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Fashionable Gekko

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ɍȼɇłîȵɇ ɇɇȵƨ

Rank: 47,963

"Of course you didn't kill me. I'm not that easy to kill. I am still from the under-world, after all." Marci giggled a little, her voice and laughter still having a watery sound to them. It didn't take long for Gabe to begin tickling her again, and the nymph began to giggle again. "I-it's a good *laugh* mechanism because I ca-can't be *laugh* harmed in this state." The puddle sloshed around a little, as if it was trying to get away from the tickling, and eventually poured off of the chair and onto the floor.

Once the rook had pulled up a chair, and then asked about going out, the puddle turned a slight purple color where parts of Marci's cheeks were. "L-lowly humans? N-no, no. Our species, at least, doesn't see humans as lowly." She completely skipped out on answering the question part, and her body began to reform, coming up from the puddle. She looked at Gabe in the eyes, her cheeks red, as her body almost completely formed, leaving her eye level with him with no legs.

"I mean. I-i don't know why you would want that... I'm just a water nymph..." The girl looked down at where her feet should be, as if she were shuffling them. Her body had reformed from the knees up, but her state of embarrassment was making it harder to form the rest. Or as humans put it, she had weak knees. "I mean. Yeah, sure. Wh-why not." Marci looked up and smiled shyly, her face still pink.

Fashionable Gekko

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🔥🔥🔥 Morticia 🔥🔥 Barclay 🔥🔥🔥
🔥🔥 The 🔥 Burning 🔥 Knight 🔥🔥
Rank: 27,824 / 50,000

Blinking a few times as she felt his hand let go of her's, Tish picked it up again and examined it. "Crap, I didn't burn you, did I? I-I didn't even realize we were still..." With a flustered sigh, she released Haru's un-scorched hand. M-maybe I knew it, and moved my heat subconsciously... she though to herself.

Finally looking up at the angel, Tish smiled and walked into the coffee shop. Not before prodding him gently in the side with her tail. "Well, aren't you being gentlemanly." Tish giggled softly, before stepping aside to let him in and looking around. After spotting a place she liked, the succubus grabbed Haru's hand and pulled him over to the two-person booth. "Here we go." Her voice came out almost as a purr as she sat down, grabbing a menu and looking through it.

Mythical Gaian

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Haruto "haru" Yoshida

Haruto laughed a bit and shook is hand "no no you didn't burn me besides since ive remembered im an angel I do much better around your particular talents.. im able to redirect my energy and protect myself so even if you had gotten a bit warm I could have shielded my hand..it only works for small areas though so... " he shrugged meaning it wasn't that useful in battle but for small things like holding hands with a fire demon sure why not

Haru chuckled a bit at the tail poke and her words "gentelmenly or angelic that's the real question isn't it ..was it because I wanted to or because I had to?" he asks in a teaseing manner before following her to the spot she picked he didn't looke at the menu he knew what he wanted already "someones a bit excited huh.."

once she finally ordered and ther food/drinks arrived haru stirred his coffee and looked into the cup "hey uh listen I know we talked about it briefly but what was life really like for you back home..and this.. betrothal business we never really got to discuss it much .. I don't want to scare you off as I like you..quite a bit actualy... but I have to know what you really think about it"


Fashionable Gekko

((OOC: I had completely forgotten about his rank. Sorry))
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💀 Ɇrik Ħallström 💀
Rank: 30,500

Actually attending class wasn't something Erik had intended to do, but some how found himself sitting in on his class. Though, the girl sitting in front of him was quite incising... the hybrid extended his shadow into her's, leaving the appearance of his body sitting at his desk, and took a gander under her skirt. It didn't take long for the student next to them to notice, and throw a pencil into the boy's face. The shadow snapped backwards, and Erik's eyes unglazed as he took over his body again. Glaring at the other student, he growled a little. "Oi, that 'urt, mate." "Well stop being disgusting." "I've 'ad enough of you." The hybrid growled, only to have his lung at the other student intercepted by a ruler, thrown by the teacher.

Fashionable Gekko

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🔥🔥🔥 Morticia 🔥🔥 Barclay 🔥🔥🔥
🔥🔥 The 🔥 Burning 🔥 Knight 🔥🔥
Rank: 27,824 / 50,000

Tish peeked over the menu as he mentioned protecting himself from her heat if he would have needed to. "Hmm, angel powers. Odd things." She mumbled to herself, her tail wriggling slightly beside her. It took her a minute to find something that sounded good, but she placed her order and put the menu back, a slight smile on her face as she looked at Haru. "Indeed. Was it because you had to, hmm?" She poked his knee with her tail, an amused tone in her voice.

