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Fashionable Prophet

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I am by definition
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Julius look over his glass with a idle roll of his eyes standing. "You nerves are hardly my concer or promble Mr. Cole." He drawled standing looking at the girls "Out!" He barked the girls whined and pouted but quickly lifted their scandtly cald forms from the heated water wrapping up and single file left the view box. The well dressed man sip on his brandy which cost more than most people spent in their life time on food.

He set the drink down picking up dossier folders on some of the prime fighters of the project "I stop by looking over your progress and I have to say I am vastle dissapointed these are not soilders but street sucm scrapping over a crust of bread." He drawled lifting up a folder of a panther she had a pretty face even aft er the injections...

"You have made no progess on the pet project wither the last subject how did it put it?" he picked up a folder flipping it open "Subject ate through the stomach of handler and was tested and put down no improvment documented." He threw the file at his feet eyes darkening "I am tired of pouring money into research and getting nothing in return!" He said voice chilled and hushed his anger chilly

Lacking in conscience and empathy,
Taking what I want and do as I please,
Violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse...
Got a promble with it?
James Lyons

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I'm full of surprises

His hands would reach through taking care not to the hit the cages bars as the shock through his system would surely cause him to make a wrong movement and using the tip of his finger nails as an extension of his fingers, they would carefully pluck the pieces of glass from her back one by one, as he listened to her voice and the security guard who dragged her through the glass. Such fragile skin destroyed by the glass, which left the red marks of their puncture in place of their presence on her form. His hazel eyes refocused themselves from the glass as he continued to pack, and looking up to her as she introduced herself. A name who would make an effort to remember, since it is his first one that he gets. However, he wouldn't introduced himself unless asked, and she didn't but instead complimented him on his fangs. These fangs that he figured would intimidate many, got him his first compliment since getting here. Interesting how such a thing worked. Her next words would cause a light chuckle from the males lips at the females sudden sense of embarrassment.

"It's ok, I appreciate your words at this moment. Being away from people made me forget about human interaction."

The question of her name would cause him too look up to her, once more, and like her would give his name.

"I was called James. But now they call me zero, zero, three, two, S, L, W. Last time I heard, I was injected with a lion and a sabre tooth tiger. Quite an interesting combination if you ask me."

With another pull, his arm would slide back through the bars, indicating he was done on her back. He worked quick and efficient, a skill picked up from being on the streets. His eyes would glance at the wounds, seeing them clearly and in much more detail then most other people could, however it was quite interesting to see. He could see the body start repairing itself, the distance between them relatively close and that made it much more easier then normal. However it needed to be clean before it could be fulled healed.

Some that will be the last you see

Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

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Anara Priyanka _ ҉ _ Feral Femme Fatale

User ImageAnara awoke to a palpable air of apprehension, her lover exuding an air of protective danger. Anara blinked a single, eye, yawning and stretching as she sat up, her body completely exposed. Coyly, she watched the ones who visibly responded to the sight of her nude form. These she marked as the weaker minded ones, and the easier to beat into submission. "A mutiny, dear? It's going to be a real tragedy when we have to reduce the numbers of our pack just because some dry-dicked mongrel decided he was tired of giving first bite of the hunt to some women." Anara said cheerfully-her outburst seeming to do nothing but upset the assaulting males. Some of them growled and visibly clamped at the bit, anxious for combat. All of the males who were furry enough to have hackles had them raised. All around, teeth were bared and tails were raised as the mob approached the two naked women. Like anthropomorphized water, Estelle stood and clothed herself before slipping into a loose stance as she kicked Anara's clothes towards her. All eyes seemed to be focused on the clothed woman, identifying her as the bigger threat because she was already standing. Anara took this moment to join the masses, staring longingly at the form of her lover. A sigh ripped forth from her lungs and her eyes darted to the attentive rebels. "I'm curious, boys. Have you forgotten just why we held the position in the first place?" These words were like a shot fired directly in the lead rebel's face, and he growled, approaching the woman he planned to remove from the head of the pack. Like lightning, Anara snagged her underwear off of the cave floor and slung it over her finger like a slingshot, flinging it onto the face of the man-wolf. He recoiled in shock, confused as to why his vision had suddenly gone red. Before he even had a chance to rip the unmentionable from his face, he felt a sledgehammer-like impact in his gut. He fell over as he felt all of the wind rush out of his lungs, seeing stars as his head bounced off the hard packed cave floor beneath him.

