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Dapper Codger

Thanos looked back ad Ka'da, knowing instinctively where he was was and he was forced to hide a damning smile. He forgot, some times, how young his little student was, but that was easily understandable after watching her rip some one’s throat out with her teeth. “Well, I have never broken my pelvic or any thing. But, if you start throwing around super natural strength . . .” He said, letting the truth hang in the air with a gentle shrug and playfully ruffling her already tangled hair. He carefully pulled his fingers from her hair, making a face of mild displeasure. “I think you need a bath, dear. You are getting a rats nest there.”

After he finished embarrassing his protégé, Thanos turned his attention to the two ladies. To be truthful, he was more than a little amused by their frank openness. It was a stark contrast to his own origins, were it was difficult to get more than two words of useful information out of any one. “Don’t worry about being frank. She needs more experience in these areas if just the image of something as humorous as that sends her sputtering.”

stillnohero's Husband

Toothsome Reveler

Ka'da Shield
I'll try to spare you the pain of my jaws...


Ka'da looked between Thanos and the women behind the bar, gold eyes narrowing as she tried to decide if they were just having a joke at her expense or if pelvis-breaking-sex was really a thing.
She was young, but she wasnt ignorant. She knew about sex - far better than someone her age should know - but she had never heard of that.
You cant really blame her for sputtering. It was a horrifying possibility.

She turned that narrowed gaze on Thanos, frowning a bit as he ruffled her hair and snapping playfully at him with dangerously sharp teeth.
"My hair looks fine." she told him stubbornly, even though they both knew he was right. A bath was definitely in order, for both of them. Didnt mean she was going to make the process any easier.
"She needs more experience in these areas if..."
Ka'da blinked, and her eyes narrowed again.
"I do not!" she balked, little ego bruised. Spine went straighter and her jaw tilted at a haughty angle, betraying the curve of her neck in a taught line as she sniffed. "I'm plenty experienced."
Which was a lie.
The girl grumbled and muttered under her breath and busied herself with taking a long swig from her glass, face pink as she pointedly ignored her mentor.
Inexperienced indeed.


...But it's just in my nature to rip and to shred

Location: At the bar
Status: belligerent

Desirable Businesswoman

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Location: Tavern
Mood: pretty chipper
Health: perfect


Xenthara's cat ears twitched rapidly. "That's actually my point. The pelvis is strong but it depends on the creature and how much it can take. Demon's tend to have strength far beyond what many actually picture. Noken's body seems to be most similar to a human's so I'm guessing the anonomy is rather similar so-" She was whacked again by Morhana causing her to let out a whine.She rubbed her head a bit tugging her ears.

"I think that's enough of this conversation." She sighed before chuckling listening to the girl and her teacher.

"Oh please help yourselves to rooms upstairs. We dont actually charge here. Never have even before I became owner. The keys are on the pillows." Xenthara said happily before both her and Morhana froze. Their eyes both turned to black orbs as they sighed. Soon they're eyes switched back to their normal colors. "Pardon us but an issue in Hell needs to be looked into. I had fun talking to you both! I hope to see you soon!" Morhana already gone by the time Xenthara turned and walked though a rip in time and space that snapped shut behind her.


Outfit: outfit
Accessories:bracelet, necklace, special crystal flower clip, ring
Theme song: N/A

[[Sorry to seem to cut this short but it's after five and I'm dead on my keyboard. Have a good night/ Morning!]]

Dapper Codger

Thanos was more or less pleased when the topic of rooms came up, even more so when the word free was said. It wasn’t that the pair is broke or any thing, but it would take some time before he could get some cash to pay for a room. This way, they got a room in an obviously supernatural environment where their odd quirks would go unnoticed and Thanos didn’t have to hunt down one of his safe houses to get some cash. “Pleasure meeting you both.” He said to the pair, just a moment before they stepped out. “Okay, Ka’da, lets go.” He told her, his voice weary after their evening and glad for a bed to spend the night in. Although, the large queen sized bed in the hotel they should have been staying at would be hard to beat.

