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Lupine Sex Symbol

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxE l i z a b e t hX C o t éX R e n a ú l d i
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16 6th Slytherin

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--- ❝ I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent

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| l o c a t i o n: Hallway |
| d o i n g: Talking to Luka |
| f e e l i n g: Self loathing |
| t h i n k i n g: Never again. Period. |

Elizabeth flushed when he wiped away her tears and gave him a sad smile. Her face felt scorching hot.

"Well yes, I get myself in trouble for a living... But I didn't want you to get in trouble. I'm just glad you didn't get in trouble at all. I'm sorry for getting points taken away from Hufflepuff though...." She sighed heavily but let out a shaky laugh as he bumped her elbow. He was right, Professor Malkhester was not one she could just fool easily and step around. She felt like he was around every corner now.

"Honestly.... I almost peed myself when that spell hit me. I thought for sure once I saw him standing there in his cloak that he was actually a dark wizard trying to get into the school. I reacted the best I could," she said, voice still shaking. "I feel so bad that I can't even act like a real Slytherin and hate him for hexing me like that.... I mean, he fixed me up and he didn't give either of us detention or anything. I owe him an apology too."

Elizabeth looked at Luka and smiled, a little more brightly this time. Her head was still throbbing but it wasn't bleeding or open, and any other cuts she had from the fall were gone. At best, she would have bruises tomorrow. She drew her arms tightly around herself as if caught in a cold breeze.

"Next time, I'll go do something daring by myself. We'll save the minor trouble for our double-trouble escapades. I'm gonna need you around to talk common sense into me from now on," Liz said, half joking. Luka was so good to her, still trying to defend her when he had to face Malkhester alone, clearly worried while she was knocked unconscious, and now, on top of everything, he was forgiving her for making such a major a** of herself.

| ooc: | {//}

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"Are you kidding me? If you're trying to get yourself into trouble, then I'm certainly going to be there." He shook his head at her, scuffing slightly. "I'm just glad we didn't run into someone else. Who knows what would have happened then." They made their way through the castle back down towards the dungeons again. It wasn't until they got back around the portrait of fruit that he spoke up again, in a softer voice so that the younger Slytherin couldn't hear.

"So...he scared the piss out of you?" he teased gently a laugh in his voice. "This is coming from the girl who wanted to be an Auror? You're going to have to work on that, you know." He knew he probably was going to get hit for teasing her, but at least it would make her forget her shame and all the apologies she was planning on making.

Where - By Kitchens again
With - Elizabeth & Shaye

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Luka Gaiman 6th Year Hufflepuff
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Charms Proffessor
Oswaldium McKinnen the Third
Head of Hufflepuff

Oswald had his wand out a pointing over the lake. His eyes were closed and a very long string of complex mumbled and garbled words were escaping his mouth. The tip of his wand was pulsing faintly with a soft sky blue light and a fine mist was rising from a section of the lake as ripples moved across the surface, the source of the ripples moving in slow circles. At that moment he heard bangs of magic and muffled voices carry across the grounds. The light from his wand faded and the mist cleared as his concentration broke and he looked towards the Whomping Willow. Without looking back Oswald hurried toward the noise at a face paced waddle.

When he arrived he saw two students heading back to the castle and Peregrin heading to the forest. Catching his breath in great gulps he noticed the Whomping Willow was immobilized. Oswald closed his eyes and with a very quick and vastly complex maneuver of his wand, mouthed a single soundless word, which brought the tree back to life with the appearance of a glass sphere around the tree shattering. Oswald hunched over from the effort used to break the spell and then saw Peregrin walking towards him back to the castle.

"Eh, Peregrin my boy, huff huff, what, huff, has been going on, huff, around here? Two students wandering the grounds and magic being shot off left and right, you know. Not good, not good at all."

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Felix Leo Samson

1st Year

Great Hall / Gryffindor Table

Felix was one of the first Gryffindors to jump up to follow Dimitri as he lead them out of the Great Hall and through the castle to their dormitory. He followed as closely to Dimitri's side as he could being impressed with the prefect, who knew so much about the castle and magic. Felix would keep falling behind a step though as he kept 'Oooh'ing and 'Ahhh'ing at nearly every painting.

