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white guiIt

omfg i didn't even catch that LMAOOO all good!! ♡ ty~


if ur interested in my art style(s) I would love to do an art trade!!! if not pls lmk bc im still interested in getting some art done by u!!
heres some samples!

ooh i'd be happy to do an art trade for fuschia if you want!! redface your cheebs are so cute,,
would the face paint be required?

oh 100%!! i'm shocked you agreed to a trade, your art is gorgeous LOL. but thank you!
which character would you like me to draw? if i may also pitch the idea, i could draw your otp for art of fuchsia and lime hanging out (non-romantically, they're just friends). totally get if you'd rather keep it to single charcters tho.

and the face paint is preferred but not required. if u wanna doodle her just chillin' that's fine, she doesn't have the paint on 24/7 lol

Siyaahi's Prince

Biggest Trash


Theres nothing to apologise for ?!!?!?!?! omg holds u.. u r safe here my child.. redface
LMAO omg yeah ref sheets are just too many braincells for me to ever comprehend sob. i think when it comes to my own its like idk theres TOO MANY options and i just cant....
LOL that is so cute omg ; - ;
AUD really needs to go back to 2012 because it used to be 1:1 with USD... too bad i was too young then to really have any buying power LOL
give us an amazing 2 months to make up for the mess that 2020 was please please please
(highfives sadly as an old person)
YES! Window shopping is so cathartic.... like can i afford it..? no.. but it makes me happy looking at it LOL
and ofc i yeet mself out when i see the prices in the cart haha
fjsldfksf THEYRE SOOO PRETTY ??? you should totaly give it a go if you ever feel like your controller is old enough to be worth the risk of accidentally destroying it LOL
omg.. would u really.. yue gives u his attention in exchange for the simping.. redface
DUDE YEAH its basically a power fantasy;;; not actually sexualisation majority of the time ;c
They just dont know how good they have it and are blind and try to fend off valid criticism bc they are being fed so well LOL


Empty Rice Bowl

aa will pass on AT sorry ;_; but am open to giving a slot if you'd like!!


omg ur too kind gonk thank u to you too! anyone here is good, rn i'd rather just keep it to solo if that's ok TwT but ty for offering!! ♡

also roger that!! tyyy~


joweyoumylife.png LOLLL
fdsgd YES i think it's just Difficult that way ;_; but maybe one day will get over it ?? maybe ?? it's so sad to think abt commissioning a ref sheet for my own oc, as an artist omg...like i should be able to and yET.......
dang it's insane that it was on par only 8 yrs ago...!? like that's a scary amount of inflation omg;; i mean..i guess gaia is worse but yannooo
god i can only hope ;_; i'm scared to see if it gets worse somehow LMAO;;
it's ok at least being an old person isn't all that bad...!?! i do not miss waking up at 7am for school omfg
omg yesss same..i bookmark so many things while window shopping and then just close the browser l o l it's very nice!! biggus moodus.....it's always sad seeing the price jump w/ shipping :<
fsgds god i just bought a pro controller for like $50 off ebay omG am not willing to destroy it but..maybe in like 5 years LOLLL
that would be my dream life * _ * would absolutely sub to yue's twitch redface
it really is >< i feel like it's not that hard to grasp ?? but men also just seem to be borked when it comes to that kinda stuff...like i saw a tweet of a tinder screenshot and it's this dude who matched with a girl and was like whinging about being 5'8" and women laughing at him and the girl is just like uhhHH i wanted to go on a date but nvm dslkjfdsdf it's just like br U h how do u whiff that bad?!?!? men be wilding..they rly are fed too well t b h
like i remember when free! came out and men lost their minds over anime being ruined or something lol it's just...big baby hours
omGMGDLK LUCKY!!!!!!!!!! i rolled and got beidou which is like i mean FINE okay but like...why emo i rly love how he plays,, am jelly but!! congrats!!!!!!!! emotion_bigheart zhongli is the True Boss LOL

Cosmic Guardian

Your examples are so nice emotion_kirakira

Would you be interested in a thigh up of any of my boys for 1T?

