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Fashionable Nerd

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E A C H choice we make causes a R I P P L E effect in our lives
When things happen to us it is the R E A C T I O N we choose that can create the D I F F E R A N C E
between the sorrows of our P A S T and the joy in our F U T U R E

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As Kamari walked away from the werewolf, she still had not gotten a name from she took a breath of air trying to cool off. It wasn’t working well, the werewolf had managed to piss her off more then her own family. Little did she realize it was because they were so alike, but also so very different. It was something she would never let her mind think and then agree with it. Walking up to the school, she opened the door and walked up the stairs as she headed to her room to retrieve her book. It would be the only thing that would possibly calm her down. Reading was the main thing that calmed her down these days, since literature was always changing. People were always finding new things to write about, or in some authors cases to rant about. That was just Kamari’s opinion though, she would even tell the authors she thought of in person if she had the chance.

Upon getting to her room, she opened it up grabbed her book. As she was leaving the room she saw her camera laying on her night side table and decided to grab it as well, in case reading got boring. Hooking the strap around her wrist, she tightened it before leaving her room. As she walked out she decided to first go to the library, hopefully to find more books to read, but unsure if she would. Getting to the bottom on the stair, she turned and headed into the library. Walking into the library she spotted an empty chair and sat in it to finish her book.

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¤ Out Of Commonsense ¤:Back Home,but college papers time DX

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Friendly Shapeshifter

10,500 Points
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[[So why did everyone suddenly stop postin?]]

(I'm guessing because of the holidays...and stuff sweatdrop )
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          It's nѳt just
          ;;ɧittinɠ thinɠs witɧ a stiɔk,it's [ fεεling] the hεɑrt ɓεɑt the [[music]]
                  --E v e r yBODY says the s a m e t h i n g To // Y O U //


                            Rin -- LinK a g a m i..

                Gray eyes lit up with fright at the young male's question. She lowered her head, unable to think of an explanation to present to him. If Stephan wanted to know so badly then he could have figured it out on his own terms. Lin was positive that this young man was very intelligent for his age, so what was so hard about piecing small facts together to create an answer.. ?

                In truth, Lin did think that fighting back her sister would be inappropriate on her part. In fact, fighting is an activity Lin never takes part in , or tries as much as possible to never be apart of. Just so happens that today a fight broke out which would involve her and although the young black haired girl had the right tools in mind to defend herself she did not put them to good use. " Fighting just isn't my thing.. ", the girl contradicted in her thoughts. " Especially if the person I happen to get in a fight with is my sister.. ", she once again contradicted.
                With a small sigh, Lin's eyes traveled to Stephan. " She's my sister.. what more can I say? Sure she doesn't care whether or not I get hurt, she's still my sibling nonetheless. Sometimes - Sometimes you have to look past problems to find a solution, Stephan. If I fought back then the battle would have lasted longer, thus maybe destroying the entire school. I'm used to getting beaten up by my twin! No worries..". With that Lin fell silent, her eyes closing at the throbbing pain at the back of her head. She did have to admit this tiny fact ; her sister packs a hard punch. The powers her twin wields may be powerful, though perhaps, by a small chance , Lin is even stronger. It's difficult to identify if Lin's abilities are strong, since she rarely uses them. If she does use them then it's for her own personal gain, as in.. maybe cleaning her room, or planting flowers or something. No one - at least no one that knows her has ever witnessed Lin fighting. As said earlier it just isn't her thing. Her quiet personality does not suit it. Breaking the silence as well as the awkwardness floating around in the room, Lin then asked. " Are you going to stay in here all day, Stephan? I don't think it's best that you do.. I mean... I bet I'm due to get out of here any time now. I'm just wasting you-- ". Her lips ceased with movement, her eyes came to a close. All of a sudden she lost breath. Her chest wheezed, her body twitched. It was almost as if she was going through the signs of a possible heart attack, but it was not a heart attack at all. Maybe not even a stroke. To be in the clear it has nothing to do with heart problems, but these signs meant that something went wrong. No. Something IS wrong.