Eying the drinks as they were sat down, Tish stirred hers as Haru did and tasted it. The coffee was a little bitter, but it was better than it being overly sweet. And there was a slight heat to the one she had picked... made it better. The succubus tilted her head a little as the boy began to ask about her home, and was about to speak happily about how nice things were until he came to the engagement.

Her eyes fell gently to her drink and she began to aimlessly stir with her spoon. "Well, I... understand my position as a noble and my duty. But Eno-Enoch isn't exactly a... wonderful person." Tish's voice turned a little cold as she spoke the name, and her voice became slightly grave. The memories flooded in a few at a time, making it hard to fight back her anger as well as the tears that were fighting their way to her eyes. She bit her lip, harder than she should have, and then sighed before patting her lip with a napkin. "I do so wish things were easier, like they are for Lucy. She's allowed to choose her partner..." She turned her serious gaze up to Haru, her voice just as serious as the look in her eye. "I do not wish to go back. This... this worl is so much better, to me. But, I know he will find me." She turned her gave back down to her aimless stirring as she spoke the last sentence.

Mythical Gaian

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Haruto "haru" Yoshida

Haruto knew he wasn't the smoothest of characters but he liked to pretend he was so when he saw the look in her eye.. the way she talked about him he knew his fears where misplaced she held no love for her betrothed and actually it seemed like she despised him more than anything that had made him smile on the inside atleast he knew to show how happy he was at this revelation outwardly would only confuse her he quicly got up ..and as ive said hes not the smoothest person... he stumbled a bit getting out of his seat..hit right above his knee on the side of the table making his way around it to her and amost tripped over her chair.. but all tht and none of it phased him as he had a slightly more serious than normal look on his face he got a bit close to her face and gave a smile "just forget him" he says and gave her a small quick kiss.. a bit to shy to have it last more than a few seconds and it was more a peck than anything eles but the point was there "ill take all the blame... and deal with it when it comes..but until then... I want to enjoy my time with you" he says looking down he turned to return to his seat across form her while he was faceing away he added "and if he comes for you. ill kill him before I let him have you" a few of his black feathers fell to the ground and that only happened when one was truly tempted by one of the seven he returned to his seat a bright blush on his face as he stared into his coffee not sure what to do now


Fashionable Gekko

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🔥🔥🔥 Morticia 🔥🔥 Barclay 🔥🔥🔥
🔥🔥 The 🔥 Burning 🔥 Knight 🔥🔥
Rank: 27,824 / 50,000

Snapping out of her stirring trance, Tish looked up at the noise of his knee hitting the table. She blinked curiously, and before she could look up at Haru, he had almost tripped over her seat and then was sat next to her. "Haru, what are you-" She was interrupted by his words, and then his lips were against hers. It didn't take but a second for her cheeks to blush, and then the next second he was leaned away and speaking again.

It felt like her heart had stopped beating, or it at least skipped a beat. Or maybe two... And then the words came from Haru's mouth, and entered her ears. Tish's mouth moved as if she were going to speak, but no sound came out, and then he had stood up. There was nothing she could say, and his next words only made her eyes water again. Her mind raced to comprehend the feelings, trying to remember what it was that she had studied about things such as this... Her mind blanked, and then she cleared her eyes and aimlessly touched her lips, blankly staring with her cheeks red. "H-haru..." That was the only thing she managed to say before her voice quit on her again.

Mythical Gaian

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Haruto "haru" Yoshida

Haruto heard her and looked up she was as red faced as he was looking at the pair anyone would think they were extremely awkaward he smiled a bg goofy haru smile then began to laugh just sat there and laughed for no reason he couldn't help it I mean he had just up and kissed a demon without a second thought and the best part was she was left almost speechless by it not to mention this over whelming feeling to do it again it was actually rather amusing when you thought about it after a good fit of laughether he still chuckleing here and there says "well I suppose my awkward confession plan that probably wouldn't have worked isn't needed any more huh" he says then poked her cheek "blushing agian miss tisha?" he asks back to his old self of course he was blushing madly to but that wasn't the point he wanted the atmosphere arounf them to return to that happy... maybe a liitle awkward maybe a little bit of romantic tension "well that was a thing..so back to our previous topic of conversation..hows the coffee?" he asks bringing his up to his lips for the first time btu stopping just short.. he could still feel them..the soft sensation of her lips that warm tingly feeling she had ... he didn't want to ruin that by drinking the coffee but it was weird to not right? he needed to didn't he..should he kiss her again..properly this time? or should he not? he put his coffee down and put his hands in his hair terribly frustrated at himself he didn't know what to do anymore why hadn't he thought of this before!


