Welcome to Gaia! ::

Omnipresent Survivor

"Roads surround my fate.
I chose the hardest way.
Longing to be free.
No one else but me."
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As the plane taxied onto the runway and eventually took to the skies. Sadie had first listened to the short little speech their team leader had to give, which she regarded with only a brief shake of her head. Following that however, Sadie had indeed taken the advice on getting some sleep that Kiyato had given all of them. It was a terribly long flight after all, and honestly. What else was there to do? Spend the whole time watching some crappy in flight movie? Lifting up the fur lined hood on her coat, Sadie slumped forward in her seat and pulled the hood low. Dozing off with her arms crossed after a few moments spent trying to get comfortable.


As for when the plane began shaking violently, far more than it ever should in a case of turbulence. Sadie awoke with something of a startled look, just in time to catch the sight of Kiyato rushing ahead towards the cockpit. Just to come back moments later and inform them all of what was happening, along with telling them what was going to happen after they had all participated in an unexpected crash landing. "s**t.." Sadie muttered quietly, unbuckling herself from the harness and leaned forward. Arms wrapped around her legs, as per the procedure went for when you happened to be in a crash landing scenario.

Ignoring the whole shaken feeling that coursed throughout her body, and the small welt on her forehead. After the plane had crashed into part of the abandoned building. Which probably caused the structure to weaken somewhat, while obviously the plane itself to shake as if it was inside of a snow globe, being shook wildly by an amused child. But either way, Sadie jumped up to her feet and reached up towards the overhead compartment, snagging the duffel bag of hers from the very same place. She next shrugged off the heavy and warm coat, just to fit on that protective gear of hers. Hell if she was going out there without it on.

With everything she had brought along thrown on her person now, Sadie put back on the coat and fitted a thick wool cap onto her head. Throwing the sling bag over one shoulder and grabbing up the Winchester and taking the safety off, had been the last few things she did. Sadie reached up with hand one hand and held onto the seat, watching as Kiyato thrust open the door and stepped outside. The two other Mercs immediately following out after him. Sadie had made her own towards the opening and before leaping outside, she turned to face that were still inside the plane.

"Let's go, there's no telling if thing is stable on its perch!" Sadie shouted and exited the downed aircraft herself finally, looking around to get her bearings straight and where the three that left already had went exactly. Keeping in mind exactly where they were going to make their rendezvous point, down on the bottom level. With of course the Pilot as an extra individual among their group, the more the merrier, right? Either way, Sadie hadn't forgotten the concept of watching each others back. And there it was she stood outside of the plane's only exit, standing guard and waiting for the rest to disembark.

Of course though, some of the Infected had decided to charge her way. Only to meet a few rounds of buckshot each the moment they were within reach of the Winchester's range and kick. Sadie kept the butt of the shotgun tight against her shoulder, her lone eye alert for any further danger. Which it wasn't scarce at all so far, given the fact they had already crashed and were swarmed with these types of Infected. Both of which happened at the beginning of the mission.

"A damn fine way to begin all this.Talk about out of the frying pan and straight into the fire." Sadie sarcastically thought to herself, as she pumped the handle on the bottom of the shotgun and ejected the spent round from the final shot fired. Effectively clearing the firearm to be used again. The Merc hadn't budged from her spot just yet, holding the weapon at the ready after having cleared it and waited still for the other members to make their exit.
┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            Claire felt the plane take off into the wishful air that she knew would soon get bitter from the frigid air that would soon engulf them as they traveled to the wonderful land of Iceland, the name clearly showing that the temperature was not a joke. The brunette pulled the ponytail that held her long curls tighter, determined to keep it away from her face and distract her from this kind of mission then snuggled slightly into the jacket she had borrowed from their benefactors of the mission, her ears remained open and listened the raven haired man tell them orders to rest for now and to expect the worst of the situation out in the snowy land. Claire couldn't afford to think of the worst for when she had thought the worst of a situation, she found that s**t suddenly got real and everything grew dimmer and horrifyingly more dangerous. Expect Nothing. A saying the younger civil rights member against viral experiments had donned and gotten use to in such a situation as this even though it was quiet the boring saying. Such a quote kept her alive and well for knowing that everything could be out there waiting to attack her and the team at any moment, hell even a suddenly lightning bolt could come from the sky and kill them and she would feel that she was ready for this. A mere nod of agreement was all the would darkned hair girl had done and she then decided to take a nap for a while, something that was still hard for her since all the incidences that she had lived through, it was like all the memories were ironed on with a hot iron that seemed to be branded for her to look upon till it was her turn to bit the dust. Instead Claire began to pay attention to the exchange of their info and small chat, trying to be respectful yet informed of what they were up against, and it seemed tough. Soon Claire found herself in a sweet dream, a dream of a boy facing forward, always seeming to run away from her.


            Alert! The sudden high pitched noise and lights seemed to shock her into an awakened state, scaring her to the death at the sudden emergency that seemed to the the cabin back and forth, waking up any others that might of been napping as well. Claire quickly reached for her seatbelt and tightly strapped herself into the sit to where she was about to hold onto the bag she carried of weapons instead of letting it slip out and she falling into the luck of fighting whatever was outside without some kind of tool to defeat it. The Captain was already on his feet warning everyone that they would be going in for a crash and to mind accordingly to what was to happen, telling that he expected us out of the hatch on his mark. Claire only had a few seconds to glance to the scruffy dark-haired brother of hers, her eyes panicked but honestly Claire seemed to live for these moments, her life already flashed by her eyes too many times to count, for her worry was for everyone else instead. Though the newcomer of the mission hadn't been able to focus on anything else as the plane took a direct crash into the building, a serious case of whiplash effected her sending mild pain through her that would definitely leave some bruises later.

