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Dapper Ladykiller

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Aurelia swung her legs, pen poised above the crossword as she stuck her tongue between her teeth with the effort of thought. Empty cups littered the floor in front of her, clustering like a small galaxy around her head as she sprawled out on her stomach on the Tavern floor. She tilted her head pensively, a half eaten muffin at her side like so much cosmic debris. She hummed happily as she tapped the pen against her chin, eyes still fixed on the offending space. She reached out with her free hand, making two attempts before finally grasping the most recent cup. She raised it to her lips before sighing as she found it empty. She rested the pen on the page before rising onto her knees and then to her feet. She grabbed the three cups, the glass held in one hand, the handles of the mug and the tea cup swinging from her fingers, as she walked behind the bar. She pushed her way into the kitchen with her hip, humming idly as she washed up. She dried them carefully, returning the glass to it's home behind the bar before walking back into the kitchen and flicking the kettle on. She wrapped her arms around herself as she waited, tapping her foot rythymically as she smoothed a wrinkle out of her dress. She smiled as the kettle clicked off, placing a teabag into her cup before adding hot water and milk. She carried the saucer carefully back through the door to the bar, placing it down on the counter. She stirred two sugars into it before frowning. She padded over to the jukebox, carefully carrying the saucer in one hand, before scrolling through the music for some time before a Song began to play. She hummed along to the tune as she walked back to her crossword, carefully folding herself back into a cross legged position.


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Invisible Hunter

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The Forbidden One
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He'd woken to a pounding headache. The sun blared down and red eyes squinted against it, brow drawn into a furrow. Hiei sat up, gave a mighty yawn, and smacked his lips. Tasted like chocolate booze. Stretching, nose twitched as something strange rose to his senses. Some sort of... stink. Blink. Why were his clothes wet? The hell-- ohgod. "You've got to be joking," he muttered, plucking one of the sleeping clones from his lap. The thing was soaked. So were the others, each squashed up against him and stinking of urine.

"..." Great. Just great. Stupid things, pissing on him as he slept. He stood, grabbed the unconscious creatures by their miniature cloaks, and shuffled toward the lake, snagging a few of the vines from Kurama's nest cage on the way. Just in time the clones began to wake and Hiei settled on the bank, pinning them with his legs as he stripped them and tied a vine to the upper torso of each. Satisfied, he peeled his own disgusting clothes off, leaving the discarded pile of black and white to trudge into the water.

Five distraught looking youkai-plant-infant things tugged along, each bobbed atop the water via use of the vines. The ends were tied to a tree branch hanging over the bank, and the larger of the cluster wandered a yard or so away in order to wash his own a**. Couldn't believe the damn things peed on him. He cussed and muttered as he scrubbed the first layer of skin off, five sets of stupidly large eyes observing as they floated about in their own cluster.

Kurama would pay dearly.

((ooc: sorry for disappearing earlier, needed a nap >< ))

Aged Shapeshifter

K υ ʀ α ɱ α
      "Regret is a different beast when you live for centuries."
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      It was the stench that woke him.

      "Ugh," eyes cracked open and he gagged, stomach churned. What was that awful-- ohgod. "They actually-- hngg," nope, don't talk. You'll vomit. Kurama's sense of smell was one of his most potent, which in this case, availed him only an upset stomach and the ability to detect what the little demon clones had eaten last night. One of them must have lapped up the rest of the booze, because one of the puddles was particularly rancid.

      He tried not to look at all the little spirit surprises they'd left behind. Or smeared down his leg.

      That's it, enough time in these clothes! Or what remained of them. Kurama stumbled to his feet, unable to peel his pants off quick enough. There. Mad dash for the lake, jumped in, sending waves coursing over the pod of tethered eyes and mouths bobbing above the surface.

      The fox spent as long as possible underwater in a doomed attempt to prolong the inevitable. Swam around a bit, then returned to the shallows where Hiei was frantically scrubbing off layers of skin. "Good idea," muttered the fox, drawing up wetly beside him. Then, after a moment of staring at the gremlin bobbers:

      "I'll be sure to train that out of them today."

