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Fashionable Prophet

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Solara The Tigress

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Cameras where apart of life that one assimilate into their everyday existent in order to remain sane... Solara raked her claws on the bark of the cedar tree acknowledging her companions it was so extraordinary to speak face to face with someone not petitioning answers. Be it how there bloodwork looked to any changes in vision or their mental health endless examinations just companionship. The muggy air was soothing even though she was panting softly the dim lighting through the trees was calming soon Lara pillow her head on her arms with a yawn. A lazy golden eye study the red hand print left by Luercas brushing golden strands away from the mark, it no longer burn but it lingered like she had really been burned...

Things happened so fast from Abby snapping to a new comer then the guards with their shockers she roared in pain her collar glowed dropping the heavy muscled tiger with a thud. Dazed and confused the team dragged her off with no dignity leading her a holding room just dropping her on the floor. She whined when they left her on the floor in the bright white walled room alone. Standing muscles ached her vision swam she was so hungry it was going on two days of no food. Oddly though she was not restrained but when they door open she understood why the devil himself entered again. She felt her tail curl around her leg ears dropped eyes fell. She did not know how much more abuse she could take today nearly three shocks plus Luercas burning her every nerve was frazzled...

Ear flicker up when he mumbled catching the end part of her name. Her Nana had picked it coming from a time before the flash when the light was a friend to every breathing thing. The old gray hair woman would whisper in the still of the night when the cries of the city where hushed that one day the earth would repair herself. One day the people would lift their face welcoming sun... Solara believed her and to this day trusted her Nana words even if she doubted she would ever see the outside again...

He walked to her though she feared being attack she did not retreat gold cat eyes lifted to look at him. His question was not strange but his touch... fingers that had devastated her so easily where soft almost tender. He moved closer she could smell his skin perfectly even the scent of his shampoo which was very neutral. Sharp ears picking the rush of blood just under the skin reminding her how hungry she was. Horrified at her own thoughts she eased back "Please not so close I... I have not eaten." She admitted shame in her voice thinking on his question.

"Desmond... is a good man he is nice someone needs to protect him in the cages. I don't want to see him hurt that is all I 'hope to gain'." She said tossing his words back at him head tilted slightly her pink lips in the barest hint of a smile. "I care... because someone has to start giving a damn about another if the world is going to change. My Nana use to say the earth and the sun are not the only ones sick. Your very bless to have a brother like him Luercas he loves you." She said softly tail uncurled almost relaxed. "I would never use him in my favor he is a person not an object!" She said tone final firmly believing herself. Solara would not understand how her words clashed with his very view one the rest of the world or how she was more than just a rarity of the world but far more singular after all that had been done to her to see have her belief.

Romantic Shapeshifter

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Grim tensed up and softly growled as he saw the one leave. He wanted to leave and go help Sadie but the alpha lunged for him. He was torn between helping Sadie and killing the alpha. Fortunately he noticed Sadie turned into her lizard form and smiled. "Ok, time to kil...damn." He sighed as Mel began taking out the alpha.

"Well, looks like I get stuck with the rest of the pack." Sudden;y there was an ear splitting crack and he looked over seing Sadie crush the experiment trying to get to her before turning back into her girl form. "Great." Grim ran over to her and crouched near her his arms still massive spikes of combined spines. "Come near her and I'll turn you into hamburger."
The pack began circling around in a half moon, they couldn't get behind him because the tree blocked them. "What to do, what to do.....wait a minute." Grim face slackened into a look that was said "I am so stupid" He held his arms out and clenched small muscles in his arms sending spines flying out to the pack slicing into it.

