Welcome to Gaia! ::




Silence was his only reaction as his body couldn't even react in tandem to the punch - it was so fast the pain lagged, Hideo's eyes capturing Tama's hand as it retracted, and then the pain hit. A swirling amalgamation of different pain swirled through his receptors. Only bending over , on the verge of passing out as his knees buckled and smashed the floor. Head hanging down, allowing his silvery hair to fall in place. The shot to the stomach was astounding, the speed and power unmatched. It was akin to getting plugged by a .50cal bullet, the force was stunning and warped whatever flesh it touched. To much pain to cry, to much pain to gasp, to much pain period...breaths of air slowly routed their way back into Hideo as his sensei's booming voice overwhelmed the hall and anything Hideo was feeling at that moment.


The second phrase as he attempted to lift his head and look at Tama. It hadn't occurred to him the potential of this omnipotent warrior. His left hand scraping against the surface to form a fist, of which Hideo placed all his weight on so that he could raise himself up.

...question yourself again.

The latter end of his comment hitting his cognizance as if to say 'Shoulda had a V8' . Erecting himself he would look upon Tama and all his might, with his fist still curled. Hideo stood before taking a breath and cracking those solemn lips. Clerical and smooth as his voice hummed out.

"You right...even if we all can't be as inhuman as you...Tama."

Turning his head towards the cage, catching a glimpse of the last hit directed from the woman. It was clean and solid - enough to create a punctual smack against flesh, this noise would ring out amidst the last exchanges of the two. An awkward moment between master and student would pass, the silence speaking for both parties as they both stood watching.

Dangerous Prophet

"Nothing is given..." If Hideo dared to assume Samaou had always been like this then he was far behind in his education. Samayou was weak when he was a child, he earned his strength and his heritage was not something he controlled. He did control himself and even among immortals he was feared not because he was born that way, because he made himself this way. "The truth in life is you must work with what you have, but with enough work...it can become something great. The realty of your life and the dreams you wish to accomplish can walk hand in hand, it is up to you to make that happen."


"No offense but your reality is limitless...where as me, even with the perseverance I may not even achieve something mediocre - let alone great."

Removing his right palm from the flat of his stomach before dropping it to his side. Leaning against the railing as his breathing just returned to normal.

"I do believe you have to work with what you got but I don't believe in obtaining your dreams if you just give it your all or never stop believing. We have no control over free will and the uncertainty is the reality when you want to achieve something, whether I grasp it with this warm flesh of a hand, or hope on it every night in my sleep. Probability...that is what I believe in for certain."

Calculating the technicalities of the situation - was his only comfort. His left hand rising up to form a fist as a single digit uncurled from the fist while his thumb pointed up. Like a shape of the gun he aimed it towards the two fighters in the ring. Squinting a single crimson orb before retorting.

"Bang...their fate just as undetermined as which person I was going to shoot, they have a fifty-fifty chance at survival...just like I have a fifty-fifty chance at success."

Turning to face Tama and his reply, brandishing a casual smirk as he pushed off the railing.

Dangerous Prophet

Hideo would find Samayou staring at him with pride, a slight smirk as he nodded in agreement. "We deal with the hand fate has dealt, but every now and then...things work in your favor. You just never know, that is the only certainty we can promise. you have the wisdom, now you just need the luck...few are able to discern their realty at such a young age...I'm proud of you for that." He turned his attention to the ring with a sigh, glancing over at the two in the cage. "Pick your feet up more, square up your stance and maybe someone half your size wouldn't have cleaned your clock! Ugh, next two!"



A grunt escaped as his grip on the railing increased. With a swift pull and push he would throw himself over the ropes, letting go of the railing at the right time. His body passing through the air with ease, limber and agile as both feet came to depress the ground.


His weight distributed amongst each footing as he erected himself and stood with arms lowered. Shooting a glance towards Tama as he said to himself, It's my time...

Snapping his attention to the fighters within the ring, ushering them out as he took center stage.

"Im next...who's it gonna be?!"

Yelping his challenge out to all who stood waiting to flex their skill, perfect their technique, accept their fate. His smirk flashing across the mass of people whilst his crimson gaze caste a daunting rivalry with the will to fight.

Dangerous Prophet

H l D E O

A grunt escaped as his grip on the railing increased. With a swift pull and push he would throw himself over the ropes, letting go of the railing at the right time. His body passing through the air with ease, limber and agile as both feet came to depress the ground.


His weight distributed amongst each footing as he erected himself and stood with arms lowered. Shooting a glance towards Tama as he said to himself, It's my time...

Snapping his attention to the fighters within the ring, ushering them out as he took center stage.

