Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Welcome to the new look of Pride Lands! Why the change it? Well, it needed a bit of dusting and reorganizing, and...well, a new look never hurt! Especially when it's had alot of thought put into it (compared to my disaster of an old one!) 3nodding

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1 - Welcome/Navigation
2 - Updates
3 - Rules and FAQ
4 - Story and Map
5- Current Shop NPC's
6 - Lion Stages
7 - Hyena/Cheetahs Stages
8 - Familiar Information
9 - Availability (Flatsales/Raffles/Auctions/Events)
10 - Customs and Breedings
11 - The Guild
12 - Owners List
13 - Lists (White/Grey/Black)
14 - Staff/Credits
15 - Affiliates/Link In

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16 - Fruit Shop
17 - Pick-Up
18-30 - Reserved
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Extra! Extra! Read all the current/past news of the land here!

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  • December 28, 2010 . From page 708 - Hey, everyone!! Just want to give you all an update of things going on right now, so sit back and grab some popcorn! smile

    First of all is a more personal announcement that I finally got into the nursing program! For those that don't know, this is not the part of the program where you still have to take the basic classes of the course....nope! This is the full fledged fast track part of it where you get into the nitty gritty nuts and bolts of the job! What this means is in 22 months, I'm going to be a registered nurse, and I have to say I'm looking forward to it!

    What it means to the shop: is first of I'm going to be a bit harder to get ahold of come April. On top of classes, I will also have clinical hours that I will have to complete as well...in the case of this first term it's 60 hours. (each term varies from 60-90 hours). I also have service hours I have to do on my own time, and also find time to do homework and do my own job as well. So, things will be interesting for awhile!

    However, I will have my own laptop by April, and I'm thinking more and more I'll have it wirelessly connected (if I can figure out how) so that I'll have more access, versus having to steal computer time from other's computers. Gets VERY old after awhile gonk

    Also, now that I have this initial stress out of the way of wondering whether or not I'm in finally, I'm going to finish work on a project for Pride Lands, and hoping by the time I start school, we can have it in full swing. Least that's what I'm planning on, and we'll see how well it works out! *giggles* The project I'm hoping will not only finish fixing the errors we have of organization, and of where Pride Lands actually exists (since we all, or at least most of us, assume it's Africa, but really it's not and never has been stated to be such...so confusing!), but also give this shop some really good fodder to spruce up RP possibilities for everyone, and hopefully bring some more life back to this place. It will be a change, but a good one!

    I will also let you guys now of more details regarding the rehoming event of Rhea's lions that's been in the works for 2 years now, soon. Thankfully, it seems the worst of planning is past, and it's merely the details that the staff are finalizing before we start the event.

    I have high hopes for this coming new year! smile

    And may Real Life not eat us all too badly! heart ~Mira~

    • November 27, 2010 . Staff announcement on p677 -All Staff are encouraged to check this out! Will last until December 31st!

      (And this means ALL staff - including Rian and Momo. Yes, Rian, I've changed my mind on a certain thing that you've been excited about... xd )

    • November 8, 2010 . From page 626: Okay, finally got the front page re-edited! While Kao, Tu, Fanta and Yak had done a great job with the original layout and banners, and I want to thank them for the hours they'd put into it, I just thought it was time to freshen things up a bit. As it's been stated to me, the front page needed some major work to it, and I've really tried to organize it to make a bit easier not only to read, but to find information.

      As the layout and wording for much of it has changed, EVERYONE must read the first page!

      Please let me know if anything is confusing at all, so I can fix it. 4laugh

      Also, the change I'd talked to people about in the past, that will go a long ways towards moving the shop forward and fixing some major organizational issues, with the shop WILL still be taking place. Logistics and details are still in the works, and because it's taking alot longer than I'd hoped, I'd decided to not put off at least fixing what I can here, and also trying to rectify my failure when I'd originally made this thread. I'm hoping the new look will go a ways towards doing so. 4laugh

    • October 18, 2010 . Umi's lion rehoming event is now closed and winners posted in the thread

    • August 18, 2010 . Umi's Rehoming Event begun!

    • July 5, 2010 . From page 514: I've decided to post this here in shop, as I'm not sure how many see the guild announcements (few from what I can guess) so just in case most everyone is NOT getting them, I'll do them both here and in the guild to be sure everyone can see them. heart

      Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long, but I was waiting for a certain piece of news to come to me before I wanted to send this out...and it did finally!

      However, the news wasn't as a I wished, but I'm undaunted!

      Short of it is that I didn't get into the nursing program this time around, I ended up being a half a point off the lowest one accepted in. Talked to an advisor, and I'm going to reapply this October, and I’ll know if I’m in this round by Christmas. I shall succeed!!

      And...now onto the news you've been waiting for!

      First off, we have a mini-event that will be starting soon that will be run by Kuu and Ded, so keep your eyes open!

