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            User Image_______team sexy beasts.
            ____▬▬▬ jevin
            ______ avatar.
            _______________________________________________TIME ONLY CAN LEAD YOU ON STILL IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT.
            _________███ █████████████████████ ████████
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                                            “You've got the a** of a 10 year old skinnyfat school boy!” Jevin retorted, sunglasses hanging off at a bizarre angle on his nose while he grabbed Eli's collar with one hand. Pulling his punches, he used his free palm to strike at Eli's chest open handedly, still mindful of the fact that Eli bruised like a peach. After all, his best friend was a b***h but not a big of a b***h enough to warrant Jevin using his full strength. It would be like kicking a retarded puppy (AKA. picking on something that couldn't defend itself).

                                            “Yeah, take it b***h!” Jevin snarled, at one point, sitting on top of Eli and holding his wrists down. He had a tendency to do this sometimes; act before thinking. It was one of his weaknesses. Jevin leaned in close until his breath was hot on Eli's face. “When I'm through with you, you're not going to be able to walk straight for a week." Jevin threatened, not realizing the disturbing implications of his words.

                                            Somehow Eli managed to buck Jevin off and the two resumed rolling around in the grass, panting and sweating, as each struggled for dominance.

                                            “You’re a spoiled prima donna, you know that?!” Jevin grunted and rubbed a fistful of dirt into Eli's face as he held him in a loose headlock. “I swear you PMS more than a b***h on her period—”

                                            "I hate you. I'm going to steal all you gum and sell all your pornos!!!!"

                                            Not his pronos!

                                            “Oh your a** is mine!” Jevin jumped to his feet and shouted. “You hear me? Your ******** a** is mine!”

                                            He started chasing after Eli, a vengeful glint in his eye.

                                            “Do that and I'm going to delete your file on Pokemon Emerald! Say goodbye to your precious Gardevior!”

Big Duck

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I AM A SEXY BEAST!
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x xUser Image
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x HEY, HEYLOOK x x x x IT`S ELI. !
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xMOOD ( TIRED - TO THE EXTREME )x x x x x

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xTRUST YOUR FEELINGSx x x x x x xGOTTA LIVE AND LEARN

                                            "I'm going to get there first!" Eli screamed as he leapt over an upturned root - still running for his life. "You stupid pervert!

                                            He really should have known better by now. After all, he's never won a race against the blond.


                                            "Hey, that hurts!"

                                            In less than two seconds, Eli was screaming again as the doctor, a middle-aged man with too much hair and too small eyes, applied another dab of alcohol to the wound.

                                            Hey, nobody ever said that the summoner was tolerant of pain (or that they even had to be). If anything, he was weakest against pain and failed miserably before it.

                                            "Are you trying to kill me right now?!"

                                            But even if the cat roars loud, it is still a cat and not a lion. So, two seconds later, Eli was screaming on his side of the curtains - cursing every person and every god known to mankind.


                                            Opening up another bag of sweets, Eli popped a chocolate-puff into his mouth, chewing loudly as he flipped through the channels.

                                            Dragon Tails, no. Boring news, no. Lame soap operas, no. Shopping channel, definitely no. Interview of Team Ad Astra on Z! Network... alright.

                                            Throwing the remote to the side, the brunette inched a little closer, not caring if he blocked Jevin's view. After all, Jevin was "too-cool" for the idols. And, plus, Jevin was the reason why he had a sticky, itchy bandage on his face.

                                            Grabbing another fistful of puffs - man, these were good. He was going to ask his grandmama to send some more next time - Eli leaned forward as the Avatar and Summoner took a seat on the couch. Oh, this was a rerun - he knew because he recognized Aiza's dress. He had already seen this before. Lame.

                                            "Apples," Eli blurted out as the two were being introduced alongside an audience member. "His favorite fruit is apple and his favorite color is red."

                                            There was a loud buzzer as one of the audience members answered the questions incorrectly. Of course they would get it wrong. Even though the questions were so easy. "Dude, this is such a give away question. Xerin talks about this on page fifty-three of Team Ad Astra: Beyond Idols."