"Im next...who's it gonna be?!"

Yelping his challenge out to all who stood waiting to flex their skill, perfect their technique, accept their fate. His smirk flashing across the mass of people whilst his crimson gaze caste a daunting rivalry with the will to fight.

It did not take long for a challenger to arise. A young lad of Asian descent stepped into the cage, standing around 6 feet tall with a lean build. He wore a tank top and a pair of gym shorts, his feet and hands wrapped as he gave a slight bow and nodded. The cage was closed behind him as the young Japanese man stood up right and took a basic wide stance, hands up but not in the form of fists. His fingers danced loosely as he bounced back and forth like a boxer, simply circling....

Dangerous Prophet

{ Samayou Tamashii

Devil of the Mountain }

User Image

~{ Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war-drums
Head down go to sleep to the rhythm of the war-drums }~

The rain cascaded down like an un-holy hell from above. Droplets of water pounding on the ground and on this night...nothing was peace. The students that had populated the Guild had all gone home for break and the master of the mountain was left too his own madness. He was not in his home but out in the storm, kneeling in the mud deep with in the forest that was the west. He was surrounded by tall pine trees that whispered no comfort too him. Fists clenched tight as his head hung low, black eyes staring at the tombstone before him. His nails were covered in mud and blood, dirt etched under the nails from the freshly dug grave. A war was brewing in his heart and all would feel his wrath, no mercy would come to those in his way....

This feeling manifested in a physical form around him, his raw power shaking the ground as the storm cried out above a mere fraction of his pain. He was not mad at the world, he was furious with himself...with his own weakness. Too allow himself to be captured, to be paraded around like a baboon...to let his daughter die. The agony of burying his daughter was beyond words but the furious rage growing inside had expressed a fraction of itself in the North.

He had gone home after his failure, to the north where he could recover but he found no comfort in the halls of his Gaia Kin. They mocked him, laughed at his lost against the Shield Maiden, they had boasted about great her skill and how foolishly he had lost. They sang and got drunk off of his misery and the horror that followed those halls would be told for ages. Hundreds of northern kinsmen nearly beaten to death at his hands. He had gone into a mad fury with cries more vicious then any frost wurm. Brave and noble warriors of the North had coward in fear of him, begged for mercy and forgiveness but he gave none. He broke bones, tore muscle and beat flesh until there was no more moving challengers to combat him. The Great Northern settlement of Gaia had felt his rage and reminded them of their awe and fear for his strength.

They had sent great legends after him as a form of revenge, and all had fallen.....but she had not come. That was what he pondered most, how the shield maiden had not dared to show her face too him again. It was not her fault, she had won fair and square but the trespass of her brothers and sisters could not go un-punished. To laugh and mock a father who had lost his daughter...had the great halls fallen so far from their values?.......

It left his mind as quickly as it had come, the thought drifted into the rain as he stared at the tombstone and grieved. He had felt every pain imaginable, but none of it compared to the feel of her cold body, her lifeless eyes....her still heart......

Vozie's Senpai

Fashionable Gekko

{Coming soon}

Dangerous Prophet

{{ To a Guild near you! 0_o }}

Versatile Survivor

"Just a week?"

"Yes, just one. Maybe less time than that."

"Can I even ask where your going?" Her manager, Mike, a hulk of a man and even greater bulk of a werewolf when transformed, looked at his employer skeptically, though a line of worry crossed his face.

"I'd tell you if I knew exactly." Nix replied with a quick shrug, hoisting herself into one clunker of a truck.

"You don't know, or you won't tell me?"
This was a conversation they'd obviously had before.

"This time." Nix gave a smile, looking down at him with a half smile."I don't know."

He'd believed her,rightfully so considering it was the truth, but didn't looked pleased in the slightest.

"Won't let anyone go with you?"

Nix would only shake her head with the same half smile,starting up the engine with a great rumble.

Looking defeated, Mike just pat the beat up old truck and took a few steps back."Take it easy then."


Nix currently drove down some back roads that looked vaguely familiar, trying to piece together a map in her mind. Initially, she hadn't meant to go to Rock Fist, but something had told her to go,and she new she'd have to go back eventually. She just wasn't entirely sure of the reception she'd get. The woman mulled that over, but kept looking for landmarks as the vehicle bounced it's way along.

"Damn, forgot to replace the shocks..."


At the very least, she could get her guitar back.

It was the first thought that she had to justify her appearance, her trek, to Rock Fist about an hour later. Immediately followed by:

That's not why your going

Her hands clenched on the wheel and she frowned, turning a hard left and finding herself facing one hell of a storm. As she continued towards it- now sure of her path- the air in the truck's cab felt a bit more oppressive, a bit darker. It did very little to calm the case of the jitters that'd found it's way into her.


