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Spiteful...XXXXXXarrogantXXXXXX... and αℓσηә.

Landing stealthily like some sort of cat-freak, Vital looked around, shifty-eyed and displeased. He straightened and snatched his dagger from the ground, nonchalantly cutting his hand in his carelessness. But, it didn't seem to bother him at all. Strangely, a sweet aroma soon filled the air, but it seemed everyone was ignoring it.

The teen looked around with a dirty look, upset he had to go and socialize. Whoever heard of that...!? Then again... Vital remembered not everyone was like him. Not everyone faced the realities that he did. He scowled at both of the elves, muttering to himself, but loud enough for their sensitive ears to hear.

"Damned adults... think they're oh-so-awesome..."

But, he stopped upon seeing someone come out of the brush. He blinked at the guy, realizing that he was taller than him...!!! Everyone was! This wasn't fair at all! Why the hell did God have to make him so goddamned short!? The pale boy's lower left eyelid twitched as he scowled again, his annoyance at the world showing through quite strongly. But, it wasn't much compared to how angry he could really be. He then faced the other guy that just came up, frowning with disgust.

"You all here suck."

[Lol... Vital's pretty short for his age, as well as immature. If one thinks about it, Nathaniel is older than him...!! xD]

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Pathetic...XXXXXXartfulXXXXX... and сħαямїηġ.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

With a better mind, the drow chose to stay silent. He had heard someone coming, and quickly pulled his hood up, keeping it low enough for anyone to avoid seeing his face at all. But, Drizzt Do'Urden kept his guard up, and quickly and gracefully moved away from the first boy when he landed. It was beyond unnatural... he realized that few could pull such a landing from such a height.

The dark elf chose silence throughout everything, not really being able to understand them anyways. He would just... let them talk. It didn't seem of much importance. The drow watched as the second boy had said something, and the surface elf responded. Personally, Drizzt felt somehow crowded, as well as guilty that the dagger even fell in the first place. He wasn't sure, but he figured it had to do with the fact that he still had doubts in his mind about leaving the Underdark.

Listening to all of this made the drow not only confused, but worried. He feared the first, pale boy was planning to attack, or knew he was a drow or something by the muttering. He couldn't understand it, but it all sounded very hostile. Also, there was an odd scent in the air, but the dark elf believed it to be one of the many mysteries of the surface world. Then Drizzt slipped a hand into his pouch, feeling comfort in the panther figurine, believing that Guenhwyvar had not returned as to avoid the others and avoid panic that could result from them. Perhaps it was best that way.

Right now, Drizzt only yearned for peace and well, silence.

Luthien the fair
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Luthien caught what the boy had said and did not even stop to glance at him. He was just being an immauture brat for his age. She would not lower herself to arguing with a child and merely scoffed. The hawk had taken off by then to scout ahead. The hawk was her eyes and ears in a way. He helped by scouting ahead from an aerial view and into places that Luthien could not.

"Follow me" Luthien said motioning for Drizzt to follow her as she scaled down the hill at a slow rate.

The hawk so far had not found anything interesting and came to circling around the two. Luthien nodded her thanks and watched as a black bear fished. She knew this one since he had a scar over his right eye. She turned her head and waited for Drizzt to catch up since the two had some ground to cover before nightfall. Her hearing was picking up the elk herd on the move and was at ease since mountain lions prowled that particualr area.

{ i could tell, since he seems to have quite a temper. Btw your doing a great job at playing Drizzt]
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Hearing the surface elf tell him to follow her, the drow blinked, and hesitated. He looked at the two boys present, and decided to just.. leave them be or something. He couldn't understand them, anyways.
"Hold on," Drizzt said, pausing to gather his few items from the cave. He began to follow Luthein once more, but as he walked, the dark elf pulled a small statuette from his pouch. It was black, elegant, and of a panther. He muttered something, and a black mist formed momentarily around it. The drow tucked it back into his pouch. He could explain to Guenhwyvar later. He just hoped the great cat took to surface elves.

