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        “Once upon a time there existed all but one God; the God of creation, Zeibel. He was very powerful but after creating the world and all of its inhabitants, he became tired. Falling into a deep sleep, it was during this slumber that human beings rose and flourished. They accomplished many feats and learned to survive and sustain themselves without the aid of a divine being. Eventually, the humans grew lazy in their own devices and arrogant against God. They began to wage wars on each other and fight over land and rare resources. The wars lasted for a very long time.

        There were humans who tried to stop the wars, however. The Promanthia tribe were a group of people who lived as one with nature and sought to put a stop to the bloodshed. Shortly thereafter, Zeibel awoke, and saw all the death and ruin that the wars waged by the humans had caused. Overwhelmed with sadness, Zeibel wept several divine tears. When the tears fell upon the earth, they gave life to Espers – immortal creatures in Zeibal's image that each held a portion of his powers. The Espers settled into the world but remained neutral to the affairs of the humans.

        Because Zeibel was touched by the Promanthia Tribe's actions while he had been asleep —and loved all his mortal creations too much to punish the warring humans himself after having taken a vow never to harm a living creature— Zeibel blessed the tribe with the ability to communicate with the Espers in order to put a halt to the wars themselves. They became the world's first Evokers . Working together for the betterment of mankind, Summoners were able to channel the Esper's magic powers and Avatars were the "tools" in which the Esper's powers would manifest within.

        Witnessing and experiencing their mighty powers, humans fell into line and peace reigned across the lands. Zeibel fell back to sleep, and over the centuries, the Promanthia Tribe multiplied and thrived under the new world they'd help to create. Today's Summoners and Avatars are descended from the tribe and are tasked to watch over the world until Zeibel awakes once more.”

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        ARC one: **current arc**
            53rd Kamisad Tournament - Another year, another batch of fresh-faced grads joining the ranks of the professionals. Kamisad Academy has had a long history of training Summoners and Avatars, and with the 53rd Kamisad Tournament approaching, many are eager to prove their worth in a battle that will test their skills and themselves to their limits. In the time preceding the tournament however, these Evokers are setting out to train and gather as many pacts with Espers as possible.

        ARC two:
            War on Kamisad - Kamisad Academy is entering into a war against the nation of Q'son, throwing the world into chaos and dissent. But instead of remaining a united front, two seperate factions have emerged from within Kamisad's own population forcing many to choose whose side their true loyalties lied with.
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        Powerful sentient beasts each with their own different abilities, personalities, appearances and quirks. A summoner must obtain an Esper's co-operation through a Pact agreed upon by both parties in order for the Esper to lend their powers to an Avatar partnered with their Summoner. The more powerful the Esper, the more work it will take to gain a Pact with them.

        Starter Espers
        Over the course of their schooling, Apprentice Summoners are given Starter Espers to train with. These types of Espers are commonly weaker, smaller, and tamer than the ones found in the wild.

        Individuals who can form a Pact with an Esper. Once the two parties agree on a magically-binding contract, a Seal will appear on the Summoner's body and the Summoner will then be able to call forth a part of the Esper's power through the use of an Avatar. Stamina is the most important skill for a Summoner to develop as summoning takes a huge amount of energy.

        High Summoners
        An elite class of Summoners. All sorts of privileges and prestige accompany this title. A Summoner is able to gain this rank by winning one of the academy's annually held Kamisad Tournaments.

        It varies with each Summoner, but in order for an Esper's powers to be activated through an Avatar, an action of some sort is required. It could be a word, or a phrase or an incantation --- or all that could be needed is physical contact between the Summoner and Avatar. Each summoning 'sequence' is unique to the Summoner and releases the seals keeping the Esper's powers bound.

        Esper Seals
        Every Esper has their own particular Seal in the form of a small symbol. Once a Summoner enters into a binding contract with an Esper, the Esper's Seal manifests itself permanently on the Summoner's skin as a reminder of their pact, which looks like a tattoo. Seals are considered badges of honor amongst Summoners and some like to display them proudly on their bodies. Others hide them in an effort to remain mysterious which is advantageous in a battle where your opponent has no clue what type of Espers are at your disposal. The general consensus though, is that the more heavily tattooed a Summoner is, the more respected and skilled (and feared) they are.

        Individuals who can house a part of an Esper's powers through the help of a Summoner, giving them above-human strengths, powers, and generally enhancing their body's functions. They are expert combat specialists and because of the nature of what they are--- highly versatile. Depending on their temperament, genetic elemental affinity and/or own personal preferences, some Espers may be more compatible with them than others. While a Summoner summons an Esper's powers into the Avatar's body, the strength to unlock the full potential of an Esper's abilities rests solely on the shoulders of the Avatar.

        Grand Avatars
        An elite class of Avatars. All sorts of privileges and prestige accompany this title. An Avatar is able to gain this rank by winning one of the academy's annually held Kamisad Tournaments.