The fight had begun.

As soon as she'd flung the lacy garment, Anara had broken forth like a runner at the sound of a gun, not bothering to throw on any clothes. If they were out for blood, she wouldn't get the chance anyway. Instead, she'd thrown herself bodily at the lead hound, the momentum of her impact taking him off his feet. As the tackled man's body impacted the ground, Anara had already slid up his body, locking her legs around his waist as she assumed a mount. Just as the man stopped seeing stars, he recognized a dark fist streaming towards his face. He had enough time to close his eyes and clench his jaw in preparation for the blow. The connection was solid, the woman's knuckles making brutal contact with the flat surface of the downed man's jawbone. He put his hands up in an effort to defend himself, not knowing that he'd made the exact move Anara had been hoping for. She unlinked her legs from under the man, lifting her right into a kneel as she brought her hands crashing down, one over the other, on the man's chest so that his right arm was up against her chest. Her body moved like liquid lightning as she swung her left leg around and over the fallen man's head, falling backward as she did so. As her body drifted to the ground, she crossed her ankles over the man's chest and let her hands slide up the man's arm until she had a hold of his wrist, which she then pulled fiercely into her bosom. At last, her back touched ground and she scooted forward to the point where her crotch was beneath the man's shoulder. Then, with the slightest of efforts, she arched her back. An audible snap, followed by a howl filled the room and Anara rolled away from the man, coming up in a low crouch at her lover's back. She bared her teeth menacingly and watched as the mob crowded in. "Shall we, dear?" She asked, amused as she bounded off towards her next target.

Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

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Faolan :⤥|⤣: HawkeUser Image

Faolan looked up half-heartedly as the door to his cage slid open. The broken boy barely lifted his head as the squad of guards entered his fortress of solitude. The once lively experiment had been reduced to a mere shell of a human. The constant beatings and berating of the guards had finally taken it's toll, and a few gray hairs had even sprung atop his head. A slight chuckle slipped out of one of the guards throats as he slipped his electric baton out of its holster at his hip. As the man approached, the crackling of the baton was audible, its machinations humming as he crept forward. He was there... Faolan thought fleetingly as the noted the blatant fear in the man's eyes. He was there when my wings first manifested-he's frightened of me. Shaking...I still have something. He thought, a smirk dancing onto his lips. He could've sprung then; assaulting the guard, and possibly fending a few of them off before they finally got him down-but there was no point. There would be no escape for him. Kokoro had used him, had let him slip into the lion's den, and had abandoned him to his fate. He had no more reason to fight. This was the last thought that graced his mind before the baton came down and he drifted violently back into slumber.

The boy awoke within a new cage, an electric hum coursing through the air around him. Slow and hesitant, the winged boy stood and took in his new surroundings-the interlaced bars on his cage, obviously overcharged with electricity. In the cage beside his was a creature who provoked the strangest combinations of feelings within him. The broken, human side of him easily picked up her attractive features and longed to be near her, while the eagle DNA screamed for him to fly out of her reach. While the battle raged within his mind, his external response was nothing but cocking his head sideways. His wings rustled as he fanned them out a single time, anxiously before sitting down. Then, her voice ripped through the darkness like church bells.


