank the cola again so that she could stay awake. And then, she looked back outside again. 'I don't really know why am I in this place', she thought.

... is a weakling."

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xxxxxxxxx H u m a n – l e g g e d xx S i r e n

❝Why do I have to be different?
Why can’t I be normal? ❞

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hours in a Day

                          Even though her left eye was blinded by blood, her right could see perfectly clear. And what she saw was pure chaos forming before her. A force pushed her back, making her fall backwards and colliding with the ground, with pain from the shards and now a whaked out back...she was starting to hate this first day. What the-what just happened? But, the pain and blood kept her from opening her eyes, since it was the reason why she barely move without something hurting. She could hear fighting and was become drasticlly scared and soon reached to a point where she was trying to tear off a piece of her shirt to dry off the forming blood from around her eyes, but she was too scared and frightened to move.

Days a Week


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Ivan Braginski

Just Naturally Insane

{ ooc; }

Ivan didn't care much for the fighting that was going on. Hell, he was actually smiling as he watched it unfold. Chaos was normal in his home so a bit of chaos, probably over something stupid, didn't bother him. In fact, with his little snapped mind, Ivan would have gladly joined in. He didn't care for the time being. Someone to chat with would be nice as the snow slowed to a halt. They didn't even seem to notice the tiny white snowflakes.


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Dapper Cat

♪♫ is there a reasσn ... ♪♫
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minato Sai NuraUser Image
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      Minato had managed to get only so far before he got a ominous feeling. Not long after 'that one' appeared, as obnoxious as ever. To the best of his abilities, he ignored him and his pointless comments and words. Bonding with him wasn't ever going to happen. He was an idiot, with the thoughts and actions of a two year-old child. Not only this he constantly heated up the air around him. Moments later, the loafing idiot was touching him again, continuing to try his patience. There was something though... It was getting hotter. Almost reflexivly, he moved forward and stopped suddenly gripping the front of Amiri's shirt and leaning forward bringing his rear leg up he lifted his body from the ground and tossed him into the air with the help of a sudden burst of cold air. This judo throw was something he'd learned in order to get him away from him as quickly as possible, adding his own twist to increase the length of the throw. That b*****d. What was he trying to do? Irritated, he hoped the b*****d would fall on his neck and break it, but with his luck he would simply right himself and land.

      "Idiot! What are you trying to do? Kill me?", he shouted irritably. A array of ice spikes formed around him before cruising after the retard. "Die!", he growled shortly. Not only was this irritating, the sudden raise in his temperature left him feeling weak. He knew too much heat was dangerous for him, yet he did that crap anyways. Truly proof of his utter disregard for others. He did so hope the spike would make their mark, it would be pleasant to see him drown in his own blood. Then he would never have to see that stupid face again. Not only that, he was doing such thing out in the open, thoughtlessly. Turning his gaze he noticed a single soul, a girl, sitting on a bench. Perhaps, he could direct the fool's attentions in that direction. "Besides, if you keep doing weird stuff like this girls will think you're gay, like that one over there.", he motioned with the short flick of his wrist.

    pssst ... do us both a favor, and leave me alone ...
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    A Frozen Heart0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    ♪♫ for yσu're annσying presence ? ♪♫

          It's nѳt just
          ;;ɧittinɠ thinɠs witɧ a stiɔk,it's [ fεεling] the hεɑrt ɓεɑt the [[music]]
                  --E v e r yBODY says the s a m e t h i n g To // Y O U //


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                            Rin -- K a g a m i..

                in kept a straight, emotionless face as the boy went on to call her small , bite sized creature. Yes, she knew she was small. Small in height, body, mind and brain. At least she had one thing sure to help her rid of her ' small ' qualities. Her big, fiery attitude. Yup. That's right. The boy asked how she was capable of yelling so loud for her size. Quite simple. Actually, a bit too simple. Along with her big, fiery attitude came a loud, shrilling voice. She's small is everything though if you do now want to get b***h slapped into next week Tuesday, her favorite day, then take into consideration about calling her attitude small, or her voice soft. Please, for the sake of your lovely firm cheek - do not do it.
                Rin rolled her eyes at the boy's comment. She refused to answer his question even if she were getting paid for it. He did not have to point out the fact that she was small.. she's well aware of that. Right now Rin had all capabilities of slamming this window shut to block out the sound of the boy's voice but the sudden appearance of her sister caused her to reconsider closing it. Just what is this little b***h named Nephret up to now.. ? Rin was taken aback at the sight of her sister slashing through innocent little animals like it was the Fourth of July! Blood splattered everywhere, Bird bodies collapsed onto the ground and their eyeballs popped out. Has Nephret finally lost it.. ? Rin's white feathery angel wings erupted from her back. They were quite large in size, width and length.