                                            The creepy factor of that comment didn't even seem to faze Eli. Well, then again, Eli doesn't think he's said anything wrong either.

                                            "Ah, look at how cute Aiza is!" Scooting closer, Eli stared wide-eyed at the flat screen, eyes refusing to blink in case he missed any details. "So cute."

                                            But as mesmerized as he was by the whole video (and by Aiza's generally cute disposition), his knees bumped into something and an earlier memory jogged lose.

                                            "Do that and I'm going to delete your file on Pokemon Emerald!"

                                            Shooting a suspicious glance back at the blond, Eli quickly picked up his DS and stuffed it into his pocket. Like hell he was going to have his file deleted. But he was still gonna sell Jevin's porn. Jevin shouldn't be reading that stuff anyway.

                                            Yeah, he was doing something good for him!

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXCCCXXXXXXxxXxxxxxxxx▉▉▉▉▉ ARIESARIES —-

___________________________________________________ ﹙i'ma sip until i feel it, i'ma smoke it 'till it's done﹚
___________________________________________________ ﹙i don't really give a ********, my excuse is that i'm young﹚
___________________________________________________________ THIS IS A CELEBRATION, BITCHES— MAZEL TOV!
______________________________________________________________________________________________AND I'M ONLY GETTING OLDER, SO SOMEONE SHOULD'A TOLD YA'
______________________________________________________________________________________________I'M ON ONE, YEAH, ******** IT, I'M ON ONE, YEAH, I SAID I'M ON ONE
______________________________________________________________________________________________WE COULD ALL HAVE SOME FUN, BELIEVE ME, 'CAUSE I'M ON ONE

              Oh God, Aries was going to die in the arms of a tall, muscular man and surrounded by naked girls.

              Oh God, Aries was going to die in the set of what could've been an award-winning porno.

              (That cheered her up a little.)

              (Until Dante lost his voice.)

              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx —-

              "Oh my God," Aries said, and willed Rem to goddamn focus so that Dante could get some needle-shooting action going on— which, not the most threatening-sounding thing ever, but really, they were getting their asses kicked by Level 2 4-foot tall mermaid girls, so anything helpful would've been considered helpful.

              Also, where the ******** was the ground? The spring had not even been that big, okay, and Aries was actually sure she was being Punk'd or some s**t, because really, what the ********, Level 2 tiny-a** mermaids.

              She thought vaguely about shooting one of the Espers, but she wasn't sure if they would take kindly to actually getting hurt, and, besides, her guns were waterlogged enough that going over to Aselia and giving her a good hard shove would probably be more effective.

              Well, then.

              Time to bring out the rape weapons.

              "Look, it's Justin Beiber!" Aries yelled at the mermaids, pointing at a random spot behind them. She whipped out her ghetto tranquilizer dart gun (self-made and filled with the shittiest darts out there, because when she'd asked for better ones, the guy behind the counter had looked like he was about five seconds away from calling the sex offenders hotline) and fired squarely at Nariki's back. She pushed at Dante's chest and hissed, "Swim, ********, swim! These things last, like, thirty seconds, tops, so use those rock-hard thighs and get us to land now!"

              Sometimes Aries really wished she'd listened to her parents and become a florist.
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Clover's excitement over a rather simply plotted map amused her.

Granted, while she had spent most of the previous evening trying to best concoct routes, all things considered, it was simply so that her new team would not make the same mistake in underestimating the true power of the Espers. Anita's sketchy notes were simply guides-- accounts taken from her last trip around the world, and what may or may not benefit the three of them the most. But she was determined not to let them go unnoticed once their journey began.

She drifted off again for a few moments as Clover prattled on excitedly, her small hands flitting from map to book, to the air, to her red hair, to a pen, to whatever, watching Liv swing her bat rather cooly as passerby after passerby widened their girth around her to avoid getting smashed in the face. Anita snorted. She hadn't been all too familiar with Liv before their first meeting mere weeks before the start of their journey with their new summoner. She was wild, and despite her rather consistent air of unkemptness, Anita had never met anyone crazier with a bottle of booze than herself and maybe, maybe Aries. Her point: Liv was pretty ********' cool in her book, so long as she didn't strike out her kneecaps.