      Secondly, I know that a few have discovered a huge project I've been personally working on in regards to the shop. It was an idea suggested that I've been running wild with, and am uber excited about. I have decided I'd be more than happy to give an explanation of what I'm doing, as I'm open to suggestions. This project I'm doing will not only further the shop in the metaplot that was begun awhile ago, but give more RP fodder for everyone, and give the staff alot more to work with for event ideas and the like, along with other goodies while keeping the same PL spirit alive.

      Last of all, I know things have been quiet around the shop with most everyone swallowed by RL issues/stuff, but we do have good things coming! Never fear, Pride Lands shall live for many years to come, if I have anything to say.


      If anyone wants to know about my project, just PM me, and I'd be happy to explain what I'm doing. 3nodding My goal is to work on it a little every day and if I do so, won't take me long to get the rest of it complete, so I can finish the minor details. 4laugh

      For the staff: Most know what I'm doing, but those that don't, I'll be sending you a detailed PM in the next couple of days. I've not been trying to keep this from people, just been telling them as I see them on messengers (the rare times I can get on) personally so that I can answer any questions that may arise. As it seems there are some I probably won't be able to reach that way (like Ded in Cambodia), I'll give you (as in everyone I've missed) a detailed PM instead. 3nodding

    • January 15, 2010 . Today we start our comeback bash! From jan 15th all the way through Jan 23rd join us for the festivities and several chances to win yourself a pet!

      We would also like to announce the official return of -TS- Alex as a part-time colorist!

    • January 7, 2010 . From pg 25: First of all, I would like to make a shop-wide announcement that I want to thank both Kaoru and DHS for all their work in this shop in making it is what it is today. Their hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed by other members of the staff, and we are all grateful for what you have done. I see many good things come your way, both of you, as you are both talented. DHS - you have come a long ways since originally being hired here, and I want you to know I'm personally proud of you. 3nodding

      Second of all, we would like to welcome Kuro-kasai to our staff in a full-time colorist position! I am extremely proud of how far she has come as well, I look for good things coming soon. heart

      We will now go back to our regularly scheduled chatting. Thank you! 4laugh

    • January 5, 2010. From pg 13:
      TU!!! Damn we've missed you!! 8D


      It has come to my attention that some members of the staff are...uncomfortable with the change in ownership and the lack of communication about this upcoming event. There has been accusations made in the past and recently about only certain people planning the event soley over MSN without including the rest of the staff getting in on any details.

      The first accusation was correct, and it is something I worked hard to correct of myself, and so have done planning soley in the guild. The recent one, however is not. All planning for the upcoming event HAS been done in the guild. IF there is a lack of communcation, that is due to others not opening their mouths. The event planning thread was started November 13th, and if you are one of the staff openly complaining about not knowing what is going on, then that is your fault for NOT posting, and NOT making suggestions, and also NOT asking "what can I do to help?" I refuse to coddle people, and baby them simply for the fact they've been in the staff longer than I have. Show some maturity people, and know if you pulled the crap I have had pulled with me in a real life job with a boss, you'd of been fired a long while back.

      Also, any staff that HAS NOT finished their backlog of growths, I cannot allow you to participate in upcoming/current events until you are caught up. Except for Tudora (and possibly other circumstances such as she's had to go through) where there are mitigating things that have prevented such from happening, those that DID know of the hiatus CANNOT blame me for falling behind. If you willingly chose NOT to get caught up, simply to spite me for buying the shop, that's not my fault. You hurt ONLY yourself and those who bought the lion from you. However, and it will be judged based on reasons (such as Tu's) where life got in the way and not spite, I do leave open the option of allowing some to continue even with their backlog, simply because I understand the reasons, AND I know they will complete their work when they can, but that is case by case, and I'm mainly thinking of Tudora here (and any staff that did NOT know of the hiatus). 3nodding However, that does not stop people from saying "I have an idea, how about doing this?" or "What about this theme" or "we need more of these species, maybe we should do this" and even perhaps offering to run a game or two.

      DO NOT make the mistake of believing Pride Lands can't live without you, and decide to sit back and watch things fail and pretend your not at fault. Take responsibility people. Grow up.


      The event will be run by me, Fanta, and Tolli so far, as it seems thats the only people willing to do any planning (no offense to those staff who didnt' know of the event). It will also be in thread, since it's a much smaller event than what I'd originally hoped for, but it'll still be tons of fun...We got games, an RP contest, ad contest, flatsale, auctions, raffle....it's going to be fun! Mark you calendars for the 15th, and keep your eyes peeled for previews to show up soon. ninja

    2009 Announcements
    • December 3, 2009 . Finally finished recoding the front page, and I'm rather proud of how clean it now looks. Kao had done a nice job previously, but this should make a few things pop out more and be easier to find when skimming the page for something specific. 3nodding
    • November 12, 2009 . Updated the rules, new ones/changes are in red. 3nodding
    • November 10, 2009 . Began setting up new main thread to celebrate the new year and the change in ownership. Let us start over and begin anew! Or as my weight watcher leader says, "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow's a mystery, Today is a gift, and that's why we call it the Present." The old shop link is [here] and may it rest in peace!