                She crawled out of the window and swooped down towards the bodies of the three students, landing on her feet. Specs of sparkles collected itself onto Rin's wings, making them burst into oblivion, meaning they were no longer there.. they went poof. She made them disappear, of course. Rin looked down at the bodies of the slaughtered birds. Doves were supposed to be a symbol of peace, not a symbol of murder! " WHAT are you doing, Nephret? Are you mental?! Stop right now! You're hurting innocent doves. Doves are a symbol of peace, not a symbol of ' Hey, look over here I'm a dove, kill me now! '. There's nothing to run from., idiot sister..". Rin glanced over her shoulder at the white haired boy. He was following Nephret.. now he really is an alien! Rin walked over to him and smacked him on the upside of her head. " Are you sick in the head too? They're birds not vial beasts brought to earth to eat our brains out! Listen, we're all new here... I get it, but does that give us an excuse to slaughter innocent animals on our first day? ARE YOU TWO ******** STUPID?. Her gaze flickered from the boy to Nephret. For the entire time the other girl was lost in a mass of shock. Rin could clearly identify why - both Nephret and that white haired kid are insane. Rin advanced toward the girl, bent down to her level and pull out a handkerchief, mopping the pool of blood forming around her eyes. It was strange how it happened and Rin couldn't help but wonder why she got so frightened from it all, but Rin pushed aside her little thought and decided to help the girl anyways. " Hi, I'm Rin. Are you okay, does your eye hurt.. ? I see only one eye is doing this while the other isn't. Do you have some sort of rare condition.. ?, she questioned the girl with a look of worry plastered across her face. Rin may be mean, cold hearted and blunt but she has a heart, she cares.

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Malevolent Prophet

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If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

Golden wings sprouted from Amiri’s back and he used a burst of flame to stop his rotation. His rotation slowed and finally stopped, leavin the boy facing the wrong way. He was flying upside down, but it didn’t really matter. “Ehh I wasn’t trying to kill you. But, it would’ve been wonderful if my little snowflake melted.” He smirked deviously, taking the ear buds from their resting place. He tucked them into his hoodie pocket, still smirking. It was true that he knew how dangerous the heat was. But, nonetheless, he knew Minato could get away. The spikes finally reached him, going from solid to gas before Minato could blink. They were weak spikes, easily disposed of because of his brother’s weakness to heat. Really it was just a futile effort to cause pain. But, even though it seemed so dangerous, Amiri could only say one thing. “Bull s**t!”
There was no true danger because he knew the outcome. He continued to fly upside down, yawning lightly. He slowly began to approach his brother, laughing as he heard the gay comment. “C’mon son. We both know that I’m straight. Who cares about me embracing my wonderful brother? I just love putting you into my warm embrace, your reactions are always the best. You really think I’d try to kill you? Calm down Killer, mom would end my life if I let you die. ESPECIALLY if I was the cause.”
The phoenix cracked his knuckles, letting out another obnoxious yawn. “Hmm speaking of girls and what they think.” He smiled lightly, inspecting the girl for a minute. Well, wasn’t she the cute one. She was definitely someone worth talking to. Unless she was crazy or something. There were a couple things that Amiri had run into with his constant flirting. One of the biggest problems was crazy chicks. Something he couldn’t stand. There something about a girl who can’t shut up, or does weird things that makes him….shaky. He looked at Minato, letting out a small sigh. “Dear brother, please calm down. It’s pitiful that you released such a strong reaction. Besides, I think a little payback was deserved. You ditched me when we got here so I declared it necessary.”
Wings began to flap and a rain of gold descended onto the ground. His feathers burned to ash, dissipating with the wind. Amiri straightened himself, landing soon after. The wings basically disappeared with a poof, ash replacing them. The ash quickly met the warm embrace of the wind, being carried off into the sky long before it could hit the ground. “Now, either we can go to our room or continue to argue. Your choice bro.”

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Where: Outside wandering around.
With: -
Emotion: -
Thinking: -
Music: Skrillex
OhOhCea: Chaos END!
[quote-Revolutionary Cupcakes]

EDIT: Added color.

Alpha returned to his normal self, out of battle mode, though from the excitement his voice started to glitch, repeating like a skipping cd and taking a slightly mechanical tone. He addressed the Rin directly, "B-B-irds. Ye-e-es. I know this, but this wo-om-oman charged with her -sw-o-o-ord dra-aw-awn. In-sti-i-i-inct." He said with a small bow as an apology. He then turned his eyes towards the siren girl, who he actually still didn't know was a siren, and leaned down to her. His voice still semi robotic and slightly broken he spoke up, "Yo-oooo-ou are Blee-e-e-ed-ing. Ca-a-an I hel-lp?" He asked with a cocked head, eye to eye with the girl. This guy obviously never heard of the concept of personal space, because without warning he gently reached out and removed some blood from the girl gently.

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xxxxxxxxx H u m a n – l e g g e d xx S i r e n

❝Why do I have to be different?
Why can’t I be normal? ❞

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hours in a Day

                          One. Allison was pissed. Two. She felt only pain right now, even with the hankerchief dabbing at her eye. Three. She couldn't speak until she finally out of shock. She's never seen fighting like this, it had scared her so much. "What? What do you mean a rare condition?" With hardly any blood in her left eye she slowly opened it, but quickly shut it. It was still the pain that kept her eye shut from sight.