        A general term used to describe anyone who can Summon or become an Avatar

        Refers to the Summoner-Avatar relationship that is said --- once you find the right partnership--- to be so intimate, it goes beyond the bond of lovers. They work in dependance of each other and one cannot survive a battle without the other. Teams consist of always one Summoner but the amount of Avatars is virtually limitless – it's up to the Summoner's discretion of how many Avatars they want to partner with. Some Summoners choose only one Avatar their whole life--- others choose to have two or three or more. Before they graduate, Apprentice Summoners experience working with every possible available Avatar in the academy, and then upon graduating, approach the ones they feel they are most compatible with, or vice versa.
        Depending on the Summoner's stamina, there is no limit to how many Espers can be summoned inside one Avatar but it's highly dangerous and unstable. Avatars have been known to die or go insane from the burden of housing too much power at once. Which is why some Summoners choose to have more than one Avatar on their team to spread out their Espers amongst them.

        Kamisad Tournament
        A famous annually held tournament where teams of Summoners and their Avatars battle other teams of Summoners and Avatars for a large cash award and a promotion in rank. Only one team can win. Presently, the academy is preparing for their 53rd Kamisad Tournament.

        A contract between an Esper and a Summoner that, once the two parties agree to it, the Summoner will then be able to call forth a part of the Esper's power through the use of an Avatar. Conditions may vary depending on the Esper in question-- certain Espers have been known to be highly demanding and fickle-- while others are more helpful and lenient. Generally, the more powerful an Esper, the more conditions there are to the contract. Once a Pact is made, a Seal will be marked on the Summoner's body.
        Obviously, if a Summoner dies, the contract becomes null and void. A Summoner can also dissolve a previously-made Pact by traveling back to said Esper and explaining the situation. It's not especially recommended because, depending on the Esper's temperment, the Esper might take it as a huge insult and dish out some veangeance.....
        There is no limit to how many Espers a Summoner can form a Pact with. Likewise, Espers can form limitless pacts with many different Summoners.

        The Esperdex (AKA. Esper encyclopedia)
        A pocket-sized electronic database tool that gives information about all known Espers in the world.

        The Bloody Solstice Incident
        40 years ago, during the winter solstice, an Avatar-Summoner team attempted to make a pact with Odin between the borders of the country Hiboki and Q'Son. The inexperianced duo were unable to control their newfound powers and the pair went on a bloody rampage before the other Avatars on the team were able to stop them. 159 native Hiboki residents and 301 Q'Son locals were killed as a result. The event has henceforth been known as "The Bloody Solstice Incident" and relations between Kamisad with Hiboki and Q'Son have never been the same since.

        Dummy How-to Guide:

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        The setting of this RP's technology is similar to our world's. There are things like cars, computers, guns and cellphones that exist. But no aircrafts, other than the primative sort. Q'son is a country that posseses an even more technologically-advanced society but is isolated from the rest of the world. Which means we will not be encountering anything super hi-tech until at-least Arc 2.


        Summoners and Avatars make up less than 1% of the world's population (about 5 million out of an estimated 4 billion total number of living humans). The overwhelming majority are "normal" humans with no ability to connect with Espers. Summoners and Avatars are sometimes referred to as "Children of Zeibel", "The Magicked Ones”, or the more common term: "Evokers".

        Mankind is heavily divided over the issue of Evokers. There are the very religious few who view Evokers as near-Gods and will treat them with the utmost respect, borderlining on actual worship. Then there are those who are extremely fearful of their powers and want nothing to do with them. Some believe Evokers are inhuman and abhor the fact that so many of them train to become mercenaries who fight for the highest bidder. Generally speaking--- those living in closer proximity to Kamisad Academy, and thus, are more exposed to the daily happenings of Evokers, get along well. The further away from Kamisad, the more prejudiced members of the community can be found. Most around the world however, simply don't know enough about Evokers and Espers to form a well-informed opinion and many misconceptions have arised as a result.

        Many Evokers are also guilty of discriminating. Generally speaking, there is an underlying opinion amongst Summoners and Avatars who consider themselves the more superior "race". On the extreme side of things, there are even a few who consider "normal" humans little better than animals.

        The Church of Zeibel is a religion first founded on Byzel which is not only the official religion of the Sacred Kingdom of Byzel but is also followed by 40% of the world's inhabitants. It is the belief in the God Zeibel and the story (see 'Prologue') of how he created the world and all the life in it.



                A country that boasts a variety of landscapes, including thick forests, and mountainous regions.

                Kamisad Academy
                xxx- Home to most Evokers and the only place in the world that trains them in their craft.

                Jad City
                xxx- The bustling capital city of Fiore, Kamisad Academy lies right outside of its city gates. The people of Jad and Kamisad's residents often cross paths, and the majority of the former will treat those who choose to attend the Academy with appreciation and respect.

                Corobokkle Forest
                xxx- Deep into the heart of the forest is a giant 1000 year old ancient tree where the Esper Martel can usually be found, tending to it.
                xxx- The forest also contains the Lumen spring, where Espers Aselia and Nariki dwell. There is a path you can follow that loops back to the entrance.

                Witreas Mountain
                xxx- A 6,000 foot-high mountain with an incredible view. Unfortunately, not many people get to enjoy the scenic hiking trails, as it is also home to the mischevious Esper Sylph.

                A large country that was once governed by an ancient empire. Known for its beautiful scenery, Mintos has become a popular tourist attraction, with the wealthy from various nations setting up high-class resorts. Mintos holds a small-scale infantry troop, but they lack combat experience. Due to a small military budget, the necessary funds to commission Summoners and Avatars from Kamisad are raised by an extra tax on the residents.