Siyaahi's Prince

Biggest Trash


LMAO yes ur life is mine now(?) :^)
YEAH one day when our brains... are less dumb... maybe.... LOL
bro aint that the artist life though.... should draw it ourselves and we're like oh but unless... we commission someone else..? redface
'only' 8 years ago... my brain cant process this flsdkfsdfg TIME IS A JOKE
oh god i cant even remember how i woke up at 6am for school?? now i SLEEP at 6am LOL
dude yes especially if its stuff i dont need like cute stationery and stickers i just like looking around and then clicking close because no i do not need 500 pens that have cute designs on it HAHA
woa.... 50 dollars isnt bad for a pro controller!! i think i had to shell out like 90?? and gritted my teeth sadly at prices....
shipping is like satan's pet i s2g its so evil and expensive crying
yue would recognise ur name and thank u for ur wuv emotion_kirakira
men do sometimes just have a really borked grasp on reality though esp if they've just never experienced the other pov?? its like uhhh how about critical thinking... thats sthing ur brain can do right.. LMAO
dude lucky for the girl she dodged a BULLET.....
i too want to be fed well.. ngl i guess we're getting fed better these days tho ;v;
p.s i'd still die for makoto from free he was so handsome and kind and just eugh so sweet crying
BEIDOU IS SEXYYY SHES HOT omg i cant use her so my beidou is at lvl 1 but playing her trial was super fun???? like big pirate lady kicks sword in sexy manner and i fall in wuv.....
dude my gems are PRAYING for zhongli... i had to like sit down and tell myself i wouldnt pull anymore on childe even if i want his first constellation bc zhongli takes priority...

Anime_Ryu1's Significant Otter

Tiny Cub

are you still taking commissions? if so I would like to get a thighup


aaa sorry for the lateness, i've been swamped with rlc TT

Starlight Princess Lucky

oh gosh ty!! emotion_bigheart i'm gonna pass but the req thread is formatted so nicely whoa emotion_kirakira


k-kyaa redface LOL
will such a day ever come tbh........ rofl
haha just kidding...unless... redface ikr tho god..it hurts but i guess at least!! we spread the love...:'3
it rly is i hate!!!! Q_Q make time stoppp
omfg don't call me out like this....i slept at like 4am last night bc it was super duper windy and the sound was spooky crying only my body got big, i still babby reeee
omg YESSS i do that too!! i always try to justify it as like, a 'treat' or something pfff but i end up with like a bin of pens i'll never get thru unless i like, write a thesis in ink lmfao,,,,,,,
lord ;_; i'm so sorry..aud is hell.....i got mine used off ebay so it was slightly cheaper than retail (i think it retails for 60usd new?)!! also oof ye..i'm lucky shipping for mine was either like, $3 or free...will never take for granted cheap shipping again emo
!!!!! i am truly blessed emotion_yatta emotion_bigheart
omg ur so sharp LMFAOOO but i agree it's like..ur a whole grown man u can do it!! use ur brain! crying
she rly did,, dating online seems so difficult like idk how u weed out the weirdos
i agree!! there seems to be more stuff aimed at women which is nice QwQ tho the comments are always full of guys memeing on it bc god forbid women like Things
fdsfdsg like it's so dumb!!! the animation was gorgeous and the charas were great, there was def a tiny bit of fanservice but it was like, 1/10 of what most anime does nowadays with female charas > sad will never get over tbqh. the salt was so unreal LOL (also makoto is such a good boy aa i feel u...they're all so good!! tbh i loved haru the most i think, lil emo baby LOLLL)
oo i'll have to play her then!! i was so gutted about not pulling childe omg...big pirate lady sounds so nice tbh crying grabby hands..must get her from expedition...
i believe in u!!!!! it's so hard to juggle the desire but ye i feel that, would rather zhongli than an ascension tbh,,


i am!! ^q^ what would you like?

Anime_Ryu1's Significant Otter

Tiny Cub

aaa sorry for the lateness, i've been swamped with rlc TT

Starlight Princess Lucky

oh gosh ty!! emotion_bigheart i'm gonna pass but the req thread is formatted so nicely whoa emotion_kirakira


k-kyaa redface LOL
will such a day ever come tbh........ rofl
haha just kidding...unless... redface ikr tho god..it hurts but i guess at least!! we spread the love...:'3
it rly is i hate!!!! Q_Q make time stoppp
omfg don't call me out like this....i slept at like 4am last night bc it was super duper windy and the sound was spooky crying only my body got big, i still babby reeee
omg YESSS i do that too!! i always try to justify it as like, a 'treat' or something pfff but i end up with like a bin of pens i'll never get thru unless i like, write a thesis in ink lmfao,,,,,,,
lord ;_; i'm so sorry..aud is hell.....i got mine used off ebay so it was slightly cheaper than retail (i think it retails for 60usd new?)!! also oof ye..i'm lucky shipping for mine was either like, $3 or free...will never take for granted cheap shipping again emo
!!!!! i am truly blessed emotion_yatta emotion_bigheart
omg ur so sharp LMFAOOO but i agree it's like..ur a whole grown man u can do it!! use ur brain! crying
she rly did,, dating online seems so difficult like idk how u weed out the weirdos
i agree!! there seems to be more stuff aimed at women which is nice QwQ tho the comments are always full of guys memeing on it bc god forbid women like Things
fdsfdsg like it's so dumb!!! the animation was gorgeous and the charas were great, there was def a tiny bit of fanservice but it was like, 1/10 of what most anime does nowadays with female charas > sad will never get over tbqh. the salt was so unreal LOL (also makoto is such a good boy aa i feel u...they're all so good!! tbh i loved haru the most i think, lil emo baby LOLLL)
oo i'll have to play her then!! i was so gutted about not pulling childe omg...big pirate lady sounds so nice tbh crying grabby hands..must get her from expedition...
i believe in u!!!!! it's so hard to juggle the desire but ye i feel that, would rather zhongli than an ascension tbh,,


i am!! ^q^ what would you like?