"...We could start off Aselia and Nariki for Anita, since they're nearby and all...Oh, right! I haven't really thought up a team name yet...I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions?"

Whoa, whoa, what?

Liv started listing off team names, but Anita was slightly taken aback with Clover's lack to recognize her notes on the map regarding her and her fellow avatar's elemental affinities that they had all taken the time to discuss during their first meeting together. The blonde furrowed her brows in mild irritation. Was the redhead so excited to set off that she had taken these crucial tidbits of information into account?

"Hold up," she blurted out rather sharply, surprised by the sudden authority in her own voice. Anita picked up one of the pens Clover had scattered along the table and twirled it between her fingers for something to do while she thought of a way to maintain diplomacy within their trio. "Liv's elemental affinity is fire...which means Ifrit is ideal. I've worked with Aselia and Nariki before. They're technically water espers, and we can't make a pact with Ifrit if we have any pacts with such opposites."

Blue eyes flicked from the redhead to the other blonde, pleading that they understand. "Essentially,we can't make pacts with any water espers until after we've made a pact with Ifrit. That's why the map has so many different routes and notes on it..."

Anita felt exasperated, never wanting to take this much initiative again. However, her desperate need to conquer Leviathan and avoid as many bumps in the road as possible kept her heart racing. She wanted to win, to become a Grand Avatar, and earn a bit more respect than the beach babe with huge boobs who could outdrink everyone in Fiore and Mintos. Folding her arms behind her head, she breathed in deeply, smiled, and then said thoughtfully, "I actually like the names 'Team Badass' and 'Ball Busters'. Or, since we're a pretty smokin' hot variety of females, we could be 'Team Amazon.' That's really all I've got though."

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P I P P A F E R M A T A ★ミ avatar of team whatever

it started out as a feeling which then grew into a hope which then turned into a quiet thought which then turned into a quiet word
and then that word grew louder && louder `til it was a battle cry

all you can do is try to know who your friends aredustie
as you h e a d off to the war _ ____love_______

dustiei`ll come ↪ ___back » » »
dustdustwhen you C A L L me
dustiedustno need to say good- bye

                              Time for the real business to begin.

                              This wasn’t the kind of distraction Pippa liked stopping for. Somehow being a insult-punching bag for another team was not the fun she was hoping for.

                              Pippa exhaled a puff as air that blew her loose strands of hair out of her face. Forcing herself to focus, she trailed after her teammates ignoring the wild girl’s echoing laughter.

                              ”Keep you mucus to yourself, f** bag. SAYONARA, a** CLOWN!”

                              Pippa sucked in her cheeks at the insult. Clowns? They were clowns? Maybe Team Whatever was a bit wacky, but certain--

                              Oh, screw it. Maybe they were clowns. So what? Clowns weren’t that bad. She always wanted to join a traveling circus what with the circus people and their weird talents. Like spit propelling. "Well, that was colorful I’m not as tired as I thought I’d be after all that,” she joked trying to lighten up the lung-crushing tension of the situation they just left.

                              She turned back to look at the SUV one last time before picking up her pace. With this many trees she couldn’t afford to lose track of the boys like she did on the way there.

                              Pippa craned her neck to take in the sight of trees towering over them as far as the eye could see. "Uh, you boys okay? Imma get lost without you two. Haven’t come to this place in a while.”

                              Kent seemed to be taking good care of Mason already. How convenient. Though she was worried about his freak-out (she was the cause of it, after all), Pippa was not the babysitting type and at the moment she was just too preoccupied by the branches and leaves that she just kept walking into.

                              Flower and trees were great and Pippa wouldn’t mind going into eco-friendly mode to get an esper. No biggie. But what was eco-friendly anyways? Not tree-climbing, she hoped. There had to be a way for her to help the planties while keeping the touching to a minimum. She tried to split her attention between watching her teammates and watching her step until—crunch! Ah, whoops. Dead leaf. Pippa gnawed at her bottom lip and shivered. Could’ve been worse.

