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✦▐▐ (INFECTED)▐▐ ✦
Klaudia Raine Dragomir

S U B J E C T - 0 0 2

"So much trash is spread everywhere.But trash is trash no matter what.You just have to clean it up ."


- - - >> "Ja.... I suppose zhey could be useful for somezhing... Not in mein book though..." Raine frowned a little as her somewhat reptilian gaze fell to the floor, her mind clearly mulling it over before yet another brief look of disgust washed over her face. Irish? Useful? Bah! Having such generous thoughts was foolish and certainly a waste of her time. "... Tch, vhat am I saying...? Zhey are all useless...." The German muttered under her breath, recalling her prior statement with some caution. Her crystalline eyes looked over to Wesker again when he mentioned that she was in good hands. Did he always talk this way to his employees and experiments? Odd...

Sighing, she simply followed him out of the elevator as the doors opened. Immediately her eyes started to wander about, trying to take in as much information about her surroundings as possible. The dark-haired female had only been here maybe once or twice, both times in which she was certainly not very conscious of just where she was. No doubtably they were the few moments she was awake during all of the experimentation her body had gone through after being captured. Raine's wandering gaze stopped finally when she caught Wesker pointing at a chair. Right.... the blood test. If one asked her, she wouldn't ever admit it but she loathed needles. Not on others, but herself. With a faint frown, she casually nodded and sat down, grimmacing at just how umcomfortable the chair was. Her teal eyes followed him as he moved about, approaching her with the syringe in hand. She sighed lightly as she held out her left arm, looking away slightly but not enough to hint at her strong 'dislike'. Raine bit her lip a little as Wesker pushed the needle into her skin, causing her to frown a bit more. She hated the feeling; it was like there was a small twinge of pain for each second that damned thing sat in her arm. Hearing that her body was far more stable however, Raine relaxed a bit, allowing him to remove the needle as she watched her arm instantly heal. That was still something that she was going to have to get used to.

Noticing the motion for her to follow him over to a metal table, the somewhat short woman simply nodded and got up, walking over with him to only be briefed on her what 'appeared to be simple' mission. As her boss continued to talk, her calculating stare looked over everything, including the things he had handed to her while he spoke. If the B.S.A.A. was going to be arriving, she wasn't too sure that she should have gone. No doubt, someone in the organization had gotten her transmission a while back. That only meant more problems. Looking up, Raine started to ask a few questions, her heavy accent making her sound a bit annoyed. "Ja, I understand. Though I havfe I quvestion..." She paused, collecting her thoughts for a moment before continuing. ".. You said zhat zhe B.S.A.A. vas going to be zhere.... Shouldt I been keeping mein identity an anomaly or vhould it not matter if I stayed like zhis....?" Raine asked about the form she was in. She wasn't very used to her viral form yet and the past few times that she had been sent out on a mission, she had been ordered to use it. Though she prefered not to it seemed. Perhaps with time, she wouldn't mind. "I don't care much eizher vay but I vould like to know, ja~ Other zhen zhat though.... nein, I've no quvestions left."


LOCATION : Prometheus Pharmaceuticals Headquarters - Wesker's Laboratory.
MOOD : Curious, Racist.
STATUS : At full health.
FORM : Human

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┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            " s**t..." The foul word as well as others seemed to become a regular everyday word to the once college student that found herself in a row of cubicles that seemed to share the same boring colorless design as the rest. The young yet mature Claire Redfield found herself within the one of the many North America B.S.A.A. headquarters, searching through the million desks to find a certain man with some unrememberable name that would lead her to the room where she was to be given an assignment. Of course the young brunette wasn't at such a corperation on an everyday basis but when one of her bosses at TerraSave had gotten a call from her brother's line of work, pleading to get a few extra helping hands, they hadn't thought twice about sending the youthful and independent worker. Claire mind wandered as much as her feet were roaming from open space to open space in the office building, her thoughts were in question on what she might find waiting for her in this assignment. Ever since the Harvardville incident, the rust haired girl was careful on acting in the field for the thought of making such misakes as before would not add nicely to the guilt she was already suffering from. Though the open field scared her a bit, she felt that piles of paperwork or running copies for the bosses seemed to be scarier and more unappealing that getting shot at or having her life at risk.

            " Excuse me. Are you Claire Redfield from TerraSave?Good. If you would please Follow me. the meeting about your trip to Iceland has already begun Claire heard a voice behind her and she quickly turned to face the figure. A boring and plain suited figure stood infront of her but what he had just spoken seemed to be unexpecting and a suprise to her. At first she didn't understand his words as he spoke them for it took a few seconds to sink into to her mind. Before she could say anything to the man, he was already moving in a quick pace out of the lines of desk, motioning her to follow him. Though Claire stood their with the still shock of the situation, it wasn't like she hadn't traveled before but...really iceland.