About another half hour later she was in the thick of it. The rain battered harshly on the metal roof, and the old,powerful feeling of Rock Fist once again rolled it's way into her. Night had fallen and it was dark, the road was proving itself difficult, and there were simple waves of raw emotion and power that hit her while driving up to the doors of Rock Fist. At least, as close as she dared to drive. Nix parked away from the torrents of water that were rushing down the make-shift road and leaped out. Prepared,at that moment, with a heavy rain jacket and boots the storm didn't immediately drench her.The jacket and boots were doing there job very well. That's when her climb up the hill arrived,and her focus off of every piece of confusing,conflicting emotion and thought inside her and more upon keeping her footing. She made it to the double doors,and wondered if they'd open for her. Upon placing a hand to the massive structure- they did.

This was as much to her relief as disappointment, but she wasn't going to turn tail now. The young woman stepped inside, drawing back the hood of her jacket and looking around. Only the fainest of lights were on,and Nix realized it must but a break for the members and students of the guild. This would of unnerved most, but this is how Nix knew it. Empty, quiet. Nary a soul to speak of.

Then it donned on her,as she briefly looked back towards the doors that now barred her exit, that something had gone terribly wrong. And she knew, with little doubt, that it was another pain,another burden for Sama to bare.

The walls felt cold and hollow,and again Nix really thought about why she was there. Not a sound was heard, not even the rain, as she stood- gazing into the dim quiet. Pure.Empty.Silence.

Thinking she'd lose her mind while listening to the beating of her own heart,and not wanting to cause anymore stress to Sama,or any other being still residing in the halls, Nix clenched her room key in her hand and marched up those stone stairs towards her room.

It was as she'd left it, but upon clicking on the light the intricacy,detail and luxury of the place made her pause. It was clear contrast to the stark, tiny apartment she'd been residing in. The woman told herself not to dawdle,and went for what she'd decided she come for. Her guitar sat beside the couch, waiting patiently for the day she'd return to pick up and play it- as if only left for a moment.It was almost sad,the way it stood forlornly in the corner. Mentally, Nix apologized to it. Yet the case wasn't waiting so patiently,and Nix wondered where she'd tucked it. Quickly removing her coat and boots-not daring to leave any marks on the carpet- the young woman went hunting.

Upon walking into 'her' bedroom, it was noted things weren't quite as they'd been left, as her sketchbook had,oddly enough, been set upon her bed. Biting her lip, Nix timidly flicked through it and noticed that a page or two was missing.She wasn't sure what was missing exactly,as it was filled with random poems,lyrics and drawings about near everything. She figured she must of ripped out something particularly awful to toss away. Looking about, Nix clutched the book close to her,trying not to remember and focus instead on her task at hand.

It hit her then how involved this place had been in her life, she'd been turning it into home. Slowly but surely, with her initial work papers invading, making use of empty wall space to hang schematics,plans and notes; to even just leaving an old bottle of perfume around. That's when she saw it, the TFOA jacket- Jericho's TFOA jacket- draped across the chair as a fatal reminder. Still clutching the small book, Nix sank onto the bed with a sigh,relenting to the reverie. It wasn't just the place, but the people.

It wasn't sad or guilty, this remembering. It was just her thinking, her remembering, and her wondering about life, about this section of her life,and about the next. Then, then it roamed to Sama, to the bed, and Nix looked to the bedposts and touched one-releasing another sigh.

"I just hope he's ok..." Nix muttered under her breath, rising to return to her mission.

((Good frikken god how did that get so long?))

Vozie's Senpai

Fashionable Gekko

Kizus Riding theme

-There's always a point in time during your hard travels where, you're compelled to return to a place you can consider home. The mighty billowing roaring from the engine of his modified bike trailing through town and the timberland terrain, was gradually being drowned out by the unfolding events that's being projected into Kizus mind. The voices of those that frequent that place was being pictured little by little as tunnel vision slowly settled in through that tinted visor. Times sure have changed since the last time he's actually been there. There were times where things seemed grim but, it wasn't enough to have him leave on a bad note. He learned quite a bit from when he started here and yet, there were things that was still unsettling.

Like waking up to great sunshine and you end up looking out the window and notice a guy wearing just a speedo while gardening. For some reason, that was the only thing that scarred him for life about that place. Quickly he shook his head to get his mind back on the path ahead, the front wheel ascended from the sudden kick at the torque of the handle and the pitch of the roar grew. His bike sped through various terrains and at the gradual alteration from the feel of the atmosphere, the right talon gauntlet started to let out a long drawn out groan that was hollow and metallic as it begin to release an eerie white glow. The further he progressed into the territory, the gauntlet gradually digitized out of existence and took form of the signature fingerless glove that matched the left.

