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The Throne [Dominion of the Blazing Mind]

Table of Contents:

1. Title/Contents [You are here]
2. Story/Physical Description + Base Defenses
3. Logistics
4. Rules
5. Application
6. Memberlist [NPC's included]
7. Allies/Enemies/Estates
8. Dominion Traits and Characteristics:

The Blade of the Dominion, the last true remnant of the MindBlaze Dominion. After its assimilation and consumption by the one IV, the Blade was given this fortress, set atop a vaultstone energy spring drawing energy directly from the core of the planet. MindBlaze's last will and living testament would allow the Blade's ruby fitted mask to allowing him direct contact to the links spanning throughout the rest of the Dominion's power as well as a channeling device to draw upon this energy and use at his leisure.

After the strange meeting with the one IV who now personally controls the ties within the Dominion excluding the piece within the Blade's mask, Lyger and the Blade were exorcised from one another by Ganato-Jin Mesa, a member of the Oni Waban. The Blade and the remaining Oni Waban, excluding Jyushin, would went to this new fortress and would set up camp here. They would use this natural energy spring and this fortress to begin their own empire. True Lyger would remain on the Shunobu Island with Jyushin and the others.

The Blade now leading the Oni Waban contingent, used his ties to the dominion and ownership of the fort to conform it into the perfect fortress. The fort itself is comprised of a large living being, a behemoth snail like creature which can change its size and shape of its interior and exterior at the will of its owner.

Physical Description:

High in the mountains, where the sky is clear, the wind is cold and the air is thin, lies an ancient plateau. Once the home of a weak, cave inhabiting people, it has long since been abandonned, it's people long dead. No, these days, the plateau holds a much more grim appearance, for atop it's massive tabletop peak lies a huge fort, ominous and forboding, it's surface seems to pulse with some kind of terribly corrupt life.

Covering about three fourths of the plateau, the fort took up about 2.25 square miles, 1.5 miles to each side. a massive structure, it's walls are perhaps not as imposing as the extravegant walls of other guilds, a mere 85 feet high, but they served their purpose, the large walkway atop them an excellent vantage point for the guild's automated bioturret defense system.

There seemed to be no entrance into this devilish construction, even from above, for there was no open courtyard behind the walls, only a massive, flat platform, barely four feet lower than the walkways atop the walls. If one were to watch long enough, it would become obvious that this platform was pulsating ever so slightly, as if in tune to some giant, slumbering hearbeat. As in fact, it was, for that was a the nature of the entire fort: a giant biological servant of the Mindblaze Dominion, it lived to harbor all that constituted the Dominion. The only way to enter unharmed was through the will of the fort, which would recognize those directly spawned from the might of Mindblaze, and those that he had marked as allies. The only other way in would be to forcibly blow through the walls.

Inside, the MD home was a winding maze of damp, organic tunnels and lightly pulsating chambers, filled with everything that the MD could concievably need. Most important of all was the heart of this being, situated at it's very center, it was postioned atop a natural spring of energy, an ideal manner in which to fuel Mindblaze's power.

Base Defenses:

Thick Skin: The skin of the beast made fort can be as pliable and flexible as rubber, yet as solid and unyielding as adamantium. Its make up is ever changing and renewing itself and its fortification from the constant and unyeilding flow of energy from the natural spring.

Vaultstone Matrix: Beneath the ground, far reach of anyone near the core of the planet itself is a large collection of vaultstones centering around the natural energy spring. It filters all energy gather immediately from the spring to a focal point within the dominion. The focal point in this situation is the Blade's mask, while he wears it and resides within the fortress, he and the creature are almost one. The massive amounts of energy gathered from this plentiful spring, combined with the Blade become a very serious defense system.

Automated BioDefense Turret System: they look like big eyes every so often along the outside of the fortress, even have eyelids that make it appear as though they are simply outcrops of rock when not in use. From the iris extends a short tube, I guess you could say, which fires globes of biomatter or bioelectricity. The biomatter can either be corrosive, solid, or sticky as hell.

To build an empire in the name of the Blazing Mind. A movement which will draw others to the cause and gain power form within.

Open to Attack?:
Yea, plz do.

Ourselves, if your not with us your against, period.

1. My word is law, no exceptions.
2. Respect the defenses and read the description and defenses in their entirety before attacking. If you ignore any part of them i will ignore you.
3. No Godmodding or any of that corny s**t, i'll ignore you and ban you i have no times for noobs or bull s**t.
4. Internal treachery is not possible, the fort allows those in who have been marked. However the creature is on fool, it can detect the interests and motives of those within unconsciously. In such an event the creature will draw energy from the spring directly and export them from the premises where they will meet the defenses from the outside.
5. I have no problem with all forms and levels of power, though tech is limited to the present. Powerplaying and autohitting, massive extinction level attacks are not permitted.
[More coming...]