            "Wait Iceland?!" She questioned loudly and recieved many stares that she wished she didn't see, she would later slap herself for being so unprofessional. Claire the forced her feet to move and follow the boring man towards the room she was supose to be in already, her mind full of more questions than before.

            (Out Of Coffee : )

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            ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

    Omnipresent Survivor

    "Roads surround my fate.
    I chose the hardest way.
    Longing to be free.
    No one else but me."
    User Image
    "That's right, you heard correctly."

    A woman with sandy blonde hair called out the moment Claire Redfield, and the man guiding the way, had walked straight on into the very same room. With an unlit cigarette hanging between her lips, Sadie hadn't even bothered to raise her head and look in Claire's direction as she came into the room that seemed to be a place for board meetings and all that. Sadie had sat a few feet away from the door, boots propped up on the desk and held a M1911 pistol in hand. The magazine had sat upright on the table before her and she moved the slide back before letting it go with it making a clack, ensuring the weapon was empty for the sake of safety.

    Reaching out towards a nearby kit that rested near the single clip, Sadie took up a wire brush in hand and casually placed it inside the barrel. Making the repeated motions necessary to clean up the inside of the barrel. As she kept up that work, did the Mercenary finally raise her head up and look towards the younger Redfield. With a casual stare, and a silent one at that, Sadie clearly realized that Claire's mind swirled with questions about all of what they were about to embark upon. Another trait she couldn't help but notice was the quality of internal strength that whirled about Claire as well.

    "Go ahead, take a seat. You've got plenty left." Sadie idly offered as she paused in her task, taking the time to gesture towards what chairs were left in the room. Following that, she had briefly turned her gaze back to both the wire brush and the handgun. Just to remove the brush and place it back inside the small kit. Simultaneously, Sadie closed the kit and replaced the magazine back inside the pistol and pulled her feet from the table as well. She had next placed the small case back into a sling bag by her feet, which had sat next to a medium sized duffel bag as well.

    Of which carried the other two items that made up her weaponry and safety apparel. Following that however, Sadie returned her gaze to Claire and the man that had led the way for her. In the mean time, as she waited for the meeting to get under way, once all of those involved had shown up of course. Sadie pulled the unlit cigarette from her mouth and casually played with it inbetween her fingertips. Quietly wishing with a murmur underneath her breath that she had been allowed to light it up inside the briefing room.
    ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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    xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              Before Claire even entered the meeting room that the man was leading her into, a voice called out and had answered her question then and there. Claire couldn't identify the voice to any person she knew nor did she feel the need to stand outside of the door and play a guessing game when she could merely find out within the next second. The amburn haired girl moved into the doorway as soon as her own escort moved inside to let her survey the room. Her blue eyes looked around but were quick to give the answer that the blonde haired woman sitting by the door was the one who answered that the mission was indeed going to be in Iceland. Claire paused by the door taking in the boldiness and cool vibe that came from the woman would began to clean the already well kept gun she seemed to hold on her person. The Redfield girl wasn't one to pack heavy to a meeting such as this or much less anywhere else even though she had lived through more than one nightmare of an infectious area, her eyes seemed to mirror the curiousness within her mind.

              The woman looked up casually to take a look at who's question she had answered and simply seemed looked to Claire, there the TerraSave member could see a familarness within the one unpatched eye that stared at her. Fight. The only word Claire could think of that described such a look the woman had, the same look her brother Chris always had within his. An element that showed the will to do something, to fight for something, to live for a purpose. Within those few seconds, Claire gained a respect already for whoever this woman was. The once university student snapped back to what was going on as the sandy haired woman spoke to take one of the many ocupied seats open within the room, it seemed that the meeting was being delayed with the vacancy of space. Claire moved from the doorway and then took a seat next to the woman as she finished cleaning her gun and had started to place the magazine back into the gun. " Hi. I'm Claire, Claire Redfield." Her voice came friendly as she turned to what seemed to be one of her partners on the mission, extending a her hand to shake hers.

              (Out Of Coffee :weird post/ gotta warm myself up ^^ wink

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              ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

      Storyteller Risk-Taker

      クリス ・レッドフィールド
      Xlバイオハザード 5
      XXXl➛ LOCATION: NA, BSAA Building, Boardroom

          User Image
                                            Chris Redfield
                                            B.S.A.A. NORTH AMERICA

                                            "There is one thing I do know... I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."

                                            ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                                            "s**t, s**t, s**t, s**t...!" Chris chanted frantically inside his mind, as if in doing so he could change the fact that he was late. (Little did he know, his sister had done just about the exact same thing.) Unfortunately, he had picked a bad day to sleep in, completely forgetting about the mission briefing they were all informed about ahead of time. This was just his luck... After just returning home from aiding in another BSAA operation across seas, the very next day there had to be another imperative briefing. At times, his work seemed endless.