                              “Here planty planty planty. Heeeeere planty planty planty,” she whispered in an attempt to show her plant love without actually hugging….trees.

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xx xxmartelxx xx

xx xx█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

        Martel covered her highly sensitive nose wih one hand and grimaced. She'd been following the lingering stench of car exhaust for awhile now and was nearing the very edge of the forest when she stumbled upon another human.

        This time it was a female with thick red hair and who appeared to be calling out for a “planty” in a hushed voice. It suddenly dawned upon the Esper that this was probably that time of year again-- when newly instated Evokers from the nearby Kamisad Academy would start trekking through her forest in droves for the chance of a pact. But as far as Martel knew, the girl could very well be a new graduate, or had been through Corobokkle forest a dozen times... Martel was unable to differentiate between the two. The Esper had met so many countless faces over the years that she barely remembered any of them – only a few had ever really stuck out in her memories.

        Then again, it hardly mattered. An Evoker was an Evoker and a Pact was a Pact. Martel was pretty sure this was the reason why the girl was here.

        “Hello there!” Martel greeted and held out one hand for the human girl to shake. “Are you an Evoker by chance?”

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                  _____________________________ ███████████████████ ███████████████████ ██████ ███
                  ________________________________ ⋯⋯⋯⋯ gt ⋯⋯⋯⋯ gt ⋯⋯⋯⋯ gt ⋯⋯⋯⋯ gt ⋯⋯⋯⋯
                  _______________ ▌⋮KENTCONNORS↷ —avatar «
                  __________________PRAY TO GODHC - HCTODAY'S THE DAYHC - HCPRAY TO GODHC - HCTODAY'S THE DAY
                  __________________________ IS THIS THE WAY I'LL ALWAYS BE?
                  __________________here I am! oh here I am! when will someone understand?
                  _______________ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

                          Uh, you boys okay? Imma get lost without you two. Haven’t come to this place in a while.

                          Kent released a sigh – trying to the get the image of the three girls out of his mind to ease his swirling anger. Once among the forest, he felt himself relax. He couldn’t quite explain it – Kent was never one good at forming words and stringing them into an eloquent sentence. But, he could feel things. He knew how it felt to have his tongue burnt by a steaming cup of coffee but he couldn’t understand, how, after enduring countless paper-rough tongues he continued to gulp away and fail to find his patience. He could feel the hairs on his neck stand up when engulfed by a cloak of darkness, the rush of blood in his ears at the sigh of a pretty girl, or the complete depletion of confidence after losing a battle – he could not, however, understand why. And so now, as he stood among the thick foliage, he felt completely at ease and filled with energy. Where, moments before, he had been spitting at girls because he was so pissed off. The simple sight of of the colorful petals and veins in the leaves placed him in a calm state of mind but he could never explain to his team mates, or even Martel herself, why as much as he may have wanted to. He could only say that he could feel and, for Kent, that was good enough for now.

                          So, Kent gave Pippa a thumbs up – I’m good, and I think Mason is going to make a full recovery.

                          It seemed as if his statement hadn’t mattered much to the red – head, for she had already wandered off ahead and began chanting to the weeds like they were lost cats. Kent made an amusing snort, and then looked at Mason. Okay, bro – I’m gonna try ta work these trees and show Martel how much I dig the forest ...and earth in general. With that, he wrapped his arms around a tree and patted it with his hands. Surprisingly, it was a nice feeling – and he didn’t mind it at all.

                          That is, until he saw that Pippa’s cat/plant calling had worked.

                          For there she was, Martel, a lot bigger than he had expected and a lot prettier than he expected. Kent wasn’t sure whether or not Mason was going to deal with her presence well. He looked over his shoulder to see if his Summoner was breathing normally, How ya holdin' up?

                          Then he looked back over to the two gals and waved his hands, Hey there Martel, he greeted with a big sloppy grin on his face. You’re as pretty as this forest! Did you know I have my own garden? I can show you a picture ... and at that moment Kent began to dig into his pocket to find his wallet and see if he had a picture of his garden.