At this, Faolan realized she'd been staring at his wings and he sighed before turning around. Since he felt this natural avoidance to her, she must have been looking at him with predatory intent-assessing his ability to fly away from her should she strike. Maybe she has a human side to her to though...maybe she's conflicted, just like I am. He thought hopefully as he craned his head over his shoulder to look at her again. Then, like a weight strung around his ribcage, the hopelessness set in again, making him want to do nothing but lay down. Knowing that laying down would be a fruitless venture, as he'd been essentially sleeping non-stop over the past week, waking only when probed by doctors or guards, the boy instead curled his wings around his body and fanned them out in front of his face. Once they'd been spread to their full extent, he began to clean and straighten them with deft fingers, returning them to their original multi-colored hue. Despite how often he preened them, he had no idea if his wings even worked. In a blurring rush of motion, he pushed his span to it's absolute limit, yawning and stretching the rest of his body as he did. It felt like heaven to move his extra appendages, but he longed to work them the way they were meant to. A sudden urge overcame him, and he began a gentle flapping of his wings, just to try and get the motion down. The movement felt so natural that it scared him, and he folded them along his back, taking deep calming breaths before he lifted them again and continued softly beating them. Eventually, he could feel the air current flowing beneath the light appendages, and he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that they did work. A genuine smile lit his face for the first time since he could remember. He could fly.

Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

2,400 Points
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Raguel Wolfram

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[I keep tabs on those who keep tabs; I am he who watches the Watchmen.]

User ImageRaguel couldn't hold back a smile as she called him out on his terrible question-which was good if he wanted her to believe that he was really on her side; really her friend. On that note, why did he even bother making sure she thought he was on her side? It wasn't even his job to actually associate with the experiments outside of his therapy sessions, yet he visited Abby and Cinerus quite frequently. He actually laughed out loud at this point, a hearty chuckle that had nothing to do with what Abby was saying. The irony was so thick in the air that he could taste it-he, the licensed psychologist, felt that he needed a psychoanalysis at this point. What made those two so different from the others? As he silently continued to explore the depths of his mind, he found himself gently brought back to the present by a gentle caressing on his hand. He looked down to find that Abby's hair was the source of the pleasant feeling. He smiled softly and looked up to see a rather unhappy look on the snake woman's face as she sighed.

" Sorry, it likes to do as it pleases.“

At this Raguel held his smile inside, gently touching the follicles back as he pondered the potential of her hair truly having a mind of it's own. More likely, He thought as the hair slipped away from his fingers, it's an expression of her subconscious desires-her left brain obeying her instinctual desires despite any rational misgivings. He mused, looking up from his hands in time to see the scaled woman sitting up. Subconsciously, he started forward to help her lean up. He leaped forward as the sheet slipped off of the woman's scale chest, catching the thin fabric just when it fell below the curve of her breast. So erratic and sudden was his movement that he had to use his other hand on the rail to stop himself, coming to a stop inches away from the face of the snake woman. For a second, he could do nothing but stare into her serpentine eyes, mesmerized by their glow. He reacted only when a familiar voice loosed a raucous laugh. "Smooth, Doc. It almost looked like you meant to do it." Said Pandra, leaning up on her bed with her face propped up on her unbroken arm. Her left eyebrow was arched playfully and a bright grin was affixed on her face. "So...is someone gonna bring me some popcorn, or am I watching this show with an appetite?" The mongoose-woman asked, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. At this, Raguel's eyes darkened and he managed to pull himself out of the python's trance. "Ab, I should go. If any of the others find out I came to see you, my job could be in danger, so...keep it under wraps?" He asked, winking and holding his finger to his lips as he pulled the sheet back up and turned to leave the room. As he exited, he waved jovially to Pandra, the gesture dripping with barely hidden venom.

"Ugh." Pandra muttered as the doctor left and she rolled away from the woman who'd put her here. "That guy's such a p***k. Always trying to figure out whats wrong with people...he needs to take some time to figure out what's wrong with himself." She grumbled, yanking her own sheet higher onto her body.
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Cinerus - I pick myself up...

"Did you really go down there? Honestly, Cinerus- ..." A voice, soft and familiar, danced at the edges of Cinerus' enhanced hearing, the only one of his numerous senses doing it's job, seemingly. He fell. And all he could do, was fall, so he did. Cinerus just fell and fell, from light to black, and the blackness was where he stayed, falling further and further down into his pit of nothing. He couldn't even remember what had happened, something had hit him? In his chest, his arm? The lizard-man couldn't remember, it was beyond him, and all he could do was listen to the rolling blackness and fall within himself.