                                            Heading down one of the busy hallways on the main floor of the BSAA building, Chris tried his best to make haste without breaking into a run. For a moment he found himself lost within the familiar building, unsure of which direction to go. He had been gone so long that he almost felt like a stranger, exploring the building for the very first time. Taking part in BSAA missions all across the globe, Chris hardly had a chance to get back to the North American branch and take a break. His life pretty much evolved around his work, ever since four years ago.

                                            Looking down to check his watch, Chris hardly realized that his steady pace had evolved into a sprint. This didn't dawn on him until he noticed the string of strange looks he received as he made his way past a large room filled with dull looking cubicles. Putting on a strait face, Chris tried to make what he was doing seem professional. This wasn't exactly a first for him. Turning down another hallway, Chris began to check the room numbers of the different boardrooms as he ran past them. It probably didn't help much that he had more than a few numbers in mind that he thought were right. Unsure of exactly which room the briefing was taking place in, Chris slowed his pace to briefly glance inside each of the rooms. Luckily, most were empty, safe for a few people who were likely finishing up.

                                            Soon enough, he finally found himself out side of the right one. It was dimly lit, and much to his surprise nothing had started yet. Maybe, he wasn't the only one running late. 'Great... after all that, nothing started yet...' Chris thought to himself, feeling a little irritated and relieved. Had this been one of Wesker's briefings from back in S.T.A.R.S. Chris wouldn't have been cut any slack. Then again, no one would have been.

                                            Making his way into the room, Chris almost immediately halted to a complete stop as he laid eyes on his sister, Claire - who was already seated. Being away all the time, Chris had no clue that she had been asked to take part in one of the BSAA's latest assignments. "C-claire?" Chris soon questioned from behind her, sounding both dumbfounded and confused. "What are you doing here? I thought you were with Terra Save or something...?"

                                            Quickly realizing that now wasn't the time to ask questions, Chris promptly took his seat at the table beside Claire, albeit a tad bit awkwardly. From what Chris could recall, Claire had remained with the human rights organization after they parted ways. What was she doing here at the one of the BSAA's buildings was beyond him. Unsure of the answer, Chris fell silent as his eyes shifted to the other woman sitting in the room. She wasn't one of the usual BSAA member's that Chris recognized. Was she one of the Mercenaries? She certainly had something of a distant and strong air about her. Keeping quiet, Chris watched the women maintenance her firearm, before fidgeting with a cigar. Her actions only reminded him that he often neglected his own sidearm. Probably the reason why it seemed to jam all the time. Digressing aside, It was probably ideal to become acquainted with everyone before going on their mission.

      "More and more I find myself wondering...
      XXXif it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it.
      [クリス ・レッドフィールド]User ImageUser Image
      ✗ CONDITION : Normal
      ✗ STATUS : Healthy
      ✗ THOUGHTS : I'm late... Wait... is that Claire?

      OOC: Kind of an akward post too...
      ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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      xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                Claire could hear the presense of another entering the meeting room that would speak of the mission to Iceland that she would be join in on but she had looked to see who the person was until she heard a familar voice speak her name. The voice had a questioning yet relieful tone to it, the tone seeming to reflect the noise of hum of a moter bike, gentle yet showed a command to it. Claire's head whipped around towards the door, letting her hair in her usual ponytail sway with the force and wind. The man's hair messy as always and light bags seemed to rest under his eyes, a muscular frame made her afraid to introduce any guy she was interested in to him, scared to see this man choke them.His eyes bolodly showing that willful fight that the blonde haired woman held in her own.Chris Redfield, her older brother.

                The blue in her eyes lite up with seeing the man infront of her, memories flooding back to her within seconds of locking eyes with him. The amburn haired girl remembered the goodtimes such as the late night dinners at Emy's Diner in Raccoon when he was stationed in S.T.AR.S, as well as his goofy grin he'd show when she gained a strange obession with motercycles and began to wear her hot pink vest everywhere she went. Though even though she could remember fun nights such as them, it seemed like everything bad seemed to come up and haunt her memories as well. Looking for her brother in Raccoon city when it had gone to hell, and being captured by Umbrella after invading a Paris facility. Then their was the two people she met then that scarred her memory forever.Even she didn't dare to look back on those untouch memories that she knew would cause her to break down, two names.

                Steve Burnside. Albert Wesker. Both dead...or so she thought.

                Claire pushed her thoughts out of her head and returned to her brother's sudden appearance in the room. She forced herself to stay in the seat and not run and hug him, she didn't want to be looked at as a child. Her face was sure to read the same confusion as his to see him here as well since she had thought he was still overseas in another headquarters since she spoke with him last. Chris questioned why she was here, his voice with wonder if she had quiet TerraSave and joined the B.S.A.A. but Claire quickly shot down that idea and threw him questions as well. "Chris? I thought you were still out of the country, why didn't you tell me when you returned? Don't worry, I'm just here because TerraSave sent me here as back up.Are you here for the same mission?" She spoke trying to remain collected and cool even though she wanted to drag him to the nearest cheap diner like the old days and pay 20 questions with him on how he was and if he was doing okay.