Thinking to himself that he better remember the password, but being realistic thought to himself he will forget it in a day, sat in front of the fire and started poking at the burning logs with a metal poker from a holder next to the fireplace.

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Lupine Sex Symbol

8,675 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxE l i z a b e t hX C o t éX R e n a ú l d i
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16 6th Slytherin

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--- ❝ I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent

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| l o c a t i o n: Near kitchen |
| d o i n g: Talking to Luka |
| f e e l i n g: Cheered up |
| t h i n k i n g: Never again. Period. |

Liz chuckled at him. So he was really sticking by her, was he?

"Through thick and thin, huh? Even when getting shot at by an ex-Auror?" She let Shaye go past them and turned to Luka again, grinning and punching his arm lightly.

"I know, I know.... Well, he's one scary dude." She shivered at the memory of that red flash heading straight towards her. It was going to give her nightmares. Elizabeth sighed and looked him in the eye with her infamous bright eyed smile.

"Still, I owe you. Big time. But for now, let's just go to bed and meet up in the morning before classes. No funny stuff this time, I promise. We'll just meet at breakfast in the Great Hall." Liz laughed at her own expense and opened her arms for a goodnight hug like some little kid. She knew what he was trying to do and he had succeeded. She was no longer as worried and shameful as she had been.

| ooc: | {I gotta get to bed soon. Good thing we're doing a time jump! We'll just have the two go to bed lolz enough adventure for one night. Or two ^-^}

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Teacher of Divination and head of Ravenclaw house
Current location: Ravenclaw Common Room
Open your minds and look deeper than the surface, only then can you see things most refuse to look for.

The hour was getting late and she would have to be up in the morning. She said good night to Elmric and Lilura and headed to Ravenclaw Tower. She went up a spiral staircase to a door that had no knob and no keyhole. The only thing that marked it as a door was a knocker in the shape of an eagle. She knocked three times using the knocker. Then the figure proceeded to speak.

"You can see me but your friends have no idea I am there. what am I?"

Lelia had heard this one from the knocker in her school days. "Thoughts." She replied failing to stifle a yawn. The door opened and she was given access to the Ravenclaw common room. It had two floors, the upper was bordered by tall bookshelves. The carpet was a blue. By one of the walls was a white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. Lelia ignored this and headed for her room.
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Luka gave her a hug back in return, before seperating. "At breakfast, it's a deal," he replied to her. He gave her a small smile and bumped her elbow again. "And don't be too freaked out by him. I'm pretty sure it won't happen again. No guarantees, but just don't let it scare you too much."

They said their good nights, before separating. Luka found his way back to Hufflepuff Common Room, so warm inside. It helped relaxed his nerves a bit. He wasn't going to say it in front of Elizabeth, because he wanted her not to be too scared (and secretly not wanting to risk his own pride), but he had been pretty frightened himself. Being glared down at the end of an ex-Auror's wand, red light making everything that much more sinister. It was certainly something he would never forget and would probably haunt him for a long time. What was worse was the man was so unpredictable, a Seer's nightmare. During his vision in the tunnel, he had seen at least three different outcomes of how it could have ended; just being tied up to Elizabeth and dragged back to the castle, himself being stunned down as well, and Professor Malkhester going after the younger Slytherin with a much more sinister spell in mind. He was glad for the outcome in reality and not one of the others.

He was almost certain that his nerves would have kept him up all night, if it hadn't been for the warmth of their Common Room, lulling him into a stupor. He managed to climb through the round doorway into the boy's dormitory and through another round, barrel doorway into the sixth year room. There was one bed left for him on the far side of the room, all his things already there and set for him in the morning. He striped of his robes, loosened his tie, and was just able to kick off his shoes before he fell back on his bed and feel asleep as he was.

