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Where do you stand on Redbird?

Zoey is awesome!!! 0.14571428571429 14.6% [ 51 ]
Redbird is bi, blast it! 0.037142857142857 3.7% [ 13 ]
Redbird is a God-Mode Sue who must fry and die! 0.27428571428571 27.4% [ 96 ]
Who is Redbird? 0.38571428571429 38.6% [ 135 ]
Other 0.15714285714286 15.7% [ 55 ]
Total Votes:[ 350 ]
<< < 1 2 ... 52 53 54 55 >

Idaten Nine
That response was supposed to be "Idk" but it never showed.

That feels disturbing.

We need a new point to tackle for the discussions that resumed for the past two pages, as short of snark blogs and sporks, how do we tackle the lunacies that House of Night and other series like it have unleashed on us all?

Heroic Hero

9,550 Points
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Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
That response was supposed to be "Idk" but it never showed.

That feels disturbing.

We need a new point to tackle for the discussions that resumed for the past two pages, as short of snark blogs and sporks, how do we tackle the lunacies that House of Night and other series like it have unleashed on us all?
By writing stuff that's better than House of Night
Idaten Nine
Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
That response was supposed to be "Idk" but it never showed.

That feels disturbing.

We need a new point to tackle for the discussions that resumed for the past two pages, as short of snark blogs and sporks, how do we tackle the lunacies that House of Night and other series like it have unleashed on us all?
By writing stuff that's better than House of Night

Well that part is obvious, not with the blatancies of the earlier pages but still fairly obvious.

Would a little Self-publishing or getting newly-instated publishing companies go a long way to help fixing that kind of problem provided those companies have the resources to manage it?

Heroic Hero

9,550 Points
  • Hero 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
That response was supposed to be "Idk" but it never showed.

That feels disturbing.

We need a new point to tackle for the discussions that resumed for the past two pages, as short of snark blogs and sporks, how do we tackle the lunacies that House of Night and other series like it have unleashed on us all?
By writing stuff that's better than House of Night

Well that part is obvious, not with the blatancies of the earlier pages but still fairly obvious.

Would a little Self-publishing or getting newly-instated publishing companies go a long way to help fixing that kind of problem provided those companies have the resources to manage it?
Idaten Nine
Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
Javier Cross
Idaten Nine
That response was supposed to be "Idk" but it never showed.

That feels disturbing.

We need a new point to tackle for the discussions that resumed for the past two pages, as short of snark blogs and sporks, how do we tackle the lunacies that House of Night and other series like it have unleashed on us all?
By writing stuff that's better than House of Night

Well that part is obvious, not with the blatancies of the earlier pages but still fairly obvious.

Would a little Self-publishing or getting newly-instated publishing companies go a long way to help fixing that kind of problem provided those companies have the resources to manage it?

We'd clearly still have to find some way to correct the problem with the Post-Faceless Ones Skulduggery Pleasant Volumes for North America, since Harper-Collins isn't doing their jobs to fix the matter themselves it seems.
Also since the Sword Art Online Light Novels are already out, how do they stack up with the Young Adult Novels that we know bloody well are worth their salt?(I.E the CHB volumes by Riordan, The Codex Alera novels by Jim Butcher and most things done by Brandon Sanderson if I had to ask, to say nothing of The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper?)

I am asking that question because I don't expect anything actually akin to the Potter-world or dot hack(.hack) in terms of either meaningful content or spirit, just a reasonably tolerable cast more than anything and bonus positive points if they have a proper display of a Paramilitary Bunch in it.
Anybody else has bright ideas to bring to the table?
What are the similarities between House of Night and Call of Duty?
Well, time to revitalize this matter, otherwise we may as well either contemplate on how House of Night and 50 Shades of Grey are very similar in having brain-dead idiots, or talk about Sword Art Online vs House of Night and bar Nyx from it.

Nuclear Werewolf

Haven't ever read the House of Night series, since it seems to be the standard YA trash that's been circulating in recent years (at least, more visibly). I'd almost be tempted to find it in a library to see just how bad it is, but, I tried that years ago with Twilight and didn't make it very far before I ragequit. If HoS is that much worse... cat_gonk
Alberic of Krufton
Haven't ever read the House of Night series, since it seems to be the standard YA trash that's been circulating in recent years (at least, more visibly). I'd almost be tempted to find it in a library to see just how bad it is, but, I tried that years ago with Twilight and didn't make it very far before I ragequit. If HoS is that much worse... cat_gonk

You add 50 Shades of Grey and its sequels to the mix and then it becomes brain-cell slaughter from the sound of things.