                Claire eyes followed Chris as he sat down in the seat next to her, of course more people began to join in the room but since no one was leading the meeting yet, she didn't think talking with others was going to be a problem, almost feeling like it was junior high all over again except with bigger and more important issues to deal with. " Is Jill coming as well? How about your new partner as well? Claire cut to the chase quickly, since all the bioterrorism going around and Chris being sent all over the world and she herself being moved to assignment after assingment, she had only been able to talk over the phone or meet with the older Redfield rarely, so she had never had the pleasure of meaning his new partner, only learning her name was Sheva and that she had helped him in a certain mission but she quickly cast out the thought of what happened there that Chris and his female partner had to fight against.

                (Out Of Coffee : )

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                ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

        Omnipresent Survivor

        "Roads surround my fate.
        I chose the hardest way.
        Longing to be free.
        No one else but me."
        User Image
        As her gaze stayed put on Claire, while her fingers were still moving around the cigarette in an idle fashion. Rolling the little white and tan stick deftly inbetween each finger, she tilted her head to the side some as she obviously noted that the younger woman was indeed studying her persona. As for when Claire had moved deeper into the room and taken the seat next to her, following that up with introducing herself and sticking out a hand for her to shake. The Merc raised the cigarette up to her mouth again and held it there, before returning the handshake.

        "Sadie Rae." She responded with a mixture of a serious and calming tone, giving Claire only her first and middle name. As she often did whenever it was she had come across anyone that could be regarded as a new face to her. Sadie had calmly retracted her hand and moved to say something to Claire, though she had hardly gotten out what was on her mind by the time a muscular individual calmly strode his way into the same room.

        Which until his arrival, it had only been occupied by herself, Claire and perhaps the one that was about to brief them all. Speaking of that suit, Sadie had glanced quickly in his direction and found him silently standing almost at the other side of the room. Almost awkwardly as the two siblings chatted back and forth, which drew Sadie's attention towards them both again. Obviously she had been able to tell the family resemblance between the two, though as for who was either the younger or older one. Sadie had a good enough guess to that, but she wasn't about to make any assumptions.

        Not without enough of the necessary facts beforehand anyway. And especially when she hadn't at all recognized the name Jill, or this mysterious partner that Chris obviously had at some point in his career.

        "If those two will be joining us, I've got a feelin' we could use the extra pair of hands. I figure that's why I've been hired on." Sadie remarked about Claire's current questions that she had to ask of her brother. She was certain that Chris, who had taken a seat next to his sister, just to look in her direction. Watching her as she finished performing the end of a brisk cleaning of the handgun's barrel, before she began to leisurely play with the unlit cigarette.

        In her own silence that followed, Sadie casually leaned back in the chair and stuck the pistol into a shoulder holster before crossing her arms. She had no qualms about mentioning her profession, to the right people anyway. Especially when they had figured it out for sure on their own. She continued to focus her attention on the two siblings, awaiting whatever else they had to mention. If any of it just so happened to be sent in her direction, that is.

        EriTanaka's Significant Otter

        Shadowy Hunter

        9,500 Points
        • Partygoer 500
        • Perfect Attendance 400
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        A L B E R T_W E S K E R

        The only thing that can defeat power is more power. That is the one constant in this universe. However, there is no point in power if it consumes itself.

        " That RIGHT to be a GOD........ "

        - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "If you weren't such a perfect asset, these questions would end you up in a bad place. You are lucky."

        Wesker smirked."No it will not matter if they see you or not. It may even be useful if they do. Your goal is to make it out before they get there."

        Wesker went over to a large door and hit a button. It was opposite of the elevator they used to take down here. When the doors opened there was a large assortment of weapons laid out."Choose what you like. If you do not need anything from here you may exit here from the elevator. You know how to contact me. I would prefer not to come and save you, don't fail me."

        Wesker turned from her and went back to his computer. He stood there typing for a while and something caught his eye. "Seems I will be going out myself." Wesker sat up and then in a purple haze appeared in the elevator. "When your finished you know what to do." The elevator door close as he stared into her eyes with a small smirk on his face.

        Reaching the top level Wesker walked out the elevator. "This will be fun."Wesker said as he vanished once more. The plans where only just starting.
        (i know its crappy but iz sleepy and i was tired of putting it off.)

        - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        " ........That RIGHT is now MINE. "

        I will enlist the help of an old friend against our common foe; I will use one pawn to eliminate the other, and emerge with the spoils for myself.

        User ImagexxxxxxUser ImagexxxxxxUser Image

        Storyteller Risk-Taker

        クリス ・レッドフィールド
        Xlバイオハザード 5
        XXXl➛ LOCATION: NA, BSAA Building, Boardroom

            User Image
                                              Chris Redfield
                                              B.S.A.A. NORTH AMERICA

                                              "There is one thing I do know... I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."