Unsealed Vampire

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Argent layout

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"welcome to argent academy"

----the red queen,kira---

Kira let out a sigh as they were told each one of them had failed (trust misaka to make the test unbeatable),she glanced over at silver and shuddered she had hours where she would now be stuck with him,he gestured to her that they were leaving as he reached the door and reluctantly she stood to follow him.

---the green rook,Gabriel---

Gabe let out a laugh at her as she agreed "i think they should change my name to the lucky rook now cos im now dating the cutest girl in school" his cheeks were red as he put his arms around her in a hug,she was rather tiny next to his bulk but he really did think she was beautiful not to mention she was a brain box way too good for him he thought,still with his arms around her he whispered "it doesn't matter to me that your 'just' a water nymph,,,,,i think your a great girl" he wanted to kiss her but he wasn't willing to rush things unless she wanted to,he was a little worried that would scare her off.

Releasing the hug he wore a goofy grin on his face before he spoke again "well since you said yes hows about tonight i take you on a date?,we can go to the cinema and for a meal or bowling or,,,,,well anything you want" he was rather broke at the minute thankfully he had a sister that was high ranked and more than willing to help him out!he could easily borrow the money off her and pay her back with his next allowance from the school!plus this would give him more motivation to rise the ranks and earn more cash so he could spoil the blue haired girl a bit.

---the silver king,Desmond---

James had risen from his seat as soon as the word failed had been said,he walked to the door with a frown on his face glancing at misaka and tachibana,if looks could kill they would both be dead,reaching the door he gestured for kira to follow as he had to escort her.

---james,the wild pawn---

James chuckled at may slightly "that may actually work jelly baby,i can still taste it in my mouth now its weird it makes me want more",leaning back in his chair he sighed before pulling his phone out tapping it twice he loaded up his number "here,,,,,it's my number so you can ring me if you ever wanna talk or need help with stuff,*serious eyes* dont give it out i dont like most of these idiots in school so i dont want them bugging me"

---the headmaster---

The headmaster was in shock was Lucinda really gonna join the academy,with her powers if she got annoyed there was a possibility the school would blow up "lady Lucinda,i know its above my station but is there anyone else you could send,you are one of the grand rulers and your powers are a little over whelming for the school,i mean no disrespect but you are known to not show mercy in a battle".

Lucinda frowned at him as she sat on Amy's lap before letting out a sigh "you could be right there,,,,i know,KAIRI!!!" she shouted making her voice echoe down halls!after a minute or so the doors opened again the form of kairianyatagaratsu walking through the doors wearing headphones!the music blasting out of them so loud you could hear the words from across the room (cant you see he's the man let me hear you applaud,no he's more than a man he's a shiney golden god,and if you think its time to ******** rock n ******** roll),pulling the headphones off she grumbled before speaking "yeah mum n mum whas up?,Lucinda smiled as she saw her daughter and spoke to her "well my dear you have a task to do,your going up to the human plane or overworld,your going to join the academy and investigate it,reporting back to the underworld if the humans are a threat to our stability or not,,,,sound good?" she mumbled under her breath (never know you may even decide you like it up there and move out of your parents house).

Kairi stood there and thought for a moment "mummy Amaterasu wha do you think? Should I go there i mean i will have my ears and tails i couldnt possibly fit in" she was trying to worm her way out of the job,Lucinda let a slightly evil smirk on her face "well you can simply say your ability is pawn class and you have a half beast power that you are part fox because if it,isn't that right my darling Amy?"

---misaka,the lightning king---

As the students left misaka slumped in to her chair "honestly Kanade i think theres only you and my pawn in this entire school that can do my work,,,,,am i making it too hard?" she questioned,her hands on the desk were emitting electricity causing some paper clips to stand upright and dance around!her eyes following their movements.

She spoke again as she sat there now making 34 paper clips dance in unison "oh and our match later im gonna bring my ace moves just so you know".

"where do you fit in?"


Fluffy Bunny

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💨💫May Augustine AKA Jelly Pawn💨💫


May smiled as he agreed with her idea of her giving him her arm in jelly form whenever he went mad.She watched him pull out his phone and blinked as he showed her his number.She fumbled through her bag till she pulled out a small purple one and started to add him into her contact."I need a picture of you for it."She said softly and blushed and started ti write down her number for him on her note pad as she had memorized it before coming to the school."That is my number you could use it whenever, but I promise not to tell anyone your number Psyhco."