                (( I swear.. the holiday chizz got me so busy! e_e Sorry Guys. Crappy post as well. ))

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I Kirby I's Wife

Lavish Kitten

11,700 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx t ' s xx t o o xx l a t e xxt o xx p u t xxo u t xx t h e xx ʄ i r e
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' m xxb u r n i n g xx i n xx t h e xx ʄ u e l

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ϩ o m e o n e xx s a v e xx ɱe

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx xx ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅xxxx

Sweat glistened off his chest as it heaved up and down. His breaths had become more raspy due to the fact that he was training so hard, his body began to tremble. He hadn't trained like this since the beginning of his guardian duties. He had promised his mother there would be no more like this or she would suspend him from training. She never said anything specific when taking out your anger, had she? He sat back on his bottom in defeat, finally letting go of everything and feeling the muscles in his body relax for the first time since being at this school. He hadn't exactly had the most amazing first day, and the second seemed to have gotten quite worse. His charcoal hair clung to his tan skin on the back of his neck like syrup. It was irritating but, he ignored the feeling for the time being. He didn't have time to deal with his long hair. And, no, he would never cut it. He ran a hand through the thick mane, a ghost smile pulling at his lips with no amusement. His mind kept thinking back to the troubled Vampire, not knowing if he should feel sympathetic or more annoyed to the fact that her life seemed a great deal of pain. The honorable thing to do was end the feud and stay out of each others way. The problem with that was Raziel's pride and his own past life that stopped him from doing so.

He clenched the spear in his hand tightly, his nails digging their way into his skin and drawing a small amount of blood. Raziel knew his pride was needing to be pushed aside in order for him to focus. Without that, he could just kiss becoming a prestigious guardian. Closing his red eyes, he took another deep breath before getting up and grabbing his things. He left the building without putting any shirt on, the heat form his body keeping him warm enough. But he did slip on his black jacket to keep from exposing too much skin. Lifting his head towards the sky, he took a big whiff to get Kamari's scent and went off towards the library.

((Out of Crayons: ))

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx xx ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMood: Angry; Trying to get calm
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWhere: Training room
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWith: No one
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxStatus: Getting the anger out


6,675 Points
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Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance,you must keep moving.ღ

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Phae glared at him unsure of why he would be laughing at a time like this. Did he not realize he had almost tryed to kill a living, breathing child? Couldn't he tell how pissed she was at him for what he had done? Honestly, what part of this whole situation was he missing that he could laugh right in the middle of it? Phae shook her head again disgusted that he could do such a thing. However, as Phae watched his reaction to what she said he had done, she could tell he was shocked. She wondered what was roaming through his mind as she waited for his response. Once in a while she could see he was going to say something, but he would stop and begin to think again. When he finally spoke, Phae's expression was no longer harsh or mean, but sad. Yes she was extatic that Drake survived unscathed, but she was sad that it of course had to be her boyfriend who had to try and kill him. Well, ex-boyfriend now she guessed. Could she really continue to go out with someone who attempted murder? The thought of not being with him only moments ago wouldn't have affected her, but now. Now that she has seen the surprise and sadness in his face it was hard and hurt her heart just to think about. Without her control a tear had managed to escape and run down her cheek. Before anymore could sneak out Phae shook her head, pushing back any other thoughts that pertained to her relationship with Musica.

She was about to say something, when he stood up looking rather pitiful. He was in so much pain, on the outside, but she was pretty sure it might be worse on the inside. She didn't want him to leave, especially not on these terms, but she couldn't get words to come out of her mouth. It opened and shut and opened again, but nothing not even a whisper slipped out. However, she was able to reach out towards his back, but because he never turned around, he never saw it. How could she have fallen so hard for someone like him? Uh, Phae's head dropped and she looked at the grass pulling small pieces out. Phae took in a deep breath and cleared her mind. Once her thoguhts were all arranged, thrown away, or hidden under her metaphorical bed, Phae stood up and made her way into the school. She honestly had no idea what to do now, hopefully she would run into someone she could talk to.
"Wake up a**hole. I need to talk to you!" Phae yelled at him with a disgusted tone.