                                              ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                                              Chris could hardly remember the last time he had spent any actual time with Claire. Having been on so many assignments back to back, and with Claire being tied up in her own company's affairs, there was just no time for shooting the breeze. A simple phone call and a few scattered visits was hardly enough to get a sense of how she was really doing. Thinking about it, there was pry a lot more going on in her life that he didn't know about. For all he knew, she could have quit her job at Terra Save and joined the BSAA, perhaps in pursuit of a more active role against bioterrorism. However, Chris quickly dismissed this thought as Claire's answer cleared things up.

                                              Glancing around the room, it seemed there was still a fair bit of time yet before the briefing would go underway. So why not engage in a little conversation before hand? Fixing his attention back on Claire, Chris couldn't help but give her something of a sheepish look. He knew he should have called her when he got back, but it somehow slipped his mind. It was no wonder she looked just as confused as he did a moment ago. "Sorry about that, Claire. I meant to give you a call, but I was beat. Just got back yesterday." He explained, before both his voice and demeanor turned solemn. "You know, to be honest. I'm a little surprised that Terra Save sent you here. Aren't they rather busy themselves? I mean, can they really afford to send you?"

                                              In a way, Chris hoped it was some kind of mistake that Claire was selected to aid the BSAA. He knew they were short a few for the mission, but why send Claire? The last thing Chris needed was to let down another person he cared about. After he thought he lost Jill, he just couldn't bring himself to work with anyone he was close too. It'd kill him if Claire was somehow lost in the mission. In truth, he knew Claire was a strong person, with her crazy fascination for motorcycles and how quickly she caught on, back when he taught her to fight. She could easily handle herself now - and not to mention all that she had been through over the years probably harden her some. But at times, he still caught himself babying her regardless. He just couldn't help it.

                                              "I was called back here to take part in the BSAA's latest assignment, involving Iceland and the Prometheus Pharmaceuticals. Seeing as though you showed up here for the briefing, I guess we're on the same mission." Chris added, trying to quickly move away from the last subject. It was pry safe to assume that everyone in the room was going to take part in the same thing, even despite how few people were present.

                                              Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he paused to think about Claire's last question. "I'm not sure about Sheva coming with us, and I... haven't heard from Jill in awhile. More than likely, Jill won't be involved in this mission..." It almost pained him to tell Claire the latter. Jill was the closest friend he had, he deeply respected her. And yet, he had pushed himself away from her. After what went down in Africa, he purposely avoided his old partner for the same reason he didn't want to see Claire apart of their latest mission. He had let Jill down and he wasn't about to let it happen again. He never quite forgave himself for what happened... even if it was Jill's own decision back then.

                                              As Chris finished speaking, his attention returned to the other woman who had spoke up after Claire had. She had a point, and Chris couldn't help but agree with her. They needed a few extra hands, but what caught his attention more so, was the last thing she mentioned almost casually. "You're one of the Mercenaries, right?" His voice sounded somewhat inquisitive. "I didn't recognize you when I walked in, so I assumed you might have been one of the ones the BSAA sent out for. It's good to have you apart of the team. I'm Chris Redfield, just in case you weren't informed."

                                              Chris was aware of the fact that the BSAA had hired a few Mercenaries, but the names and backgrounds of each selected were never disclosed to him. Employing mercs was fairly new for the BSAA, and so there wasn't exactly any kind of reputation built up for them over the years. In these days, it was never easy to tell when one was about to hire a double agent, and It was this fact that made Chris feel leery of working with mercenaries. However, more than likely this woman had received a thorough background check and turned out clear. So it was pry safe to place trust in her. Perhaps, it was only the fact that this woman before him donned an eyepatch that made him feel the need to be cautious. She probably had quite the history.
        "More and more I find myself wondering...
        XXXif it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it.
        [クリス ・レッドフィールド]User ImageUser Image
        ✗ CONDITION : Normal
        ✗ STATUS : Healthy
        ✗ THOUGHTS : Terra Save... why send Claire?

        OOC: Perhaps in my next post I'll get the briefing going, as long as that's alright with Stitchy-Boy.

        Omnipresent Survivor

        "Roads surround my fate.
        I chose the hardest way.
        Longing to be free.
        No one else but me."
        User Image
        With a turn of her head elsewhere, Sadie had allowed the two siblings to communicate privately. Or at least as privately as anyone could get inside the briefing room. There were a few things she did pay attention to, particulary involving whomever Sheva and Jill happened to be towards the two of them. Aside from a partner in arms at least, the way Chris had spoken of them both seemed to suggest he had been partnered with both woman at some point. But when exactly it mattered little to her. That was their business not hers, it wasn't what she had gotten hired for.