Unsealed Vampire

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His hand twitched slightly as he redirected his phone registering her information within in seconds "there we go added,thanks I won't give your details out either,,,,,can I taste you again,,,,it's really nice?",he then smiled "feel free jelly baby take a pic",why was he being nice it wasn't his usual self,it was weak almost sweet not sonething he ever wanted to be,,,,could it be the jelly was making him nice?,no never he was and always be a grenade he appears you run or minimise casualties.

Fluffy Bunny

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💨💫May Augustine AKA Jelly Pawn💨💫


May watched his fingers twitched as her information was inputted to his mobile device.She lifted her phone up and took a quick picture of him and smiled.She blinked as she heard him and lifted her hand up to him and let it turn to jelly"Hurry I think the bell for first period ending will be ringing soon."She pulled her schedule out and took a look at it.

Mythical Gaian

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Tachibana sighed as kira left "they really should just put her with me" she says only a tiny bit of sadness in her voice giving her normal monotone just a little bit of a different sound ..but not enogh to actually be noticed by anyone unless you were very very close to the girl then she turned an said nothing about the match they had talked about It already and it was done "have class" she says leaveing the room herself

amy sighed and shook her head "no no that wont do we cant have our little princess being a pawn" she says and kissed her hand blowing the kiss visible in the air to her daughter as it hit her her ears and tails vanished leaveign only her foxy eyes and fangs it had even declawed her "there we go that's much better I left some for flare now she can reqister as a knight....oh and take rose with you dear" she says snapping her finges as sht scythe vanished from lucy and attached itself to her daughters back in its domant mode

Unsealed Vampire

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Lucinda smiled "oh yes dear she looks adorable like that doesn't she though i think this may work better" she snapped her fingers causing rose to be replaced by her bulky sword that resonated with the users abilities "wouldn't want her reaping people by accident would we?",kairi stood there as all this was happening a look of frustration building before she spoke back "MY EARS!!! MY TAILS!!!! I FEEL NAKED WITHOUT THEM!!!" She let out a growl before speaking again "fine I'll go but i want rose to come too as a person not a weapon,if im going up there i at least wanna be able to wear my ears and tails around one person,,,,,,god you two are annoying sometimes",Lucinda smirked as kairi spoke "now dear you know we only ask you to do things that will benifit yourself just think you may meet a lovely boy or girl up there",kairi looked in shock at her mothers words "gross im an underworlder,and an immortal one at that why would i wanna get some kid to fall for me?,look I'll go to the stupid school and investigate but I'm not pulling punches on those little shits".

James smiled and quickly shoved a jelly finger in his mouth taking a good taste,just as the finger left his mouth the bell rang "well jell baby that was an interesting first meeting,i gotta go to practice session with my king now but feel free to text me if you need anything,oh and if anyone takes the oils out a you bein the jelly pawn tell em I'll find em" he chucked a little as he stood and walked away the fruity flavour on his lips still.

Fashionable Gekko

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🔥🔥🔥 Morticia 🔥🔥 Barclay 🔥🔥🔥
🔥🔥 The 🔥 Burning 🔥 Knight 🔥🔥
Rank: 27,824 / 50,000

Steam slowly began to rise from Tish's skin, the heat from her emotions escaping in visible steams as she continued to stare blankly with a red face. The thoughts in her head were completely jumbled and they were incoherent, someone would have thought her brain was made up of a convention center filled with a million people all talking at once. And although her facial expression and her words were not giving anything away, her tail on the other hand was happily wrapping itself around Haru's leg under the table.

Only one thought made itself known in the chaos of the succubus' mind; What would father think..? The thought caused the happy emotions and awkwardness to be voided, and her face went grim for a split second before Haru spoke. Pushing the thought aside, Tish looked up and smiled sweetly, and then replied with a purr in her voice. "A confession? Hmm, I guess that would be the case." She stuck her tongue out a little at the mention of her blush. "You have no room to talk. Your face is as red as my eyes."

Looking down at her own cup and picking it up, Tish sipped on the coffee. She made a weird face at first, as the coffee's heat was absorbed into her body from the over whelming emotions. But, she simply heat it up through her touch, making it boil a little before taking another sip and smiling. "It's good." It was an odd feeling, having something else against her lips. It made the instincts of her species kick in, and begin to drive her crazy. Usually a succubus is only truly awoken by enjoying kisses and other things, and unless they stay with that first person, they went rouge and began seducing anyone, or anything, even, that interested them.

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