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Luthien the fair
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Luthien turned her head at the sound of footsteps coming out of the cave. Her head turned and she smiled at the Drow,showing that she meant no harm to him. He was easily four inches taller than her since she was only Five foot exact. His hood though prevented her from getting a glimpse of his face save for his jaw and lips. Yet that gave her enough infor to know that he was not unattractive. Hearing that he had forsaken his people made her curiousity grow. This made her think that he had done something to anger the Drows' goddess. She barely understood what he had said since the two were distant cousins. She caught his name Drizzt Do' urden though which was helpful to her in some way.

" My name is Luthien Ar-feiniel" She said speaking slowly enough,hoping he would understand her.

The hawk that had led her to Drizzt,flew down and landed on her shoulder. She was a friend to all animals and an enemy to those that wished to destroy the forests. Luthien stayed where she was out of respect. This was all new to her and she had no idea as to what to do. the only thing she could do was give the Drow some space and give him respect as well. Until then her mind was figuring out just how the two were going to communicate without having any trouble. The only thing Luthien could do was speak slowly and in the common tounge. She didn't know if he knew the elvish language of the surface elves.

[ ooc: looks like its me and you nika. Until we get more people that is]
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Seeing the surface elf smile took the drow off guard, but he showed no outwardly signs of it. He had to double-check that his cowl was low enough to block the glare of the sun.
Truthfully, he was confused by the surface elf's peaceful actions. He was completely expecting anyone and everyone to attack him, due to the reputation of the dark elves. But this surface elf was just the opposite.
Hearing her melodic voice speak, Drizzt only blinked, soon understanding that she was introducing herself.
"Luthien Ar-Feiniel..." he slowly and silently repeated to himself. The drow then watched with slight interest as an odd flying creature he had seen around lately landed on the elf's shoulder. He gave it a curious look, but shrugged it off for now.

Eventually, the drow quit crossing his arms on his chest, letting them dangle by his side. He really didn't know what would happen now.
"There is a boy nearby sleeping in a crevice. Have you noticed him?" he then attempted to say, trying to start a casual conversation. This was pretty awkward, as it was...

[Haha yeah... well, I think I recruited someone, they just gotta post. I'm trying to incorporate one last character to make things progress a bit... because he's mentally unstable, lol.]

Luthien the fair
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Luthien had nodded when he mentioned a boy and grew concerned. What was a young boy doing this far out? It was obvious he was in danger should he be traveling on his own. She whispered a command to the hawk and it took off in search of the boy. Luthien could only wait for the hawk to come back with news and condition of the boy. She watched a passing doe and her fawn along with a buck. Briefly she wandered over to the buck and told him in their silent language that there was a boy in a crevice that needed watching over. Luthien then thanked the buck and turned her attention back to Drizzt.

" How long have you been sleeping there?"
Luthien asked indicating to the large cave and trying to make conversation with the drow.

It was least she could do since the tie between their races had all but evaporated. She had heard of the massacre of the surface elves and how one had survived. By then Luthien had taken to the forest and stumbled upon the bodies of the dead elves. That image had stayed in her mind. Yet this one seemed to be different from what she could tell.

[ ooc: Yay!! I love the dark elf triliogy. But I find Drizzt and cattie-bries' realtionship kind of sad and happy at the same time. Cause when she would die he would be left alone again and in deep grief over her death.]
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Spiteful...XXXXXXarrogantXXXXXX... and αℓσηә.

Yawning, the pale teen woke with bleary eyes. He frowned to himself, remembering fully why he hated sleeping. The nightmares. Shaking his head, Vital grumbled to himself, sleepily looking around for his three blades, his main and only assets. Sure, he'd be upset if someone took them, but it wouldn't cause his fighting abilities to falter at all. Beginning to climb down, the boy almost slipped because of how sleepy he was. In truth, he began to wonder whatever in the Nine Hells possessed him to even begin climbing...!?

As he scaled down the sheer cliff face, Vital continued to mutter to himself, reminding himself to never sleep again. It was too much of a hinderance. Soon enough, he reached the bottom and went near the stream. Cautiously, he washed his face to wake up, ever-alert. It was his lifestyle. Looking around, the boy's stomach growled, but he just saw some poisonous berries and... pinecones or something. Great. Vital decided to go back up to his little crevice, decidign to call it 'home' for the time being. He like it there. Eagle eye's view of the valley, a nice cool breeze, and more importantly, no one bothering him. Scratch that: a stupid hawk was. Oh, who gives a damn anyways! Vital shot a dark glare at the bird, but then decided to ignore it the best he could.