                          Yeah, Kent was proud of his mini-garden, okay?

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your promises, they look like lies.
┏━━━━ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                        “Keep you mucus to yourself, f** bag. SAYONARA, a** CLOWN!” And with that exclamation, it was as if Mona had lit a neon sign
                        above her head that read 'HEY. HEY. I'M SIXTEEN. AREN'T I SO COOL?!'. Nadia simply directed her gaze elsewhere,
                        suddenly not wanting to have any ties to her summoner. After the situation passed over and she herself had spoken, Mona stopped
                        her. “Let’s go! We’re walking Nadia- we have to keep fit for the tournament, after all. Oh, and if we ever fight those guys in the
                        tournament, slice that one guy’s throat with your sword.”
                        Nadia smirked. She welcomed the opportunity. "No problem." The
                        avatar agreed before remembering she hadn't grabbed her sword from the SUV. "Oh, hold on. Let me get my sword." She said quickly
                        as she jogged to the vehicle. With mild difficulty, she yanked the door open and snatched her sword from it's propped position against
                        the passenger's side seat. "Alright." Nadia said as she pushed the door shut roughly. Nadia approached the two as they began to
                        enter the fringes of the forest. The moment the group of three was under its canopy, the sound of their feet crushing various fallen twigs
                        and dying leaves was all that was heard above the occasional chirp of a bird. It was eerily quiet. Where had that other group gone?
                        Nadia's gut twisted in irritation at the thought of going on the same trail as the team they'd met earlier. She rolled her eyes. 'Like we need
                        another encounter like that.'
                        Nadia thought, tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword.

                        The walk was dead silent for a little while but the deeper they got into the forest, the louder the animal inhabitants became. Or maybe that
                        was just because a line of trees was all the divided Team Winning from the other team and Martel. Nadia stopped for a second and
                        narrowed her gaze. They'd found Martel already? Really? Then again, it should have been that simple. One could pat a tree and she'd
                        appear, fawning over the plant for Zeibel knows what reason. Snapping out of her thoughts, Nadia realized that if the other team saw
                        her staring at them like a creep that something really would go down between the two again. It was then that an idea struck her and an acorn
                        too but that's not important. Nadia stepped sideways so that she was standing behind a tree and with her eyes still on Martel, she addressed
                        Mona. "We could make a pact with Martel." She suggested and - anticipating Mona's potential distaste for the idea - continued, saying, "It'll be
                        quick. All we really need to do is help nature out somehow.
                        The avatar turned to Fleur and Mona. "Her ability could be useful when we go
                        to make a pact with the mermaids.
                        Nadia persuaded before adding a little more that briefly flashed her hidden sadistic nature, "It would also
                        be a good time to go ahead and get back at them.
                        Nadia ticked her head in the direction of the other team, a slight smile appearing on
                        her features.

                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ━━━━┛
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xxxxxxxnarikixxxxxx &&xxxxxaseliaxx xx

xx xx█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

        "Look, it's Justin Beiber!"

        All at once, the mermaids' splashing dissolved faster than heterosexuality at a Lady Gaga concert. Both their heads spun around in unison.

        “Aiiiiiieeee!” Aselia squeled and swooned like a thirteen year old fangirl.

        "Holy fudgesicles – where?!” Nariki shouted, gaze casting around wildly for the elusive teen singing sensation.

        Yes. Aselia and Nariki were “Bieliebers.”

        (By the way, in case you were wondering how in the hell a pair of twin Espers living in a semi-remote forest knew who Justin ******** Bieber was.. let's just say the powers of the Bieber Fever worked in mysterious ways).

        “Wait a minute...” Aselia's eyes narrowed in suspicion after a short pause. “There's no Justin Bieber!”

        The s**t really hit the fan however, when Nariki was suddenly shot in the back by a tranquilizer and fell unconscious. She began to sink like an anchor.

        “Nariki!” Aselia cried, immediately swimming forwards to grab her sister in the middle of her descent to the bottom of the spring. She proceeded to resurface with a furious glare while hugging a slumbering Nariki protectively against her chest.