It's not kind to fool Mother Nature
                                                                Don't pray so easy. God doesn't Come for the inhuman or the weak. Only we can gain our Freedom. Only we can declare War. No Mercy to our Captors. Let them Suffer as we have

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                                                  𝕬𝖇𝖇𝖞 𝕺'𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖗xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                                  xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx x"The Burmese Python "

                                                  Abby ducked out of the way as soon as the woman threw her punch. As she spun around her hair moved to strike only to be yanked into stopping when of all things the woman was grabbing onto her hair. Abby was wide eyed when she held her hair and suddenly felt the follicles suddenly get ripped out of her skull. Abby screamed like the woman was killing her the blood from her head dripped as her hair wiggled for moments in the mongoose’s grip trying to slip away but soon became limp as abby inhaled sharply from the blow to her ribs the air knocked ot of her she curled over groaning in pain looking up to see her lift her leg to strike again Abby moved ignoring the burning pain in her middle. She watched as the woman cried to get closer pushing back on her hands her foot came upwards flying and hitting her in the face pushing her back giving Abby a moment to compose herself from the pain. She pressed a hand to her head and rubbed the burning sensation still there quickly kicking up once more when she saw the woman come at her again. Her eyes were wide when the woman caught her leg in her hands.

                                                  It happened to fast. One second there was just the thud of her heart beat the world seemed to move slowly when she watched the woman lift her leg up then it all came crashing down on her leg. Abby screamed. The scream that she had only used when they had tortured her as a little girl. The scream they had earned when they put a child on their table opening her and stabling her insides with the serums to alter her and create her into what she was now… Her pain kept her mind from receding to the memories of that damnable table. She felt the woman release her leg crying out in pain head bleeding for a second she almost didn’t raise her hands to defend herself from the woman as she watched her pounce down to her… That was till she saw the look on her smug little face… that look and sown she made thinking she had won this fight. But Abby’s black pupils became almost unidentifiable slits in the bright golden eyes. " You wont win till I’m not breathing b***h!!!“ Abby screamed as her remaining hair shot up and surrounded the remaining arm yanking her down as she unhinged her jaws. For a moment Abby almost regretted biting that man from before and wasting the venom…. Almost but watching a genomer suffer was well worth it.… Her fangs when fully released were past her lower lip stopping mid-way on her chin.

                                                  She pulled the woman down and bit into the arm deeply using the exposed vein in the skin pumping as much of the vemon as she could. Her body may fight off the venom but it would take time for her to come back from the amount that Abby intended to inject into her. As she pulled the woman in closer her arms wrapped around her hands locking in a vice grip as her hair lifted to yank pandra’s head in a direction. Bloody fangs pulled out of the vein of the woman’s arms ignoring the kicking as best she could. She winced but met the eyes of the mongoose as her hair released her arm to concentrate on holding the woman tight enough to have their bodies pressed close to each other when nature demanded that she get as far away from this creature as best she could something in her mind screamed the words Snake Killer!!! She hesitated for a second staring up at her… She didn’t want to kill another experiment. God only knew how much of the same treatment they both had suffered in this hell hole… but at the same time Abby knew it was either her or this woman… And she had to many plans to die here and now… She had too many dreams of the outside world to die in this place as a game piece… She snuck down her fangs into the woman’s jugular vein. Her red living hair and arms holding tight to her eyes closed as she pumped every single drop of the venom in her veins into her.

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

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ʆυєяcαs cσℓє

                  ╔════════════════════════════════════ ♈

                  ʆυєяcαs stared into the experiments eyes pausing when she said she had not eaten. ” All the better.” He mumbled as he leaned a bit closer. “ Let us see if you can control yourself or not….” He told her as he watched her listening to her words about his foolish younger twin. He almost laughed when she said the words ” he loves you” “ Foolish.” He told her and stepped back slowly turning away. “ Love is nothing but a theory one makes to excuse ones actions against another’s.” he told her as he brushed back his long hair from his face. “ I need no excuse to my actions. If I act then It will be cause to something or a feeling not an excused theory that has no truth behind it.”