                Rolante City
                xxx- A city surrounded by open plains and rolling fields. The people of Rolante are generally more religious and socially conservative than that of the rest of the country.

                Elrand City
                xxx- A massive bustling metropolis and a cosmopolitan center of cultural life. It's a city of endless lights, and one that never sleeps.

                Elrand Castle Ruins
                xxx- The only remnant of a long-forgotten empire that once ruled Mintos. The Esper Bahamut wanders inside.

                Bashkar Mountains
                xxx- Towering, snow covered mountains that are so frigid, few survive the climb-up. There is a large system of caves that connect in and out from the mountain, and a hot spring exists in one of the caves.
                xxx- There is a cliff near the top of the mountain that houses a giant palace made up entirely of ice. It was most likely created by the Esper Shiva, who also resides within the sculpture.

                Izona Ocean
                xxx- A large ocean that's bounded by Q'Son and Byzel in the west, and Mintos and Fiore in the east.
                xxx- The Esper Leviathan dwells underneath its oceanic waters and emerges up to the surface only four or five times a year. If enough commotion is made however, it might be persuaded to make an appearance.

                Han Dana Island
                An island with a large beach and busy seaport, plus, a village surrounded by forests and waterfalls. The island is famous for their seafood.

                Palo Village
                xxx- A small fishing village whose inhabitants are typically wary of any outsiders.

                Palo Lagoon
                xxx- A shallow lagoon off the coast of the island that is about four foot deep. The Esper Siren resides in a small cove here.

                Arzjah Falls
                xxx- About an hour's trek from the Lagoon, the Arzjah Falls is a waterfall about 250 feet high that cascades to a rock pool surrounded by ground orchids, wild ferns, trees and boulders. The Esper Aska resides in this location.

                A country ruled by the Holy Kingdom of Byzel. It practices theocracy and the Church of Zeibel originated from this region which spread throughout the world hundreds of years ago. The present Queen of Byzel is Her Majesty Romeria Emurelle, Byzel XVII. The Queen also holds the title of Holy Mother of the Church of Zeibel.

                Royal City Astoria
                xxx- The capital of Byzel which also houses the Holy Kingdom Byzel and remains the largest religious center of the world. They are very welcoming of Evokers.

                Navarre Mountains
                xxx- A series of mountain ranges. The Espers Ramuh and Titan can be located in different caves here.

                A country essentially run by a large guild of thieves that are primarily an economic entity, engaging in all sorts of business licit and illicit, but it has avoided anything resembling a true governmental role - its members priding themselves on belonging to no king or nation.

                Fa'Diel Temple Ruins
                xxx- Old ruins of a long forgotten temple. The Esper Sekundes dwells inside.

                Forcena Desert
                xxx- Embarking onto the hot sands of the Forcena Desert alone? Your chances of survival are slim. The trip across this vast expanse of dry land takes about two full days, and if the scorching weather wasn't bad enough, bandits overrun the desert, attacking any travellers.

                Valley of Flames
                xxx- A series of multiple caverns filled with a river of flames. As you descend further and further down a narrow path following along tall cliffs, you will notice the several steep drops to your left and right that lead into a lake - not of water, but of flame. Every minute or so, a fountain of flame will sprout up and you must dive to avoid it. If you are able to survive the sweltering heat, you may be able to come across the Esper Ifrit.

                A country that does a lot of research in advanced agricultural methods, and the inhabitants of this country have a distinct Hiboki dialect. Hiboki has little love for Kamisad Academy and Evokers in general ever since an event dubbed "The Bloody Solstice Incident" occurred forty years ago (see 'Indepth'). Kamisad cautions anyone from the Academy traveling to these parts to be on their guard, as many of Hiboki's inhabitants have not forgotten the incident and still demand revenge.

                Hiboki Village
                xxx- A quiet settlement run by a Village Elder. There exists only a few shops, a pub, and an inn.

                Tomb of the Unknown
                xxx- An ancient nameless burial place made of stone and comprised of many tunnels and pathways. It's a giant labyrinth of a maze, and many people have gone missing trying to navigate its confusing layout.
                xxx- It is confirmed that the Esper Anima resides in the center.

                Recent information about the country of Q'Son is scarce as the nation closed itself off to outsiders forty years ago after "The Bloody Solstice Incident" (see 'Indepth'). In an effort to protect themselves from that event ever happening again, Q'Son immediately sealed it's borders and shut itself off from the rest of the world. Known as "The Silent Nation", it's a technologically-advanced society governed by a president and most of the country is hidden by an invisible cloaking device so that any outsiders trying to enter its borders will only see miles of barren land. Like Hiboki, Q'Son holds no love for Avatars and Summoners from Kamisad.

                Adeallo City
                xxx- Capital of Q'Son. It, along with the rest of the country, is hidden behind an OCS (Optical Camouflage System) Barrier, an invention that cloaks Q'Son from view of the outside world. Little is known about the extent of Q'Son's technology, but they are rumored to possess ships that can fly in the air and soldiers with special enhanced armour.