The breeze, however, soon carried words. There were two figures standing near a cave talking. The teen leaned dangerously over the edge of his crevice to watch them, with no mind to his safety at all. A surface elf and a cowled figure, most likely human... or drow, by the look of the outfit. Vital smirked and stood, seemingly preparing himself to jump.

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Pathetic...XXXXXXartfulXXXXX... and сħαямїηġ.
Luthien the fair
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The hawk landed on her shoulder and she gave him a piece of meat as his reward. Her silver eyes watched the hawk fly towards his nest and smiled to herself. Her sharp and good hearing had pic ked up the boy climbing the cliff and had stopped. He had probably discovered the two and she was not suprised. Her mind made a simple estimate that he was behind her on a high area, a crevice or a cliff perhaps. But she made no effort to greet the boy. If he wanted to be found he can be. If not then that was his problem not hers.

Instead she bent low to the ground and placed a delicate hand on the surface and listened to the earths beat. It was happy and full of life which gladdened her. She was not a shaman nor a druid of the forest, but she still respected it. Luthien stood up and began walking towards the drow with a small smile. When she reached two feet she stopped and now she could get a better look at him, she had been right about him being attractive but that was all. His eyes struck her as somewhat odd since they were lavender and not red. But she figured they suited him better than red.

" I can give you a place to stay. Better than the cave" Luthien spoke slowly, welcoming him to her small cottage that she had built herself on the edge of the forest.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Watching the hawk with slight interest again, Drizzt was tempted to remove his cowl to watch the bird soar. But, if he looked up, he'd look directly into the sunlight. So, with a better mind, the drow kept it nice and low. He remained silent as it was fed some meat and flew again again. He wanted to continue to watch it, finding its elegance and grace stunning. The creatures here were beyond different from those of the Underdark.
The dark elf's sharp and acute hearing as well heard the boy slip down the cliff side. But, he also heard no devastating noises outside of the small slip, so, he made no notion to help or even acknowledge him. Perhaps later he would greet his neighbor. But for now, he was attempting to converse with the surface elf, their dialects far apart enough to cause troubles and confusion.

Seeing the surface elf place her hand on the ground was confusing for Drizzt at first, but he soon learned what she was doing. It didn't make much sense to him, but somehow, he still understood. She was listening to the world around them. But, what confused the drow even more was when Luthien smiled and advanced a bit. He stared back into her eyes with an intensity, the lavender almost burning. It seems he had been through a lot, by the looks of his odd eyes alone.

As soon as the surface elf began to speak again, Drizzt's mind stumbled trying to translate it. He could only gaze at her in total confusion for a moment, but his expression remained stoic. He tried a different approach, speaking to her first in svirfneblin, then goblin. "Pardon... what did you say?"

[Lol... that was an arse to spell, svirfneblin...]

Luthien the fair
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Her own silver eyes stared right back at his lavender ones. She could tell he had been through hell and back. But her own held softness and warmth towards his intense gaze. Luthien seemed to understand him in Svirfneblin and repeated her question in the same language, having been taught it by her human father." You can stay with me in my house. Don't worry i live isolated away from the others"

It felt odd, offering a drow to stay with her in her own home. But it was better than the cave since her house offered a bit more shelter and warmth than the cave did. It was not out of pity but out of kindess and sympathy for the drow. She knew what it was like to feel like a stranger in a new place. That was how Luthien felt when she was raised by wolves and humans. her memories were all disorient and fuzzy from the night she was born. All she could recall was wolves and blood.