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"Rules are for the obediance of fools...
....and the guidance of wise men"
- Douglas Bader

I know people don't like rules, but let's face it: they were made to help keep order from becoming chaos! Here you will find the rules for almost all aspects of the shop, from the main thread to customs, however keep in mind that in individual colorist threads, they may have additional ones listed, so be sure to never assume you know them all...after all, to 'assume' makes an a** of both u and me.

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  • Take the time to read the entire first two pages of the shop.
    More than likely your question will be answered somewhere on them. If one still remains, feel free to PM Mira with them, as she'd be happy to assist, but only after you've attempted to answer it yourself by reading first.
  • Do not beg as it's childish and a bit rude.
    If you hang about in the thread, we do plenty of events, free pet raffles and give-aways, and the friendlier you are with the regulars and staff, I can guarantee your chances of getting one improve.
  • Absolutely NO stealing of the lineart/banners/etc.
    Our lineartist and staff have worked hard, and any attempt at stealing will be reported and result in immediate blacklisting.
  • Be respectful to others and do unto them as you'd have them do unto you!
    Matters not if you are a staff or regular, there is no call to be disrespectful or hurtful to anyone else. If you have an issue with someone, try Private Messaging them or even ignoring them. If that fails, contact a manager to act as a referee to see if things can’t be worked out to a happy ending for all. While we understand the want to defend the shop does arise, you are not to address the offender as all it does is cause more drama. We the staff are perfectly capable of handling the situation. When notifying the staff, send a link to the page the problem started on as well as a screen cap of the offense.
  • Please don’t harass the staff continually!
    It just does little more than irritate us. If you have a concern, please send a polite message...after all, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!
  • At this time, we are not doing real life commissions, but we will notify the entire shop if/when we do decide to do this option.
  • Remember Events might have slightly different rules, so be sure to read through them carefully!
  • No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.
    What this means is the staff retain the right to refuse service to someone if we are not comfortable due to past difficulties/hostilities or we feel we would unable to deliver quality work to the customer because of personal or time constraints. We want to be able to work closely with our regulars, but if we are not comfortable, than more then likely the work would suffer harming both parties in the end.

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  • When doing an open RP in the main thread, be careful to not overlook others wanting to join in!
    This is especially important regarding those new in the shop and just coming in to roleplay here, please don't overlook them! Being new in a shop is a scary experience, even if you've been around breedables for a long time. Be respectful, and encourage each other to have a good time. heart
  • Roleplay is not required but highly encouraged.
    Colorists are more apt to grow pets faster when they see they are being roleplayed quite a bit.
  • We recommended that you use third-person tense when roleplaying.
    This is not a bannable offense to use another, however it does tend to read easier.
  • We recommend that you use a color for each pet when roleplaying, especially when there is more than one pet in a post.
    This limits confusion as to who is doing what at any given time, but is not a bannable offense in any respect if you do not.
  • Roleplaying in different languages other than English is allowed as long as a translation is provided for anyone who can't speak that language.
    Keep in mind, though, that with the translation it may mean YOU can understand it, your pet might not. A pet cannot, just like us, understand a language immediately the first time they ever hear it...they have to learn it same as the rest of us. 3nodding
  • Pets made in the coloring arena or as fan-art that DO NOT exist in the shop world CANNOT be roleplayed!
  • Godmodding/RPing of another's pet is not allowed without prior permission from the other owner first.
  • Non-cosplays cannot be roleplayed as cosplays.
    This is unfair to those who have paid good price for a cosplay character. 3nodding
  • Respect your partners and their feelings.
    This includes remembering that just because two pets may hate each other, doesn't mean the other owner hates your guts. 3nodding

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  • Bribes are no longer accepted.
    Don’t even ask.
  • Read the rules in the individual colorist journals.
    There are some that do no edits, some that will edit to your heart’s delight to name a few differences that might exist between custom journals. Be sure to read their first pages in their entirety before asking questions!
  • Do not harass colorists about a pending custom, or to open more slots.
    We have real life obligations that must come first, and has a tendency to take us away from the shop. Slots will open when the colorist has time, and not before. As for pending customs, PM the colorist politely first after a sufficient time has passed (usually about a month), but not repeatedly. If no reply, then please contact Mira with your concern, and she will see what she can do, but please do try to be patient as school and college are killers to the staff. >.<
  • Unless stated otherwise by the individual colorist, all slots are first come, first serve.
    Sometimes we miss out, but there will be other slots later!
  • Respect the colorist concerning pricing on customs.
    Some charge for edits, some do not, and such should be listed as part of the price guide in their journals. Just remember the more highly edited your custom is, the more you may be charged.
  • If there is a concern with the final result of a custom, please question the colorist politely.
    Sometimes a certain colorists style may not fit what you had in mind, or perhaps what the colorist thought you meant wasn’t what you really had imagined...these can be worked out respectfully!
  • Trade must be started before a custom can be begun.
    Unless worked out otherwise with the colorist, we prefer knowing we’re not getting the run-around, especially if it’s a very high priced custom, and it’s just a good business practice anyways. Remember this is a contractual agreement between parties, and must be treated as such.
  • Additional details are in the guild.
    If there are questions...contact the individual colorist you are thinking of getting a custom from, or to Mira if it is of a more general nature.