            Through the sound for screeching metal and loud bangs, Claire could hear the Go their Head Leader and Claire quickly pressed the release just as she felt the sliding of their once flying craft slowed down, her feet moving forward as if she was running for a gold metal in some race and moved towards the hatch that had opened merely a few seconds before. The bitterness of the cold weather only seemed to skim her for as she stepped onto somewhat of stable land from outside of their plane at seemed to live on a prayer, the smell of blood and death circled her in a horrid wave. Her mind snapped into action there and Claire and pulled the semi-automatic weapon from secondary holster she had, letting the gun fire to her left as a shadowy deathly pale man approached her, the bullet slid into it's brain easily and the once human crumbled to the floor. Las Plagas, she had never experienced them first hand before but she read all the reports her friend Leon had sent to her with concentration. She knew that the infected were no longer able to be helped, merely put out of their soulless bodies with a shot to the head, Claire knew this well and continued to fire off shots, her position still close to the plane as the others moved away from it. shooting anything not human that came near her, a hand reaching for her pocket for one of her full clips for the weapon yet her eyes glanced to the plane with worry. " Chris!" She shouted loudly hoping her voice would reach her brother's to locate him over the moans of infected, the firearms firing, and the crumbling of the building. Definitively worse that she would of guessed.
            (Out Of Coffee : 12am post^^ Z.Z ))

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            ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

    Storyteller Risk-Taker

    クリス ・レッドフィールド
    Xlバイオハザード 5
    XXXl➛ LOCATION: ????

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                                          Chris Redfield
                                          B.S.A.A. NORTH AMERICA

                                          "There is one thing I do know... I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."

                                          ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                                          Even now the Delta leader was everything he was reputed to be: level-headed, professional, straightforward, strategic - leave it to Leo to pick apart and scrutinize any scenario with his past experience and veracious insight. As he spoke, Chris could see the questions forming in Leo's haggard features as he analyzed his own theories on Prometheus. He was right, the BSAA had nothing on them, the company practically sprang up over night with no definite background.

                                          Chris only shook his head, trying to get a better grasp over the whole subject. Leo seemed to be on to something. "Even if the company's benefactor happened to be someone working under the table, there would still be some kind of paper trail left behind." Chris replied, to Leo's thesis. "There's just no way Prometheus could make it into the pharmaceutical industry and market their products to the general public without a reputable background. The only thing that comes to my mind is the government, but you already ruled that one out. Unless Prometheus is backed by someone already in the business, I don't see how they can exist."

                                          Handing the files he was looking at back to the Delta leader, Chris noticed the exasperated expression on the other man's face, as he fell into silence. Chris wasn't entirely sure if it was the topic of their conversation that was getting to him or if it was something else. But for a brief moment, Leo seemed... distant. Chris thought about calling his friend out on it, but decided against it. It was probably best not to pry into the former Seal's business. As Chris contemplated the Delta leader's words some more, he hardly paid any attention to the plane taking off.

                                          When Leo compared the team to Omega after having informed him that the BSAA saw the latter as 'expendable', Chris couldn't help but shoot him an incredulous look. Although, the apathetic demeanor Leo held as he spoke made Chris take his words into serious consideration. But still, Chris couldn't help but agree with Leo's last statement. If they were getting a bad feeling about things this early, chances were things were going to get hairy and they'd just have to step up their game and tough it out.

                                          Biting his lip, Chris thought about saying something to counter Leo's words, but decided against it when he heard the Alpha team leader speak up, giving the team a heads-up on getting some shut-eye before the mission truly began. Shrugging inwardly to himself, Chris decided to heed the man's advice. "Guess we should get some rest before all hell breaks loose." He commented to Leo, before making himself comfortable. Just before closing his eyes, Chris stole a glance at Claire who was sitting across from them. She seemed to have been already asleep with a sound look upon her face. Perhaps he should stop worrying and do the same. Closing his eyes, it didn't take Chris long to drift off to sleep.

                                          - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                                          Suddenly Chris was jolted awake by the sound of an alarm. But before he could get a grasp of what was going on, he heard the Alpha team leader, Kiyato, warn everyone to brace themselves. Doing so, Chris felt his stomach knot as he began to realize what was going on; they we're about to crash straight into a building! Giving his sister one final sharp glance, Chris noticed the concern in her eyes. A pang of real unhappiness swept through him as his earlier thoughts resurfaced in his mind. 'Why send Claire...'

                                          As the plane impacted the building, Chris tried his best to maintain his balance and hold on. Just what caused the plane to lose altitude at such an alarming rate was beyond him, but for some reason he just didn't want to know. Heeding Kiyato's orders, Chris made sure he had all of his equipmant and stood ready to follow after the others as soon as the plane loss most its momentum.

                                          Watching Kiyato leap out of the plane first, along with the three mercs following close behind, Chris attempted to follow after them but was snagged by something in the middle of the aisle, nearly causing him to trip to the floor. 'The hell?!' Chris thought to himself as he looked down at what his boot had been caught on, which turned out to be a strap of some kind, probably from a collection of things that fell out of the overhead compartments upon the initial impact. Hearing Sadie announce from up ahead that there was no telling how long the plane would remain stable, Chris quickly unsheathed his knife and cut himself free. "'C'mon Leo, we've got to hurry!" He called back to his friend before racing down the rest of the aisle, sheathing his knife as he did.