She pulled at one of the braids and waited for his answer to her offer. She had not heard any sign of movement from the boy and wondered if he was spy for an enemy. If that was the case then it was open season for Luthien. Her hand brushed a stray of gold hair away from her face as a gust of wind blew from the south. Hopefully bringing some rain along with it. For she noticed the plants could use some moisture.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Was silver a normal color for surface elf eyes...? Drizzt only blinked, remembering the bright blue eyes of the child elf...
The drow showed no outward signs of the painful memory, and forced himself to brush it away once again. He began to think that every time he saw a surface elf, the memory would bubble up again.
Shocked, the dark elf listened to Luthien respond in the deep gnome's tongue. He was really surprised she knew it, but then again, there was a lot he didn't know about the world above. Forcing himself to overcome his shock, Drizzt choked out a reply eventually.
"... where is your home?"
He didn't want to find himself in the middle of an abandoned city or something. But, it was good that she lived isolated from other beings. He wasn't too sure if he was ready to face much else this day.
Blinking as Luthien pulled on a braid, he marveled at how drow women never had their hair as such. Usually, it was long and perfectly straight and combed. The men, like Drizzt, also had hair down to usually their shoulders, but, being men, they never combed it too well, if at all.
Looking over, the drow found himself staring at the sunset that soon came to be. He gazed at it with a longing, yet pained expression. The sunlight was hurting his sensitive eyes. But, as quickly as the daytime came, it fell into darkness, the time of the drow.
Drizzt lowered his cowl finally before hearing something up above him.

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Spiteful...XXXXXXarrogantXXXXXX... and αℓσηә.

Hearing the conversation below, the teen frowned to himself again. He sat back down in the crevice, leaning back against the wall, propping his feet on the opposite side. Vital sighed, pulling out a dagger. He balanced it on his fingertip, yawning.
"Adult conversations... they're so uptight and boring..." he muttered to himself.

Even though he was nineteen, Vital had the mentality of a five year old who knew the whole cussing vocabulary. Throw in an unsatiable bloodlust with some blades, and you had Vital. The boy soon began to toss the blade into the air, catching it in precarious positions. He didn't want to go down, since the people were down there, and well... he wasn't exactly the social butterfly or anything. What was the point of meeting new people you'd just never see ever again? There wasn't, so why not just save some time and avoid meeting them at all?

Vital realized that this particular meeting, however, was inevitable. Throwing the dagger higher and higher, he eventually caught it by the sharp end, cutting himself deeply. "s**t!" he muttered to himself, dropping it. Dropping it right over the edge of the niche. Quickly, the teen leaned over the edge, with almost a horrified expression. Except that he had the creepiest little smirk.
"Hey... HEY! WATCH OUT!" he soon shouted, starting out by mumbling. There was his social disorder kicking in.

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Pathetic...XXXXXXartfulXXXXX... and сħαямїηġ.
Luthien the fair
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Luthien noticed she had shocked the Drow with her offer. She could see that he was not welcomed into towns, judging just by how he lived. What made her sad is almsot everyone judges people by appearence now a days. This is what set her apart from the others, she judged based on personality and attitude towards everything, Her arm outstretched her index finger pointed in the direction she came. Her house was just a few miles in, hidden by a secret path that she alone knew.

" Its a few miles into the forest and hidden from prying eyes" Luthien answered.

When she heard the boys outburst about watching out. Luthien spun on her heel with amazing speed and took a step back as the dagger landed blade first into the ground. She shook her head, bent down and plucked the dagger from the ground. Her eyes turned and locked onto the boy with a steel gaze like that of a predator watching its preys' every move. Her hands held the blade flat on her palms with the sheath facing outwards.

" come get your dagger child"
Luthien said in a clear tone.
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Spiteful...XXXXXXarrogantXXXXXX... and αℓσηә.

Watching with morbid fascination, Vital found himself starting to grin a bit. Deep in the back of his mind, he imagined it colliding with one of their heads, but wiped the image away as the blade embedded itself into the ground. "s**t," he muttered, watching with sudden lost interest. The lady, the hot one, picked it up and gave him a look.

He hated the 'look' adults gave him. So what if he was immature, crazy, and a hazard to everyone? It was their problem, not his...
Seeing the look, Vital continued to peer over the edge, and responded with something fit for a five-year old. He scowled at her, sticking his indigo tongue out. He soon raised an eyebrow, hearing her words.

"D-did she just call me... child!?" he muttered to himself, his pissed-off mood written all over his face. The teen then abruptly jumped over the edge of the crevice, snarling.