                Kukule Island

                A small, uninhabited island
                xxx- The Esper Pheonix has been sighted here
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Kamisad Academy is an independant diplomatic military organization, unaffiliated with any government or political stance, and trains teams of Summoners and Avatars to become a mercenary force for hire. They conduct various missions around the world as battle support or undercover operatives, etc. Their services are requested by governments and civilians alike; their tasks range from providing military support to protecting civilians. Kamisad often plays the role of peace-keeping, and their main priority is to give aid to those in need, while maintaining peace. A part of the commissions made through such dispatches go to the Academy's income, and the rest is pocketed by the individuals who'd completed the mission. Part of their contract is that they must complete an alloted number of missions a year.

Anyone 13 years old or older demonstrating a predispositon to being an Avatar or an ability to Summon is welcome to enroll into Kamisad Academy. Applicants are admitted after passing a series of tests and a final interview. In order to graduate, students must pass both a written and a field exam, and they are allowed a maximum of three tries. Failure to pass after three attempts means you are automatically kicked out of the academy. The academy aims to graduate all students by the age of 22. Those who fail to graduate by the year in which they turn 23 are dismissed from the system, though they can apply for training in other areas such as medics or administration, or various military outsource programs.

Students are allowed to stay with their family and commute if they do not wish to live in the academy's dorms. Summoners and Avatars who've graduated also have the choice to move out of the Academy or they can stay in the dorms and pay rent. Most choose the latter option as it is more conveniant.

Maxwell Luine is the current Headmaster. He is a retired High Summoner.

School life

Curfew is 10pm. Graduated Summoners and Avatars who still reside in the Academy do not have curfews however.
You must have your ID at all times for security and identification purposes


The Academy's architecture is inviting and expansive with high arch ceilings and clear glass corridors. There are four main floors, plus a large basement sub-level. The first, second, and third floors are accessible to the entire school population, while the fourth floor and basement level require special permission.

      Front Gate
      Located right outside the Academy's main entrance. Visitors and residents must proceed to a security checkpoint at the inner gate and present their IDs for inspection in order to pass and enter the inside of the school.

      Basement **Restricted** (floor can only be accessed with a special key card)

      1st floor (Main) - see Map
      xxx- The Front Gate entrance leads directly to the Lobby. Visitors can find a map of the school here.

      xxx- The Cafeteria is open from 8am until 8pm, and people can order meals for the night and pick them up before it closes.

      xxx- The Auditorium has stadium seats surrounding a large elevated podium at the front, and large video screens hanging on either side. The Auditorium is generally used for assemblies and as a forum for guest speakers.

      West-side Training Center
      xxx- There are two training centers inside Kamisad Academy. The one located in the western corridor is more of a plain, large arena equipped with standard weapons, practice targets, exercise equipment and locker rooms. It is open 24 hours a day, even after curfew.

      xxx- Here, there are teams of medical personnel on hand to take care of those who are sick or injured.

      East-side Training Center
      xxx- There are two training centers inside Kamisad Academy. The one located in the eastern corridor resembles an indoor forest and is home to the academy's Starter Espers. It is open 24 hours a day, even after curfew. And because the East-side Training Center has less open space and more hiding places, it's become a popular hang-out place for students to come and "socialize" with one another after curfew.

      xxx- The 1st floor dorms houses the 13 to 15 year olds and are split in half; one side for females, the other for males. Students bunk four to a room. All dorm rooms contain basic amenities and computer terminals.

      xxx- An open-air court-yard with a garden and where most people go to relax. It also serves as a good location for entertainment-related events.

      2nd floor - see Map to come
      xxx- Classes are Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. There are shared computers in every class. Each student has a log-on screen, in which they may store school-related and personal information. Anyone legit from the Academy can access these terminals for various up-to-date information about the school using their ID cards. The system also provides forums for chatting.
      xxx- In addition to regular school subjects like literacy and arithmetic, all students are educated in either the Avatar or Summoning arts, basic first aid, and rudimentry combat experiance. There are also supplementary courses such as weaponry, advanced strategy and tactics, system analysis, hostage negotiation, etc. that students have an option of taking which will boost their credentials and make them more desirable to be hired out for missions. Obviously, those who have already graduated don't have to go to classes, as they have completed their training.

      xxx- Open from 8am until 8pm, all of its materials are available to the school's residents.

      Administrative Offices
      xxx- This is where some of the higher-ups are at, busy running the Academy. Summoners and Avatars can head here to request any available missions the Academy has to offer.

      3rd floor
      xxx- The entire floor is devoted to dorms. The western corridors are for the 16 to 17 years olds, and instead of four roommates, there are only two individuals to a room, with two single bedrooms connected to a shared living space. Males and females are still seperated in different sections. The eastern corridors are for the rest of the adult population and offers more freedom. Males and females can bunk together if they so wished and those who've graduated have priority for single rooms. All dorm rooms contain basic amenities and computer terminals.

      4th floor **Restricted** (floor can only be accessed with a special key card)
      xxx- These are the dorms for faculty members and elite personnel like High Summoners and Grand Avatars. Their rooms are bigger and have more amenities.