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Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance,you must keep moving.ღ

OOC: I was going to wait until everyone starts up again, but I got bored so... yeah. haha

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Conservative Sex Symbol

10,075 Points
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Perverted Juicebox

      ☒☒☒----xUser Image
      E m o t i o n ;; confused, worried.
      L o c a t i o n ;; the gardens.
      C r u s h ;; C l o u d ☁
      I want to hate you half as much as I hate my self

      She nodded. "Good idea." Len smiled. "Wh-why is this hard to believe..?" Len let go of his hand and looked at him with a hurt expression on her face. She looked down and his arm around her waist. She ignored what he said about food and just stood there. Len folded her arms and looked away from cloud. She frowned and ran a hand through her hair. Len shut her eyes and stepped forward, out of his arms. "i've been hurt before. I don't want it to happen again." She said quietly, blinking as she did.

      Out Of C a u t i o n;; ((Sorry I haven't posted in a while.))xxxxxxxxYou know that I could crush you with my voice

Fashionable Nerd

9,175 Points
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E A C H choice we make causes a R I P P L E effect in our lives
When things happen to us it is the R E A C T I O N we choose that can create the D I F F E R A N C E
between the sorrows of our P A S T and the joy in our F U T U R E

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As Kamari sat in her chair and read she let herself relax back into the chair, relaxing being something did very seldom, as it would be an opportunity for somebody to sneak up on her. Something that her family tried to to do often, which is why she hadn't let her guard down in so long. So for her to be doing it now, was huge for her in many ways since she was usually almost always on watch out, but the book was so good she wasn't up for really caring at that moment. As she read her book, she was slightly sadden by the ending as she finished it. With a small sigh she shut her book and glanced up" I wonder if they have anything else good to read" She thought out loud to herself as she got up, sticking the book in the return pile as she walked by it on her way to the book shelves.

Upon entering the shelved area she glanced at the books as she walked down the isle, not exactly sure what she was looking for, but also wanting a good book to read. Glancing at the shelves, she was finding nothing she actually wanted to read so she gave up, and decided it was time she took some pictures with her camera. With this decision in mind, she left the library with her camera now in her hand, heading towards the front of the building so she could start her exploration for the perfect pictures to take. Pictures being something she is super picky about, since she hated to waste the space on her camera that she has had since they first invented digital cameras. With these thoughts going through her head she had completely pushed the wolf out of her mind.

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¤ Out Of Commonsense ¤:Sorry I took so long >.<

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Harmony Souls

I Kirby I's Wife

Lavish Kitten

11,700 Points
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User Image xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a z i e l
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx t ' s xx t o o xx l a t e xxt o xx p u t xxo u t xx t h e xx ʄ i r e
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxҜ r o s s
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' m xxb u r n i n g xx i n xx t h e xx ʄ u e l

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ϩ o m e o n e xx s a v e xx ɱe

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx xx ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅xxxx

Raziel stopped short at the sight of Kamari leaving the Library. He didn't know whether he should follow her or leave her be, but he didn't want to leave things how they were. He didn't have a heavy guilty conscience, just a heavy moral. Raziel was having a hard time arguing with himself until he noticed she had a camera in her hand. So, she is going to take pictures right now? He questioned in his head, almost a little surprised. He loved photography and had his own camera in his dorm upstairs. He didn't like taking it out often due to the fact that the simpletons in this school had no respect for others belongings. Raziel's eyes closed lightly, trying to think of a way to catch her attention. He could just call out her name, wait for her to respond. Maybe give her a light tap on the shoulder to make his presence known first? No, if he were in the position, he wouldn't want anyone touching him at all. Especially not the someone who seemed to piss him off. Raziel gave a defeated sigh, walking a bit closer to the Vampire girl and calling her name, "Kamari." It was a rather dull call but, there was nothing to really do about it.