In an instant, there was feeling again. The loving, passionate embrace of warmth dancing over his front, skipping between his scales and filling the cracks therein, non-discriminatory and inclusive so all parts it met. Whatever it was, it felt grainy, specks raining down into Cinerus' mouth and sucking him dry of moisture. In the instants that passed by, it was apparent he was outside where the telltale signs of a breeze meandered across his back and a sun, an actual sun, hailed light and heat down onto him from the heavens above. 'Russ tried opening his eyes, the rest of his body limp aside from his heaving chest, lids rising slowly to allow the eyes below to adjust to the intense brightness. But it appeared they needed no such gingerly progress and worked as if the sky were awash with stars and the beauty of a crescent moon, unhindered by the suns presence. Tentatively picking himself up, spitting the grains from his mouth, sand began to cascade from his scales to mingle once again with their siblings below, and it was only then that he noticed that he stood in the center of a vast, incomprehensibly wide desert.

But he could feel it, even though he barely remembered the outside world and it's ways, that this was merely an illusion, a trick on his mind and body. "Hello?" He called out, hoping for a reply, nonetheless, calling to that same voice he had heard before, the voice that fell with him. "Hello? Is anybody ther-" Mid-sentence, the sound of an instrument playing rolled along the dunes, tingling his ears and causing him to relax himself, the sounds of a guitar playing it's sad melody, so far away yet close enough to hear every syllable of the ensuing lyrics.
"She washes all the young blood from her hands,
"In the sink, and she knows that the lights will be there for her.."

Cinerus could feel this as well, the music carried emotion, it met his ears and became a part of him too, and he could feel the emotion behind it, the distinctive feminine tones and warbles melding this epic together. Misery, longing, loneliness, disappointment, they were all there, and it made him forget all about his unfamiliar surroundings, all that mattered was to follow the sounds further to the source. Almost in a trance, the confounded man plodded on through the sand, mouth agape, clouds of it spewing up from the ground below and strode onwards towards the music, always catching further snippets of the song's entirety.
"She builds a shrine and a typing machine,
And she curls up to write down her tales from the black..."

"Mis... Where..? Where am I?" Cinerus asked, not sure who he was asking, but that didn't stop him, and it especially didn't stop him from following the music further through the wasteland, powering on through conditions that would have left him otherwise in a fatal condition far behind due to his being a wood salamander and vulnerable to dehydration. Thank f**k this was all some crazy dream or something. Every step the sounds grew louder, until it was clear that the musician was over the next verge, and the salamander's body acted violently, teeth thrashing. Throwing himself down the slope between the dunes and rocketing up the hill with inhuman stamina, where he clawed at the quarry and pulled himself up onto a sandy plateau. A lone figure ahead, back turned, not a guitar in sight playing the sounds that seemed to radiate from their being, but that didn't concern Cinerus, it was the shape, that perfect hourglass shape. The long, flowing chestnut hair that seemed to thunder like a waterfall over perfectly crafted shoulders. That athletic build, the stance, poised for springing to action, and the hint of scales darting underneath the cover of blinding light. The daze had been broken on sight, and Cinerus stood stalwart, mistrusting and on-edge, but at the same time, he couldn't help but adore the sight, to drink it in and to feel relief and anguish wash over him. Something inside clicking into place and unlocking another piece in turn..
"Turns off the TV and sits in the cold,
And she dreams that sometimes she's the prettiest one.."

On the last note the song ended with a sigh, and the most beautifully deceased face turned to meet Russ' gaze, matching his grimace with a smile and a relaxed demeanor, complimenting Cinerus' eyes welling up with tears. "It's good to see you again, Casta."

... Because I can't stand to feel this floor a second longer.Waters
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ʆυєяcαs cσℓє

                  ╔════════════════════════════════════ ♈

                  ʆυєяcαs near sneered at the young investor. “ we would not waste lives of the worthy to become vermin” he told him easy “ you may have the means to waste time but we do not. We mean to isolate the genes not use the qualities of the vile and contaminate the human gene pool” he told him. “ as for your pet project we have larger things to handle then your need to have a toy Mr. Bradshaw” he told him not flinching as he threw a file on the floor the papers flew all over the place.