All Abilities: [Be specific with the what and the why]
Weapons: [Be specific with the what and the specifications]
Reasons for Joining:

Overlord: The Blade


Angels of Pwn:

Archangels of Pwn:



-Ganato-Jin Mesa, King, Troy [Oni Waban]
Seyisu [Left Hand of the Dominion]


Dominion Traits and Characteristics:

The Dominion is composed of those souls captured and consumed by MindBlaze, at least this makes up the upper ranks from the past. The lower and recent additions are voluntary converts. Aspects can build lower ranks form souls and minds of non dominionites.

Race: Mistform Undead + Whatever you were before

Rankings: [measured in the strength of combined minds and souls to form]

Soldier - 1

-Soldiers have limited flame control (no one in the Dominion can create flame, but most can control it) as well as resistance to polymorph, stunning, paralyzation, and heat/flame

Angel - 5

- Angels have one pair of blood red wings which are razor sharp which act as a solid version of the Crimson Mist (high heat/energy drain) as well as limited light and heat control and improved abilities of a Soldier.

Archangel - 50

-Archangels are a set up from that, having the ability to produce tendrils of light and energy for either grappling or energy drain. Limited light based attacks, good heat control, near perfect flame control. They have 3 pairs of wings.

Avatar - 500

-Avatars are built entirely of light and energy, immune to most conventional physical damage as well as being immune to the effects the others have resistances to. Light speed, superheated "skin," unleashes blast of light and energy when "skin" is broken. Can voluntarily open "skin" to fire laser beams. Perfect flame control. Very good heat control. Very good light control. (can redirect laser beams in flight) Very fast reflexes and reaction times. Light speed.

Aspects [550]:

The Celestial -
The Gambit -
The Juggernaut - [The Juggernaut]
The Jester
The Blizzard
The Monk
The Vaultstone Destroyer

Aspect Traits:

-Cannot be polymorphed, put to sleep, paralyzed, hypnotized through non-psionic means, hasted, slowed, healed by a priest healer or cleric with full effectiveness (this even counteracts positive energy damage against his undead flesh), petrified, and cannot be drained of his own energy.
-Techniques that absorb or obliterate the Mind, Body, or Soul fail 100% of the time in a Hybrid Mistform state.
-Physical Damage Resistance
-Kiss of Consumption: Can steal soul/essense/energy with a kiss at death
-Psionic Synthesis - The ability to call upon the collective mind to negate the effects of psionic attacks. Also to use low level psionics
-Spiritual Synthesis - The trait of the undead in which their spirit or essence of being can not be directly targeted by an attack of any nature. It also allows Aspects of the dominion to target directly the spiritual essence or inner being of an opponent.
-Celestial Manifest - The ability to call upon celestial energies as well as brain matter, summoning either through the collective mind of the Dominion.
-Energy Sight: The ability to see auras, energy concentrations, heat and energy flows, etc
-Heat and Flame Resistance: Absorption of heat energy.
-Tendril Summoning: Can create semisolid tendrils of light that can either constrict a person or attach to an aura to drain energy
-Dominion Energy Recall: Can call on the Dominion for light/heat based energy and attacks
-Low Level Psionics viewing including slight pre and retro cognition, small matter manipulations, and slight temporal and spatial manipulations.

Overlords [1000]

-The Blade - [The Blade]
-The Queen - [Terra]

Overlord Traits:

-Cannot be polymorphed, put to sleep, paralyzed, hypnotized through non-psionic means, hasted, slowed, healed by a priest healer or cleric with full effectiveness (this even counteracts positive energy damage against his undead flesh), petrified, and cannot be drained of his own energy.
-Techniques that absorb or obliterate the Mind, Body, or Soul fail 100% of the time in a Hybrid Mistform state.
-Physical Damage Resistance
-Kiss of Consumption: Can steal soul/essense/energy with a kiss at death
-Psionic Synthesis - The ability to call upon the collective mind to negate the effects of psionic attacks. Also to use low level psionics
-Spiritual Synthesis - The trait of the undead in which their spirit or essence of being can not be directly targeted by an attack of any nature. It also allows Aspects of the dominion to target directly the spiritual essence or inner being of an opponent.
-Celestial Manifest - The ability to call upon celestial energies as well as brain matter, summoning either through the collective mind of the Dominion.
-Manifest Corporeal - Troy, the corporeal summoner of the celestial plane, drew his bodies and summons from a small dimensional cubbie that he created to store these bodies. As a result this endless supply of bodies is also open to use by this rank.
-Energy Sight: The ability to see auras, energy concentrations, heat and energy flows, etc
-Heat and Flame Resistance: Absorption of heat energy.
-Tendril Summoning: Can create semisolid tendrils of light that can either constrict a person or attach to an aura to drain energy
-Dominion Energy Recall: Can call on the Dominion for light/heat based energy and attacks.
-Medium Level Psionics: RV: Precog, Retrocog, Psy: slight Telepathy and Empathy, Psion: slight Matter Manipulation, slight psycho-kinesis.
Planes Draw: Due to recent additions, The Gambit, The Monk, and The Celestial, the Celestial, Astral, and Chaotic Abyss Plane's are all accessible in the drawing of energy.
-The Gift of Rebirth - Only those of Overlord ranking and higher can bring others into the dominion, and has the power to convert new comers.
-Control of Fate - At any time an overlord can destroy any of the lower ranks through their influence within the collective mind.