        By the time Chris had moved to speak to her directly, she was leaning back in the chair again. Though she hadn't gotten to propping her feet up on the desk again, which might have been for the better now. Especially with the inquisitive nature the elder Redfield seemed to have. As he went about talking to her about this and that. Mostly about the reason why she was here. Which to the Merc had been, or should've been, a rather obvious fact. Since she wasn't a familiar face around here like the rest of the BSAA employees.

        "I am, and exactly like you said. The BSAA did happen to hire me on for this particular job." She replied with a calm attitude about herself. "Whether or not its good yet for me, well. That remains to be seen just yet, considering we've been sitting here for just a short time now and haven't exactly been given a sit rep on what lays before us." Sadie added, unconsciously using a militaristic term to describe the unknown scenario.

        "I wasn't informed either, Chris. The BSAA does a well enough job at keeping some of their employees names out of the public media." Before the Merc had accepted their offer, she had done her best to look into whatever information she could uncover about the company. Rather than just blindly accept the offer and get herself into something that was way over her head. A place she would much rather not be in.

        "As I've said to your sister, the name's Sadie Rae."

        [[ I say that sounds fine to me. -nod-
        Also, Stitchy. Did you get a PM from someone named Nathan S. Cross by any chance? ]]

        6,100 Points
        • Person of Interest 200
        • Happy Birthday! 100
        • Dressed Up 200
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        ✦▐▐ (INFECTED)▐▐ ✦
        Klaudia Raine Dragomir

        S U B J E C T - 0 0 2

        "So much trash is spread everywhere.But trash is trash no matter what.You just have to clean it up ."


        - - - >> Raine merely blinked a couple of times as she tried to understand how her questions would have gotten her into trouble. It didn't quite make sense to her but she wouldn't really ask at this point. After all, it seemed that Wesker had other things to tend to. Sighing, the dark-haired woman merely nodded, understanding that her identity wasn't an issue any longer. Of course she would certainly try to leave before the B.S.A.A. arrived but knowing just how much lackies tended to fail, her task might end up being a nightmare to get done in a timely manner. Raine thought about the information some more before simply putting it off to the side for now. Everything was simple enough and if anything, the B.O.W.s could at least provide her with more time if there was realy an issue with her former comrades. Placing the false documents was simple though it seemed somewhat irrelevant considering they were to make the facility self-destruct. But perhaps it was to ensure that there could be no holes in the grand scheme. ' He certainly thinks of everyzhing, ja.... I vonder if it vas zhat over-planning zhat killed him in zhe first place.... '

        Her very reptilian eyes followed Wesker as he walked about, moving over to a door to only reveal a selection of various weapons. A faint smirk formed on her pale fae as she followed him over to the wall. He was willing to arm her as well? It made Raine wonder if he trusted her. Most likely not considering the virus she was infected with but this was still something confusing. "I von't be screwing somezhing so simple up.... Havfe a little fath in me, ja?" The German laughed a little as she waved a hand in the air to show that she was merely joking around. As Wesker walked over to his computer, Raine started playing around with a Dragunov SVD very much like her old one. Though this one was certainly well-kept unlike hers. Oh the abuse that rifle went through. She would make sure to at least try to take care of this one. It was nice. A small smile crept onto her face as she made herself familiar with the sniper rifle, taking a look at the minor differences and noticing the weight difference. Were they always this light?

        "Ah... vell havfe fun vherevfer you are going, ja? I'll be sure to complete zhis in a timely und professional manner~.." Raine stopped paying attention to her boss as he stepped into the elevator, going back to look at the weapons. Finding a strap, she latched it onto the rifle before placing the firearm onto her back. The S.S. member then picked up a combat knife, some ammunition, and a small medical bag, placing everything neatly inside and strapping the sheath of the blade to her thigh. All of this was force of habit for her. Checking everything over, she nodded to herself. Everything was in order. Raine walked back over to the metal table and placed the folder into her bag before walking over to the elevator. Her teal gaze flicked upwards to check what floor Wesker had gone to before she decided to press the button. No use in waiting around after all.

        Moments later...

        Raine had organized someone to fly a helicopter to the location in Iceland. A scowl fixated itself upon her pale face as she looked downwards out of the vehicle, her cold gaze glaring fiercely as the small country started to come into view. "Ugh.... zhis ist repulsive... I hope I don't havfe to stay here long..." Annoyed, she made a fist and hit the wall that separated the passenger cabin from the cockpit, startling the pilot a bit. Raine just wanted to get this done and over with and get out.