                  Luercas silently pulled up a chair and turned it sitting in it before her. “ you claim he is not an object… but that is not truly true. Technically you are understanding that by brother is at free will and liberty. But I hate to burst your bubble. Desmond will be working his whole life for the free pass that genome gives him… he should be on the cutters table and as you can plainly see he is not. There are reasons and causes and I alone am the cause… I am the alone reason that fool isn’t or like you all ver- Experiments. ” He corrected himself. He paused why had he just done that? He never cared how the experiments thought of him he sometimes rather they fear him… but this woman was so odd… she seemed to truly care about his fool of a brother…

                  ” Explain to my your reasoning.“ He told her. ” Your logic confuses me.“ he admitted as he watched her silently.” All you felines are odd creatures playing with words and games.“ he told her ” Now what are you planning?“

                  ♈ ════════════════════════════════════╝

Vermin ready your selves
Your purposeless lives have now found meaning
Come play in my games
And we will find who is strongest

Fashionable Prophet

6,550 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Full closet 200
Solara The Tigress

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She growled a little shifting her weight not pleased he was 'testing' her control. "Of corse I can control myself." She snapped grumpy from the lack of food he smell too good surely it was becuase she was hungry not becuase of the masculin scent of him... Her head tilted to the side when he dubbed her foolish only to smile a little ears pricked upward "Possibly." Solara admitted to that she might be foolish watching him step away. "Love isn't a excuse a reason maybe but not an excuse." It was all she said not aurging or defending her beliefe like most would getting angry at the disagreement...

She watched him gather a chair her tail flicked side to side disliking the news Desmond was just as trapped it didn't seem as fair her mind keyed in on his word e was the reason his brother was not like them... "I wonder how you bleed for the 'cutter's table'..." She mummer concern colored her tone golden eyes lingered on his face hisatating on his features before looking away tugging on her short shorts wishing they where longer his gaze was so through it seem to burn.
"My logic? Your the confusing one... a hour ago I was nursing my arm because it feels like you burned my very blood." She whispered reaching up touching the still slightly red mark where he had grabbed her before. She walked not a singel sound was made as her padded feet touched the ground. She looked back at him it was strang to be able to move so freely as she had been allowed lately.

"I am not playing... or planning anything. I know what most refuse to believe this is going to be the place where I die." She said voice went very soft eyes flickered away. "There is no place out side this hell which would accpet how I am. Even if this is my fate... to look like this.. this muilated monster so be it. Donest make me a monster." Solara tail was limp ears turned back but not flat she didn't feel completely bad for this world was one type of a hell or another. "I don't know what you wish to hear Luercas I only wanted him to be safe. He was nice to me there no other reason." She mummer softly finding his sliver eyes unflinching "I am sorry if I confuse you."

Romantic Shapeshifter

5,100 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
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[Sometimes Doing the Right Thing, Aint Doing the Right Thing...]
Eli slowly made his way through the forest that Luercas had made in the arena. His movements were slow and deliberate trying not to make so much noise that he would alert any experiments of his presence. But he knew it was no use even just the sound of his clothing or even his hands moving along a surface could have alerted some of the experiments in the arena. "This is not good at all, I have no means of defending myself against any of these creatures with what I have on me." Eli took hold of a nearby branch of hardwood that was as straight as he could tell and pulled on it until it snapped off at a length of about 5 feet. Then he pulled one of his ceramic knives out and cut his white tshirt into strips then lashed the knife to the end of his makeshift spear and sighed. He knew even with his skin tight kevlar shirt with armor plates he was still vulnerable.

Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

2,400 Points
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[ZeroFourFour]User Image

As her fist came crashing down in the blow that might finally end the bloodsport, Pandra had to watch as, once again, the agile python eluded her. Before she could react, she felt the familiar grip of the woman's crimson hair twirl around her good arm, holding it in place. The pale skin around the woman's jaw seemed to stretch as she forced it open to an inhuman width, her lips pulled back to expose two wildly long fangs. The bite? Again? Don't you learn? She thought smugly before she thought about how long it had taken her to recover from the first, short bite of the match. Her content look of victory was again replaced with wild fear as she began racking her brain for a way to respond. In the time it took her opponent's fangs to slip into the fold of her elbow like twin hypodermic needles, the young mongoose-woman ran through dozens of possible efforts, all of them failing-leaving her with nothing but a last ditch effort that probably wouldn't work-but it was all she had left.