Drizzt blinked, continuing to follow Luthien. But, he was tense and the surface elf could feel it. Drizzt was keeping his guard up. But, in a way, you couldn't blame him. The drow continued after the elf, seemingly taking in the sights. But, Drizzt was merely remembering landmarks, although all the foliage tended to blend into each other. Well... all he could do for now was hope this elf wasn't planning to turn him in or kill him. After all, he still knew no customs of the surface world.

[Haha... yeah, that's Vital for ya. Damned brat.
Really? Oh, phew...! It helps that I'm re-reading the series right now...]

Luthien the fair
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Luthien could not feel it, but she somehow knew he was on high alert. How could she blame him? She could tell people had not been so kind to him and she was probably the first or second person. By now they were on the outskirts and just entering the forest. It would be another two miles before they two made it to her secret path. The sound of forest activity brought a breath of fresh life into her.

" It will be another two miles before we come to my cottage." Luthien said using the dark gnome language for their sake. Somehow Luthien was glad she was fluent in the language.

Her silver eyes were glancing around and listening for any signs of wood elves as she walked. They were known to pop up outta the middle of no where and frighten un-wary travelers. Yet she could not pick up any. Which was odd since by now she would have caught wind of them. One of the male elks decided to accompany her and took his palce at her side.Her slender hadn came to rest on his shoulder as the two walked.
((Whoa....no idea how to post myself into this...
>.< ))
Gunslinger Sartana
((Whoa....no idea how to post myself into this...
>.< ))

[Start by... I dunno. Your character responding to Vital? They're both pretty young and cocky and ignorant... well, Vital is. But, he just said that Nathaniel sucked.
Is Nathan really gonna take that??]
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

After listening to Luthein as she told the distance, Drizzt merely nodded. He remained silent, yet still wary. The drow wanted to be able to tell himself that everything would turn out just perfect on the surface world, but he knew that because of his heritage, he was denied such existence every day... even if he didn't see anyone else for days on end.

The sun, thankfully, was riding low upon the horizon, and the time of the dark elves was about. He felt better then, although he still enjoyed its light. But, his eyes could only withstand it for so long, as well as his drow-crafted weapons and clothing. His piwafwi was shredded, his magical boots losing their enchantments, and his finely crafted scimitars losing their magical cut. All due to the sun that Drizzt Do'Urden chose to live under.

Continuing to walk, the dark elf merely took in the familiar sights, as he had become accustomed to this particular valley. It was all he had seen of the surface world in daylight, outside of the elf raid...

Drizzt shuddered the memory away again, focusing on the perfectly alive surface elf in front of him.

[My patience. She left about an hour ago, lol. That's something I gotta work on...]

Luthien the fair
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Eventually Luthien turned off the road to a more secret one. The road was old and worn with years of travel and she was the only one who knew of it. The forest became thick, and dark as night came. The male Elk was more alert and eventually left her to his herd. She waved good-bye and continued her trek to her home. After about ten minutes the forest parted to a large glade with a stream and waterfall of to the side and the grass was emerald green. The two sory cottage blended in with the trees and matched the rich brown color.

" Welcome to my humble glade" Luthien said

Luthien smiled and opened the cottage door to a richly furnished living room. The walls were a light green with paintings and tapestries adorning the walls. She set her bag down on the small table and began taking out various herbs and placing them in jars that were inside the cabinets. Her home gave off a homely feeling and a sense of safety and warmth.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Still following Luthein, the drow blinked about as he was led to a discreet path. He could tell by the simple dirt that it was a well-used path. As it grew darker, the forest seemed to close in. This caused Drizzt to be even more alert. His infravision merely increased with the decrease of light. But, here, the drow knew he was a bit safer from his kin, as well as the air being fresher. That, and he was surrounded by things that didn't necessarily want to attack him.

Blinking. the dark elf could only watch as the forest cleared, revealing a building. It seemed cozy and generally had a comfortable atmosphere. But, Drizzt still kept his guard up, ever wary. He couldn't help it anymore... he knew absolutely nothing about the surface.