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  • Bribes are no longer accepted.
    Don’t even ask.
  • Read the rules in the individual colorist journals.
    Sometimes they open slots for just unedited couples, sometimes for cosplays, so it's always a good idea to read and know what each colorist will be willing to do.
  • Cubs from a breeding may be kept or given away, but not sold!
    A raffle, or some sort of free contest can be done to give away any remaining cubs.
  • Adults are the only ones allowed to breed.
    The only exception to this are the rare times a perma-teen is allowed breeding rights.
  • A lioness cannot breed again until her current litter is of teenage lines.
    There is no limit as to how many times your lion can breed, but breeding to hoard is not allowed!
  • You may only keep one offspring per breeding of said lion.
    So that hoarding, can be stopped, as well as promote expanding families, and sharing among the thread.
  • Offspring from a breeding must be an adult for 2 months before they can be bred.
    This allows for them to develop relationships and also works to prevent hoarding.
  • Custom lions need to wait 1 (one) month before they can be bred.
    Just like previously bred lions, this time allows for them to develop relationships and also works to prevent hoarding.
  • Homosexual breeding is allowed.
    Each colorist may have their own way of doing this so be sure to read up on the rules.
  • Do not harass colorists about a pending breeding, or to open more slots.
    We have real life obligations that must come first, and has a tendency to take us away from the shop. Slots will open when the colorist has time, and not before. As for pending breedings, PM the colorist politely first after a sufficient time has passed (usually about a month), but not repeatedly. If no reply, then please contact Mira with your concern, and she will see what she can do, but please do try to be patient as school and college are killers to the staff. >.<
  • Unless stated otherwise by the individual colorist, all slots are first come, first serve.
    Sometimes we miss out, but there will be other slots later!
  • Trade must be started before a breeding can be begun/completed.
    Unless worked out otherwise with the colorist, we prefer knowing we’re not getting the run-around, and it’s just a good business practice anyways. Remember this is a contractual agreement between parties, and must be treated as such.
  • Additional details are in the guild.
    If there are questions...contact the individual colorist you are thinking of getting a breeding from, or to Mira if it is of a more general nature.

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    Still got questions? Well, we have some answers for you here that might help!

    Free pet plz??
    99.9% of the time, the answer to that will be no. However, we DO on occasion do free raffles and give-aways.

    I've waited forever for my lion to grow! How much longer?!
    Some colorists are naturally faster than others, however keep in mind real life does have a tendency to kidnap us as well. Have patience, and if a long time has passed, contact the colorist politely. If no reply, contact Mira, and she'll do her best to help you.

    Can my pet breed?
    You bet! All pets (lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and even the mice/hornbill familiars) can be bred.

    Who drew the lineart?!
    MircoOndas drew them! However, don't even think at this time of commissioning her for more - currently she's pretty occupied with her own work/college/breedable shop (she's a doctor! Busy busy woman!)

    Can I be a guest colorist?
    I'd prefer you didn't ask outright, BUT you may apply to do so in the hiring thread by filling out a colorist application and specifying you want a guest colorist position.

    Can I get a custom/breeding slot from so-and-so?
    If they have slots open, sure! Click on their custom journal/breeding den to find out for sure if they do. If not, then don't ask as they will announce them when they have time.

    How did so-and-so-colorist get that pet?!
    Colorists at times are allowed free customs by the owner since they work uber hard for what they do. Mira just likes to give them some appreciation and lovin' every once in awhile by allowing this.

    Hey, so and so has a custom cert for their pet! I want a custom cert!
    Custom certs will no longer be used for regular flatsale/raffle/auction lions. These will be available for custom lions only. This will serve to decrease the amount of time a colorist must go searching for backgrounds for lions when coloring and make our jobs easier. It also makes custom lions even more special!

    More will be added as asked!

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How did such colorful creatures come to be? And where do they live? Well, this is where such world-shattering questions are answered!
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The tall savanna grasses waved in a memorizing way as a warm, dry desert wind swept over the Pride Lands. The gnarled trees that managed to survive there swayed their branches, a few dry leaves shaking off. The sky was a clear, clean blue, with a few puffy white clouds strewn about haphazardly. The few, shallow streams that ran through the lion’s territory sat idly, allowing the fish that lived in them to feed along the bottom, silvery scales attracting the sun’s bright glow. Small wildlife, a few hares, a prairie dog or two, scurried about, keeping low for fear of being seen by the ultimate predator of the African savanna.

The Lion.