Even as she felt the poison begin filling her bloodstream, she scrambled to get to her feet. In response to her sudden movement, the python released her hold on Pandra's arm, moving to instead loop around her body. Despite this, she continued to stand, grabbing on to the back of the woman's shirt as a brace. Her vision began to cloud over, her sight going hazy as the venom began taking effect, yet she continued her ascension until she at last found her feet. The toxin was in full swing now, and it was all Pandra could do to maintain her wobbly stance as her assailant tilted her head to the side, exposing her jugular. Like a whisper in the back of her mind, her instincts told her that her only moment was now. Mustering up a final reserve of strength, the mongoose-woman lifted the woman as high as she could with her single good arm and rolled forward, throwing her arm down as she did so; a last-ditch body slam. As the two combatants hung in the air, Pandra felt a slight pinch in her neck that meant the fangs had pierced her jugular vein. The black curtain that had threatened her vision finally collapsed and she lost her sight as the venom took an express route to her heart. In mid-air, she fell unconscious completely, her body needing time to reboot from the sheer amount of poison her special antibodies were trying to fight off. Despite her unconscious state, however, her forward momentum carried the two enemies into the concrete floor, Pandra landing on top. The force of the impact was great enough that it forced the python woman's head back in a whiplash effect, causing a sudden startling impact with the cold, hard surface below.

For what felt like an eternity, not a sound was heard throughout the arena. Fans, announcers and referees alike found themselves unable to describe what they had just seen. Finally, two of the arena officials raced onto the floor to give the final verdict.
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Cinerus - What can you hope to achieve...

When had they been taken? Abbey and Solara, when were they snatched by the G'nomers? An hour, a day, a month? Time refused to function normally in the salamanders brain, he had lost all meaning of the concept and only kept his eyes on his instincts, all that really mattered. They've been taken, so I'll find them and bring them back. The thought coursed through his brain, his veins, his very soul and Cinerus couldn't stop his body from acting on this idea, this impulse, even if he would have wanted to.

Soon, the trees began to thin out, more light pierced the canopy and suddenly there stood the gate to the next arena, two unimaginably heavy columns of steel either side of the entrance which each covered two halves of a door, locking in the middle with various sliding plates of steel each the size of Cinerus. While walking into the biome earlier with the girls they had passed through this passing. and this door when sheathed in the wall looked to be roughly two meters thick, an impossible barrier for any experiment. As Cinerus broke the tree cover his strides lost their purpose, he slowed to a canter and then halted on the last branch of a tree barely strong enough to bear his weight. The gate was shut, an impassable sheer face with no discernible passageway through, and all of a sudden logic rushed back into Cinerus' mind.

The power of the instinct to find his friends withered and Cinerus couldn't help but feel crushed under his failure, and all he could think of galloped through his mind like a berserk horse. When did they close this gate? Are they still alive? Why did they take me? What can I do? Why am I alone..? A wave of depression swept over the lizard and he slumped into a crouch, barely balancing on the branch which seemed to strain harder to maintain the weight as the seconds went by. "What do I do?" He questioned, almost hoping for a response. Then it clicked, like a lock on an a door popping open, and Cinerus suddenly had it. At this, he quickly lept down from the branch underneath his feet, narrowly avoiding the other branches on his way down to the Earth below and landed with a dull thud on the grassy soil with his legs bent to absorb the shock. Seconds later he sprang to full height and dashed toward the nearest access hatch for Genome Employees, with brainwave flowing and a fire of determination lit in his eyes.

... when you have everything to lose? Waters
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                                        “My name…. my name is Sofie…..” The dark haired young woman whispered to the men that stood before her. Her blue eyes stared up at the figures as one older man grinned lifting a needle slowly and bringing it to her elbow. Sofie’s eyes grew wide as she began to struggle on the cutting table as the men began to laugh at her reaction. She was thin. Barely any meat on her bones body underdeveloped and malnourished from the state of the world it only made sense she had been caught so easy… Her voice rang out as the needle hit her skin and the serum hit her veins. The old Sofie from the past from that moment died…. And a new one was born.