        “How dare you!” The mermaid shrieked in outrage at the pair of Avatars still struggling in the water. ““We only wanted to play and then you go and do a thing like that!” Nevermind that Aselia and Nariki's version of playtime involved trying to drown their “playthings”.

        Aselia angrily threw open her hand in the direction of Aries and sent forth a spell that shrank the female into a minature version of herself until she was roughly ten inches in size. Then with a flick of her wrist, the large mass of water surrounding Dante and Aries began to swirl rapidly. The two Avatars were now caught in a large whirlpool.

        The current was nowhere near as powerful as it would have been if Nariki was awake and helping (it seemed the mermaids were strongest when together, rather than apart) but the rotating mass of water was still turbulent enough to make it difficult to escape.

        It was quickly becoming apparent that once you mess with one mermaid Esper – you mess with them both.


REM ! !

Once, I watched two birds doing it.

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      Rem stirred feebly and coughed up water.

      'Holy s**t we suck." She thought to herself as she watched Aries shrink before her very eyes. Half of Rem's body was flopped on firm ground; the other half was still in the water. Coughing some more, she painstakingly pulled the rest of her sore body out from the spring before she could be dragged back into it.

      She was so preoccupied that she didn't recognize Iyaz's "Replay" was playing from inside the depths of her backpack at first. Realizing it was her cell-phone's ring-tone, Rem fumbled for the pack's zipper and after digging around inside, was only midly surprised to see her phone inside a smaller, waterproof bag. It was obviously Kanta's doing. Further examination of her backpack's contents revealed that he must have organized and repacked everything the night before they were set to leave the Academy on their respective adventures. He'd even stuffed in a bunch of underwear too. Oh the fool.

      “Yo.” Rem greeted, putting the phone to her ear. She was immediately hit with a barrage of high-pitch, ballistic shouting and had to move the receiver further away from her ear to keep from going deaf.

      “What? ...what?” Pause. “Yeah I'm naked.” Another pause. “Yeah Dante is here.” Another onslought of unintelligble yelling coupled with mentions of Kanta beating the s**t out of Dante.

      Rem braced the phone against her ear with her shoulder while she stood up and watched Aries and Dante whirl around in the water like they were being flushed inside a giant toilet bowl.

      “How'd you know anyways? ...A text message from somebody? Huh. No idea.” Rem said as she surveyed the trees in the area and grabbed a vine from the nearest one.

      “...Uh huh... yeah...yeah...” Rem agreed absent-mindly, not really listening and stepped back a bit, checking her grip on the vine. “..You want a divorce? What else is new...”

      Hoping the vine was long enough, Rem walked back to the edge of the spring and swung it like a lasso over her head before shouting “CATCH!” and throwing the vine into the water as close to Dante as she could, so that he could try and pull himself and Aries out.

      “...What? Oh, I'm just trying to rescue my team-mates.” Rem casually bent down to retrieve a firecracker inside another waterproof compartment in her pack. “Haha I can't do that to Dante and Aries, I need them... Listen.. you're breaking up.. talk to you later, OK? Love you, kiss kiss!” She tossed the phone behind her in the general vicinity of where her belongings were scattered and ignited her tiny homemade fireworker before tossing it straight at Aselia.


      The whirlpool momentarily stopped as Aselia shrieked in surprise and lost her focus. It wasn't enough to seriously harm the mermaid – the most the lone firecracker did was startle the Esper. But that was Rem's intent, to distract and buy time for her Avatars to regroup. Now Aselia's fury-laden face was now turning to look at Rem instead.

      Smirking, Rem held up a grenade in sweet, sweet anticipation.

Familiar Poster

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                          Deep breaths, Mason... Just take deep breaths

                          The young summoner calmed himself down by exhaling slowly and trying to free his mind of the horrible childhood memories that flooded in when he made contact with Pippa. Once the lingering smell of blue cheese faded and the snout-nosed face in his head disappeared, Mason felt much much better and released his grip from Kent's shoulders.