Here, the lions ruled. No humans dared to set foot upon this patch of wilderness. Why just right here? The lions that resided here were not the average lion, like the one in your science book. These lions were many a color, red, blue, green. They also had patterns unlike any other. Curses, the villagers gossiped. Powers from the Gods, others murmured reverently. The truth about the markings though, was this.

The continent of Africa is relatively dry, as you should know. As people began to settle along the Nile, which seemed to be just about the only water source on the entire landmass, the natives, lions, giraffes, zebras and the like, were pushed down, farther away from the water. Now, the zebras were a humble race then, and they decided to co-exist with the humans, agreeing to do hard labor in exchange for water and other necessities. The giraffes, with their long legs, were able to travel great distances down the river, where no humans had yet settled.

That left the lion.

Now, the lion is a proud race, too proud to work for the humans, but were not built for the kind of travel they would have had to undertake to follow the giraffes. So, the race had to humble them selves and follow in the zebra’s direction… toward the humans. The reaction they got was unexpected.

Now, the humans were not stupid, and they had talked to the zebras about what else they had chased out. The zebras, oblivious of the trouble it could cause toward their friends, told the humans about lions. About how swift and powerful they were. About their long, sharp fangs and claws. About how smart they were. The humans, obviously, grew worried. They held a meeting to see what they should do.

“I have heard.”

The chieftain of the human tribe spoke, his gravelly voice vibrating the walls of the hut in which they met.

“I have heard from the scouts that they have seen the lions traveling this way. They say that the lions have a look of revenge about them!”

The chieftain exclaimed, although the scouts had not told him the last part. He had made that up himself, for he did not want the villagers to know that the lions came in peace, not in hatred. He didn’t want the lions to be liked, for fear of being overthrown by a powerful male. He certainly didn’t want a beast to rule the human tribe. He was jealous of the lions, for he was sure that they were more agile than him, more cunning, braver, better. So, to protect his position, he had to lie.

“The lions want to kill us all, eat us raw!”

He exclaimed, exaggerating an entire story about how menacing they appeared, even though he had no idea what the looked like at all. The tribe of humans wailed and moaned, begging their “all-powerful” leader to give them instruction on how to defeat the beasts.

“Kill them! Chase them away from the river! The zebras said that the lion’s stamina was not up to a long trek down the Nile, away from the settlement. All we must do is keep them away!”

He boomed, rousing the crowd of nervous tribe members, boosting their adrenaline. The men clung to their weapons, the woman to their children. A scout raced off with the speed of a cheetah to see where how close the lions were. He didn’t have to look long.

“They are here! The lions!!”

He cried, much to the villager’s fright, but the lion’s approval. It was only befitting that a creature of their grace and beauty was announced for all to hear. The zebras, who had heard what the chieftain had said, went crazy, whinnying and rearing, in a blind rage toward man and a fear for the lions. The lions, though, thought that the zebras were calling for them, as if being hurt by humans. The lions rushed forth, angry at the humans for hurting their friends. The armed tribe members greeted them with curses and hatred, swinging everything they could find toward the lions. The lions, confused, looked toward the zebras, who were unhurt. Now, it was the lions turn to be tricked. They thought that the zebras had worked with the humans to lure them here, straight into a trap. The lions attacked the zebras, and the zebras attacked the men, and the men attacked the lions. The lions drove the zebras out, and the humans drove the lions out in the opposite direction.

The zebras were frightened and surprised at the lions attack upon them. Why did they do that? The zebras raced off, away from the humans and the lions, down in the direction of the giraffes. At least they were still friendly

The lions, on the other hand, didnt have it so easy. The humans were still after them, with their smug chieftain standing proudly upon the hill that his tribe lived on. The lions would never be welcome here, much to his delight

The lions, as much as they didnt like it, had to flee off into the desert. When the humans were finally out of sight, they stopped running and looked around.

Where are we?

Are we lost?

Where's water?

The clan began to panic, pacing and snarling. All too soon they were on top of each other, snarling and clawing. One female, a petite ebony adult, remained calm.

"Everyone! Please! You are acting like a bunch of kits, panicking at everything. Look around you. Look where we are!"

As she spoke, the clan noticed their unfamiliar surroundings. It was like a rainforest, in the middle of the desert. A pond, which was fed with a small run off from the Nile, sat in the center of a circle of palm like trees. The foliage was thick and green, with plenty of small game which had come to drink. On the outside of the circle, there were many burrows in the ground, nice, cool, large burrows in which the lions could retreat after a hard day. It was the perfect place for the clan.

But, when they murmured and nodded to each other in approval, they noticed something odd. Each lion was sporting odd markings and colors on their pelts. They arent sure why, but they believe that it was the change in surroundings. In the circle of trees, their private oasis, there were strange, beautiful flowers that blossomed around the edge of the pond. The flowers were vibrant in color and design, and many of the odd patterns are seen on a lions coat to this day. They say that when a lion passes on, the flower that held its coat pattern shrivels and dies.

Odd, isnt it?