                                          Making it to the door of the plane, Chris heard his name, which immediately stole his attention away from the potent smell of blood and gunpowder in the air. The scene before him was truly horrific, but Chris had no time to gawk. "Claire?!" Chris exclaimed as he leaped from the downed aircraft and raced over to where his sister was fending off a few infected. Drawing out his Beretta, Chris trained his gun onto an infected that was quickly making its way towards Claire. With one well aimed shot, Chris lodged a single bulleted into the infected's head, causing it to sink to the ground. "You alright?" Chris asked Claire as he stopped beside her. If this was what the inside of the building looked like, Chris didn't want to know how the streets must have looked.

                                          Turning to look back at the downed aircraft, Chris noticed Sadie standing nearby, fending off a few feral men with a 12-gauge. Judging by Kiyato's orders, the rest of the team must have been moving towards the stairs. It was probably the safest way to reach street level. "I guess we should get moving soon." Chris spoke up as he eyed the plane's open hatch. As soon as Leo was with them, they could hurry and catch up to the rest of the team.

    "More and more I find myself wondering...
    XXXif it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it.
    [クリス ・レッドフィールド]User ImageUser Image
    ✗ CONDITION : Normal
    ✗ STATUS : Healthy
    ✗ THOUGHTS : Where are we...?
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    Erik "Leo" Chambers
    BSAA Delta Team; Leader

    Erik silently considered Chris response, if the company's benefactor was indeed someone who was already tied to the pharmaceutical industry somehow then it would explain how the company manifested itself; considering how many failed businesses there had been since Umbrella's actions had soured the public opinion so drastically and the numerous BOW outbreaks the BSAA had responded to as a result of black market trading, it was plausible that some forgotten scientist or CEO had accumulated the means to restart a company like Prometheus. Then again, Tricell had been a clean company until Kijuju, and Umbrella had been a world leader in medicine before the Raccoon Incident revealed its ties to biological engineering project. In his mind's eye, Leo pictured an individual with ties to the pharmaceutical industry, a deep knowledge of bio-organic weapons, and an untold sum of money that could allow them to breeze onto the market and grease all the palms.

    Chambers took back the file as Chris handed it back, leaning back into his chair as the plane took off; he could feel the G-forces on his chest as the plane accelerated and left terra firma behind. Opening the folder himself, the ex-soldier skimmed the reports and bios looking for something that would jump out at him and solve the puzzle known as Prometheus, with the only thing that grabbed his attention being the transcript from Stone and Dragomir. 'What was so startling, you two have seen some of the nastiest BOW's on the planet, in places considered to be hell holes but the civilized world; what could have possibly warranted that kind of reaction?' he thought to himself, the wheels were turning in his mind but nothing came of it; there simply wasn't enough information to make a draw any kind of conclusion and he didn't much care to make any assumptions about the situation.

    Closing the file, Erik pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation; all these unknowns were a serious headache for a man used to having the most sophisticated information gathering network on the planet. Tasked satellites, human intelligence on the ground, signal interception, the NSA's supercomputer over at Foggy Bottom had even kicked up a tidbit or two with all the phone calls it processed. But this was a mess, flying blind into Iceland on an operation with little to go on except the name of a corporation; it was going to be a goose chase, and by the twisted feeling in his gut a bloody mess of one at that. Leaning his head back, Leo caught Chris' sidelong stare, and smirked to himself at the man's reaction; he had read the reports on Kijuju and knew full well what the BSAA had put him and Sheva through, sent them practically alone to go after Irvine against a hostile indigenous population and numerous unknown BOW's. If anyone knew that they were all expendable assets to the UN organization than it should be the former S.T.A.R.S. member.

    Lowering his cap so the brim covered his shades and blocked out the light, Erik reclined further into his seat as Kiyato suggested they all get shut eye. He was one step ahead of the Alpha team leader as the pain killer's worked on his taut muscles and stressed mind sending him towards blissful oblivion; Chambers responded to Chris's last statement with a simply grunt of acknowledgment before he knocked out.


    Erik's return to consciousness was sudden, the jolt of heavily turbulence, the squawking of an alarm and the flashing of the red strobe lights in the cabin were all indicators that something was going terribly wrong. "Don't you just love being right all the time!" the Delta leader grumbled to himself as Kiyato warned them to brace for impact. It was moments like these that the former SEAL was very appreciative of all his training, leaning forward he placed his arms against the back of the seat in front of him and placed his forehead on his aligned forearms. When the plane hit the building, he had fashioned his body into a support brace so his head didn't snap back with whiplash and his back wasn't compressed from the impact.

    When the plane stopped completely inside the building, Leo relaxed and undid his seat belt; allowing his mind to flow into the point where he was relying on his training and not thinking about how to respond to the situation. First he did a mental check to make sure he was intact and unharmed, which he was thankfully; at this point the adrenaline was surging into his system so he began a breathing exercise while he reclined the seat all the way back and rolled back over it to get out from the confines of the seats since Chris had gotten himself tangled in the debris. Opening his overhead compartment, the squad leader pulled out his gear; donning his Kevlar tactical vest and his pads over his clothes. If they were in Iceland, then he would need the protection against the elements that the jacket gave him and his gear would remain uninhibited by being on top of the winter gear.