                                        She woke to the same dream… rather nightmare that always haunted her….the one that changed her from the weak thing that was… to the creature that she is now… no longer starving she was well fed in her eyes. Living…. Relativity clean for once in her life and… inhumane… No longer did she have pale soft round ears that sat on each side of her head that were damaged from the constant infections from the world around her but with a pair of black feline like ears that could pick up on some of the farthest sounds she had ever known. Black tail moved from side to side as her jet black hair flowed to dance along her face.…. But now another moved towards what was not meant for him. Her bright eyes narrowed on him silently as she hid in the shadows silently watching the salamander…. “ another day another surprise” she whispered then turned so her back pressed against the bar. She had chosen not to get to close to the others… the idea seemed like a bad one… to make friends now would only mean to end them later… there was no other way around it… in this world that was the name of the game… Hunter vs. Prey….. and she had killed outside this place in the world outside so outlive those who had hunted her like a sport… and she would do it again… she looked to her hand silently claws on her fingers as her tail moved back and forth. But this time…. She would be the hunter and not the prey…

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There lives a beast inside me
She comes out when heat and beats
drum through my soul
And nothing can stop her

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ʆυєяcαs cσℓє

                  ╔════════════════════════════════════ ♈

                  ʆυєяcαs watched her silently. Puzzles were his thing… but her speech about how she was not a monster and his brother not a fool began to bore him. And he was not one who enjoyed the boring for long. Slowly rose and dusted his clothes off. “ how I bleed you ask?” he laughed “ I give them my mind that could be oh so better used taking over what is left of this place. Not that there is much but with the funds I end with this game of mine there will be no doubt that I will have the money needed to make what I want with this wasteland we now call earth. “ he told her and pulled his long hair from his face and eyes so they would no longer irate him in that fashion that he oh so detested. “ Apologies mean nothing to me” he told her as he made his way to the door “ as for your blood boiling.. consider it a talent of mine”

                  He told her with a dark laugh on his lips.” A talent that has allowed me to make sure all of you vermin that your place is far below mine” he told her and turned to the door “ release her back into the holdings “ he told the guards and turned to look at her a finger reached out and lifted her chin with his finger ” we shall see how long you last in the games my dear” he told her as he sent a surge of fire though her veins burning her from the insides before pulling away and turning with a dark smile towards the door “ who knows… maybe your going to make a rather entertaining show after all” he laughed and turned away leaving her to her agony with a smile dancing on his face. Things were just to fun with so many pieces on the chess board.

                  ♈ ════════════════════════════════════╝

Vermin ready your selves
Your purposeless lives have now found meaning
Come play in my games
And we will find who is strongest

Fashionable Prophet

6,550 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Full closet 200
I am by definition
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Box office lavished for him... Julius Bradshaw was blessed with he gift of riches the of the highest value in this miserable s**t hole. He lifted his smoke to his part lips slowly drawing in a breath of poison nicotine. In his other hand a glass of half finished brandy he watched the spectacle below in a mundane fashion... He was the back bone of investors forty percent own and bought but as a rule one never put all their chickens in one basket.

For the most part he had been a very silent partner his partying and work had kept him rather busy. His computer programming ran the protective grid one four larger subliving area without his programing the monstrous wasteland creatures could attack but the hyper link defensive system kept them out... He sighed as the fight finished with very little satisfaction, meanwhile the crowd finally broke into an enthusiastic roar of approval. Julius reached for the phone "Even yes... where the hell is Luercas? We had an appointment." He paused and sneered "No Even I am not ******** pleased with the fight I do not give a s**t about pitting nearly mindless animals on the other! Now you send your man to my box in the next ten goddamn minutes or I will lose my temper!" He clicked the button ending the call without a further word. Snuffing his smoke out he smirked lifting his glass to his lips.

The eye candy he had invited where playing in the hot tub wearing bits of string and scraps of fabric in hopes he would keep them around. There where little more than whores. Giving up everything in hopes of security they had no substance they where only there until he grew bored which happen all to easily or his black temper shone through and the wound up broken... Little more than cheap toys.