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-- This will be edited later for the hyena/cheetah NPC's in the planning ---
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All lion species begin with the same stage, and is a very vulnerable time for all lions, so parents keep kits close to them and to home, rarely letting them wander away willingly. As newborns to the world, pretty much anything and everything holds wonder to them, and they get into trouble on a pretty regular basis. Unlike most newborns, they tend to be fast learners from the start, and attain a fairly firm grasp of language quickly though how and why is yet unknown. It’s believed they may learn it while still in the womb, listening to their mother’s voice, but nothing has yet been proven.

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Normal lions are the most common to be found in the Pride Lands. While they may not (normally) have wings or anything really flashy setting them beyond the rest, they are content with the life they lead, and seek to live it to the fullest. As different in personality as they are in coat colors, they come in many flavors and spices.

Biologically, they are obviously different from the normal species of lion found here on earth. While it is unknown exactly what caused their first mutations to occur (the flakes on the ears and the feathers sprouting from their tails), the said appendages have come to have a very useful function to the cats. For all the breeds, the flakes act much like whiskers, telling the lions the direction the wind is blowing, changes in magnetic fields and in some ways enhance scent by picking up pheromones and other chemicals in the air. Though defiantly far from infallible, this does help give the lions a unique view of what is around them.

The various coat colors are advantageous to attracting mates, if making hunting a bit of a problem blending into surroundings. Still, with each generation, they learn different techniques to help them solve that particular problem and end up most of the time well-fed and happy. Females are still the main food-gatherers, relying on the males to protect the den and the younger members of the pride.

Normal lions can be found pretty much everywhere in the Pride Lands. Though most prefer the grasslands and other open areas for hunting purposes, that still is up to the individual lion and the pride’s preferences on location.

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Angelic lions are the most prideful and arrogant of all the species. Able to fly at a young age, they are quick to show up others just what they can do, especially the demonics. They are proud of the wings and bright colors they sport, and preen often much like birds. They take great pride in their appearance as they become adults, take on a stern regal manner, believing themselves to be above (quite literally) the rest.

The flakes of angelics grow much longer, and are more sensitive to sensing the strength of air currents and pressure as they fly. They are also the first to tell when a storm is coming, and how quickly it is moving, though this is only slightly better than a news forecast since changing currents can affect when and where a storm hits – however, the closer a storm is, the more accurate they are. The tail feathers float just beyond the end, acting as a rudder as they fly, helping them with steering, quick course corrections and making tight turns while in mid-flight.

Angelics prefer tall places to make their homes, and can be found in the caves inhabiting the various mountain ranges.

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Demonic lions tend to be thought of as the bad guys of the lands, looking grouchy and put off as they do, but can one blame them for being annoyed? From birth, angelics tend to make fun of their stubby wings, and their true inability to fly until adulthood. Unable to attain the height and speed of the angelics even then, demonics have learned other ways to get rid of some of their pent up frustrations – usually not ending too well for the victim in question.

As a cub their wings are far too small to do much more than flap idly, though they are encouraged to do what they can so their wing muscles get stronger as they grow. As a teen, the wings are still far too small to keep them aloft, though they can glide very short distances -- thus, they become adept climbers, needing the height before they can practice this move. It’s not until adulthood that the true ability to fly manifests itself, however. Due to the delicate nature of the wings, they are not made for speed or height, but they have no problem gliding for hours at a time, and do not tire as quickly as angelics.

Demonics tend to like dark areas where angelics won’t come for fear of messing up their coats, and tend to live reclusive lives even among their own. They can be found in the swampy areas.

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Tail feathers splay out in the shape of a sun, thus giving the solar lions their name. As the sun worshipers of the land, they are happiest when the sun is out and bright, and usually quite lethargic when it’s hidden, especially during the dark winter months. While cubs and teens tend to be quite active exploring all they can, the adults tend to be the ones content to just bask in the sun, moving with stately dignity much like royalty, which tends to intimidate those they come in contact with.

It’s unknown how the lions attained the floating wings on their hind legs, but they have been proven to increase speed and the length of a jump. They also are very indicative to how a solar is feeling – if happy, the wings are very active and wiggling, if sad then the wings tend to hang limply with little or no movement. Younger solars tend to like large groups, the better for playing games with on bright warm days, while adults tend to prefer smaller and more intimate settings.

Solars can be found anywhere the sun touches the land, mostly preferring the grasslands where they can run and have the most exposure to its light.

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Lunar lions are the most reclusive and mysterious of the species found here. Normally they are loners, watching from deep in dark forests, much like guardians, over those that sleep. Rarely in groups larger than singles or pairs, they do not shun the need for companionship, but instead feel it their duty to watch over the land and protect it from harm.

Biologically, they are much like everyone else, however as a mainly nocturnal species, they have a few minor differences. They have excellent night vision, and use whatever available light at hand to see by (similar to night vision goggles, however this does NOT tint all that they see in shades of green). However, this tends to make them very sensitive to sunlight, and so prefer to spend their days deep in caves asleep. Their ears have enlarged over the years to catch the minutest sounds of prey making them excellent trackers and hunters. Their fur has thickened, protecting them from the long cold nights and is not shed during the summer months.