    Grabbing his rifle, he slipped the sling over his head so the weapon was slung across his back while his shotgun was nestled against his chest; thanking the South African designer silently for making such a compact and versatile weapon. Loaded out and ready, Leo whipped his shotgun up into his hands and slipped out of the hatch behind the others. With Chris and Claire covering one side, he moved up beside Sadie and double tapped her on the shoulder with his hand; silently communicating that he was on her six and ready to move. He emphasized his point by bringing his scattergun to bear on a pair of majini that were making their way towards the plane and pumping out one of his hand-loaded double-ought buckshot rounds; his shells carried more of a punch than most and he used heavier ball bearings so when the unarmored infected took the pellets in the thorax, the rounds sliced through to the spine and dispatched them instantly.

    "Alright boys and girls, they done ruined my beauty sleep so how about we return the favor and give them a permanent dirt nap?" Leo said as he slipped in his earpiece, "Sadie and I will take point and clear the path, Redfield's stay close and watch the rear; I don't feel like being lunch today." The bearded veteran said as he began moving out after his Alpha team counterpart, blasting away any sumbitch that got in his way.

    Omnipresent Survivor

    "Roads surround my fate.
    I chose the hardest way.
    Longing to be free.
    No one else but me."
    User Image
    Holding her position still outside the plane, her weapon aimed down at the corpse that collapsed right by her feet. Sadie had pumped the shotgun, expending the spent shell and kicked away the knife from the infected individual's hand. Only to nudge the man's shoulder with the toe of her boot. Following the lack of a reaction she had gotten from such an action, Sadie raised her head and watched as Claire appeared out of the downed plane and joined the fray, firing the handgun at those who opposed them.

    It wasn't long after that when she noticed Chris had done the very same, immediately approaching his sister. In that same moment too, the Merc felt a rough hand tap her on the shoulder and cautiously she turned her head. Just to find Leo standing there on her six, which she responded to with just a nod of her own. Deciding to focus on the dangers that laid before them all. Before she had taken a single step anywhere though, Sadie reached up one hand to a pocket on the cross draw vest she wore and reloaded what ammunition she had fired thus far already.

    While Leo was busy speaking of what and where they'd be positioned as they moved towards the ground floor, in order to meet up with Kiyato and the rest. Sadie turned her attention back towards the plane, having caught sight of the co-pilot finally moving to join them. Since everyone was basically off the crashed plane already. What went unseen however to everyone, was the Majini that lurked ontop of the aircraft and bided its time in silence.

    At least until it saw an opportunity and leaped off, cleaver in hand just to leap onto the pilot. Who had turned around to see exactly what had caused a wild screech. Acting without hesitation the Majini raised up the cleaver and brought it down on the co-pilot's throat, turning a startled shout into that of a gurgling death cry. Not that the Infected had stopped there, at least until it felt the butt stock of a Winchester meeting up with the area just beneath the base of its skull. Causing it to fall off to one side of the dead pilot, obviously paralyzed and left unable to move.

    Sadie however wasn't finished then as she stood up over the Majini, pushing her boot against its shoulder and making it roll over onto its back. Pistol in hand and the safety off, the Merc dispatched the pilot's assailant with a single shot to the middle of the forehead. Quickly she had returned that weapon into her shoulder holster, the safety back on for the time being as she turned to face the group of three. Her main weapon in both of her hands again, the butt held up against her shoulder.

    "Well, you heard him. Let's get moving." Sadie mentioned with a nod in Leo's direction, who had already began to head on off towards the nearby stairwell. She of course had expected Chris and Claire to immediately follow and so, Sadie quickly sprinted to catch up with bearded Delta Team leader, focusing on one side of the room the moment she had caught up with him. And left the other side to Erik, while Chris and Claire would be able to cover any other areas.

    "I've got the lead, follow me." Sadie decided, rather than to waste the time discussing it with the other three around her. Like hell she wanted to be left behind here of all places. The Winchester at the ready once again, she maneuvered her way into the stairwell through the open door, taking a good look around to familiarize herself with the narrowed space. Only with a raised hand did she gesture for the rest to follow as she began to make her way down all the stairs. Moving with a speedy but still cautious speed.

    Timid Roisterer

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    Jacob Sinamoi, Hired Mercenary.

    Holding his HK416 tight to his shoulder, Sinamoi opened fire, taking down two of the infected surrounding the group, but there were far too many of them. The building was ashambles, thanks to the plane crashing through the walls up high. He looked back, saw the aircraft shifting, beginning to fall loose and wrenching away what was left of the wall with it. "We gotta get out of this room, mates!" he shouted, punctuating it with a shot from his rifle, "That plane goes, so goes most of this bloody floor!" And hopefully some of the infected with it... he added to himself.

    He looked around for an exit, any door, anything that would lead them out and down. Now doubt the rest of this place was filled with the bastards, but maybe....the stairs! He looked around for the Alpha leader and saw the Japanese man nearby, seemingly wanting to get very close to the infected, "Sir! We need to get outta this, we oughta get to the stairs! Might still be safe enough for us to travel without a fight!"

    With a swing, he used the butt of his rifle to knock an infected that had come too close for comfort off it's feet and then turned back to Kiyato, moving to cover the Alpha leader's back.

    EriTanaka's Significant Otter

    Shadowy Hunter

    9,500 Points
    • Partygoer 500
    • Perfect Attendance 400
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    Kiyato grinned. As everyone was coming off the plane he was slicing through the zombies like it was nothing. He had to make sure to watch everyone's backs, most importantly he wanted the pilot off the plane.