      Headmaster's Suite
      xxx- Self-explanatory

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As an Avatar's skill level grows, the potency of spells also increases
Abilities only last for as how long a Summoner sustains the summoning

User Image Gnome
Level: 1
Height: 11 inches
Location: Kamisad Academy, Eastern Training Center
Description: A green, long-nosed Esper. Tends to hide underground.
Key traits: Lazy, laidback
Known Pact Conditions: N/A (Starter)
Seal: click
Abilities: Highly evasive, stealthy. Has the ability to dig holes and travel underground as simple as swimming in water. Can also use the underground holes to trap someone or use it as an escape method.

User Image Cactaur
Level: 1
Height: 9 inches
Location: Kamisad Academy, Eastern Training Center
Description: A cactus-shaped Esper. Likes to dance.
Key traits: Unfriendly, distrustful
Known Pact Conditions: N/A (Starter)
Seal: click
Abilities: Expert dodging skills, high accuracy. Able to shoot out hundreds of sharp needles.

User Image Carbuncle
Level: 1
Height: 10 inches
Location: Kamisad Academy, Eastern Training Center
Description: A furry, fox-like Esper that enjoys playful interaction.
Key traits: Docile, cuddly
Known Pact Conditions: N/A (Starter)
Seal: click
Abilities: High agility, great reflexes. Can cast "Reflect" on a character. A character that has Reflect cast on them will have all types of magic (healing, offensve, and defensive spells) bounce off them, and instead affect the caster --- but only magic spells cast from Level 1 or Level 2 Espers. Also, if two opponents both have Reflect up, the spell will constantly reflect back and forth between the two until the status wears off or the Summoner cancels their summoning.

User Image Martel
Level: 2
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Location: Fiore, Corobokkle Forest
Description: An Esper in the form of a young, green haired woman. She carries a staff with her wherever she goes.
Key traits: Cheerful, enthusiastic
Known Pact Conditions: Environmentally friendly
Recommendation: None
Seal: click
Abilities: Able to create trees, branches, and vines.

User Image Empyrea
Level: 2
Height: 20 feet, 5 inches
Location: Mostly sighted in Han Dana Island / Byzel, Navarre Mountains
Description: A giant bird-shaped Esper.
Key traits: Gentle, non-aggressive
Known Pact Conditions: Varies.
Recommendation: N/A
Seal: click
Abilities: Able to sprout wings and fly. Can also heal minor to moderate physical injuries.

User Image Siren
Level: 2
Height: 5 foot, 9 inches
Location: Han Dana Island, Palo Lagoon
Description: An Esper who takes the form of a woman. Sings and plays the harp. Her enchanting music may lure inexperianced males to her.
Key traits: Seductive, vain
Known Pact Conditions: Completion of various petty tasks
Recommendation: At least one female present in a team.
Seal: click
Abilities: Can cast "Slow" on a character, which reduces their speed by half, and also "Sleep" on a character, which puts them to sleep, although they can be easily woken up with any outside stimuli.

User Image Sekundes
Level: 2
Height: unknown
Location: Fa'Diel, Temple Ruins
Description: A shape-shifting Esper that can produce illusions and transform its appearance at will. No one knows what its true appearance is.
Key traits: Mischievous, playful
Known Pact Conditions: A test of wits
Recommendation: Play along
Seal: click
Abilities: By emitting a mist from the user's body, anyone caught in the mist will be caught in an illusion created by the user. If multiple people are in the mist, then they could all be caught in the same illusion or if the user has enough focus and control, each person will have a seperate illusion. (It can be reflected via Carbuncle's ability and is also ineffective against Aska's shield ability too)

User Image Aselia
Level: 2
Height: 4 feet
Location: Fiore, Corobokkle Forest - Lumen Spring
Description: An Esper in the form of a young naked mermaid with pink hair. Always seen with Nariki.
Key traits: Fun-loving, stubborn
Known Pact Conditions: Varies. Must form a pact with Nariki as well.
Recommendation: Summon with Nariki together
Seal: click
Abilities: Nimble and fast, but only in water. Can cast "Mini" which shrinks another character into a miniature version of themself, decreasing their physical attacks dramatically. Also able to control existing water nearby but unable to create new water magically. If Aselia is summoned together with Nariki, they are capable of creating gigantic tidal waves together. On their own, their abilities are much weaker however.

User Image Nariki
Level: 2
Height: 4 feet
Location: Fiore, Corobokkle Forest - Lumen Spring
Description: An Esper in the form of a young naked mermaid with red hair. Always seen with Aselia.
Key traits: Fun-loving, stubborn
Known Pact Conditions: Varies. Must form a pact with Aselia as well.
Recommendation: Summon with Aselia together
Seal: click
Abilities: Nimble and fast, but only in water. Can cast "Silence" which removes a character's voice. Also able to control existing water nearby but unable to create new water magically. If Nariki is summoned together with Aselia, they are capable of creating gigantic tidal waves together. On their own, their abilities are much weaker however

User Image Titan
Level: 3
Height: 8 feet, 11 inches
Location: Byzel, Navarre Mountains
Description: A large muscular Esper slightly humanoid in appearance. The ground trembles at his approach.
Key traits: Combative, reckless
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle
Recommendation: Trap or restrain as soon as possible. Avoid direct hits.
Seal: click
Abilities: Can cast small earthquakes and has considerable physical strength -- lifting and manoeuvring large objects becomes a breeze. Can also easily decimate most obstacles and turn it to rubble. Striking an opponent at full strength can administer incredible blunt force trauma resulting in broken bones, ruptured organs, or even death.