The familiar crimson mists crept up the base of the plateau, trickling over the age and flooding onto the flat ground of the top. It would spread along the ground growing in mass as it seemed to never end. A single eye would open along the side followed by another as the mists nears. The mists themselves seem drawn into the massive optics before it and soon the mist was completely consumed by these optics and they'd close once more. The massive structure seemed suddenly cast within a large shadow, which shrouded it from plain sight almost immediately.

The mists flooded all hallways seemingly bringing life to the sleeping creature in which they found themselves in. Immediately it spoke to him, its voice penetrating the mists and speaking to the Blade directly. "You are the Blade, and new master of this fortress as stated by the Blazing Mind himself. You and yours are welcome within." The voice itself seemed almost like a small child, monotone but seemingly soft and innocent, large contrast to the beast it was.

As though the knowledge was always there the mists would flood into the inner coils of the beast near. The heart beat soft and steady within the room in which they found themselves. As the mists fell away it would reveal the Blade and the Oni Waban, Troy, Mesa, and King. The Blade's face would take on a smile of sorts, his eyes wide with wonder admiring the infastructure of the fortress. His head would turn instinctually towards the heart which seemed to be heavily emanating the mists of the dominion. He approached it with gracefull slide across the room, feet never touching the surface of the floor. The moment he touched it it became a vast throne like chair, large and grand as though truly for a King and no other. Nodding he'd sit within the throne, and immediatley he was connected to the spring.

The Blade felt an immense amount of energy suddenly flowing through his body, his consciousness spread throughout the beast in its entirety, the snake like coils of his hair extended upwards and attached themselves to the ceiling above and floor around the throne. The mists began to flow heavier, turning a deeper shade of crimson, the overwhelming power of what was left of the collective of the Dominion coarsed through his body. He could feel and see every bit of the structure inside and out, and immediately the mists would flood the whole room making it impossible to see within. The Oni Waban stood and watched in awe, amazed at the power that suddenly surrounded the Blade and became him. His eyes would close as though he were sleep, but his consciousness was no longer bound simply to his body, he became one with the fortress.
((Good luck, Eight!))

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Her presence could clearly be felt, even though she was so far from the fortress. Voices seemed to whisper in the wind, echoing, announcing her arrival. She heard them clearly, for so long she had blocked them out, but suddenly, they had became strong and lured her to this place.

The women trecked up the plateau, easily jumping from rocky ledge to ledge, aiming to get to the top. Her silver hair was tied back, the silky strands flowed with her movements, a few falling before her eyes of gold. She wore what seemed to be remnamts of a white gown, but the fabric had been ripped, the dress becoming shorter, making it easier for her to move. Only one thin strap held it up, the gown tight, reveling the curves of her form. Around her waist was an crystal, within it, a single tear drop that had been frozen. The tear glowed as she drew closer. She had a bow and quiver of arrows strapped to her back, by means of a leather belt.

She looked wild, her skin tanned by the sun, her eyes seemed more gold then usual. Her movements swift, yet gracefull, with each of her landings upon rock, red mist would swirl up around her feet. Finally after what seemed like forever to her, she lept up once more, and found herself finally at the top, faceing the front of the beast like fortress.
The Blade could see her, he could feel her, as could the fortress itself. Identifying her immediately the wall before would slowly melt away to form a small hole for her to enter. One of the whispers within her head would silence the others, speaking to her directly, his voice more on a conversational level so she could understand him. "Queen, you are welcome here, please grace the interior with your present and join me in the throne room."

[How you been Segara long time no see.]

9,050 Points
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  • Generous 100
She now stood before the fotress entrance, and a smirk crept across her lips. Her eyes narrowed, and she stepped forward, making her way inside. "It has been long since I was called that." She said softly, but was sure the other heard her clearly. She had no idea where she was going, just let her feet take her.
Mesa, King, and Troy were shrouded in the mists, the Blade's voice within their heads explained to them what was goin on. Their bodies began to float within the air slightly off the ground as the mist shroud began to harden around their bodies forming caccoons about the likes of each of them. Since of the three of them Mesa was the only that was actually still among the living the conversion process for him would take the longest. As the hardened shells expanded to encompass them hole they lost consciousness, as the process began. The Blade orchestrated their recreation mentally, since they were willing converts and began to break down the fabrics of their very being, interlacing them into the network as the others. Since their bodies did not need to be augmented nor tainted in anyway to make the transition the actual conversion began immediately.

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