The male wolf had a quick thought to retreat. But, no. That would be cowardly and he most certainly wasn't. There was a quick mental flash next about how the scenes could be played out. Option 1; she would understand and they could part their separate ways, avoiding one another unless specified otherwise. Or maybe option 2; she could be the stubborn, bratty Vampire he'd seen so far irrationally make the situation worse than it had already come to be. Shaking his head, he snapped out of the weird images and waited patiently for him to acknowledge him. "Kamari, I need to talk to you," he called again, just in case she hadn't heard him. Even though she was a Vampire, she often seemed to mishear what he was saying. Or misinterpret, anyway.
((Out of Crayons: ))

xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ xx xx ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMood: Upset; Bitter
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWhere: Outside
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWith: Kamari
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxStatus: Trying to settle something


6,050 Points
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((Guys Nephret is in a Coma and sorry it took me forever to post and she will wake up tomorrow so can people like her sisters visit her))
Ξ CloudTakeshi Ξ
( Cloud Takeshi )

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↘ ♪♪♪ тнε мσмεηт ρεσρℓε
xxxxxffffffffffffffffffffffffxxxcσмε тo кησω
xxxxdffffffxxxxfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffxℓ ♥ v ε, тнεy яυη тнε яisк σf cαяяyiηg нαтε. ♪♪♪ ↙

Excuse me, may I say a few words?

Cloud was actually surprised by her reaction. He swallowed his own spit, and took a deep breath."I... I didn't mean it like that." he stared at her, and breathed out a cold, long, breath. I would ******** up already, he thought. s**t, she can read my mind!, he remembered. "Ugh... I... It..." he couldn't seem to find the perfect way to describe what he was thinking. "It's just that Good things don't happen to me... So, this is a surprise... I just never imagined someone like you, would consider me. I love you." Who took a step closer to her, still giving her a few inches of space. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean anything by it, I promise." he sighed. "I'm sorry..."

[Out of Clams; ]

мσσ∂ ♒: (Guilty)
тαℓкιηg тσ ♒: Len

"Ok, I'm done. You where saying?"

Haku Seiketsu


•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»

Conservative Sex Symbol

10,075 Points
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Perverted Juicebox

      ☒☒☒----xUser Image
      E m o t i o n ;; relief, happy again.
      L o c a t i o n ;; the gardens.
      C r u s h ;; C l o u d ☁
      I want to hate you half as much as I hate my self

      "okay." Len said. A hint of a grin reached her face as she heard his thoughts. She listened to him closely, and as cloud stepped towards her, she threw his arms round her neck. "I'm sorry. I need to learn not to over react." She whispered. "I love you to." Len said, smiling at him. Len kissed him softly. "So to the cafeteria then?" She asked,

      Out Of C a u t i o n;; (())xxxxxxxxYou know that I could crush you with my voice
Ξ CloudTakeshi Ξ
( Cloud Takeshi )

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↘ ♪♪♪ тнε мσмεηт ρεσρℓε
xxxxxffffffffffffffffffffffffxxxcσмε тo кησω
xxxxdffffffxxxxfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffxℓ ♥ v ε, тнεy яυη тнε яisк σf cαяяyiηg нαтε. ♪♪♪ ↙

Excuse me, may I say a few words?

Cloud smiled, and gave a sigh of relief. He kissed her back, and once again, slid his arm around her. Moving on, past the subject, Cloud Nodded at her and took a step forward. He walked, until he reached the end of the corridor. He slid his hand in his pocket, playing with his Dorm room key. He looked over at her and laughed, "Umm... Where are we?" he smiled. He still hadn't learned this school, so he was completely and utterly lost. He stop playing with the key, and took his hand out of his pocket. He slid his a few strands of hair away from his eyes, and looked down the hallway. This school was gigantic. It was a complete mystery to him, it didn't look as big as it was from the outside, but then again, every building is like that. He awaited for her answer, once again, looking over, and starring at her face.