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Pathetic...XXXXXXartfulXXXXX... and сħαямїηġ.
Luthien the fair
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Luthien could tell the boy was mad when he snarled at her. But hey it was natural for her to call hima child since with the age difference he was and is a child to her. She held her ground and cocked her head off to the side. Luthien never backed down from a challenge yet the boy seemed a bit immautre for her tastes. Instead she walked a few feet and halted when she was half-way there. With liquid grace Luthien placed the dagger on the ground and backed away. Now was not the time to fight and she really was not in the mood.

" There no harm no foul" Luthien muttered not taking her eyes of the boy as she backed up.

If there was one thing Luthien learned from the battlefield: never turn your back on an opponent. Despite the fact the kid wasn't her opponent, she could sense anger and hostility radiating off him. Her silver eyes softened up as she waited for him to pick the dagger up and head off somewhere. The warmth the sun had brought was not being replaced by the cold night wind. She would rather be at home; reading a book by her cozy fire and sleeping.
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Īs Ŧħәяә...

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»»»XXXXĐяїzz† Đσ'Ǜяđәη ◊◊◊

Watching the two, Drizzt looked up at the same time as Luthien. He frowned in slight confusion as the boy up there snarled, and was generally rude and immature. He was hoping in the back of his mind that all of the people living on the surface weren't like this boy. So far, he'd seen two very different examples. He supposed it depended with each personality.

The drow remained stoic as the surface elf left the blade on the ground and backed up. Seeing the boy jump gave anyone a good enough reason to do the same. Drizzt made no outward sign of concern or shock as the odd kid fell through the air. Was he committing suicide....?!
No... the situation wouldn't fit. When the boy somehow landed on his feet, the stunned dark elf turned to Luthien.

"I would be honored to accept your offer," he stuttered, the aftereffects of shock attempting to set in. That kid was crazy. Maybe best to avoid.

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Nathaniel Beaumont
"Has my heritage been a lie?"
A young man wandered through the area, his chin raised high, and eyes set dead ahead of him. There was pride in his stride, but a sense of uncertainty about him. He mind was clouded with various thoughts, memories of what had happened not so long ago, but had changed everything.

"Mother! This book is undeniable proof! This fortune doesn't belong to us! It was attained through fouls ways, and we must be done with it! Our family name is at stake!" He had shouted that evening, slamming the book down on the dining table. He had pleaded and pleaded, yet his stepmother showed not even a trace of the horror Nathaniel had known.

"Give me the journal Nathan, and finish your meal." She had told him, his eldest brother Mathias agreeing with his maternal mother, he too not showing any intrest in anything beside the food on his plate. He couldn't believe it, and wished his father was still alive. Even his older brother might have shown anger and discontent, but he had been called away, and wouldn't return for near a month, and his sister remained in a monastery. Had Magnus Beaumont been alive, he would have announced it at once, and done what was right. "Mathias and I wished that you, Geldric or Amalia would never find out about the truth behind our name, but now it is inevitable." He continued to object, until finally his brother stood, walked over, and slapped him.

"You ignorant boy. What world do you imagine without all of this, all our mother has bestowed upon you, upon all of us?! Returning to serve fat, ignorant warlords? Or maybe you would have us live as beggars! The world isn't one of your storybooks Nathaniel, the only things any man woman or child understands are wealth, and power! We've dirtied our hands time after time to keep the rest of you satisfied, but now it is time to grow up!!"

An argument had been one sided after that, Nathan being stunned by what he and his family truly were. His thoughts were shattered with the sudden shout of 'Hey... HEY! WATCH OUT!' Nathan ran through the brush until he ccame to a clearing, a drow and an elf being present, his eyes not finding any others at the time.

"Is everything alright?"
"I will be no puppet, the path I take through life is my own!"
Luthien the fair
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"Very well then" Luthien replied to Drizzts' acception to staying with her.

She turned around and motioned for him to follow her. After all she somehow knew he would get lost in the forest. That was the last thing she wanted, since the wood elves did not take kindly to Drow or any intruder for that matter. Her light footsteps halted when another voice came up, this one was much lighter than the other boys. Her silver eyes spotted a boy younger than the other one.

" Yes we are fine child" Luthien replied as her fellow scout hawk returned with good news.

Apparently there had been some sightings of Goblin activity near a small town. Thankfully the elves patroling the borders had put a stop to their activity. Not to mention the caravans have arrived which meant more items for Luthien to add onto her list of supplies. But she would not go till tomorrow since she had to get her guest to her home safely.

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