    "Everyone take the stairs down! I need to grab the pilot!"

    Kiyato continued to guard the entire squad, slicing apart any infected. Seems the infected were hanging around everywhere in this building. The ceiling was riddled with blood and body parts and the entire office was shaking. This building was coming down. They needed to get out fast, but Kiyato was leaving no one. As he motioned for everyone to go he ran back to the plane and noticed the hatch closing, the pilot wasn't out yet.

    "Hey! Wait a ******** minute! Jake!"The pilot wasn't out but he looked back. Why wasn't he coming? What was going on. Suddenly Kiyato's headset clicked on.

    "Hey there El Captain. I was looking out and the lower half of this building and theres plenty of infected. I think if I get this plane down and crash into them, it'll clear the way for you, so that's what I've decided on doing. No use in changing my mind, you've all been great, goodbye."

    Kiyato's eyes got wide. "No what? We can just kill them off don't do it!"But just like he said, Jake's mind was made up and the plane started. Kiyato had to jump out the way as the engines fired up. Kiyato gritted his teeth, he had to get out before the building collapsed, that plane would just shake the building more.

    Kiyato ran for the stairs, by now everyone should be on the lower levels. "Everyone get out quick! The planes going to crash into the street and the building won't stand much more!" Kiyato shouted down to them. Hopefully they were taking care of zombies and such that got in the way. Kiyato ran down the steps to follow suit, they would all regroup in the street. The valued efforts of Jake would certainly make some breathing room for them.


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    ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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    xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              Dire seconds of terror filled Claire's mind as her attention seemed to pull on the open hatch that seemed to look like the mouth of the devil at this point as her brother hadn't exited the plane, her mind circling at the possiblility that maybe he hadn't survived the crash. Devastation laid in the thought but she quickly disreguarded at thought such as that, knowing that Chris wouldn't die like that, he was stronger than that, he was a Redfield. Her stubborness seemed to be answered as a face emerged from the hatch revealing the B.S.A.A. member that she knew well, his appearance unharmed to her relief which allowed her to breath deeply instead of letting the shallow breaths cloud her thoughts as they did a few moments ago. Though her brother stopped and rose his weapon to point directly at her and Claire felt her knees buckle and she docked quickly, knowing this position all to well for she remembered having two encounters as this before, making the moment almost an instant reaction.

              Bang. Thump. The creature behind her went down in a pile of gore and decay, her eyes only dwindled on it for a few more seconds till she pulled herself up from the floor, her fingers already releasing an empty clip and shoving another one into it's rightful place in the gun. Her brother already beside her as she completed the task and she found herself already shooting at the infected masses, killing those around them then focusing on the few that seemed to pour through a blood hall and seemed to fit in with the recent decorating of undead. Chris had asked if she was alright and she was quick to answer. " Yeah, lets get out of here." Her voice loud to overcome the rounds of gunfire but suprisingly calm for this kind of outbreak, I guess one who lived through something like this would have to be. Soon the booming voice of Leo entered the room who had let out orders and Claire quickly listened to them as she continued her fire, then quickly got into postion to have both the female merc's and Leo's back in this, her brother surely would do the same as then grouping began to head for the nearest stairwell. Though through everything Claire could only make out the captain's figure moving past them, telling them to regroup in the street and that the building would soon fall. Claire shook out any fears or doubts then an their, knowing that they were on a race against time, her actions would have to count.

              (Out Of Coffee :

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              ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

      Storyteller Risk-Taker

      クリス ・レッドフィールド
      Xlバイオハザード 5
      XXXl➛ LOCATION: ????

          User Image
                                            Chris Redfield
                                            B.S.A.A. NORTH AMERICA

                                            "There is one thing I do know... I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."

                                            ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                                            Chris kept his Beretta drawn, just in case any more infected got any ideas about racing over to him and Claire. There were tons in the area, seeming crawling out of whatever cracks and holes in the walls they could find - let alone the blood drenched halls of the floor they were on. In a way, it was almost as if the infected could sense the team's presence within the building and did whatever they could to reach them. Chris suddenly tightened his grip on his gun at the thought. The streets below would probably be the same in that regard.

                                            Watching Claire pull herself up from the floor and slap in a new clip before dispatching a few more infected, Chris soon gave her a nod in agreement. They had to get out. There was no telling how many infected where in the area, or how long the building itself was going to hold out. Hearing Leo's voice, Chris quickly acknowledged his orders as he watched both him and Sadie take off for the open stair well, with Sadie soon taking the lead, being the first to descend down. In a moment, he'd join them and help watch the rear with Claire.

                                            However, before Chris began to follow after his sister, he gave one last glance at the aircraft behind him. It's engines were running again and it's hatch closed tight. Kiyato, their team leader was standing before the plane with a look of great distraught written across his face. It was clear, their pilot was preparing to make one last sacrifice for the team. However, it would come at the expense of the structural integrity of the building. As soon as that plane pulls out, the structure would no doubt fall like a house of cards. This thought alone motivated Chris further to get the hell out. Watching Kiyato race past after having informed them the building was going to collapse, Chris immediately sprinted after him, heading over to the same stairwell the others had gone into.

                                            "Sadie, Leo, Claire! There's no time for standard procedure. You head Kiyato, this building gonna collapse any second now with us in it!" Chris called out to his teammates as he caught up with them. "We're going to have to do a blind dash for the exit. Even at the risk of running head first into a group of hostiles. It's the only chance we've got." In Chris's mind there was no time to take precaution while heading into the unknown. The building was already falling apart, the floors shaking, threatening to cave in at a moment's notice. Since Chris didn't see Kiyato, the Alpha leader must have already caught up with the rest of the Mercs that were further down. Hopefully, the team could all meet up in the streets before the pilot's sacrifice was in vain.