Thanos rose from the bar stool, making his slow way to the stairs and open rooms. He passed a few open rooms, randomly selecting an unoccupied one and entering. After a moments thought, he stopped and looked behind him, none to surprised to see Ka’da close behind him. He knew she wouldn’t be too keen on spending a night alone in a new place; he believe her to be far too much of an affectionate person for that. “Close the door when you come in.” He said to her, before making a beeline to the bed and collapsing on to it. Like a true solider, he was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

stillnohero's Husband

Toothsome Reveler

Ka'da Shield
I'll try to spare you the pain of my jaws...


Kai managed to wave her goodbyes to the two girls through the faint veil of befuddlement that still clung to her - part of her brain was now entirely devoted to visions of humping till something broke - and took another long swig of her rum, emptying the glass out as she sensed that their time downstairs was now done.
Sure enough, Thanos stood a moment later, and she followed after him obediently, trailing at his heels as they searched the long hallway upstairs for a room.
For a moment, she shifted her weight awkwardly from foot to foot, sharp teeth capturing her bottom lip to chew on it absently, silently wondering if he was going to split them into two separate rooms, and secretly hoping that he wouldnt.
She wouldnt have said anything if he did - she was too old now, to need to room with him to feel safe at night - but the faint relief and pleasure that flickered over her face when he ushered her in was obvious, even if he wasnt awake for more than a few seconds after they aquired the room.
She shook her head at him and rolled her eyes as he collapsed in a heap, still fully dressed, atop the bed, his breath evening out into the deep, low growling pattern that wasnt quite a snore, but signified he was passed out regardless.

She took a bit longer to prepare for bed then her mentor, ducking into the shower before hand to wash off a layer of dust and dirt from the road, and comb through the tangles in her soft hair.
When she emerged, she was clean and fresh, smelling of impersonal hotel soap and the underlying scent of vanilla and cinnamon that was all her.
Wet hair, freshly combed, clung to the back of her neck and shoulders as she slipped out of the bathroom naked and dug around in their shared pack for a change of clothes.
One of Thanos' dress shirts was snagged and she slipped into it, carelessly buttoning maybe half the buttons before she gave up on the task.
Nimble fingers wove her wet hair into a lose braid to keep it relatively untangled through the night, as she stood at the edge of the bed and surveyed the situation at hand.

With a sigh and another roll of her eyes, the girl took a moment to unlace her mentors boots and tug them off of unresponsive feet, setting them at the edge of the bed for him to find in the morning. Her gun went under the pillow, her whip curled around the bedpost and finally - finally - she could crawl in beside him.
Young body curled up against his side back pressed to his chest as she tried to at least pretend she wasn't going to wind up using him as both pillow and blanket by morning.

Within a few moments, she was out as well.


...But it's just in my nature to rip and to shred

Location: bed
Status: comfy

Vampire Toy's Spouse

Partying Phantom

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[Tavern of the Night]
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Too long, Dante mused, too long has it been since he had decidedly lost himself under the weight of his turmoil, and longer still, since he’s risen from the chasms and crypts, risen above the quick sand as it collided down all around him from every which way until there was nothing left below the surface. Paranoia crept under his skin and taunted his every waking moment, and even in his dreams, he couldn’t be safe. But that was many moons ago, and since then, Dante had been vigorously restoring the kingdom of his youth. The queen, though painted with poison and deceit, had been most accommodating unto him and his children.

Sin had grown, far too quickly for his own joy, and had decidedly ventured off to roam the four corners of the earth until she found something, someone, to cure her restless nerves. Jean had been, difficult, but such could only be the case from the spawn of the ghouls of his past.

And now, Dante came unto the tavern much as he had the very first day he had ever arrived. The proverbial dark clouds overcast a wave of amber and gray, only, there was a bludgeoning difference to this madness that had gyrated around him. The stench of desperation akin to him was different now, evolved. Those eyes of putrid gold had long since lost their luster, and, having been isolated with the beings of his own kind…. He… changed.