                          Allison had always hated pain, any form or shape that it took to her, she hated it. Never loved it and would never try anything to hurt herself. But with everything happing at once, she didn't know how to respond to any of it. Hearing the boy, she smiled a little but kept it small. "You can if you want." His voice sounded differently though. Like it was skipping and repeating letters from his words.

Days a Week

[Out.Of.Conscious.: how'd he know she was a siren? wait nevermind]

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          It's nѳt just
          ;;ɧittinɠ thinɠs witɧ a stiɔk,it's [ fεεling] the hεɑrt ɓεɑt the [[music]]
                  --E v e r yBODY says the s a m e t h i n g To // Y O U //


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                            Rin -- K a g a m i..

                in tilted her head to the side, astounded that even after most of the blood had been mopped away it still inflicted pain onto her yes. Strange. " Well... ", the girl began, tucking away the bloody hankerchief into the white haired boy's pocket. She had needed a proper way to dispose of it. What could be better than the robotic male's dirty jeans.. ? " By rare condition, I mean if this had always happened since you born. And in simpler form what I'm trying to say is, did you always have this condition, were you born with it or what it bestowed upon you recently ? You don't have to answer if you do not want to. No one is -- woah woah, robot boy, back up. No coming too close to the girl, your system might crash and you'll fall ontop of her. You and Nephret have frightened her enough. By the way, to point out the obvious You sounded like a scratched C-D just now with the way your voice had been skipping, or in this case a system malfunction ". The blood that had gotten onto Rin's finger was then brushed into the boy's pants. She, once again, could not find away way to get rid of the stain other than wiping it on the boy's pants.

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Where: Outside wandering around.
With: -
Emotion: -
Thinking: -
Music: Skrillex
OhOhCea: Chaos END!
[quote-Revolutionary Cupcakes]

Alpha was taken back by Rin's comment. His voice was on the fritz again! He turned his head and looked right at Rin and gave a nod and backed up a little bit, oblivious to the bloody rag in his pocket now. He looked from Rin to Allison and back to Rin as she put even more blood on him with that damned finger. He seemed a bit confused, he had seen much blood in his lifetime, albeit most of it was his own, so blood didn't bother him. And of coarse by blood we mean a synthetic red oil type blood mix. Alpha spoke up in his glitched out voice, "I-IiIim sorr-rrrr-rrr-y about my V-oi-oi-ce. M-M-miiiiiin-----er Malfun-c-c-ction." he said and then literally slammed his fist into the choker around his neck. He cleared his throat and spoke, "There. But in defense of myself and who ever else attacked...Those birds were giving me the evil eye. I don't know how to handle being looked at like that by a bird. Its unnatural." it was funny that he said it was unnatural, as he wasn't even alive by definition.

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xxxxxxxxx H u m a n – l e g g e d xx S i r e n

❝Why do I have to be different?
Why can’t I be normal? ❞

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hours in a Day

                          "Well...........n-no. Not really." Allison answered. Finally some of the pain had subsided and she could move enough to sit up, with her back hunched. With both of her hands, she moved them like she was doing some karate arm move, and bubbles of water from the stream came at lightening speed toward them, but stopped in Allison's presences. The bubbles moved to her eye slowly and soon she could see as all the blood and wounds were cleaned. Now the matter to deal with was pulling out the shards and having stiches.

                          Opening both of her eyes now, they were so blue that even the bubbles of water reflected her eye color. Looking around, she stopped at the boy. "What's your name?" she asked innocently. She kinda liked this guy, but was still afraid of what he could do.

Days a Week

[Out.Of.Conscious.: welp...wat to do know?]

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Where: Outside wandering around.
With: -
Emotion: -
Thinking: -
Music: Skrillex
OhOhCea: Organic tissues, lololol also I promise the post looks bigger when not in 10.5 font. Not that its a problem. But I figured if it bothered me someone else was bothered by it.

Alpha blinked as this girl seemed to be in pain, was it his fault. His reactor started to act up, was this guilt? He didn't know but there was something he could do. Alpha offered her a smile, but in reality it just turned out to be a weird facial expression, almost like he had gas pain. He realized that was a fail smile so he quickly ended it. "My name? Its Project Seraphoid. Everyone at the lab called me Alpha though, as im the first." he stated. It didn't occur to him to ask her name, so instead he acted on the perceived sigh of pain. This girl was still in pain? Alpha didn't feel pain like a normal living creature, his tolerance was stupidly high do to the tests. Alpha looked the girl over bluntly, it looked like he was checking her out but that wasn't the case, he was assessing the damage done to her organic tissues. "I can heal you, but it might scare you more. But I assure you it will close those wounds and remove and debris left inside and wounds." he said as he looked directly into her eyes.

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