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Should Blonde be banned?

Yes, people suffer discrimination because of it 0.032110091743119 3.2% [ 7 ]
No, the word is not bad only how it can be used 0.49082568807339 49.1% [ 107 ]
Gaia should bann all Slurs and Slangs they hurt people 0.041284403669725 4.1% [ 9 ]
Gaia should take it case by case and use their judgement based on how the word is used 0.11009174311927 11.0% [ 24 ]
Wha? 0.3256880733945 32.6% [ 71 ]
Total Votes:[ 218 ]
< 1 2 3 ... 14 15 16 >

Elven Warrior Maiden
Psh. I'm a blonde who has heard waaaaaay too many blonde jokes, but if you want to ban the term because it hurts feelings, then it makes blondes sound even more dumb. It's something you can laugh off or even use as an excuse - any time I do something dumb, I can pass it off as a 'blonde moment'.

So don't be so pathetically sensitive.

I am kind of inclined to agree...

There's always going to be phrases, names, etc. that offend. To say you want the terms banned is foolish and naive. Usually blonde jokes are told in good fun. I have plenty of blonde friends that tell the jokes themselves. If you can't learn to laugh with them, then ignore them. What you're asking is not going to happen, unfortunately.

And before you protest, think about this. I am a redhead. My husband is a redhead. My children will most likely be redheaded. I am pretty sure I'd prefer to have a few jokes in good fun as opposed to the phrase, "I'll beat you like a redheaded step-child..."
I don't complain about it. It's just the way things are. Learn to let go and move on. You'll be a much happier person when you do ^_^

This isn't a personal attack on you, your happiness, your hair color, or anything else for that matter. Just my opinion, and a few words of advice. What you do with it is your choice. smile
Hmm...I see your point. One of my friends has what most people would call "dirty blond hair", and she is very intelligent. As in, a hundred times smarter than me. Therefore, people who say that all blondes are dumb and/or slutty are wrong, because my friend, who is a blonde, is smart and most definitely not a slut. I'll sign!

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Tricky. . .
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Okay. I'd like to bring a few issues to mind here.

First of all, I agree that it should be stopped.

Of course just because people out there make blonde jokes and use it in derogative ways, this sounds like you're taking it to an extreme.
TONS of people out there know that blonds can be very intelligent. There is no reason to be personally offended by a couple of crude jokes. People don't mean for them to be cruel to others for no reason. If you've ever had somebody make that remark to you personally, think about it. They're just trying to make a comeback to something you might have said. I've never heard of a person who hates people purely for the reason they are blonde. If someone ever walks up to you and says something like that, you should feel free to block/ignore them and walk away without a second thought.

Second, blonde is a hair color. You can't ask somebody to ban the word brunette because somebody called you a baby brunette. This goes for the blonde too. I think you should just learn to ignore the idiots who use jokes containing blonde.

Last but not least, you cannot stop people just by banning a word. Think about it. Haven't you ever seen blocked words spaced out l i k e t h i s? Besides; if the admin did decide to block the word, it would only draw attention to how people shouldn't use it and there is no doubt about it that n00bs or just crude people will do it purposely to annoy.

So overall, I think people should stop judging by hair color, but this wouldn't be a foolproof way to solve it. /:

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. . .Me
Hypocrite, pure and simple. "Some rroma are okay with a racial slur so it should be allowed.. but wait, I get my feelings hurt by blond jokes so I'm special and it should be banned". So, tell me, how many times have you had to report someone, how many accounts have your reports gotten banned, because it was deemed a slur?

Hygienic Voter

Your trying to ban the word blonde? Arent you making fun of the word by doing this? I really dont understand...I know stereotypes are rude, just dont get what your trying to accomplice.

Pure-hearted Vampire

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Dark Hakai
Elven Warrior Maiden
Psh. I'm a blonde who has heard waaaaaay too many blonde jokes, but if you want to ban the term because it hurts feelings, then it makes blondes sound even more dumb. It's something you can laugh off or even use as an excuse - any time I do something dumb, I can pass it off as a 'blonde moment'.

So don't be so pathetically sensitive.

I am kind of inclined to agree...

There's always going to be phrases, names, etc. that offend. To say you want the terms banned is foolish and naive. Usually blonde jokes are told in good fun. I have plenty of blonde friends that tell the jokes themselves. If you can't learn to laugh with them, then ignore them. What you're asking is not going to happen, unfortunately.