User Image Sylph
Level: 3
Height: 3 ½ feet
Location: Fiore, Witreas Mountain
Description: A small sprite shaped Esper with wings. Uses a bow and arrows to fight.
Key traits: Immature, fickle
Known Pact Conditions: Engage in amateur competitions.
Recommendation: Outsmart/humor him
Seal: click
Abilities: Uses wind elemental magic. Can create massive whirlwinds that are nearly impossible to interrupt.

User Image Rassius
Level: 3
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Location: ? Varies -- Rolante/Elrand City
Description: An Esper in the form of a young man. Carries a saber.
Key traits: Playful, unpredictable
Known Pact Conditions: Varies. At least one Avatar must be adept at swordsmanship
Recommendation: Entertain him as best you can
Seal: click
Abilities: Sword users only. Able to cut through steel, diamond, magical barriers and extremely large objects with incredible ease, speed, and precision. Can also cast "Confuse" on a character which causes them to make erratic decisions and be unable to distinguish friend from foe. It is even possible for a confused character to attack themself.

User Image Aska
Level: 3
Height: 7 feet, 6 inches
Location: Han Dana Island, Arzjah Falls
Description: An Esper in the form of a four-armed muscular man. Wields own unique swords and lances in each hand.
Key traits: Polite, shy
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle
Recommendation: None
Seal: click
Abilities: Can cast "Shield" which is a magical barrier that protects against physical and magic attacks from Level 1 to Level 4 Espers (but it is ineffective against Rassius' sword cutting ability') for a period of time and "Haste" which increases their speed by double.

User Image Shiva
Level: 4
Height: 7 feet and 2 inches
Location: Mintos, Bashkar Mountains -- Ice Palace
Description: An Esper who takes the form of a pale, blue haired woman.
Key traits: Strict, resolute
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle, certain chosen Avatars only
Recommendation: Conduct yourself like an equal.
Seal: click
Abilities: Uses ice elemental magic. Can freeze almost anything, emit ice as a weapon, and lower the temperature of a localized area to freezing point.

User Image Leviathan
Level: 4
Height: 40 feet tall (80 feet long)
Location: Izona Ocean
Description: A giant serpent-shaped Esper
Key traits: Curious, recluse
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle
Recommendation: Strong swimming ability
Seal: click
Abilities: Uses water elemental magic. Can create whirlpools and large tsunamis.

User Image Ifrit
Level: 4
Height: 10 feet
Location: Fa'Diel, Valley of Flames
Description: An Esper who takes the form of a large, fiery beast-like demon.
Key traits: Hot-tempered, proud
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle, no pact with water-type Espers
Recommendation: Conduct yourself like an equal.
Seal: click
Abilities: Uses fire elemental magic. Can conjure up fireballs and waves of flames to engulf the enemy.

User Image Ramuh
Level: 4
Height: 6 feet
Location: Byzel, Navarre Mountains
Description: An Esper who takes the form of an elderly man in robes.
Key traits: Perverted, senile
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle, young attractive female Summoners/Avatars
Recommendation: Females be on guard
Seal: click
Abilities: Uses lightning elemental magic. Can shoot forth bolts of lightning and release shock waves of electricity.

User Image Bahamut
Level: 4
Height: 13 feet and 5 inches
Location: Mintos, Elrand Castle Ruins
Description: An Esper who takes the form of a dragon.
Key traits: Calculating, honorable
Known Pact Conditions: A test of skill
Recommendation: Be capable to think and act for yourself
Seal: click
Abilities: Defense and attack power is doubled. Can cast explosive energy blasts

User Image Odin
Level: 5
Height: 8 feet and 11 inches
Location: ? Varies -- Q'Son/Hiboki territory
Description: An Esper who takes the form of a monstrous knight riding a demonic-looking horse.
Key traits: Indifferent, aloof
Known Pact Conditions: Pay with what one treasures the most, no pacts with other Espers
Recommendation: Not for those with the most to lose.
Seal: click
Abilities: Can unleash one single strike that will cause instant death on another character.

User Image Anima
Level: 5
Height: 20 feet
Location: Hiboki, Tomb of the Unknown
Description: A monstrous Esper wrapped in chains and in constant pain and suffering, but willingly so, for reasons unknown.
Key traits: Merciless, both sadistic and masochistic tendencies
Known Pact Conditions: Win in battle, torture
Recommendation: High tolerance to pain. Proceed with the utmost caution -- 99% death rate.
Seal: click
Abilities: High power; deals colossal damage with all hits. Can cast massive beams of plasma energy in a devastating sixteen-hit combo.