      "More and more I find myself wondering...
      XXXif it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it.
      [クリス ・レッドフィールド]User ImageUser Image
      ✗ CONDITION : Normal
      ✗ STATUS : Healthy
      ✗ THOUGHTS : The building's not going to hold!

      Omnipresent Survivor

      "Roads surround my fate.
      I chose the hardest way.
      Longing to be free.
      No one else but me."
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      Even as she continued to lead the way on down the flights of stairs, looking towards the doorway at each level. In case any unexpected surprises happened to pop out at them. Not long after that, the minuscule earpiece crackled to life with both Kiyato's and the pilot's voice appearing over the shared wavelength. The Pilot's plan wasn't exactly what she'd consider to be a good idea, but the man obviously seemed set in his decision to bring the whole building down. Regardless of what the BSAA captain had to say, or specifically shout at the pilot. Even as she listened to Kiyato's warning, the sound of the engines jumping to life was even more of one in itself.

      Right then as the building had only began to shake following the plane starting up again, Sadie paused and glanced up. As if she was able to see through the ceiling above her head. The stability of the building though was brought up in words again by Mr. Redfield this time. Stating the need to get out in a hurry, even though it involved dashing headlong into infected individuals. Whether or not they were numerous. As he had put it, it was their only chance at escaping.

      "Quit your worrying, we're nearly there. Just stick close in case we meet any unfriendly faces!" Sadie called out as she started moving again, this time at a far quicker pace and repositioning the Winchester in her grip as well. The barrel pointing towards the ground and angled in something of a sideways position. Hugging the firearm close to her body as she sprinted down the stairwell, throwing the door to the second floor open with her shoulder in a hurry.

      She had every reason to believe that Chris, Claire and Leo would absolutely follow her lead. Given the stability of the building and all that. What had surprised some was the little resistance they met on their way down, maybe they were all focused on the condition of the tall structure also. Either way, with their hodgepodge sort of team possibly split up into two groups due to the chaotic landing in the upper floors of a quite unstable building.

      Either way. after making it down the final three flights of stairs or so. Sadie again moved with a hurried pace throughout the lobby, alert for anything or something that might've appeared out of the blue. It hadn't been long before she reached the fancy doors of the building that was on its last legs and the Merc had eagerly rushed outside into the cold and nearly dismal atmosphere.

      Her training kicking in and she looked around, her weapon raised in a defensive position as she positioned herself a little ways out in front of the main entrance. Awaiting for the rest of her team before she went any further, though the extreme danger of the building collapsing was still there. As she stood her ground, a certain thought crossed her head. An important one or at least, it was to her.

      "Christ, now's a good time for a cigarette.." Sadie muttered under her breath, taking the time to move one hand and pat the pocket of her pants. Taking comfort in the pack of cigarettes still being there, as she waited for the rest of them and the Mercs to appear. Standing at the ready for the time being, until it was time for them to retreat further from the building. Or risk being caught up in the falling debris.

      6,100 Points
      • Person of Interest 200
      • Happy Birthday! 100
      • Dressed Up 200
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      ✦▐▐ (INFECTED)▐▐ ✦
      Klaudia Raine Dragomir

      S U B J E C T - 0 0 2

      "So much trash is spread everywhere.But trash is trash no matter what.You just have to clean it up ."


      - - - >> Trying not to take her time, Raine's slender fingers continued to work over the keys quickly, like little spiders if someone had to describe them. Once she wiped and place the false data, she needed to release the B.O.W.s in this base, framing Umbrella all the while. Her teal eyes remained focused on the screen as the data was changed, even taking the time to write a small note about how Tyrone had fallen in battle and that she was going to go and target the other Umbrella facilities. Perhaps making it seem like she was still working in their favor would benefit Wesker's plans.

      Once all the data was squared away with, the dark-haired woman then entered in the information for the self-destruct sequence. It would give her enough time to comfortably take her time with the rest of her tasks before extracting from the building. This plan was so simple. Or..... so she thought....

      ---- Moments Later ----

      Raine had pressed the master release controls for the B.O.W. containment cells when she heard a thunderous crash floors above. ' Scheiße...! You're must be kidding me, ja?! Zhey are already here?! Tch... Zhe critters can check zhemselvfes... I am out of here... ' She unlocked all of the doors, dropped the folder where she was supposed to, and started to go to the stairs when she thought of something. If they were there, she would have to sneak past them somehow. Alerting them to her presence would only have made them either question her or force her to tag along. Both options she did not want to deal with.

      Thinking of a plan however, the female sniper darted back into the central computer room and turned off all the power to the building, excluding the room she was in. Darkness would be her advantage. Raine's mind thought back to when she was captured and realized that she was using the same tactics as he had. Perhaps he was trying to do the same to that Prometheus base as well? It would explain a few things. Shaking her head however to stop her thought process, she kicked herself back into gear and headed towards the stairs. It seemed that a few more floors down, past the B.O.W. research and containment floor, that there was a small underground tunnel that would lead her out and away from the facility. She had more than enough time to get there but the problem was if anyone heard her. Certainly the power suddenly going out would have been bad, though.... with the crash upstairs, perhaps it was a good thing and givin that they'd be in more danger the further down they went, perhaps noise wasn't as bad as she thought. Though she still wasn't even sure just where the crash had been, except that she had heard one.