Lunar can be found the forest regions and the higher mountain tops where it’s colder.

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Water lions are a rare female-only species of whom little is really known about, mostly due to their reclusive nature. Never needing to come above surface, most prefer to live their lives oblivious to those on land, creating their own little world beneath the water that few, if any, outside the species even know exist. As a general rule, the ones that do show themselves keep this knowledge to themselves, to respect the privacy of those that remain below the surface. The main two reasons a lioness may emerge is the need to breed (after all, the species would die off rather quickly if they did not), and curiosity.

The biological makeup of a water lioness is rather interesting with 3 unique characteristics: First, they have the normal set of lungs as other lions, however, a pair of gills is hidden behind each ear fin. While under water, these fins serve the purpose of pushing water through the gills thus eliminating the need to ever surface for air. Secondly, the tail fin is their main propulsion, swinging it up and down much like a dolphin tail, they have little need to use their feet except to increase speed or catch prey. Despite its delicate looks, on land it can be flicked much like a whip, and will easily break a bone. Lastly, the fin on their back (in combination with the ear fins) serves to decrease water resistance as they swim. It's believed the feathers and other trinkets hanging from the tails indicate a lioness's place in their society, though sources refuse to verify or confirm their symbolism.

Water lionesses are normally reclusive, but (much like dolphins) are known to be playful and curious in nature. Often it is hard to make one mad, but once there, expect her to hold a grudge for awhile until her trust is regained. They are found mostly in and near lakes or other bodies of water, or low-lying areas near water sources.

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Fire lions are a male-only species that are some of the most majestic beings to exist. It is believed the first fire lion came into existence by stepping too close to a volcano’s edge and the heat from the lava caught his mane on fire. Whether or not the Goddess Ke’Amira, who in a fit of boredom decided to convince some poor sap it’d be fun, had anything to do with that is still up for debate (she denies all allegations), however the other Gods took pity as the lion lay near death from his burns and turned him into a true being of flame.

Biologically they differ little from other lions, except for their ability to control their flaming manes and tails. They can control the flame’s intensity and heat; however this takes many years of practice, and usually involves quite a few burned bushes. Why such differences in colors of the flames between lions is unknown, though similar colors seem to be genetically linked. Water has little to no impact on the flames, and sometimes they use this to create artificial hot springs on cold days.

Preferring heat above most everything else, most fire lions can be found roaming the area of Mount Sek’Omra.

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Unlike their normal cousins, these hyena's coats are no longer the drab things of yesteryear, but colorful and unique as their personalities. They do, still, retain the same matriarchal society as a general rule with the females being the more aggressive of the two sexes.
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The cheetahs are much about as different from their cousins as a species can get. From their horns to their wings, not to mention some very outrageous coat colors, these tend to form packs with others - sometimes even with those not of their own species! They are very social and curious creatures yet still rare and hard to find at this time. Why so few have been spotted is yet unknown.
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Mice: These little fellows come in handy, being small they're easy to travel with, and to do any scouting. They're reliable, but one must be careful to not step on their companion!

Hornbills: The talkers of the pride lands, they are reliable, but apt to gossip to anyone they meet, some moreso than others. They quick to give advice whether it's wanted or not!

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Want a lion (or other pet) to hold, cuddle, and then possibly mauled by? Well, you've come to the right place! Here we will post upcoming event dates to look forward to and other goodies, so keep your eyes peeled!

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  • Next Flatsale Date: ...
  • Next Raffle Date: ...
  • Next Auction Date: ...
  • Next Mini-Event Date: ...

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  • Flatsale pets are 6k each - lions, hyenas, and cheetahs alike
  • You may proxy for one person and one for yourself in the same post
  • Lion cub males are laying on their bellies and females are lying on their backs
  • Cheetah cub males have wings while females have horns
  • Hyena cubs are unisex - you choose your own gender
  • Do not assume pet is yours until a colorist posts the confirmation list
  • Never edit your flatsale post, this will result in immediate gray-listing
  • Be sure to fill out the form completely!
  • Send the trade immediately after your pet has been confirmed
  • Hyenas have their own certs!
  • Please choose from one of the certs below!

    (Note: Custom background certs now available ONLY for custom made lions!)

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    Pet's Name:

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    Note To Colorists: To keep this post neat and trim, your name will be placed above the lions you have colored for the flatsale.

  • Tudora

  • Tolli Raovan

  • Myanai

  • Kuro-Kasai

  • Doodle p***s

  • -TS- Alex

  • Ushiyasha

  • Parween

  • Kuu

  • ooDeD

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    Raffles are a great way to win a pet for a low price! The more tickets you get, the higher your chances are of winning! Keep an eye on this area for future raffles.