Silent creeping steps no longer held the same bliss of ease, and where ever his eyes roamed, the ferocity of his twisted and decaying aura would follow. The stench of blood clung to him, fresh, as it dribbled down his chin and alit his eyes with raving death and mayhem. Quick, drastic steps invoked brash and caustic mannerisms; Dante had lost almost all sense of himself, and in his place, breathed a very new man fabricated by fingers of his very people. He followed the same over trodden path as those all those years ago, only this time, there was something darker beneath the surface, and when he pushed open the door with one guided and robust hand of callouses, it would be made clear. ”Hello?”

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Tavern of the Night

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Killi had just been following Dante since he found the entrence to the tavern, bored and annoyed that everyone chose to sleep the days away the pixie was waiting for a new target... Or an old one as it happened. Smirking she was silent and curious as always as she just ovbserved him from not so far away. Since the last time the pixie had woken up she had snapped. Her nightmares had plauged her for years and now she refused to sleep since her last wake up. Reverting back to her old destructive self she soon jumped on Dante's back with a wide smirk on her lips. Still dressed in a white dress splattered in dried blood and shoe less she had managed to snake a knife against his throat with the sharpened blade tightly held under his chin and against his juggular.

"Hello Dante," she teased with a playful giggle. "Did you miss me?" she asked as she pressed the blade tighter to his skin.

Vampire Toy's Spouse

Partying Phantom

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Part-time Bartender
[Tavern of the Night]
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Dante hadn’t seemed to notice the all too familiar pixie hovering overhead, and whether or not it was because he chose to ignore her, or tease her, would be left unsaid until she honed in on him. The vampire had grown since their last encounter, in more ways than one. His skin shone with fresh ivory hues, and every muscle had grown. Dante was tall, taller than he had ever been with wide overbearing shoulders, a thick, wide torso heavy with defined muscle slimming down around his waist creating an even larger appearance under his scarlet military uniform.

And then all at once, he froze, just before Killi had launched her attack onto his back. Over the years, his skin had thickened like a boiled leather hide, and would barely give way under gentle motions of a blade; it would take force, to cut past him.

But even so, he hadn’t moved an inch, save for the sly and endearing smirk that found its way to lips painted with blood. ”Does the moon miss the sun?” He countered, tensed under the blade but a smirk still brimming on his lips with pride and arrogance.

The last time he had seen her, he had avoided her like the plague.

But that was then. And this is now.

”Maybe, maybe not, but the moon would never be quite as bright without….

“How have you been Killicana?”
The low breathy greeting was haunted with a insatiable lull of tittillating requiem and hypnotic demure, the idea of which glided around Killi, enveloped her in the soothing allure of his voice.

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Torn between laughing and cringing away from the vampire Killi arched a brow as her smirk faultered slightly. Caught up in her own inner turmoil she just didn't want to be calm or have things slow down and the calmness of his voice was making her almost angry as she sighed frustrated. "Knives are no fun when they can hurt you, no fun at all." she all but pouted as she easily jumped off his back.

"And here I wanted to have some fun, Morhana is asleep or in hell or something, Xen is probably in hell as well and really not much fun to make a trip down there, they don't really like it when it's a fake suicide and they have to send you back." pouting she soon fluttered around the room waving her hands in flailing bordom. She needed to keep moving, keep doing something or she would fall back down again, or that's what her body told her.

"Also, have you ever heard of waashing up? I mean you really are a sloppy eater Dante." she taunted him as the knife in her hand dissapeared to waist where she still wore the belt he had given her for her knives. Sighing to herself she couldn't really think anything else to do, but one thing was on her list; she didn't want to really look at him. It was strange but she was starting to regret having targeted him again when he was almost as unstable as her, though she still had one thing up on him...

Vampire Toy's Spouse

Partying Phantom

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[Tavern of the Night]
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A brow had risen and plunged to heights until hidden under the black tresses of his hair, but even so, Dante hadn’t been able to pinpoint the obscure methods to her madness. She slithered away unexpectedly, much to his displeasure, and at once she had taken off with a flutter of golden wings. The sly and intoxicating smirk on his lips held arrogance in high esteem, and held himself in high esteem, and anything he’ll ever want. That was one thing he had learned, since his time away—self-satisfaction.