      Raine decided that she would lure them down further, if they were in fact there, as she made her escape, slamming the door to the stairwell on the sixth floor as she mad certain her boots clacked against the grated steel stairs. Hopefully, the noise would echo upward and drift into their ears, enticing them to explore out of curiosity. If not, it would definitely make the Lickers that she had released move upwards. Lickers were a bit annoying to the short female. Unless they could smell some form of virus in your blood, they would attack just about anyone, thinking that they were prey. To Raine, she felt it was something Wesker must have overlooked. He didn't really seem like the type to care about casualties after all.

      Sighing, she raised a hand to check her communicator only to recieve static. ' I must be too far down for zhe pilot to hear me... I shouldt get going zhen. Standing around is just vasting precious time... ' Raine continued quickly down the stairs, kicking open the door to floor eight before running down the stairs faster. She didn't want to have to call him. It would have meant failure.


      LOCATION : Prometheus Pharmaceuticals Secondary Building - Stairwell, Somewhere near floor BL8.
      MOOD : Annoyed.
      STATUS : At full health.
      FORM : Human
      {{ THEME MUSIC }}

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      Fate is one thing man looks to stray away from...
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      Everyone was descending, and Cenny didn't wait to be told twice. With an extra kick in his step he hustled down the stairs as the plane engine roared back to life, reverberations deafening in the stairwell. As long as he didn't slip on any victims of the group's decent, he would make it down unscathed. ' I wonder if everyone is okay. ' His leg hurt but the pain wouldn't compare to having to get out of this mess alone. His thoughts came back to reality a flight of stairs later as did the reality of the area. He pulled his bag closer and tucked in his shirt haphazardly, not at all appropriate for the situation but a little considerate of the elements at hand.

      Reaching the lobby, he looked back before bursting into the frozen waste. ' Kiyato shouldn't be too long with that other merc. ' His eyes adjusted to the gray of the area, his skin replying in goosebumps against the cold through his sweatshirt. The smell of rotting flesh pervading his nostrils was briefly subsided by the smell of smoke, one he was quite familiar with. He looked around swiftly to notice the grizzled female merc standing resolute against the gravity of everything, a cigarette burning in between her lips. He took a moment to catch himself, rolling his hand through his hair in thought. ' Guess I should use the time wisely... ' Dropping the bag and taking a knee, he opened and perused the contents of his supplies before quickly removing his handgun. He pulled the slide back and armed his weapon before holstering it. With his sights set on something a little quicker he removed his smg and prepped it for action. After a few moments of gearing, he stood up with his Bizon in hand and pack strapped on his back.

      He looked back towards the mercenary and reached for his own smokes. Putting one in his lips, he mumbled casually trying to keep it from falling out while he adjusted his weapon. "'Ou gotta 'ight?" He asked, the cold chafing his cheeks, his hands tightening around his weapon, eyes switching between her and the two relatives. He knew it wouldn't be long 'till they moved, who knows what might happen next...

      "'Bvy the 'ay, 'Ennys 'de name. All 'all are?" His lowered weapon swinging towards them in a pointing fashion.

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      ... But follows it's very path step by step.

      Omnipresent Survivor

      "Roads surround my fate.
      I chose the hardest way.
      Longing to be free.
      No one else but me."
      User Image
      Her weapon slung over her shoulder momentarily, Sadie stood her ground a little ways outside the main doors of the doomed building. A cigarette resting in between her lips as she dug out the zippo lighter, flicking the top back and running her thumb over the ignition wheel. Which obviously caused the lighter to spark up and light the stick. Still on guard, at the unexpected sound of another one of their company bursting right on through the doors. Sadie spun around, her free hand reaching for her handgun that was resting inside a shoulder holster.

      Only when she noticed she and the others were in friendly company, she had relaxed a little ways and listened to all he had to say. She hadn't immediately replied but instead watched as the fellow Merc armed himself completely. Even going to point of adding a cigarette of his own into the mix of his current arsenal. "It pays to come prepared, even in the slightest of ways." Sadie had first said, extending her arm and holding out the lit lighter to him. Just waiting now for him to do what was needed on his end, before retracting the lighter and placing it back into a pocket.

      "I'm Sadie, those two are Chris and Claire." She replied right as she pulled the zippo back and pocketed it, now that his own cigarette was lit up just like hers. Sadie had held her tongue and didn't bother making a remark like if you've showed up for the original briefing, you would've known all this by now. Instead however, her attention was pulled back towards the building. Not that it had started collapsing yet, no. Seemingly all the lights had gone off instead. For reasons that were currently unknown anyway.

      "Perfect, just perfect." She muttered quietly as she exhaled a small cloud of smoke.
      ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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      xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                The young Redfield agent let only bodily instinct take over as she found herself going down flight after flight of stairs. Not only was it important to watch ones step so they would not end up eating it on the ground, but the fact that every staircase had a door near it and the infection of the building was so strong that a second too close and too late would have you pulled into that certain floor and become the next meal, devoured alive painfully. Her feet moved one after another with the assortment of other footsteps slamming into the hard floor, her mind trying to think positive and only that everyone would make it out of the building alive before it came down on them. Soon the numbers to the floors that were sprawled onto each wall of each stairwell began to get lower and lower, her pistol still continued to look behind her to keep a watchful eye out for anything with the word creepy or crawly looking. Finally the number 1 signaled that they had reached the last floor and with a group effort their small group headed towards the exit of the building where surely zombies stood waiting.