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    • No whining, fighting, or any other forms of negative feedback when participating in a raffle
    • Tickets are 100 gold each
    • Tickets are unlimited! You can get as many as you want!
    • If there are multiple raffles in one, you cannot win a pet twice. If you are rolled a second time, it will be re-rolled for a new winner.
    • Trading prizes is allowed, but both parties must agree
    • If I mess up on rolling the dice, it won't count and will be re-rolled instead
    • For every 1000 tickets sold we will add another prize.
    • More added if needed

    Please go here to purchase tickets!!

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    Got a lot of gold and nothing to spend it on? Try it on an auction! If you're the higest bidder in the end, you'll win the prize! Keep an eye on this area for future auction.

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    • No whining, fighting, or any other sort of negative feedback when participating in an auction. Offenses that aren't taken to PMs will immediately be gray listed and/or unable to continue in certain events.
    • Do not discourage other bidders! This is not only very rude, but immature as well. Auctions are supposed to be competitive, but don't let it get out of control.
    • Do not plan your bids in the thread to "scare" others off.
    • Items are accepted, but it also depends on the colorist (there will be a note below the lion if the colorist doesn't accept items). Their prices are based off of the tektek.org prices.
    • There is no limit as to what you can bid on
    • More will be added as needed

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    Auction Is OVER!
    •Colorist: ...
    •Starting Bid . ...
    •Bid Increase . ...
    •Auction Ends . ...
    •Auto Buy . ...
    •High Bid . ...

    In order to bid for the ticket please use this code.

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Got a good idea for a pet, or do you have one that's in love and wanting hear the pitter patter of tiny paws? Here's the place you can find general information about where to feed that craving.

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Got an idea for a pet that's wild and wacky? Perhaps it's more down to earth for you instead, but either way, here is where you to come. Be sure to read the colorist's journals for additional rules and information about upcoming slots.

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I hear you have a pet wanting to hear the pitter patter of tiny paws? You've come to the right place, my dear! Welcome to the breeding dens, where we take the lovers on an all-expense paid romantic vacation for two (or three at times) complete with satin sheets, gourmet meals and those little chocolates on the pillows...

Well, okay maybe not, BUT we do at least provide solitude for the parents-to-be. wink

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Here you will find useful links in navigating the guild. While this is only a few of what you can find there, browse around to see what other treasures the guild holds in store for you!

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  • Welcome to the guild! .. Understand how the guild works, read the rules, and meet the staff!
  • Coloring thread .. Want to make a reference for your custom? Or maybe you just want to show off your skills with some of Pride Lands' lineart? This thread lists some of Pride Lands' official lineart for you to experiment with!
  • Plotting thread .. Have some lions, but don't know what to do with them? Throw them into the plotting thread and someone will surely come along.
  • Contact Information .. Put down your messenger information if you wish to talk to some of the people of Pride Lands outside of the shop.

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  • Create a journal for all of your Pride Lands' pets!
  • About Journals .. Rules you must read before creating your journal

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The current directory for all the pets that have shown up here in the Pride Lands. ^.^

The Owners List

Warning: Currently under construction as Rian-chan works to update it all, complete with all pets!

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Bad boys, bad boys...whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when a lion eats you...! gonk

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  • All of our staff!
  • Our beloved regulars!
  • Rian-chan
    • for actually offering to kill herself and do the owner's list...! Not to mention becoming Mira's masochistic slave wink
  • Yin-Bug
    • for continuously raping checking over event threads, guild threads, and other types of things Kao made for mistakes/concerns/and questions.
  • AriyaLauna
    • For her wonderful inputs/suggestions and for offering the shop a guild 2 years ago! Thank you for your devotion to PL! <33
  • Moonlit Monkey
    • Thought up, set up, and hosted a wonderful rehoming event for Pride Lands! Thanks to her, we have some wonderful newcomers <3

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  • Pata lover
    • Repeated violations of our rules & many warnings; she is to remain here until we deem her worthy of removal. Until that time, she is not allowed breeding rights or able to buy another lion.

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    • afterlife/KeybladerKairi
      • Tried to sway an auction so he would 'win' no matter what; permanently banned.
    • Rhea Hyuga
      • Multiple violations, Permanently banned.

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  • Shop Owner: Lunar Mirage
  • Manager: Doodle p***s

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Credit for work done in the guild(s) goes to all staff - past, present and future - Thank you!

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  • Tudora
  • Tolli Raovan
  • Myanai
  • Kuro-kasai
  • oo DeD
  • Parween

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  • -TS- Alex
  • Ushiyasha
  • Doodle p***s
  • Eranas

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  • [WinterRaven]
  • Mythee
  • Angel Yuna-chan
  • Rhea Hyuga (guest colorist)
  • Marinity (guest colorist)
  • KaoruSkyy
  • Odet Amo
  • DarkHeartedSorrows
  • Yakobi (MIA)
  • Fantasy_Rocks13

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Want to affiliate? Just send a PM to the mule with the banner you'd like us to display, and we'd be happy to do business!

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