Invisible Hunter

5,850 Points
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The Forbidden One
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As expected. Reds lifted as a scowl shot to Kurama. "This is your fault. Why couldn't you make them older?" Eyes narrowed and he continued to scrub. "..." Sidestepped a bit, making more space. Once satisfied there was absolutely no urine left, a glance was cast at the bobber-youkai. Head cocked. Technically the moving water should handle them. He really didn't want to have to wash the things. Not that he would. Probably force Kurama to do it.

But still, this pissing on people thing needed to be ended. "If they're anything like I was as an infant, you only need to explain and show them the technique." Tan butt reflected sunlight as he moved up toward the bank, eyeing his ruined clothing. Hell if he'd even go near that filthy pile. Couldn't very well go walking around naked with five miniature and likewise naked versions of yourself waddling behind, though. This, too, must be Kurama's fault.

Red glare fixed on the fox. "Repair this situation."

Aged Shapeshifter

K υ ʀ α ɱ α
      "Regret is a different beast when you live for centuries."
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      Tan butts shining in the sunlight. Quite a sight to see them all lined up. "I didn't expect their fruit to drop before it had fully ripened. It must have had something to do with the heat of the fire applied, or perhaps the duration--" he prattled off into experimental nonsense nobody was listening to, anyhow. He looked up, guiltily hopeful. "If you wish, I can replant the seeds within them and try a different method of bringing the tree to bear fruit." Please, let me get rid of these. Or at least bring them back with trained bowels.

      This was, as yesterday had been, a particularly sadistic brand of torture.

      Repair the situation.

      Sigh. "Yes," he gathered the bobber-youkai by the vine tether and dragged them to the edge of the bank, where each was held just long enough to run a cursory check-scrub over their little bodies. He ignored their resemblance to Hiei entirely, even the bat of too-long lashes wet with lakewater as they bared their little teeth.

      Now then. Technique. It was a good thing he hadn't relieved himself yet. Kurama straightened, still holding the vine tether. "Now," he faced one of the bushes lining the edge of the bank, manhood in hand as though about to relieve himself. Green caught each red gaze intently, making sure his students were paying attention. "This is how you relieve yourself. Never under any circumstances do so on others or yourselves. Always find a secluded spot, like this one, in order to maintain privacy." He didn't expect them to understand the first time around, or even the second. But Hiei was a remarkable creature, without precedent in their world. Perhaps these clones had inherited that.

      Anyhow. Demonstration time. Once finished, he surveyed the brood once more, helping a few with poor aim and others who seemed not to have gone at all.

      All the while ignoring their pointed resemblance to their master, grit teeth and all.

Invisible Hunter

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The Forbidden One
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And then Kurama was touching himself while clone children watched. Palm pressed to face, bridge of nose pinched. Damn idiot. "You don't have to show them so clearly. Just explain it." What, did he think they were idiots? Clearly if they were, then they were no clones of his.

He settled against a tree with arms crossed, eyes shifting to watch the surrounding area. They needed clothes, and now. He wasn't exactly interested in anyone seeing his man parts, let alone those of his miniatures. Especially given certain resemblances. "Perhaps if we rent a room here, we can keep them locked up better during their training." Eyes fell to the clones and he watched as they attempted to do their business. One seemed intent on aiming for Kurama's foot.

Hiei smirked. Just a little.

So did the clones.

Aged Shapeshifter

K υ ʀ α ɱ α
      "Regret is a different beast when you live for centuries."
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      You know, some creatures eat their young. Once again, Kurama lamented the atrocity that he was not among those privileged few.

      Something warm spread over his foot half-submerged in the water. "..." Green narrowed down at the creature. One, two, three. There. Calm. "Also, aim is important. You want to point it where you won't accidentally hit others, especially since we will be moving in a group." Most of the time. God have mercy not all of the time. "When you need to expel your bowels, be sure to dig a bit of a hole first, aim for it, then cover it up with dirt. This is the most sanitary method when outdoors, as well as the safest, since it discourages your scent from attracting predators." Can't have the little monsters get themselves eaten.

      Even if they all smirked in unison like they could take on a bear butt-naked and bare handed.

      A brow rose at Hiei propped against the tree like that, hand on his hip, vine tether gripped tight in the other. "We should locate clothing before attempting to rent a room here, I imagine," again with that dry note, countless opportunities carelessly tossed to the wind. Glanced back down at the clones, dislodging the teeth of one from the hair of another with a curt nudge of his foot. "Don't do that." Back to Hiei, brows threatened to knit. "Also, leather or cord of some kind that will withstand your flames would be much appreciated. I can't control them with plant matter they will only burn through."