Lacking in conscience and empathy,
Taking what I want and do as I please,
Violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse...
Got a promble with it?

Fashionable Prophet

6,550 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Full closet 200
Solara The Tigress

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Puzzles where games she was something far more complicated than what she was... his finger slid under her chine she should have been more weary but he had touched her before tenderly. She did not scream the heat painful though her lips twisted back. Pushed too far hunger, pain her pupils dilated wide for a split second and narrowed into extremely thin slits. "b*****d" Solara voice was much huskier her fangs exposed her hands lashed out nicking his shoulder tearing through his top and skin like butter. She opened her mouth as if to scream but an echoing roar burst from her vocal cords her claws extended his laughter was drown out in the hall but her voice.

The guards shouted moving him out of the way it was there job to keeo the vermin under control. Failure and there hides would be the one burning. The men trying to get her restraints in place she twisted her head in an inhuman fashion mouth latching to the soft part of the worker throat she jerked her heavy dense body backwards forcing her weight onto a single male nearly five hundred pounds of dead weight smashed into the human knocking him to the ground. A bone crack at he awkward fall "MUZZLE MUZZLE HER!"

They boomed the wild big cat scrambled for the door which had been bolted by the guard who push her target out of the way. She roared and again slamming into heavy framed door annoying pin pricks stung at her back. Tranquilizers the woman landed in a crouch shaking her head with a growl the sound weak though. Her limbs felt heavy numbed she was barely away when they muzzled the checked her vitals nodding to the other locking her wrist to her collar behind her back three of them stood her up calling for medic's one man laid dead two other had a deep laceration on there body her pupils once more normal she shuffled forward in a half sleep without further instances...

They nearly had her to the holding area when what sound like a scrambling of clicks the workers turn eyes wide guns lifted "We have a breech! CODE RED LOCK DOWN!" The worker scream a mostly dazed Solara lifted her head deep red veins under her skin still throbbed "Cin?" She mumbled against the gag struggling to remain up right the hissing pop of the dart guns chimed in her ears she looked around not sure what was happening.

Tipsy Genius


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                                              Needles. Sharp needles digging into her face, forcing their way under her skin. She was paralyzed, unable to protect herself or run away. And then out of nowhere, two red eyes in the darkness. Get up.

                                              Sadie woke up with a gasp from her nightmare, her eyes shooting open. The first thing that she noticed was how sore she was. Everything hurt. Everything was dark. At first she thought that she had gone blind, and then she realized that there was something lying across her eyes. The broken tree branch was lying partially over her, with one of its smaller branches spread over her face. She pushed the branch aside and climbed unsteadily to her feet, momentarily dazed.

                                              The spined man said something about killing the creatures if they came near her. His voice sounded distorted to Sadie, as if she was hearing it under water. She looked around, and saw the women engaged in a fight with the alpha nearby.The rest of the pack looked anxiously at their leader but did not step in to help him. It went against their instincts to interfere in a battle between the alpha and the one challenging his leadership. With a jolt of realization, Sadie remembered where she was and what was happening. Her eyes narrowed into slits as the spined man began his attack.

                                              "Kill them. Kill them!" she screamed as Grim's spines sliced into the pack. Several of the creatures yelped in pain, some of them retreating but most holding their ground. Sadie stayed close behind Grim, using his spines as a barrier between herself and the pack of monsters. She could hardly keep still, so moved by anger and lust for blood. "Kill all of them, or they'll kill us first! All of them need to die..." she hissed.

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[ Varanus Komodensis ]
                                                                Don't pray so easy. God doesn't Come for the inhuman or the weak. Only we can gain our Freedom. Only we can declare War. No Mercy to our Captors. Let them Suffer as we have

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                                                  𝕬𝖇𝖇𝖞 𝕺'𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖗xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
                                                  xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx x"The Burmese Python "

                                                  Abby held tight she couldn’t afford to let go now not at this stage if she didn’t want to die she had to fight till the bitter end no matter what happened. She felt the air rush around her as the woman somehow lifted them both. Abby in all reason should have released her. Thrown her aside and attempted to catch herself from too hard of a crash before she was hurt more then she could take, but she didn’t she just pushed more poison in. it was better to know she was down and for the count … Her fangs were still deeply inserted when she landed on the hard floor hard enough for the word to go black…..