Where - Hufflepuff Boy's Dormitory
With - Fellow Hufflepuffs

[OCC: By the way, was I right about the Auror, Poptart? I thought you mentioned it before, but I couldn't really remember, so I took a stab in the dark. Sorry if it was wrong. Also...I know this is kind of dumb, but I'm basing the Hufflepuff Common Room and dorms around what they have in Harry Potter Lego...so yeah. If you've played that, then that's what I'm going with. xD]

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Luka Gaiman 6th Year Hufflepuff

Lupine Sex Symbol

8,675 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxE l i z a b e t hX C o t éX R e n a ú l d i
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16 6th Slytherin

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--- ❝ I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent

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| l o c a t i o n: Slytherin Dorms |
| d o i n g: Sleeping |
| f e e l i n g: Exhausted |
| t h i n k i n g: Never again. Period. |

Elizabeth watched him head to the Hufflepuff dorms before she herself began dragging herself down the stairs to the Common Room.

"Nobblewoks," she muttered in exhaustion to the wall, watching it slide open for her. She walked as quickly as she could to the 6th year dorms and changed into her pajamas before laying in bed with Phantom curled up near her head, his paw draped across her chest like a baby. Elizabeth thought about how the day progressed and mentally smacked herself again for everything she had cause.

Not only did she almost get Luka into trouble, but she hadn't asked him about his visions that he had been having today. Even for him, that seemed like an awful lot of trouble. She sighed to herself and closed her eyes, calming her breathing down as she listened to the steady drip of an unknown water leak somewhere. Liz could only hope the next day would be much better, but as she drifted off to sleep, her nightmares told her otherwise.

| ooc: | {Yes, you were spot on! ^-^ No worries, I haven't played the game but it sounds similar to what I imagined the Hufflepuff hideout to look like.}

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3,200 Points
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  • Team Edward 100
“It's not as easy as it looks taming a dragon. And it looks damned difficult.”

⊱Professor Mirielle Dragonrose⊰
⊱Head of Slytherin House⊰

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Another morning, another day of seeing their smiling faces. Or scowling, depending on how early in the morning it is. The woman known as Mirielle Dragonrose- or Professor Dragonrose to most on campus- rose from her bed rather early that morning. It was the first day of teaching her class, and they would be there at 7 o'clock sharp- it was time for her to show what she had been hired for. The Gryffindors would be the first class to see her- of course first, she would need a bath, and a good scrub-down.
Only about as big as a horse, but with six wings that nearly doubled that size, Trestica was a sight to behold. White as snow with spikes encrusted in the purest gold, the dragon stood regally in the midst of smaller animals- one of which was almost as big as she, though had hoof-ended legs as opposed to claws and talons. Mirielle approached carefully, not wanting to frighten the unicorn away. He had been a usual sight when Trestica was around, and it seemed as if he were beginning to trust the Professor more and more each day... Though apparently not enough to touch today. He galloped off into the depths of the forest once more, and Mirielle was able to take her usual striding gait towards her dragon. She lay her forehead against hers, reading her emotions before taking her towards naive students- she was calm, and didn't seem to mind that the day's actions would be more of a show than an actual lesson. Trestica's sapphire eyes followed her rider as she brought a bucket of water, a soft sponge, and a bristled brush towards her- an audible grunt followed. "Bath day already?" The thought entered Mirielle's head as a question, though she knew it was more of a complaint. With nothing more than a nod, Mirielle set to work, dipping the bristle brush into the bucket of water and setting to work on getting dirt, dust, and leaves from underneath the large scales, carefully picking thorns and other sharp objects from beneath them. "Don't worry, my love. You'll feel better, I promise. Plus, don't you want to look good for all of the new students just waiting to look at you and comment on your astounding, astonishing, amazing beauty?"
That seemed to settle the dragon down. Once finished with her task, she stepped back and admired her handiwork- Trestica's scales seemed as luminescent as ever, and the gold spikes and horns adorning her absolutely gleamed... She was heartbreakingly beautiful. "There. You're ready." Gazing at the dragon, she took note of the time that had been ticking away from the watch on her wrist- "And just in time, too. Let's get your parade saddle and headdress on... Then we can ride in to catch the first batch of students."