        LOCATION : Airbound - en route to Ireland.
        MOOD : Annoyed, Racist.
        STATUS : At full health.
        FORM : Human
        {{ THEME MUSIC }}

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        ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Claire Redfield┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅

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        xxxxxxx┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ Made in Heaven...┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ddddddd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  Claire could see the embarrassed that surfaced on her brother's face when she had mentioned why she hadn't heard that he had gotten back from his mission overseas but with as he answered that he had just gotten back yesterday and had really meant to inform her that he was in the area, Claire smiled and shook her head that she didn't mind about the forgotten call. Claire looked upon her brother's own blue-grey eyes, her sister tuition seeing past the strong fighter where she could see the dark around his eyes and the scars he bared through every mission he completed. As a fighter for the cause of ending bioterrorism around the world, Claire knew how her brother felt completely. Trying to get everything done in a mission with all the pressure and sleepless nights one was to partake in. Others lives and well as your life stood in in the balance when it came to fighting against the evilness of the fallen Umbrella as well as other companies and people who wanted to take over the world without thinking about who they crushed. Now personal life could develop in between, dating was joke compared to everything she had dealt with before. It was the life she had at first unwillingly took until she knew that she made a difference in making the world a safer place.The younger Redfield knew that she would make him pay went she took him out to a diner when they got off this mission.

                  Claire remained smiling though when her brother asked if TerraSave could really afford to send her over for this mission, knowing that companies such as theirs could use all the help they could get. The auburn hair girl though caught on to the big brother attitude that he took up in a few seconds making Claire feel like a child again, over-protective as always. " Chris trust me, TerraSave isn't missing me that much, all I'm missing out on is a few protests and handing out flyers. Don't worry Chris I can handle myself, you know that." Sassy as always she spoke back to her brother, playfully busting his balls but joking with him to lighten his mood a bit just as he mentioned the topic about Jill and she knew that she struck a nerve and a bad thought in his head. Claire wasn't told the whole story about what had happened back then but she found out that apparently Jill was infact alive after that fall through the window when the two went to the Spencer mansion, force to fight Chris and his partner Sheva in Africa. Claire placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner, patting it to know he wasn't alone here.

                  Her blue eyes looked backed to the new stranger named Sadie as Chris spoke to her, refering to her as a mercenary for this mission by her cool character and Claire found herself interested in the topic, seeing as though Claire had never really had a run in with a hired hand in her line of work. Mostly with TerraSave it was volunteer work with members making a decent amount of money but notice really to brag about. Claire took a look back at Chris to see nothing of surprise as Sadie Rae spoke that she was indeed a merc, in fact he looked quite impressed and as interested as she was. Leave it to the Redfield to have appreciation for everything. Though it did disappoint her that she found out both her brother and the cool blonde didn't have much information on their mission to Iceland, it seemed that this meeting was one to really pay attention to.

                  (Out Of Coffee : )

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                  ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅Let Me Live.... ┅⋰ ¤ ⋱ ┅ ddddddd

          EriTanaka's Significant Otter

          Shadowy Hunter

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          QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT: There is now an OOC page where I will probably hang out a lot of the time. Feel free to come in and chat it up biggrin

          EriTanaka's Significant Otter

          Shadowy Hunter

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          He sat there in the meeting room in the front, waiting for the briefing to begin. He was early, but the place seemed dead, much like the rest of the world outside. Kiyato Fujina was his name, and he was twirling his Katana around. He was the leader of Team Aplha, the strongest branch of the BSAA and he was deserving of the position. He was very tough and a lot of the time he was a no bullshitter. He wondered why no one was here. With the seriousness of the situation he would of thought everyone would be here early. Kiyato put his sword into it's sheath and folded his arms.

          ' Iceland huh? Let's see how this goes.'

          As everyone started to show up he took note of the brother sister pair, Chris and Claire Redfield. He only heard good things about those two, especially Chris. He took down Wesker back in Africa and stopped the spread of Uroburros. Kiyato would probably speak to Chris on the plane ride there.

          As things got settled and people were finally settled and all the BSAA teams were there the commander stood up in front of the room.

          A transmission was played and the room grew quiet. Once it finished the leader began to speak.

          (This is just a synopsis of whats on the front page under BSAA, so if you read that, feel free to skip it.)

          "The transmission you all heard was from our former Omega team. Lieutenant Black and Sergeant Dragomir were sent to investigate a situation that arose somewhere in the Atlantic a week ago when they sent that message. We haven't heard from them since then. Some of us believe that they are still alive, some believe they were killed. Either way, we need to investigate what happened to our comrades. But that is not our main objective. Your main objective is to investigate any and all Prometheus Pharmaceuticals Inc. bases to find their true intentions. Our latest report includes two much mutated humanoids wreaking havoc; one was taken out while the other vanished. Be on your toes at all times.

          In order to discover the true lab of Prometheus Pharmaceuticals there is one lab somewhere in Iceland that has the location of the base of Prometheus Pharmaceuticals. We are sending you all there on a stealth fighter plane for faster travel as well as undetectable flight. Despite this dire situation, there are still enemies of the BSAA. Once you discover the location of the base send a radio signal back here so that you may be picked up and taken to its location.