And before you protest, think about this. I am a redhead. My husband is a redhead. My children will most likely be redheaded. I am pretty sure I'd prefer to have a few jokes in good fun as opposed to the phrase, "I'll beat you like a redheaded step-child..."
I don't complain about it. It's just the way things are. Learn to let go and move on. You'll be a much happier person when you do ^_^

This isn't a personal attack on you, your happiness, your hair color, or anything else for that matter. Just my opinion, and a few words of advice. What you do with it is your choice. smile

Yes but according to some, if "one person or some are offended then it is a slur"
So if there are some here (and there are) that are offended then it should be addressed.
even if others do not take it as so....right?
because there -are- people that take it as such...
right? and it has been abused, twisted and made to mean something other then what it originally meant...
so there for.
under the new logic of some forums...
If ONE person or SOME people take it as offensive and derogatory, then it is a slur and should there for be banned.
And yes SOME do attribute it to their RACE there for it is a racial matter.
Or does this logic only apply to SOME but not ALL??

Of course others get made fun of because of their hair color, But that just should mean ALL colors or ALL slurs or ALL percieved slurs should be banned.

It cant be extremist to think that ALL blondss take offense to it because -some- do. surely, that logic fails. Why? because there are whole threads that say so!
So upon their logic...it is a correct belief that if -Some- take enough offense..that it is therefor a SLUR and under the TOS should be banned.
Because some blondes do attribute their hair color to RACE.
therefor...a RACIAL matter.
and we understand that not All blondes take offense...but they do not matter. Because SOME do.


Oh and not a troll...after all if -Some- are offended...then surely every single blonde should be made to understand that and made to think just the same way and made to stop calling themselves blonde.

Pure-hearted Vampire

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Waaaait a second. Just because you find the word offensive it is such, but when a good chunk of the Rroma are offended by the word "Gypsy," it isn't a slur unless EVERYONE is offended?

...What? neutral

No rose. it is not just -me- that is offended there is whole portions of the population that is.
consequently, using the logic stated in more then one thread.
"if ONE or SOME are offended then it becomes a slur and should be banned"
that has been said more then a few times.
There are many people that are offended by the term "dumb blonde" or "bimbo blonde" and being said to be a "blonde"(a common term to denote someone of low intelligence), it is in magazines, TV shows, books, forums..it is rampant all over the world.
under certain logic it is a correct assertion that it is a SLUR against any and all that are blonde.
if it because of -race-, -lineage-, -genetics- or bottle.

Not only that, but I and others that are offended, have more of a say and surely those that arent offended must be un-educated and need to be shown that it IS a slur and that they too should take offense in it.
-under certain logic that is-.
Those that have no issue of the word blonde or being called blonde should therefor stop calling themselves that and start calling themselves "golden haired" Because it is less offensive and does not bring to mind any connotations of low intelligence.
that is,,if I use certain logic that is now apparently the rules of the forum

Pure-hearted Vampire

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Would you please illustrate for us under what part of the terms of service the word Blond is being ignored, where other slurs involving hair color are being addressed?

they arent being addressed. that is the problem.
But no other hair color has the "dumb" association in the way "Blonde" does.
The problem with your petition is it's not a "racial or ethnic" slur. Blonde is a physical property that is easily changed with dye, whereas being Roma or African is mostly based on region, skin color, and culture. You have no grounds, and I'm betting this petition is more or less just trolling against Tea's.

So, you believe people that are made to endure such abuse should just "dye their hair" even if born blonde and take pride in it because others make the word offensive?
But it is a physical attribute due to race,genetics or bottle.
Do they not have the right to have their hair color and NOT be slurred?
why should they be forced to change to make some people happy?

Resilient Raider

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You ******** fail so hard at this, you make me want to ******** punch a baby.

You are only using part of the definition of what a slur is. A portion of a population being offended by a term is only part of the deal.

Not only does some of a group need to be offended by the term, the term itself has to have been created socially in an effort to demonize and otherwise vilify a certain group of people based on their ethnicity, sexual preference, nationality, etc..to be considered a slur. Blond does NOT have this root. And if you are going to claim differently, please provide proof of where blond has been used to degrade, demonize, and vilify a specific group of people on the sole basis of their nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender, religion, etc...

Until you can provide this proof and use the WHOLE definition of the word "slur," stop this stupid trolling bullshit.

Pure-hearted Vampire

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You ******** fail so hard at this, you make me want to ******** punch a baby.

You are only using part of the definition of what a slur is. A portion of a population being offended by a term is only part of the deal.

Not only does some of a group need to be offended by the term, the term itself has to have been created socially in an effort to demonize and otherwise vilify a certain group of people based on their ethnicity, sexual preference, nationality, etc..to be considered a slur. Blond does NOT have this root. And if you are going to claim differently, please provide proof of where blond has been used to degrade, demonize, and vilify a specific group of people on the sole basis of their nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender, religion, etc...