that would be 650,000,000,000 in gold right? I would like it of my avatar here who is a femboy

Siyaahi's Prince

Biggest Trash


wink wonks harder redface ; ))))
dude idk... but.. we have some years ahead of us.. r-right... LMAO
middle of november and the stores are like WHATS UP HERE ARE SOME CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND LIGHTS AND DECORATIONS.. i hate it LOL crying
i feel like those grumpy old men who are like (shakes their walking stick) and is like get off my lawn... @ the festivities... im too old for this ok..
fjsldkfjsdf spooky wind is VALID.. ill defend u from those evil demons outside..!?!?!
i get the same way with thunder like eugh its so LOUD
dude yeah esp with everything going digital i think its more likely that my fancy pens will run dry from old age??? and pens can add up in price esp if its fancy....
godbless ebay LOL
i love window shopping there too but occasionally they spam me with emails like 'are u still interested' and im like.. if i had the money id have bought it ok shoo (deletes emails)
bro online dating feels like a special kind of hell LMAO u never know how weird ppl are....
but i guess thats with regular dating too?? IDK???
yeah its why im so like super obnoxious with my loves like YEAH I WILL LIKE MY HANDSOME WELL BUILT 2D BISHONEN WHO ARE HIMBOS AND UR GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT SOZ NOT SOZ..... . . . .
makoto is such a good boy;;;;;; haru was so good too i remember i shipped them very very hard in highschool LOL

Inquisitive Traveler

I was wonderin if you might like to art trade a li xue for a yagi (or if you find literally any other character that catches your eye in my horde)

emotion_ghost me refs are here emotion_ghost

my list is a bit full so there's no rush or anything also ^^ but i love your draws!



here you go~

User Image



aa gonna pass but ty for the interest heart


4laugh so bold!11!1!!
dsgds we do..i think...LOL scared of what they'll bring but yeeeeet
ok tbh i like..luv the xmas aesthetic a lot...but i get wym it comes so fast omg!! it was spooky season like only a bit ago... rofl
it's ok ur very valid :'3 i think it can get overwhelming esp if u work retail or something aah
uve saved my life.......ty... crying it was p bad apparently tho, took power down in some areas...!?!? wind pls chill omg
oof fr :^( like it feels bad...but tbh digital art is so much more convenient that i guess it is just how it be. pens make pretty deco at least..!?!?
ebay is LIT i also have been using fb marketplace more and there's sometimes dece stuff! but unfortunately there's also ppl who are like 'ya i found this rock on the ground that'll be $500 OBO' like uh no dude
u have my condolences ;_; i've had ppl be weird to me online even if i'm not looking for a partner so i guess..online just be That Way??? like why tho omg. i had someone ask me on like 3 diff social media platforms if i'd sell them my socks dsglkjgdsjlkdgsakj hate it here
ur extremely valid and i support you 10000% !!!!!! i don't even like love husbandos that much usually (usually...sideeyes) and it still gives me life to see ppl unapologetically love their husbandos despite incels ree-ing that women get thingz
omg yknow mood tbh...the haru/rin/makoto love triangle is strong tho ahaha i feel bad i missed out, i got into free like literally years late omfg rip..
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's ok u know at least u got it!!!! jelly tbh ;_; but also very happy for u!! hopefully will be ok when his banner comes awawa


oo!!! i have to admit i kinda hate drawing ffxiv charas dsgds would calypso or senkashi lolo be okay? (also rly nice comm page emotion_kirakira !!)

Inquisitive Traveler


oo!!! i have to admit i kinda hate drawing ffxiv charas dsgds would calypso or senkashi lolo be okay? (also rly nice comm page emotion_kirakira !!)
LOL no prob! He started as a tiefling, no hard feelings tho (i do xiv commissions and I GET TIRED OF EM REAL FAST LOL) and THANK YOU... I TRIED ;v;

but half the fun of the trade is drawing what you like so YEAH??? IF YOU WANNA DRAW SOMEONE ELSE I'M IN I'M IN

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