          As a further note, Umbrella Corporation had climbed from its ashes and as such, we believe them to be behind the recent events of new viral outbreaks. Keeps an eye out for any involvement from them and shut them down immediately.

          Lastly, this is the highest ranked mission there could be. We must stop this before it spreads too far. You are about your mission and nothing more: get to the objective and destroy the cause. Take whatever means necessary to achieve a successful mission.

          (added information)

          If there are questions, as them now, if not the plane is in the hangar. Take whatever equipment and ammo you may need because we will not be picking any of you up until the mission is completed.

          As for you veterans (Chris/Claire/Sheva ect) you may use your own discretion, but know that the Alpha team leader will be head of this mission. Work as a team, if not we all know what will happen. That is all." The leader stood there just in case people had questions."

          Kiyato had no questions and his things were packed already so he stood up and walked out the meeting. He walked to his office and grabbed the rest of his equipment and went for the plane.

          "This is one nightmare I'm destined to survive."

          Kiyato walked into the plane and took his seat. Kiyato only had a small idea of what to do once in Iceland.


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          Erik "Leo" Chambers
          BSAA Delta Team; Leader

          A heavily bearded man stepped out of a van that pulled up in front of the North American BSAA headquarters and moved swiftly to the doors and into the lobby, to the casual observer it looked like the man had simply taken the time to move his sunglasses from his face to mesh pouch on the side of the rucksack that he carried; but to someone with special forces training than what the man was doing was allowing his eyes to adjust to the new level of light and scan the lobby for potential threats. By the way the man pulled it off so nonchalantly, it was easy to assume that he had long since developed the habit; hitching the bag up onto his shoulder into a more comfortable position he resumed his ground eating stride and made his way into the stairwell access where he began to take the steps two at a time, showing a lithe grace that belied his aged appearance.

          It took him a few minutes to make his way up to the appropriate floor but to his credit the man had hardly broken a sweat from the climb as he stepped out onto the level proper. He took a moment to get his bearing, recalling from memory the rooms layout and the board room that they were using for the briefing this time. With surefooted steps, Erik moved through the sea of cubicles and had a thought to himself about the soul draining properties of work in a four by four box with only a computer monitor to stare at. The former SEAL shuddered at the thought, as walked down an aisle to the accompaniment of people rhythmically tapping on plastic keys at sixty words a minute. As he maneuvered his way through the room, he caught sight of the familiar profile of Chris Redfield through an open door. With a nod to himself, the Delta Team leader made a beeline for the door of the boardroom but paused at the door to take in the room; his left hand was concealed behind his back as he leaned in over the threshold to scan the room.

          'A suit, a merc, Chris, and based on the resemblance and that last bit of conversation Claire Redfield.' Erik thought to himself as he stepped into the boardroom, circling the table he briefly thumped the other BSAA member on the shoulder as he passed before settling himself in a seat across from the door where he could see who was coming. "Good day folks, I apologize for the tardiness; my flight got in an hour ago and I felt the need to wash off the travel dust as it were." The grizzled man stated as he adjusted his position in an effort to get comfortable. He had just wrapped up a job in Germany, taking down a black market B.O.W. dealer and had been on the flight home when he got the call about an urgent assignment; he was being retasked to Team Delta for the operation but hadn't been given much more information than that.

          "Good to see you again Chris," Erik greeted the other man with a slight nod, the brim of his black cap dipping slightly with the motion. "I'm guessing that this is Claire, well it's easy to see where the good genes went; you are quite the vision." The former special forces soldier said with a grin and wink at the younger Redfield, his light barb at the elder sibling was subtle but sharp as he shifted his vision from Claire to the mercenary. She had the bearing of military training, from the look of her face probably special forces but the military didn't allow women into special forces which probably meant she had been sheep dipped for an Agency program or a DoD black cell. But her being in this room meant that she was vetted asset and that the operation they were here for was large enough scale that they needed more than what the BSAA currently had available. "And if I heard correctly, you're Sadie Rae; pleasure to meet you." he greeted her with a nod as well, "Round these parts they call me Leo, on account of the mane." The Delta leader said with a broad grin as he eased back into his seat and awaited the arrival of the rest of the gang; he greeted his long time colleague Kiyato with a nod of acknowledgment.

          When the presentation concluded, he stood up and followed Kiyato out of the board room and headed for Delta Team's standby room; heading over to his locker, Chambers opened the metal door and looked through his gear. For a trip to Iceland he went ahead and grabbed his winter gear, a heavy fur lined coat courtesy of his friends in Russia along with his tactical vest, and his trusty rifle. As for his sidearm, it was already in a pancake holster in the small of his back but now that he was back on duty he changed it out for his drop leg holster. Geared up and ready, Delta's leader made his way to the plane and climbed aboard taking a seat across the aisle from his Alpha counterpart.

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