Until you can provide this proof and use the WHOLE definition of the word "slur," stop this stupid trolling bullshit.

Some people are blonde due to lineage/genetics(ethnicity) and it ties into their race.
to say a person is a "dumb blonde" is dehumanizing them.
it denotes a person with a low IQ based souly on their hair.
which is part of who they are.
and I wasn't using a dictionary definition I was using the "popular logic" used in some threads.
that is one or some take offense then it is a slur.
and as such to be banned.

Resilient Raider

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You ******** fail so hard at this, you make me want to ******** punch a baby.

You are only using part of the definition of what a slur is. A portion of a population being offended by a term is only part of the deal.

Not only does some of a group need to be offended by the term, the term itself has to have been created socially in an effort to demonize and otherwise vilify a certain group of people based on their ethnicity, sexual preference, nationality, etc..to be considered a slur. Blond does NOT have this root. And if you are going to claim differently, please provide proof of where blond has been used to degrade, demonize, and vilify a specific group of people on the sole basis of their nationality, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender, religion, etc...

Until you can provide this proof and use the WHOLE definition of the word "slur," stop this stupid trolling bullshit.

Some people are blonde due to lineage/genetics(ethnicity) and it ties into their race.
to say a person is a "dumb blonde" is dehumanizing them.
it denotes a person with a low IQ based souly on their hair.
which is part of who they are.
and I wasn't using a dictionary definition I was using the "popular logic" used in some threads.
that is one or some take offense then it is a slur.
and as such to be banned.

I am aware that blond is determined by genetics; you seem to not be understanding that the term blond was not developed with the sole intention of dehumanizing and vilifying a group of people, which is a major part of what makes a slur so offensive.
And you are not using popular logic; you aren't even using complete logic, much less "popular" logic. You are using pieces and parts that you can twist to make a mockery of some other person's mistreatment (which is truly reprehensible).
I have to question why you are NOT using a dictionary definition of the term "slur." If you truly want the word blond to be considered a slur, why wouldn't you apply the whole definition of the word "slur" to it?
If "popular logic" suddenly dictated that in fact, hair color was determined by which toe formed first on the baby's left foot, would you follow that "popular logic" as well?
Also, you still need to provide proof that the term blond was created with the sole purpose of defaming and smearing the image of a certain group of people based on their ethnicity, nationality, sexual preference, gender, etc...

Pure-hearted Vampire

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other words were not originally created as a slur either.(unless you are going to insult egyptians now)
and I am using popular logic because that seems to be the rules here in the forums.
and no I am not doing this to make a mockery...dont make assumptions.
I do not find a person being hurt because of ethnicity a joke.

Resilient Raider

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other words were not originally created as a slur either.(unless you are going to insult egyptians now)

"c***k" was created because Asians' eyes were small and squinty, similar to chinks (cracks).
"Indians" were named mistakenly because explorers thought they had reached India.
"Towelheads" are named because of their turbans and similar headwear.
"Beaners" was created because of the immigrants working in fields for barely any pay.
Do I need to go on?
and I am using popular logic because that seems to be the rules here in the forums.

Then you fail at reading the stickies in the ED.
and no I am not doing this to make a mockery...dont make assumptions.
I do not find a person being hurt because of ethnicity a joke.

Trust me, I'm not making assumptions.
If this is no mockery, then I want to see PROOF of your claim that blond is a slur. Not your half-assed musings or whining, not your "logic" that only takes into account only a portion of the definition of "slur." If you can not provide this proof satisfactorily, then shut this thing down. You have no basis for this claim.

Pure-hearted Vampire

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other words were not originally created as a slur either.(unless you are going to insult egyptians now)

"c***k" was created because Asians' eyes were small and squinty, similar to chinks (cracks).
"Indians" were named mistakenly because explorers thought they had reached India.
"Towelheads" are named because of their turbans and similar headwear.
"Beaners" was created because of the immigrants working in fields for barely any pay.
Do I need to go on?
and I am using popular logic because that seems to be the rules here in the forums.

Then you fail at reading the stickies in the ED.
and no I am not doing this to make a mockery...dont make assumptions.
I do not find a person being hurt because of ethnicity a joke.

Trust me, I'm not making assumptions.
If this is no mockery, then I want to see PROOF of your claim that blond is a slur. Not your half-assed musings or whining, not your "logic" that only takes into account only a portion of the definition of "slur." If you can not provide this proof satisfactorily, then shut this thing down. You have no basis for this claim.

Personal attacks are not allowed.
and you making a word bold and underlines does not mean I have to do it.
I have proven my point about how and why it is a slur.
I have read the rules of the Petition forum and I am within them.

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