Though pleased to see you, we haven't seen you in a while on gaia these days.

Nuclear Werewolf

Javier Cross
You add 50 Shades of Grey and its sequels to the mix and then it becomes brain-cell slaughter from the sound of things.

Though pleased to see you, we haven't seen you in a while on gaia these days.

Oh, I forgot about those abominations... sometimes I'll look up excerpts and just shake my head at how awful they are. Don't think I could handle one whole installment (let alone the entire series... gag).

Not even because it's supposed to be kinky or whatever, but just because the writing is abhorrent.

Yeah, been in the WF and NaNoWriMo forums more often than not these days. Sometimes pop into this corner of the site, but not too frequently anymore. I'm surprised you recognized me. cat_sweatdrop
Alberic of Krufton
Javier Cross
You add 50 Shades of Grey and its sequels to the mix and then it becomes brain-cell slaughter from the sound of things.

Though pleased to see you, we haven't seen you in a while on gaia these days.

Oh, I forgot about those abominations... sometimes I'll look up excerpts and just shake my head at how awful they are. Don't think I could handle one whole installment (let alone the entire series... gag).

Not even because it's supposed to be kinky or whatever, but just because the writing is abhorrent.

Yeah, been in the WF and NaNoWriMo forums more often than not these days. Sometimes pop into this corner of the site, but not too frequently anymore. I'm surprised you recognized me. cat_sweatdrop

I've seen/read Kinkier ideas with far more taste going on, the last I checked.

Your name was missing for quite a while I dare say.

So since 50 Shades and HoN are branded 'Black-Marks' on U.S Literature, and since U.S Education's apparently corroding due to Haywire Corporatism at work short of Skipping Grades, how are we supposed to be fixing this by chance?

I did propose taking some cues from The Butcher Side(includes The Dresden Files and Codex Alera) by Jim Butcher and The World of Madoka Magica(Including the Manga Spin-offs!) more times than I can count as far as concepts are concerned, but we ought to be Innovative and unique about applying said cues.
Because we DON'T WANT a bunch of 'cheap' Buffy the Vampire Slayer!-Knockoffs roaming around, or to trade that with Butcher Side or Madoka Magica-Knockoffs in turn since that's counter-productive.

Nuclear Werewolf

Javier Cross
I've seen/read Kinkier ideas with far more taste going on, the last I checked.

Your name was missing for quite a while I dare say.

So since 50 Shades and HoN are branded 'Black-Marks' on U.S Literature, and since U.S Education's apparently corroding due to Haywire Corporatism at work short of Skipping Grades, how are we supposed to be fixing this by chance?

I did propose taking some cues from The Butcher Side(includes The Dresden Files and Codex Alera) by Jim Butcher and The World of Madoka Magica(Including the Manga Spin-offs!) more times than I can count as far as concepts are concerned, but we ought to be Innovative and unique about applying said cues.
Because we DON'T WANT a bunch of 'cheap' Buffy the Vampire Slayer!-Knockoffs roaming around, or to trade that with Butcher Side or Madoka Magica-Knockoffs in turn since that's counter-productive.
Hell, I've written better smut than what's in 50SoG (or so I hope, anyway, haha). Which might be a good project for this afternoon, actually...

Education's gotten that bad? I know I had the advantage of not going to a terrible school, so we mostly read what is generally considered "classic" lit by most modern audiences, which I ended up enjoying, for the most part. I'm one of those nerdy bookworms though, so most likely that was not everyone's experience. Still can't understand people who hate reading, but whatever.

Ideal solution is that we work from the ground up, and get the youngin's to appreciate quality media early on. Unfortunately unlikely, since high standards in that department tentatively correlate with intelligence, which not everyone is lucky enough to have or acquire... So, work top-down? Let the lunatics run the madhouse, as it were; insinuate more critical folk in publishing, in education, in television, so they can better sort the chaff from the grain so audiences end up exposed to better quality media.