                          With a quiet sigh, and a quick rub behind his head, Mason paced beside Kent and put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "Hey, thanks man." He smiled amiably and patted Kent's back before breaking contact with the other male and keeping his pace steady with the other.

                          Mason stared at Pippa's fiery red hair and sighs. He felt ashamed that he freaked out that bad for just touching her hair. Placing his hands in his pocket, he bowed his head down and sighed again. He noted to apologize to her later on. He was polite like that, and Pippa was a pretty cool chick in his books, especially when she signed his contract with no questions asked.

                          He smiled softly when he looked up to see Kent actually hugging a tree and hears Pippa calling out for a "planty." His lips spread a little wider at the sight of his teammates; now that he thinks about it, they're an odd bunch of people. But he likes that. He likes that each of them has strange quirks that doesn't ruin the team bond but helps it grow stronger. Watching the other two try their hardest to look for Martel by being as environmentally friendly as they can really makes him glad that he chose them to be on his team and that they accepted his offer.

                          A gentle rustle in the foliage ahead of them broke Mason out of his admiring and he nearly leapt up and yelped when he saw Martel, with all her beautiful womanly curves, emerge from the trees. His face went stone (unbeknownst to him) and he took a few steps back, feeling his legs turn to jelly just at the sight of the female esper. It was too early for him to come into close contact with another female, but he tried his hardest not to freak out by tightening every muscle in his body and taking in deep breaths whenever he could.

                          He nodded when Kent asked him how he was doing and just watched as the avatar went up to converse with the esper. Mason took refuge next to a bush and stood half his body behind it while Kent rummaged through his pocket for something. He continued to watch with a stone-eyed stare, breathing in heavily, and slouched behind the leaves whenever Martel drew in closer towards Kent and Pippa.

                          From an outsiders point of view, they'd probably think Mason was creepin` up on Martel and the others.

                          Way to be cool, man.


Familiar Poster

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_____________________ CLOVERARBUTUS
__________________________ROMANTIC & SUMMONER OF TEAM ???

                                  —————————————————————————————— ——__ ♥ ✼ ♥ ✼

                                  Clover felt a little bad that she had made the wrong decision and caused Anita to get all frazzled up. She made sure to listen to what the blonde was saying and nodded at every single detail that was said, intent on making the right decisions this time.

                                  A smile lit up on her face when Anita looked less irritated and joined in with Liv to think up of a team name. She could feel a tug at her lips as she too began to brainstorm a team name and came up with something quite silly.

                                  "I like all of those names.. How about we combine them all and be... "Team Badass Amazonian Ball Busters." After hearing the name outloud, Clover erupted into a small fit of giggles. Once she noticed people were beginning to look at her, she calmed herself down and shot a glance towards both the avatars.

                                  "Hmm~ That sounds pretty silly, huh? I do like Team Ball Busters or Team Amazon though. Sounds original. You guys can pick between the two!" She figured she would leave the choosing to the other two, since she narrowed it down.

                                  Giving them some thinking time, Clover decided to look over the routes Anita planned out and choose one to follow. Since they were targetting Ifrit, it did make sense not to make any pacts with water-type espers, like Anita mentioned. Clover looked hard at the map and thought. Anita had mapped out so many routes, it was hard to choose which would be the ideal one to take. After a long hard look at the map, Clover placed it back down on the table and scrunched her mouth to the side.

                                  "Ahh, this is hard..." She said, frustratedly. She rubbed her head and grabbed the map once more, facing it towards the two blondes and traced her finger slowly on one route of the map.

                                  "I'm guessing we could head to Han Dana, since it's the seaport and we could make pacts with Empyrea, Siren, and Aska. And then we could go to Byzel and make a pact with Titan and Ramuh... Then we could head over to Fa Diel to get Ifrit..?" The more she went on with her plan, the more she felt that it wasn't good enough. She knew Ifrit would be a difficult esper to win over, so trying to gather as many pacts as possible before the encounter would be best. But something in her gut just made her feel like it was a messy plan.