                  “ We here at Genome are a place of Science not a whore house you can simply have your choice from “ he told him “ we also make no means to interrupt our current fields of study to indulge you” he said simply ” you want a pet take your pick we have many women up for grabs but a warning.” He told him simply ” none of them are simple creatures each hold deadly natures that are animalistic” he told the man before him “ and none of them will give mercy if you dare to cross over the lines that the animal in them draws” he told him simply.

                  “ if you hold interest in the other women give your request to Jessica and she will see you the dossiers of the healthier women “ he told him ” If any spark your interest simply give her the information and she will arrange a meeting” he told him secretly he hoped one of the women would give a good bite into the Bradshaw man. He was better dead and silent then alive and meddlesome.

                  ♈ ════════════════════════════════════╝

Vermin ready your selves
Your purposeless lives have now found meaning
Come play in my games
And we will find who is strongest
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                                        Sofie’s bright blue eyes shot up to the noise of feathers. The majestic array on the creations on his back were more than just interesting… They were things that people heard stories about… Lots of people outside the walls of genome may call him like an angel. Or angel like… but in this world… this world there was no god… no angel… no real mercy if there had been this place… This place in her eyes could never exist. But… but it did. And here she was. A former sliver of what she used to be… “ Their beautiful.“She told him softly. “ If… if I could fly… I would fly far from here… Far away from this hell in the ground of earth.“

                                        She winced as James picked out each shard of glass. Her black tail flicking back and forth as her black ears stayed down whimpering softly as he removed each piece from her skin. But as he spoke his name her ears perked up. “ James“ she repeated his name softly “ It is“ she told him softly turning her head to look at him. His features were interesting and his injection made sense to her. They were both of the feline. Members of the great cat family so to speak…. She watched him silently at him still holding the fabric over her chest. “ Would…. Would you mind licking the cuts?“ she asked as flushed. “ I know we just met… but since your like me the saliva you have may disinfect the cuts. “ she explained as she held her chest. “ I mean.. you don’t have to I don’t want to impose or anything like that.“ She told him as her hair fell before her face hiding a bit of her strange blue eyes her hands moved to pull back her top.

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There lives a beast inside me
She comes out when heat and beats
drum through my soul
And nothing can stop her

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                                              xxxxxxxxxxxxx єsтєℓℓє
                                              The Wolf

                                              Now Estelle was all for a show but now Anara was not playing fair at all. Rather than pull clothes on her darker skinned lover was running about without a shred of clothing on. In all honesty she was not paying attention to a fight but the sweet swell of her lovers back side and chest. The way her thighs moved when she kicked or jumped. Those same thighs that had been so very enticing only hours ago…. She was broken out of the spell when her lover spoke… pausing she made up her mind her hand shot to Anara and grabbed her hands on her chest mouth on hers pressing her to the wall. “ You don’t play fair.” she told her in a lust filled growl her legs pushed apart Anaras.

                                              “ Of all things you decide to do Anara really. You run around stark naked and don’t expect me to get hot and bothered to the point I don’t give s**t bout pack because I just want this body under mine.” she told her as the other dogs growled as Estelle’s hands moved up and down Anara’s skin publically. “ I mean just look at you Anara you’re a pants stainer and you say I’m a tease.” she told her turning to look at the males as they growled at her and her actions. “ Seriously. Shut. The. Hell. Up” she told them but they didn’t stop .

                                              Estelle growled “ asss holesssss” she whined and sighed looking at them “ okay. You you you and you. In that order ill beat your asses then get my grub on with sexy there. ” she told them as she lifted her fists. In seconds she was on them hand’s gripped the face of the first male one on his head the other on his chin. It took moments for her to break the jaw crushing the structure of the skull as her claws plunged into the eyes as he screamed for a moment and fell silent. Estelle simply let his body fall onto the floor. “ Ew my nails are dirty now.” she huffed with a pout then rolled her neck slowly looking to the mutt on her left. “ I did say it was him next right sexy ?”