But then there's the problem of profit, which of course fuels the cycle... and people don't want to think too hard when they're reading or watching movies and television. (Well, thankfully some do, but not nearly enough.) Maybe run a campaign to advocate intelligence or quality goods? If wanting to appear/become citizens of discerning taste becomes an ingrained part of the public conscience, then there will be an increased demand for high-quality shows and books. Hopefully supply will be able to keep up, or else there will be, God forbid, more down-time to do other things. Of course, this then puts the less cultured or educated at a disadvantage, and then there will be the posers, if you will... dilemma.

Probably what will happen is folks will continue to advocate and support stuff that's actually good (according to our subjective tastes) and maybe someday our collective voices will actually be heard.

I know that when me and the spouse eventually spawn children, I'm going to do my damnedest to try to help their good taste take root and flourish. So they too can share in the valiant struggle.
Alberic of Krufton
Javier Cross
I've seen/read Kinkier ideas with far more taste going on, the last I checked.

Your name was missing for quite a while I dare say.

So since 50 Shades and HoN are branded 'Black-Marks' on U.S Literature, and since U.S Education's apparently corroding due to Haywire Corporatism at work short of Skipping Grades, how are we supposed to be fixing this by chance?

I did propose taking some cues from The Butcher Side(includes The Dresden Files and Codex Alera) by Jim Butcher and The World of Madoka Magica(Including the Manga Spin-offs!) more times than I can count as far as concepts are concerned, but we ought to be Innovative and unique about applying said cues.
Because we DON'T WANT a bunch of 'cheap' Buffy the Vampire Slayer!-Knockoffs roaming around, or to trade that with Butcher Side or Madoka Magica-Knockoffs in turn since that's counter-productive.
Hell, I've written better smut than what's in 50SoG (or so I hope, anyway, haha). Which might be a good project for this afternoon, actually...

Education's gotten that bad? I know I had the advantage of not going to a terrible school, so we mostly read what is generally considered "classic" lit by most modern audiences, which I ended up enjoying, for the most part. I'm one of those nerdy bookworms though, so most likely that was not everyone's experience. Still can't understand people who hate reading, but whatever.

Ideal solution is that we work from the ground up, and get the youngin's to appreciate quality media early on. Unfortunately unlikely, since high standards in that department tentatively correlate with intelligence, which not everyone is lucky enough to have or acquire... So, work top-down? Let the lunatics run the madhouse, as it were; insinuate more critical folk in publishing, in education, in television, so they can better sort the chaff from the grain so audiences end up exposed to better quality media.

But then there's the problem of profit, which of course fuels the cycle... and people don't want to think too hard when they're reading or watching movies and television. (Well, thankfully some do, but not nearly enough.) Maybe run a campaign to advocate intelligence or quality goods? If wanting to appear/become citizens of discerning taste becomes an ingrained part of the public conscience, then there will be an increased demand for high-quality shows and books. Hopefully supply will be able to keep up, or else there will be, God forbid, more down-time to do other things. Of course, this then puts the less cultured or educated at a disadvantage, and then there will be the posers, if you will... dilemma.

Probably what will happen is folks will continue to advocate and support stuff that's actually good (according to our subjective tastes) and maybe someday our collective voices will actually be heard.

I know that when me and the spouse eventually spawn children, I'm going to do my damnedest to try to help their good taste take root and flourish. So they too can share in the valiant struggle.

So long as it provides mutual respect for males and females alike, regardless of the orientations of the two or more people in question, you can do that.

I know I don't Hate Reading to begin with, or I wouldn't want to read The Madoka Manga Spin-offs or A Certain Scientific Railgun sometime to begin with, and I'm reading The Kane Chronicles(by Richard 'Rick' Riordan) and The Exodus(From Abrahamic Texts like The Bible especially.) in fact.

We'd have to work to bring Change from all sides, because at the end of the day that's the only surefire way I'd know Change can be brought about in fact.
Yet we have televised garbage like Johnny Test on Cartoon Network running around, granted JT isn't U.S-made but still bad.

It's starting to be worth the risk more and more, now that we think about it and the worse it gets.

That's been the hopes of The Dot Hack(.Hack) and Skulduggery Pleasant Fanbases especially for years now and counting, I'm not sure if we're seeing progress yet either.

Some things for Future Generations are just inevitable they'd have to put up with anyway, so that's a bright idea to consider.


Would helping to deal with the Crisis on the U.S that's threatening (another) Civil War on our skulls help fix things for the better, Prove we're still worth a dang in wanting better literature and video games in our lives?

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