User Image Phoenix
Level: 5
Height: unknown (est. 40 foot wingspan)
Location: Kukule Island
Description: A legendary Esper in the form of a large fiery bird. Mysterious and extremely rare to sight. Only a handful of people have ever been known to catch a glimpse of it.
Key traits: Pacifist
Known Pact Conditions: Too subjective to list
Recommendation: Pursuit of Esper should take deep consideration as there has only been one documented case in history of a successful pact being formed.
Seal: click
Abilities: Resurrection of the dead back to the world of the living
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Click on icon to be brought to character profile thread

Team Kanta
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Espers: Carbuncle x

Team Epic
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Espers: Cactaur x Aselia x Nariki x

Team Sexy Beasts
User Image User Image
Espers: Carbuncle x Martel

Team Whatever
User Image User Image User Image
Espers: Gnome x

Team ??????
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image User Image
Espers: Carbuncle x

Team Winning
User Image User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Espers: Gnome x
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Headmaster Maxwell Luine
User Image Maxwell Luine is a retired High Summoner and current Headmaster of Kamisad. His previous Avatar partners are all deceased, although he still retains Esper Speals from his Summoner days. A busy but compassionate man, Maxwell Luine is dedicated to upholding the academy's image as reliable "peace-keepers" in times of trouble.

Espers: Carbuncle x Empyrea x Sekundes x Leviathan x Bahamut x Shiva x Martel x Aska x Siren x Sylph

Team Ad Astra
User Image User Image High Summoner Xerin and Grand Avatar Aiza is arguably Kamisad's most powerful duo. They are treated somewhat like celebrities by most of the academy and their partnership has spanned 10 years. They are most famous for winning the 46th Kamisad Tournament with only 2 Espers at their disposal --- Gnome and Bahamut. Shortly afterwards, they went on to form a pact with Anima but suffered post traumatic stress from the ordeal. Grand Avatar Aiza even went mute. However, it wasn't until High Summoner Xerin came back to the academy bearing Odin's Seal on his chest that the pair seemed to grow more unhinged. Nowadays they wander the halls of Kamisad like ghosts; keeping to themselves, and barely interacting with anyone else outside Team Ad Astra. Despite this, they are still considered idols by some.

Espers: Odin

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User Image

Follow Gaia TOS
Don't be an asshat
Worsip Merry like the Goddess that she is


Before even filling out the background check, or profile skeleton, READ EVERYTHING IN THIS THREAD THOROUGHLY. Yes, that includes all the background info. I know there's a lot to absorb, so take your time. So many people, when they see a roleplay they intially like, get all excited and skim through everything and immediately apply... but then eventually drop out when they realize that eh, on second thought, the roleplay really isn't all that awesome to begin with. Or they realize that they're in over their head. Or they forget that they have too many life commitments that'll keep them occupied from the roleplay. Please just take a deep breath once you get the gist of this roleplay, and ask yourself if you truly want to commit yourself to this place. Then make your final decision.


This is an "advanced literate" role-pay or whatever the hell you feel like you need to classify my writing under.

There is a restriction on post lengths. Yes, you read that correctly. Let me repeat that -- there is a restriction on post lengths. Have you gotten over your shock yet? Good. The maximum word count is 550 words. This is because I am sick of people typing long, pointless exposition filled with stupid metaphors and internal monologues that nobody else understands. I know it'll be a hard adjusment for some people (including me) and I won't jump down your throat if you decide to type 200 extra words...but if you do it on a consistent basis, I WILL call you out on this. Posts in this RP should be fast and focused more on dialogue and action, not the color of the sky when it rains.

If a week goes by without a post from you, I will call you out on this, unless you've got a legit excuse. If you are roleplaying as more than one character, I expect a minimum of one post for each character in the course of a week. More would be preferrable but I guess I gotta take what I can get.

You must decorate your posts with pretty colors and graphics. Hah. Just kidding. Do whatever the ******** you want. Have random Michael Jackson .gifs for all I care:

User Image

Don't god-mod and don't take control of another role-player's character and cram words in their mouth without the role-player's express permission. That really bothers me.


Before making your character, fill out the background check to send to me (unless you've been in a RECENT roleplay of mine). Once you've been approved, you can start on the profile application. All applications must be posted in the OOC thread by a set deadline that I'll announce once we get enough applicants.

I have the right to reject your profile if I don't feel your character would be a right fit for the the role-play

Try your absolute best to make creative but believable characters, por favor.

Character interactions are vital. Make an effort to be involved. Don't just have your character angst to themselves on a daily basis while waiting for someone else to come along to talk with them. Just so you know, I'm really turned off by posts that do nothing to move the plot along.


Dedicated roleplayers only. If you say that you're going to stay, keep to your word. At the very least if you do have to leave, give us some notification. It does NOT make it okay for you to suddenly dissappear from this roleplay without warning. Because believe it or not, it causes us a lot of headache and grief.

Leaving the role-play permanently? Role-play your character's death. Or else I will.


In Arc 1, having your character die should ONLY be a last resort (i.e. You leaving the the roleplay). Don't just have your character die because you want a dramatic scene, or you get tired of rp'ing your character. If you have a legit reason for rp'ing your character's death, let me know.

Arc 2 will have a heavier story-line and so I'm going to be more lax with character deaths.
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Background check
PM this to m i s s __ m e r r y

Availability: How often are you on Gaia & typical posting time
# of characters: how many characters you want to make
Do you solemnly swear not to ditch this RP: yes/yes?
Writing Sample: 2 please

Profile Application
Arc 1
Closed, there will be no further applicants at this time. Please check back when Arc 2 opens
Arc 2
User Image

Profile Deadline

June 17

Roleplay Start Date

June 17

Kamisad Tournament

August 17
User Image


        "Why are there time limits?"
        So that we have an actual goal to work towards. The Kamisad Tournament will commence on August 17, no ifs, ands, or buts. I don't care if your team has been dilly-dally-shilly-shallying around for the majority of the RP and have yet to make a pact with an Esper--- that's when the Tournament will start so you better get all your s**t in order.