      Not to give them any ideas. Though one of them was already attempting it, steam rising from the vine wrapped around its torso.

      It was going to be one of those days, wasn't it?

Desirable Businesswoman

[[Okay. Sorry if this is a wet towel over a party...but I read nudity (When Kurama was teaching the others) which shouldn't happen in a gaia thread even if it's not in a sexual manner. I'll let it slide this time but next time the posts will be deleted and you'll get a warning.]]

Dapper Ladykiller

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Aurelia had stuck her tongue out, arms stretched above her head with the crossword clutched in both hands. She narrowed her eyes at as she tapped a foot against the ground to the Song that was playing. She had rolled onto her back in her pursuit of the right answer, bright green eyes fixed frustratedly on the offending space. She hummed happily to the tune in spite of her vexation, turning her head so that her eyes found the tea cup beside her. She rose like a vampire from a crypt in a bad movie, except for the cross word clutched to her chest. She shuffled backwards once she was settled cross legged on the floor boards, one hand reaching out for the tea cup.


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(( You guys ninja'd me while I was cooking >_< ))

Invisible Hunter

5,850 Points
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(( ooc: we're just trying to be realistic. >.> it's not against TOS at all, and especially since we're being very vague about things. i guess we can move on to another thread if you wish. sorry about that. ))

Desirable Businesswoman

[[I'm not saying you have to move to another thread. I'm not against realism at all but there are some things that could just be skipped. I'm only asking that next time you skip, vague details or not. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything I'm simply asking nicely.]]

Aged Shapeshifter

(( I'm afraid skipping would skip the entire scene and thus, the whole point of the humor. I'm sorry the realism seems to be a problem. We'll go elsewhere.

Thanks. ))

Desirable Businesswoman

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ocation: Tavern
ood: Doin' alright
ealth: 100%


Xenthara was at Crowley's finishing up her tasks to keep the house tidy and the hounds fed. Today she was wearing one of her usual dresses. She hummed lightly as her red hair was pinned back with her crystal flower hair pin. Her red locks bouncing about as her long black fluffy tail wagging behind her. When everything was done she washed her hands and dried them off before grabbing her things and heading out the front door.

She walked though the underground forest enjoying the warm weather. She looked up at the trees noticing the new leaves that were beginning to bud. "Ahh Spring is almost here." She said happily. She headed towards the Tavern and when she got there stepped inside. "Coffee time~"


utfit: outfit
ccessories:bracelet, necklace, special crystal flower clip, ring
heme song: N/A

[[Very well then.]]

Dapper Ladykiller

11,250 Points
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Aurelia looked up as the door opened, beaming as she saw Xen. She raised the hand not holding the cross word in a stationary wave, tapping the edge of her foot against the floor rythymically as Xen headed for the coffee pot. She rolled onto her feet, padding over to the bar after the red head. She smiled happily as she slid onto a stool, watching the demon behind the bar. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" She swung her legs as she sat there, before remembering her tea and slipping off the stool to retrieve it. She padded back over to the bar, tea now in hand, sliding the saucer onto the counter before hopping back onto her stool.


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Desirable Businesswoman

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ocation: Tavern
ood: Doin' alright
ealth: 100%


Xenthara smiled at Aurelia as her hand rose and flicked the button for the coffee pot. The fresh brew wafting out. The red head nearly purring at that scent. "I know...I've been busy with a few things in hell. I need to make more time for small talk right?" She said with a smile before she headed into the kitchen and soon came back out with a tray of bagels, butter, jam and cream cheese. She set it down before she began to cut open a bagel.

"How are you? Still getting into trouble Darlin'?" She asked before she placed the cutting knife down and picked up the butter knife. She began to butter her bagel before her tail grabbed her usual coffee mug. She placed it down on the bar before placing her bagel down on a plate. She then picked up her coffee pot and poured the black liquid into the mug. She then added Irish cream and sugar.


utfit: outfit
ccessories:bracelet, necklace, special crystal flower clip, ring
heme song: N/A

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