Where: Behind the cottage, a few hundred yards into the forest
With: Trestica the Seraphim Dragon

{[OutOnCyanide:Sorry for the delay! I will start the day, now.]}

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              ♫ Slytherin ♫ 4th Year ♫ 15 years ♫

              SHAYE FRUMILUS

              I had him!
              His throat was bare beneath my hand...
              I know I had him!
              His throat was there,
              And he'll never come again...

❝ Shaye waited just outside the tunnel, up against the wall and listened to the Professor and the two students. Good thing I got out of there in time... I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some rest now... She sighed, heading back up to the main entrance to sneak back inside for a good night's sleep in her dormitory.❞User Image

WHERE: Outside

WITH: Well, FOLLOWING the Slytherin girl and Hufflepuff boy
MOOD: Mischievous

Anxious Lover

8,550 Points
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Where Am I Now?: I'm at the Ravenclaw girl's dormitory with Kayleigh
If you spent a day in my position, I think you'd understand me better,

{Looking at the picture found on the floor, Sandy sighed. The man looked rather nice. Noticing the first year, she smiled. "It was no trouble at all, Searlait," She smiled. Now that she thought about it, she should get some rest as well.
Sandy awoke with a start, clenching her fists. The dream meant absolutely nothing, it was the object beside her. She opened it desperately, to find the words writing on the page again. While it was helpful, nothing really made any sense. She sighed, it was pretty early in the morning, but she couldn't go back to sleep.
She decided to nudge Kayleigh. Normally she wouldn't bother another Ravenclaw, but she figured she would make things even. Most of the time, other Ravenclaws were already up and reading. This didn't seem to be the case. Kayleigh was asleep, and the only book in sight was the memorybook.}

but that would drive you absolutely insane.
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5,450 Points
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Searlait Mirin Dupond
First Year

Location: Ravenclaw dormitories
With:Alice and other first years

Searlait yawned as she woke. She looked around the room at the other girls, and noticed them all still sleeping. She stretched her arms as she rose from her bed intent on getting ready for her first class. She opened her truck and noticed her violin case sitting on top. She rushed to get ready and pulled the case out of her trunk and made her way down to the common room. Searlait noticed several older student sitting around and reading and she hurried out, hoping to find a secluded place to play her violin.

2,600 Points
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“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do.

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Alice heard someone walking around. She rolled over and with one eye she saw Searlait going through her trunk. Alice saw that she took out a violin and then left to go play. She figured since she was half awake to just get up and get ready. She found her uniform and got dressed. Then she got a book and went to the common to sit quietly and read.

After she finished a chapter or two of her book, she got some breakfast and went straight to class. When she got there, there were two or three people waiting. So she she stood until class would begin.

1st Year
Location: CoMC
Mood: Mellow
Doing: Waiting for class to start

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But to hold it together when everyone
else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
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Where the heck could she be?: In her bed in the girls dorm.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems,
Kayleigh groaned as she felt Sandra shaking her arm. If Kayleigh had it her way she would of slept until noon. But she realized she had classes today so she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. She tiredly got out of her bed and got dressed. She looked around, seemingly everyone except a few kids were still sleeping. Only two of the beds (not including her own) was empty. She sighed and looked at Sandy. "So, why did you sodding wake me at six thirty in the bloody morning?" She groaned. She was usually the last one up but she had a feeling this would become a regular occurrence.
But it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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              ♫ Slytherin ♫ 4th Year ♫ 15 years ♫

              SHAYE FRUMILUS

              I had him!
              His throat was bare beneath my hand...
              I know I had him!
              His throat was there,
              And he'll never come again...

❝ She lifted her head off the pillow, relieved that no one was in any of the beds in her specific dormitory. Looks like this year is going to be a quiet one... She sighed contentedly as she got dressed for the day. She was a very light sleeper, so she usually woke up pretty early. She looked at the clock, with read 6:17. Grabbing a book, her pencil, and her drawing pad, she headed into common room to relax. ❞User Image

WHERE: In her dorm

WITH: Her cat
MOOD: Tired

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