        "Why are you such a b***h about posting lengths?"
        Because I am a b***h! HAHAHAHAHA... >.>


        Why don't the profile skeletons have a personality or history section?
        An experiment of sorts. Over my long years as an rp creator, I've noticed that someone is always complaining about how they hate working on filling out their character's personality or history portion of the profile which I always took as a negative because role-playing is supposed to be fun and I don't like seeing people dreading those sections. It's counter-productive, especially when most people already tend to take days to fill out a profile with bulky information that the majority of other role-players won't even bother absorbing. I know I don't care what the names of your character's 57 brothers and sisters are and how their biological parents divorced 3 years ago, etc. Talk about a yawn fest.

        So no traditional personality section where you get to list off your character's sparkling attributes-- instead, there are "interview" questions littered all over the profile skeleton designed to get a better feel for your character. Answer them the way your characters would answer them and readers should hopefully be able to get a good sense of your character that way.

        No history section. I know that the background info on certain characters is important for a role-player in developing a well-rounded character but often, it all just becomes redudant, useless information. At least, in my personal opinion.

        I'm not saying a character's background history isn't important though, which is why role-players will get the option to add extra supplementary info about their characters in their own character thread but only after you've been accepted. Here is an example of a character thread I'm describing. Not only is the character's profile located there, there are also seperate sections describing her relationships with the other characters, a photo gallery, a diary, etc. They're like little bonus materials you can do but totally optional.



        "We're friends/lovers/platonic life-partners/brothers-from-another-mother/sisters-from-another-mister/soul-mates, so I automatically get accepted into this roleplay right?
        LOL no. Don't play the friend card please. You don't have to fill out a background check if you've been in one of my other recent role-plays and since there aren't any limited character spots, people won't have to compete against each other, but I get final say on whether your profile is acceptable or not. Don't be surprised if I ask you to tweak a few things here and there from your profile. Or reject it completely. Bottom line: don't slack off when it comes to profile-making just because we've got history together. It benefits no one and that's a really shitty attitude to have fyi.

        Avatars and Summoners

        "My character is a Summoner. What kind of Espers do I start out in the roleplay with?"
        One of the Starter Espers (see 'Esperdex'). If you are a Summoner than you must have just recently graduated from the Academy --- meaning you are essentially a rookie.

        "My character is an Avatar. Do they have to be recently graduated?"
        No. They can be, but they don't have to be. It's possible to have an Avatar whose had prior experiance with Esper use, along with traveling and battling out in the real world. There just has to be reason why they left their previous Summoner.

        "My character is an Avatar. So during a battle does an Esper possess them?"
        No. You temporarily gain the Esper's abilities (see Esperdex for details) and it's up to you if you want to describe your personality and appearance being altered slightly, but an Esper does not actually posess you. Be realistic about it too. Unless you've been training with that Esper's abilities for a good amount of time, your character shouldn't automatially be an expert and unlock every ability right off the bat. Because pssst, that's called god modding.

        "My character is going to be an Avatar. What team will my character be put in?"
        I'm leaving it up to you guys to sort out. Read up on character profiles and decide which team-mates you most want your character to interact and grow with, but please also respect a fellow roleplayer's decision not to want to partner with your character. Teams will be decided upon before the actual role-playing starts. Once you've officially 'joined' a team, you're not allowed to leave it until Arc 2, after the tournament. Only then will you have the option. So choose wisely.

        "My character is an Avatar and the Summoner on my team just died. What happens to me?"
        This might happen if a role-player playing as a Summoner left the role-play and had their character killed off as a result. In this case, you would just have to join another team and the previous Espers your team had gained will be lost.
Roleplay Opening

        ARC one: **current arc**
            53rd Kamisad Tournament - It's the start of a brand new year at Kamisad and everyone seems to be looking forward in anticipation for the 53rd Kamisad Tournament. Teams of Evokers are working hard to hone their skills in preperation, especially the new batch of graduates in their respective teams who are eagerly setting forth into the world to begin making pacts with various Espers...

            All Summoners are leaving the Academy equipped with an Esperdex. All Summoners and Avatars will carry their Kamisad Academy ID Card as well. All team members should also have a standard issue cell-phone in their posession which is used to keep in contact with Kamisad while on their journey.

            All Espers and established "NPC's" will be played by m i s s __ m e r r y.

            In RP time, everyone has 6 months until the Kamisad Tournament begins. In real-world time, the start date for the tournament is August 17. Small time-skips are a real possiblity throughout the role-playing in order to keep on schedule -- please employ them when appropriate. It is up to you to set the right posting pace. Do not come whining to me when August 17 rolls around and you were unable to gain any pacts with any Esper because you were too busy wasting 9 weeks posting about how much your character loves teasing another character or a 15289 hour trek through the mountains or some such nonsense.

            You may start your introductory posts however way you want them to. Your characters can be hanging-out at the Academy, getting ready for their travels. Or they can already be on their way to their first destination in mind. They might already be there. The sky is the limit.

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