                A sudden groan filled the air behind Claire and she paused from her movement towards some kind of safety and let out a bullet towards a zombie that wasn't quite in arms reach but if she had given it a few seconds, it would of been munching on one of them. It's brain turned to mush on impact and Claire found herself one of the last out of the building, her eyes scanned the area again in search of any more undead but instead she found a doorway across the room, a "personal only" was in print clearly on the door yet the broke card checkpoint there seemed to catch her eye, almost seemed to be destroyed with perfection though she was sure, one would try to open it in panic. The lights flickered once then went out making her sight dimmed and worse to find the glowing eyes of the undead but the snowy glow from outside drew her like a moth to a light, moving with the others where they would surely be waiting or already on their way.

                The crunch of snow under her feet made some uncomfortable memories rise but she pushed then down and regrouped with the team, two already with cigarettes lite. Though Claire felt it was hardly the time, Claire could see both Sadie and the wild card boy smoking could handle what they were given. Both seemed to fill the shoes of bad a** with their abilities of quick thinking and hell, if you were getting chased by zombies after surviving a plane crash, a cigarette was well deserved in her eyes. Claire looked to Leo seeing her as well seemed to be alright and well, her eyes then tracking down her brother. The look her blue eyes gave him showed mild relief but seemed to be filled with more than that, yet seemed only to be explained by the look of knowing. The look of already knowing what to expect out of this hell, the knowing that some of them might not make it. The knowing of life and the knowing of death, yet seeming to know everything about hell seemed to fill her with dread and the urge to fight.

                (Out Of Coffee :

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                ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

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        Erik "Leo" Chambers
        BSAA Delta Team; Leader

        Erik listened to the crackle of voices over his earpiece as he descended through the building a step behind Sadie, what struck him as odd though was the pilot's plan. They were racing to get to the bottom of the building but based on what he had seen of the plane the moment it powered its engines and reached the tipping point where more of its weight was over open air then supported it was going to plummet to the earth like a thirty ton missile full of fuel. Not only was the building going to topple the moment the plane started moving as the conditional stability of the structure was distorted by the moving mass and the friction of said movement but the aerial vehicle was going to create an explosion on impact, and considering the metal of the plane was most likely a titanium and aluminum alloy to create light but durable framework, it was going to be one hell of a shrapnel explosion as the fuel tanks under the wings ignited when the twisting metal sheared the electrical components. Not a great train of thought to be on when one is hauling a** and trying to dodge all kinds of infected enemies; overall it was rather distracting but then again the fact that he was able to think ahead was a testament to the ability of a trained operator.

        Likewise he could hear the clattering of booted feet below them echoing up the concrete stairwell, now considering that some of the mercs had descended before his group this would make sense but the fact that he heard the sharp metallic crash of a door being kicked open gave him a moment's pause. 'Who the hell is kicking open doors, zeds don't open door and Plagas and Majini communicate verbally and I don't hear any shouting below so that isn't them.' the Delta leader thought to himself as they continued their ground eating pace until the hit they eighth floor; his eyes alighted onto the push bar that was noticeably bent from being kicked open and the imprint on the door from a familiar boot tread. But the group was still moving quickly and he fell back into step behind Sadie.

        When they hit the lobby floor, Leo's eyes swept the area looking for any hostile threats and anything out of place; like Clair, he caught the broken key reader beside the "personnel only" door. When he heard the gunshot behind him, he glanced over his shoulder to see Claire putting down a zombie that had slipped out of a bathroom's swinging door. Before returning his gaze forward, shouldering through the door that was still ajar as a result of Sadie's exit. Immediately, Chambers felt the sharp sting of cold air as it slapped him in the face but his forethought prevented the chill air from slicing through his winter clothes and leaving his body in shock from the temperature shift. As he stepped outside, he glanced back and meet Claire's gaze as he checked to see who was out already; giving her a slight nod he moved his gaze onward counting heads before he glanced skywards at the gaping hole in the side of the building from where the plane had crashed into the structure.

        Recognizing the tail of the aircraft and the fact that their was debris flying out into the air above their heads meant the plane was still in the building but based on the tail's movement, it wouldn't be long before the plane was in free fall. Considering the lobby was open on both ends, elaborately decorated with glass fronts their wouldn't be any shielding from the crash and resulting explosion. "Not to cut your smoke break short but we need to move," Erik called out so that those gathered could hear him over the wind; "We need to move upwind and at least a quarter-mile before that plane hits the grounds otherwise we're in the potential blast radius if the fuel catches, and at least a mile away before the building comes down; the dust cloud will choke us and cut visibility not to mention the chance of debris being caught by falling debris if we're too close." The veteran explained as he slung his shotgun behind his back and shouldered his assault rifle; the streets would provide longer firing lines, more suited to ranged combat then the shotgun was.

        Without waiting to see if anybody was following him, the Delta team leader started moving northward at a loping pace; more than a jog but less than an outright run, it would conserve energy over a distance and allow him to keep his breath in the cold environment without catching a stitch in the side. All they needed to go was a mile to be out of the threat range, human vision allowed seventeen miles before horizon so at that distance a flare would be easily recognized for any stragglers and at his pace they should cover a mile in nine minutes times; hopefully long enough for Kiyato's group to get out and see them before the area was swallowed by the dirt cloud. They would be swallowed by the dust cloud regardless, but the further away the were the less it would affect them.

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