Familiar Poster

________________________________ User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
_______________________________________________________________ fleurise! _ avatar of team winning

                              Fleur paced behind her other two teammates, not wanting to walk along with them because she was irritated with how they behaved earlier. Sure, the team they encountered earlier turned out to be a weird bunch, but their reaction wasn't uncalled for. (Except for that blue-haired kid, that was just plain weird.) She was disappointed that neither Mona or Nadia didn't even both to apologize, even when they had nearly run those poor people over. She snorted and rolled her eyes at the summoner and avatar ahead of her. Kids these days...

                              The walk along the forest was rather quiet, well... really quiet. Normally, Fleur would try to make conversation with the two and keep things lighthearted and fun, but at the moment, she didn't care.

                              She continued to walk after Nadia and Mona paused to look into the tress but when the avatar mentioned something about Martel, Fleur couldn't help but stop and turn to face the two kids behind her. Fleur always liked Martel the most when she was studying the espers back in her old days. Even though her affinity wasn't Earth, she still loved the nature, especially flowers, and liked that Martel was an expert in that particular field.

                              The brunette backtracked a few steps and stood next to the other two, looking in the same direction they were and saw Martel just behind a couple of trees, as well as the team from before. She was glad that they managed to find Martel after what happened before.

                              Fleur listened as Nadia suggested to make a pact with Martel and she couldn't help but nod along. It was a good idea plus, it never hurt to make as many pacts as possible, right? She was about to agree with Nadia when the girl had to go on and ruin it by suggesting something along the lines of getting back at the other team. Fleur shot a glare towards Nadia and huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.

                              "Since she's right there and all, I wouldn't mind making a pact with Martel. Her powers do seem like they'd be more effective than gnome's against those two. But!" Her quiet, yet stern, voice picked up volume at that last word and she hoped that it startled (and maybe strike a little fear into) the two. "I won't participate in any tree-hugging if you two decide to mess around with those people again. All the guy did was spit, and it didn't even touch us, so there's no need to act immature and get 'revenge.' "

                              Fleur released a heavy sigh, feeling a little better after putting out some authority as the oldest out of the group. She could feel her anger dissipate and uncrossed her arms from her chest. Not sure what to do now, she just grabbed onto some foliage and continued to watch Martel and the other team conversate with each other.


Big Duck

                          x x x x x User Image

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x BACK SEAT x x : x x D.KEHNTIMENTIU
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xBUT, UH, IT'S KINDA BEEN FOREVER SINCE I BEEN IN
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xTHE KIND OF SITUATION NOT INVOLVING OTHER WOMEN
                          x x x x x x x x x x ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xi`ll let you whip me if i misbehave

                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x AVATAR x x x ¦ x x x MOOD : WORDS FAIL TO DESCRIBE THIS

                                                        The feeling of fullness in his throat cued him into his current situation: he was mute.

                                                        They would.

                                                        But before he had a chance to do anything (literally, he didn't have time to do anything), Aries sunk into gear and Rem, well, Rem was out and about. But despite all of Aries' best effort, the situation had gone from bad to worse.

                                                        Instead of bobbing in the water (mute), he was now surrounded by violent, choppy water (and mute).

                                                        Swimming in this situation? Impossible. Sure, Dante was fit - better than fit. But he wasn't a superhero and even if he tried, he wouldn't have gotten very far in this hell-bent-to-drown-them-water.


                                                        Looking up, the avatar caught sight of something flying towards them - a vine? Really? But now wasn't the time to guess whether or not the piece of limp, green thing was going to hold their weight. Now was the time to grab on and pray they got out of the water.

                                                        Predictably, they got nowhere.

                                                        The vine snapped the moment Dante pulled, but, thankfully, something else came to their rescue. Rem had, daringly, gone ahead and attacked the remaining mermaids. Taking advantage of the moment, Dante kept one arm around Aries and swam them to shore.

                                                        He still couldn't say anything (for instance, he wasn't able to comment on Aries' choice of panties, which, he got to see when she was getting out of the water), but he did manage to cop a feel under the guise of "helping his friend get out of the water."

                                                        So, all in all, not bad. Now, all they got to do was take care of the mermaids.

                                                        And, in his mind, in more than one way.

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