”Fun… Don’t you ever get tired of having fun?” He wondered pointedly, but as the smirk on his lips twisted into a corroding smile, it was clear that this time, he was the one having fun.

Dante followed her, silent and persistent, like the hauntings of a ghost or the ghoul in her shadow. Eyes of marvelous gold glistened from down below as he watched, eyed the toy of his heart with a predatory stare and lingering hunger. But at the mention of his overzealous feasts, it was Dante’s turn to laugh, and he did, quite darkly, and all the while, sliding a callous finger over the flesh of his lips and wiping away the blood that came. ”Since when has being neat and tidy ever been fun? Killicana, I thought I knew you better.” He remarked with an indignant tsk, tsk, tsk, while shaking his head.

”Oh, what’s wrong, Killi?” He recanted, the deep and sympathetic muse to his voice was riddled with deceit and prolonged torture, and it was clear, he was taunting her. ”I’m gone for over a year, and you won’t even stop and look at me… Or tell me how I’ve grown?”

”Do I scare you?” Clearly, this is not the man she left behind all those years ago.

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Still avoiding looking at the vampire Killi shrugged her tiny shoulders. Her broken mind was screaming at her that this was a horrible idea but finally she forced her gaze back at him and grinned coldly. "Now why would I be afraid of anything? I can't exactly die, loving is definetly out of the question..." she waved a passive hand at the words she spoke. "Though I do have to say you have grown quite well. The one thing that annoys me is that hair of yours, you know I hate it more and more when it keeps growing when your body is dead." she was trying to hurt him now as she spoke coldly and almost as if it was careless to her to see him.

Yes the pixie he knew was burried deep inside and the vampire she knew and cared for was definetly not standing in front of her now but still she had to make best and do what she knew best. Arching a brow she soon placed her ever active hands on her hips and started to flutter around him in a circle, keeping just out of his reach though she knew if he wanted to he could move quicker than her. A small yawn escaped her lips before she could stop it and soon she turned away.

"Since you seem to know what fun is Dante, why not give me a lesson in your form of fun these days?" If he was going to out right taunt her with his voice and calmness she was going to find some use of it to keep entertained, and awake.

Moving behind the bar she let her bright red eyes find the coffee pot and she giggled like a child as she started to make the coffee for herself. "Or dose sir stonehenge even know how to have fun anymore?" she teased.

Vampire Toy's Spouse

Partying Phantom

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[Tavern of the Night]
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”This sir might be able to teach you more than you think,” Dante snapped back with toying nature, following her every motion with small, short steps so that he never left his back to her. Eyes of golden chaos resided on her, even as she pointedly rejected to face him and what he had become with little thanks to her. As he saw her, he no longer saw the pixie that had enthralled his every thought and raptured his every breath; instead, he saw the iconic visage of... The one who got away.

He was on the hunt, if one could notice the shrink to his pupils or the curl to his lip, if one could see the way his tongue lavished around his fangs and flicked back and forth behind the bars of white teeth in a cavernous depth behind bloody lips. He was the man he was always meant to be, but had never dared. He was a hunter, now, a fighter. He resided in the depths of rot and rust where the rest of them lie, and he had grown, just like them. A regal air gyrated around him, one that beseeched power and commanding desire; a plight held within.

”I thought you knew everything about having fun,” Dante dared as he meandered closer, so silent, he was gliding on air as he crept up behind her with building trepidation. The hot steam of his breath trickled down her neck before he ever even got close, but to her, it would seem as though he was right there. And within the next second, he was.

Large, robust hands forced down upon her waist, iron nails curling into her skin for reinforcement as he dared one step closer until the depth of his muscles became pressed against her back, and then his lips became lost in scarlet tresses as he inched closer, and closer, his hot breath tickling her neck until fleshy lips grazed against her ear. ”If… that’s what you wish…”

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Killi would normally have some sort of whitey come back under normal circumstances but in avoiding looking at him she had missed quite a few opportunities for her usual flight and retreat to taunt from safety. Instead she had walked into something more commanding and in control. Two things the pixie hated to loose in any situation, though the lack of both was slightly exciting in a way. As unexpected it was to have Dante's breath down her neck and the usual shiver of both fear and curiosity run down her spine she was left mute and stunned for far to long. Just standing strangely still she couldn't really move with him suddenly behind her.