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You can't keep a wild Dog caged Forever
                                                                Don't pray so easy. God doesn't Come for the inhuman or the weak. Only we can gain our Freedom. Only we can declare War. No Mercy to our Captors. Let them Suffer as we have

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                                                  𝕬𝖇𝖇𝖞 𝕺'𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖗xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                                  xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx x"The Burmese Python "

                                                  Abby blinked staring at the doctor. He was close… very very close. His features more clear this close… places she could kill him more visible. She could use her hair… break his neck a few times just to have a little giggle but the urge too wasn’t there. The doctor was not as special as say Cinerus but he wasn’t worthless like the rest of the Genomers…. She glanced at the mongoose as she made a snippy comment. " You know your better seen then heard.“ she told her and looked to the doctor and nodded " What visit?“ she asked him and lay back into the bedding when he was gone wincing a little her leg hurt like a wild fire but it was healing and healing fast hopefully she would be back on it in no time and she would be all the better for it….

                                                  She looked at the mongoose who seemed to be holding a conversation with someone. Abby looked around surely she wasn’t talking to her. Hours ago they had been all to willing to kill each other in the sakes of their own freedom and survival. Hell they were more than just willing… " Do you normally talk to yourself?“ she asked her as. Her hair twisted her scales shifting as she moved adjusting itself to better suit her and the way she sat at the moment " This needs to heal. Cinerus and the others must be worried.“ she frowned as her hair still danced in the air silently taking in all the methods for escape or a path way out of this hellhole.

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

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Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

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[ZeroFourFour]User Image

Pandra rolled over to look at the python as she grumbled and complained about her leg. "I'm going to explain something to you, and I'm hoping you understand it the first time I say it. You're officially a source of revenue for Genome. The way we fought out there...they'll be trying to get you back into the arena as soon as possible. The best way for your leg to heal is to let the doctors do their work." She said, sighing. It was something she'd learned at a very young age.

Until she'd sprouted her defect, she'd received the best medical care in the world, even when she was injured due to breaking the rules. When she fought with guards and got hurt, she was rushed to the infirmary wing, often while the guard simply laid in the room and bled to death. They could hire another guard-she, however, was irreplaceable. She sighed again, thinking about the fact that there was someone out there waiting for this snake woman's return. A sad smirk lit her face and she rolled away from her would-be killer so as not to be seen. She'd been alone since she came to this god awful place. As soon as the experiments had started, she'd been isolated, and kept that way for as long as she'd been worked on. Sure, she hadn't been in the basement with the washouts and treated like garbage, but she'd always been alone. She had been surrounded by people who couldn't possibly understand her all of the time-especially Doctor Wolfram. He thought he knew so much about her, which made her just want to punch him in the face whenever he gave her his crafted apologetic looks. She could tell he was fake, because she was fake. All of their sessions involved lying through their teeth to each other; a liar can spot a liar easily enough.

"Look, python-I have nothing against you. I fought out there because I would've died other wise, and I'm not the type to take death on laying down. I just can't afford to die yet-there's something I still have to do. In the good news, they aren't going to pit the two of us against each other for a while yet, so I have no reason not to be civil-now I can ignore your awful stench." She joked, pulling the blanket up higher, up to her ears.

"If you really wanna get better soon, I suggest you sleep often, eat when they bring food to you, and don't move your leg around too much. Wait for the bone to heal itself. With the calcium supplements they're going to be bringing you, it shouldn't take too long. Sleep lightly, though-it wouldn't be the first time a female experiment had advantage taken of her while she was hospitalized. I'll keep a lookout for you as best I can, but I need my sleep too-you did a number on my fist out there, and I still haven't cycled all of your venom out of my body yet. That's some pretty potent s**t, by the way-I've had less trouble dealing with cobras." She said with a smile, her back still turned. "Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Scream if anyone tries anything, and I'll be up in a heartbeat. Night, Smelly. Oh, and by the way, even though I'm sure you don't care," she said, sitting up to smile at the other occupant in the room.

"My name's Pandra."

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