                                                  She woke up some hours later… Her leg wrapped as well as her head cuts and bruises looked at she was strapped down to a bed with chains holding each limb. She blinked slowly focus returning to her eyes slowly as the dull noise of a screen playing. Abby’s golden eyes watched the screen silently as the images changed of the pair fighting and attacking… like animals… like the experiments weren’t human but some freak that had found its way to the big time… She watched as the pair of them lay on the ground two judges ran forward to declare the fight over it had been a draw. Each woman would move on to the next stage of the fights. Abby hissed softly her eyes moved slowly hair seemed to scan the area with her stopping when she came to see who lay in the bed next to her not to far away but the mongoose woman…

                                                  The sense of humor to these people less then pleased her….. but what could she do? Fight and get shocked to be burned on the inside and end up in a larger bind then she had already gotten herself in? she was vemon less it would take time for her body to produce any more to the point that she would be deadly. The complication of this situation was wearing on her. But…. She made a mental note to talk with this young woman when she woke up. She wasn’t sure if she would be met with hostility or welcomed… she sighed and lay back on the bedding which for once was actually comfortable…she didn’t remember when was the last time she had gotten a pillow or even a bed like this.

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

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Echo Phyber's Husband

Married Werewolf

2,400 Points
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Anara Priyanka _ ҉ _ Feral Femme Fatale

User ImageAnara played the part of the attentive mate-well, as far as their "guest"'s eyes could see at least. Her eyes remained locked on the woman, never wavering for a second as she sent a greedy hand crawling stealthily along the backside of the first person she could ever remember truly loving. She cupped Estelle's hindquarters, tugged on her belt loops and yanked gently at the hem of her shirt-essentially anything to remind the blond woman of her mounting desire. Finally, as if she could take it no longer, Estelle began dragging the hyena back towards the back of the cave, making quiet demands. "Oh please, you won't rip them-that would leave me completely exposed to the rest of the pack. You don't want them getting to see the body you've claimed as your own, do you?" Anara muttered breathlessly as she backpedaled to keep up with her clearly impatient lover. Just as they reached the back of the cave, Anara whirled and placed a hand on her lover's chest and pushed her backward into a smooth stone outcropping. "You made me wait-did you think you'd go unpunished for that? Plus, spending so much time with another female...I feel I should remind you just why you keep me around." Anara said with a smirk before giving her partner's neck a light nibble and trailing kisses down her torso. "Now, I'd ask you to take your clothes off...but I have a lot more fun watching you squirm-" She trailed off, going quiet to take the button of her blond beloved's jeans in between her teeth. With a gentle, practiced jerk of her head, the button came loose and Anara used her tongue to search for the zipper, clasping the metal tab in the clamps of her maw. "-when I do it." The sound of the zipper coming lose was accompanied by the sound of cloth on skin. "Sure is humid in this cave." Anara muttered behind a smirk before she placed a creamy thigh on her shoulder.

Hours later, the artificial "sun" had set, and the two lovers now lay on the floor of the cave. "That'll teach you to deprive me." Anara said in between gasps of breath, nuzzling her nose into the gleaming neck of her partner. Clothes were skewed about the rocky sanctum, a clear sign of their feral desires surpassing their abilities for patience. Anara loosed a yawn and laid her arm over her counterpart, pulling her own dark body into the lighter one beside her. Outside, the baying of the pack at the fake moon that lazily made it's way through a carefully calculated arc. "Do you think we'll really ever make it out of here, Estelle?" She asked softly, not opening her eyes as she did so. "And if we do..." She hesitated, not wanting to ask the question that had plagued her mind far too often recently, lest it upset the most important thing in the world to her.

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