Having him pressed that close and moving closer she was almost afraid the man was going to try to claw his way into her skin like his nails did to her hips. Small beads of her own blood added to her splattered dress where his hands were and she actually leaned back just barely and blinked both in confusion and curiosity. She didn't recognize who this Dante was but was still trying to keep the delusion of the newly turned vampire she used to taunt with her blood and sneak glances at yet would always stay just out of his reach, how had he turned to this being?

Finally able to speak again the pixie continued to stare at the coffee pot as if she had never seen it before, trying to remember where exactly she was and push the thoughts of what could happen with him being that close away. "You have definetly changed, I wonder if this sort of confusion is what I threw on you when I had you cornered in a tree on the day I met you?" she asked curiously as she leaned her head back a bare fraction of an millimeter. Killi just smirked as she recalled a lot of differences in the then and now and soon was struggling with herself in her head. Everything was screaming different things at her and she swore the world was spinning almost out of control. Colors were blending together as she was just lost for the briefest of moments. She couldn't turn her face to him as she closed her eyes and just laughed.

The sound of her laughter and the traces of his voice rang loudest in her head. Though her laughter was darker and soon her hands were itching for that knife again. She was definitly terrified now and could feel the jump in her pulse that she knew he could almost hear. Simply put she was trapped there with him against her back and she had no where to run to this time, something the pixie took a little personaly.

"Teach away Dante, but you know I will just run away again." she chuckled darkly, yes she would more than likely run away and was more than curious to see who would follow her. Dante had always been on the hunt for her, but she doubted he could decifer just why he was hunting or wanting her still.

"Think you can keep up?" she breathed in a bare whisper.

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Location: Tavern
Mood: doesnt even know anymore
Health: perfect


Xenthara walked out of a portal into the Tavern's main room. She rubbed the back of her neck with a light sigh. The work in hell done with and she had just split up with Morhana so they could try to find some form of peace. She paused though looking towards Killi and Dante. She was silent shaking her head as her lips curved into a frown for a bit before she shook her head and walked out the front door. She felt no need to stay since she had this gut feeling she wouldn't be wanted or needed and it would be best to make herself scarce. She had nothing to say anyway, to either of them. Perhaps the woman was just to spent from life.

She walked though the forest as she remained silent. She would soon gown bored of walking and simply slip though another portal before she would reappear walking down the hall of Crowley's underground home. She headed into the bathroom and turned the water on hot before adding bubble bath and salt to it. She then stripped herself of her clothing and took a long bath to smooth out her stress and muscles, well try to smooth them out.

After a good while she slipped out of the tub and dried off. She pulled on a bathrobe and drained the tub before cleaning up a bit. She then walked out of the bathroom and too the kitchen where she made herself some coffee. She looked at the oven and sighed not wanting to bake today as she sat down at the kitchen table and sipped her coffee staring out the back door.


Outfit: outfit
Accessories:bracelet, necklace, special crystal flower clip, ring
Theme song: N/A

Desirable Businesswoman

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Morhana stood on top of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington. Her white hair whipping around in the wind as her black and silver eyes stared out at the buildings. She reached into her pocket taking out her black cigarette case as she slipped one out and brought it to her lips. The tip lighting on it's own as she took a long drag and let the smoke roll of her lips and into the wind.

She was only wearing a black tank top, jeans and boots. On her left are was a bar code like tattoo which came with the new body she had. She and Xenthara had spent the whole night in battle, soldiers in a war they originally wanted nothing to do with. But it went fairly easy, a few deep wounds but they healed quickly. Morhana was remembering the battle well and knew she had to keep Xenthara just a bit safer for Crowley right now.

if Xenthara injured herself over her womb it could compromise the whole plan. She may not have been sure if he still wanted to go though with it, it was a risk but the rewards would be great for the couple. Part of her was regretting bringing it up but there was no turning back now. She would keep to whatever orders given to her.


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