As the surface elf welcomed him to her home, Drizzt only looked around silently, taking in the sights. Everything was so different from his compound in Menzoberranzan. Including the atmosphere. The drow found himself beginning to like the home, enjoying its various tapestries, scents, and most of all, its feeling. He felt at peace, but still was wary. You never knew, after all.

"Thank you..." the drow muttered in the deep gnome's tongue. He really actually felt out of place here, but knew he would have to call it home for a short period of time. He did not wish to impose. Running a hand through his white and tangled mane of hair, the drow continued to look about, not too certain what would happen now.

Luthien the fair
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" Your welcome" Luthien replied in the same language.

Luthien looked up from her work to see Drizzt looksing around. To her he seemed out of place and could not help but frown a bit. The best thing she could do was stand up and motion for him to follow her. She led him to the back and opened the door to the guest bed. It was simple with the same design and warmth as the main room had. After all Luthien thought it was in her to show compassion for him.

" Dinner will be ready within half an hour" Luthien said as she walked past Drizzt and headed to the kitchen.

She pulled out a pot from one of the cabinets along with various spices and vegetables. Luthien also brought out a few coneys and began skinning them with ease. The pot she filled with water and placed it on the heating stove. Luthien grabbed a knife and began cutting up the vegetables and Coneys. When the water was boling, Luthien placed the cut up coneys and vegetables into the pot along with the spices and herbs to give the soup taste.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Being led to a guest bed, Drizzt blinked. The drow nodded his thanks to Luthien, and turned back to the bed. He sighed, setting out his few items and kept the small panther statuette in his pouch. But, the dark elf pulled it out first, gazing at it, the symbol of his one true friend.
After lying down on the bed for only a little bit, Drizzt could smell food beginning to cook, and his stomach growled, reminding him of his last meal. It was a bit too long ago...

Drizzt sighed, rolling over on the bed. How long would he stay here? What if it was a trap? He couldn't tell anything right now. Everything just seemed too... pleasant. Therefore, something was bound to happen soon, right...? Probably. But, what if life was finally turning towards the better...?
He couldn't tell.

Luthien the fair
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As the soup became thick, Luthien set two plates and cups filled with tea down upon the table. She grabbed two spoons and placed them on the side. The leftover vegetables she put into a bowl and placed the bowl outside for the critters to eat. With a ladle in hand she poured an even proportion of soup into two bowls and placed them on the plates. With a sigh Luthien walked to the door that led to the guest room and knocked once before opening it.

" Dinner is ready" Luthien said and gently closed the door.

She sat down in the chair and waited for her guest to arrive. It was common courtesy to wait till everyone was seated. Luthien wished to show the same respect to the Drow. Compared to her, he was but a babe to the woods where as she knew the ways of the forest. This was for his protection since the other elves would not be was kind to him as she was.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Everything blended together. Each and every color. They all came to together to create a dark, murky, indistinguishable shade. That was Drizzt's life, it seemed.

As the dark elf sat, thinking upon everything, a knocked interrupted his thoughts. Sitting up quickly from the bed, the drow blinked. It was Luthien, announcing that dinner was ready. He slowly got out of his bed, rubbing his eyes. Exhaustion wanted to wash over the drow, but he knew better than to just go to sleep. He figured that it would be rude, and something inside of him was telling him that it would be weak.

Walking down the hallway, Drizzt's keen nose picked up the scent of their dinner. It smelt wonderful, and like nothing else. Then again, he was assuming that surface meals were different from those prepared at Menzoberranzan. If they weren't, the drow wasn't sure how to react, but the smell of the food said otherwise.

Going into the same room as Luthien, Drizzt saw the soup, steaming in a bowl, and let a small grin creep onto his face. He was very famished, since he didn't have too much luck finding food this morning.
Sitting down in the chair, the first thing the drow did was thank the surface elf, his benefactor, for everything.

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Aurora smiled as she heard the sounds of orcs not far off. SHadow, her spirit companion and closest friend, growled as he saw the overgrown goblins. "Okay, Shadow." She mused as silently as she could, but loud enough for him to hear. "When they come near us," she begain, "attack." Shadow gave a toothy grin, a sigh of approval, and waited.

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