[Out of Clams; ]

мσσ∂ ♒: (Lost & Happy)
тαℓкιηg тσ ♒: Len

"Ok, I'm done. You where saying?"

Haku Seiketsu


•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»

I Kirby I's Wife

Lavish Kitten

11,700 Points
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a l a i s h a
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx y n n
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ϩ o xx a l i c i o u s

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx e a r xx m y xx a t exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx u n xx f r o m xx m y xx d e e p , xx Ϩ o u l l e s s xx y e s
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx w i l l xx t a k e xx o v e r xx y o u r xx i f e xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx y xx t e a r i n g xx y o u xx a p a r t xx. . .

xxxxx╔═ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ═╗

Leaving the boy to ponder his thoughts, Ralaisha removed herself from the swimming pool and wrapped the towel around her body. She made her way to the stairs and climbed up quickly to go get changed. She left a small trail of water behind her, her small feet shaping the water into footprints. She gave a shrug, not caring if anyone noticed or whatever happened if someone were to trip. They should watch where they're going, right? She gave a smirk, pulling the key from her discarded pants and opening her door slowly. Good, still no roommate she said happily. She closed the door behind her, not worrying about the lock and threw the towel to the side and stripping down bare. She walked into the shower, turning the water to steaming hot and began to relax joyfully. So far the day was okay but, she wished she had gone hunting instead of eating the artificial school meat. She was still hungry and began debating if she would go out to find something small to cover up until dinner or wait it out until lunch. The female wold grabbed the shampoo off the side, massaging it into her head and tossing out the thoughts to just take a lovely bath without any interruptions.

After the bath, she decided to try and find something worthwhile to do. Maybe the student lounge again and order some drinks? Ralaisha, don't do that. I hate when things become unclear and hazy, makes me tense. The girl sighed at her Spirit's complaints but agreed not to nonetheless. "So what do you want to do?" She asked out loud, running a hand through her charcoal hair that was still wet from the bath. Game room, maybe? Ralaisha gave a shrug and headed towards the bottom steps in search of an entertainment room.

xxxxx╚═ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ═╝

Conservative Sex Symbol

10,075 Points
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Perverted Juicebox

      ☒☒☒----xUser Image
      E m o t i o n ;; relief, happy again.
      L o c a t i o n ;; the gardens.
      C r u s h ;; C l o u d ☁
      I want to hate you half as much as I hate my self

      Her eyes widened. "I-i don't know." Len said, sounding lost. She pulled out the map. "Oh.." Len sighed with relief. Taking his hand in hers, she dragged him around for a minute or so. "Here we are!" She said, beaming at him.

      Out Of C a u t i o n;; (())xxxxxxxxYou know that I could crush you with my voice
Ξ CloudTakeshi Ξ
( Cloud Takeshi )

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↘ ♪♪♪ тнε мσмεηт ρεσρℓε
xxxxxffffffffffffffffffffffffxxxcσмε тo кησω
xxxxdffffffxxxxfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffxℓ ♥ v ε, тнεy яυη тнε яisк σf cαяяyiηg нαтε. ♪♪♪ ↙

Excuse me, may I say a few words?

Cloud sighed in relief. He was grateful for the map. He had almost forgot that they had gone to get it. Before long, he was being dragged. This was something he had grown to love about their walks. He awkwardly trotted along behind her, until he caught up with her pace. He smiled and walked alongside her, awaiting for their destination. Finally, two big, Broad doors stood in fron of him, and Len said this was the Cafeteria. "Hmm... Unlike what I thought it would be." he whispered to himself. But then, he glanced at Len, squezing her hand. His stomach gave a long, groan, and Cloud sighed. Shhhh, he thought. He smiled and oppened the door for Len, "Laddies first." he said, in an educated tone.

[Out of Clams; ]

мσσ∂ ♒: (Hungry)
тαℓкιηg тσ ♒: Len

"Ok, I'm done. You where saying?"

Haku Seiketsu


•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.»•´`•.¸.» •´`•.¸.»

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