"It's been quite a long time, my friend." Was uttered to himself from underneath his navy blue full face helmet. Traveling many miles through the town and the well forested surroundings, he can see the opening that's the exit of the woodland environment and entered the grasslands. the tall fresh blades would rolled over and crushed beneath his vehicle into creating a path until he was ten yards away from his appointed destination. The bike gradually lowered in speed towards full halt before preparing to dismount, kicking the stand out from underneath. When he removed his helmet in revealing those lengthy twisted locks of azure and platinum hues, the left sapphire eye begun to scope out the scene while right crimson eye was diagonally concealed by an optical covering. "Wonder what's he been up to?" He wondered and with one leg swinging over the seating into removing himself off the bike, he would set the helmet along the front of the vehicle and trek onward towards the door(s) of the Rock Fist.

Attire remained simple as always, just his arctic pattern camouflage pants with the cuffs nearly covering a good portion of his ash colored grind shoes. The only thing one would notice more of on his chocolate velvet upper body, is the numerous scars being proudly worn as medals from fights he's survived throughout his journey.-

Dangerous Prophet


"You know, part of me hoped you'd never return....." The voice was deep and rumbling but it was not Samayou's it did not possess that awe inspiring tone that he had. No this voice belonged to the only other being who was as stubborn as the man. The 6'3" body builder was also know as the friendly bar tender who held onto classical thought with an iron grip. Ronald Pyre was a big heavy set man who's age had given him a gut but his biceps were still bulging out of his dress attire. The bartender wore no shoes, khakis, and a polo, what was to be considered his vacation attire.

In all the times Sama had left the place empty, only Ronald had stayed behind to ensure the place kept going. Other employees came and went but he remained as a silent guardian. He had never been given much thought by the other members, he was simply the guy who served the drinks but too many a nights had he helped students and members through their worst problems, and here he was again.

Deep green eyes stared as nix as he smiled, his bald head shining in the light as two thick fingers brushed part of his large classic mustache.
"Figured you'd gone and move don to bigger and better thing missy." He remained in the door way, glancing about her dusty room with a sigh. "Sorry, was planning on dusting the rooms out this last week, just never got round too it."

Versatile Survivor

Samayou Tamashii

Nix flinched,and fought the urge to react defensively. The voice had taken her by surprise, but his appearance quite hadn't. She had been facing the door after all. Still, the words stung a little bit- even though she was rather certain she'd never really spoken to the gentleman before. The thought slowly clunked into her mind,they'd met, albeit briefly. Nix cleared her throat.

"Ah, Ronald, right? I dare say we never had the opportunity to have much conversation." Nix returned to her more neutral state, feeling out of place all things considered."Good to see your well." After the abrupt entrance, her pleasantries seemed almost a little silly to her. Yet,she was a bit confused by the reception and statements.

'Bigger and better things'. That'd been the plan,hadn't it?

"I suppose I prefer to stay small-town in a way."
Nix managed to smile a bit,rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand."There's really no need to apologize, I was just retrieving what I'd left behind..." Halfheartedly,she lifted the small book in her left hand."I just got caught wondering. Sorry, I'll be outta the way soon. I didn't mean to bother anyone."

Vozie's Senpai

Fashionable Gekko

-Stepping through the threshold as he scoped out the joint, he paused in step as a unknown scent started to linger. It was pretty fresh because, it could be seen trailing within his feral perception along the right eye. The shutter along the optical covering opened up for the crimson eye to wander for brief moment. Closing back into concealment, the left sapphire eye glanced along the trailing path of the scent. "Hey yo!!!! Anyone still roaming around here!?" He shouted within the Grand Hall as he continued to stroll along throughout the setting.

Things seemed to be the same as before but, the feel of it threw Kizu off and it was something he couldn't simply brush off like he did with other things. So far the only clue he had to go on was the foreign aroma he gathered upon entry. Old habit of a former assassin, his steps remained silent. The further he advanced along the trail, the sounds of other voices started enter within earshot of him. At random during his approach, his left hand extended ot to the side to let the exposed fingertips gently glide along the surface of the wall.

A shimmering trail of frost was being lined up and dissolving seconds later from the warmth the interior was giving. Louder the voices grew as he drew near ."So there are people still hanging around here." He said with relief as that bulky cerulean tail of his swayed in mild content.-

Dangerous Prophet


"You ain't bothering no one miss, if anything pretty face like yours is welcomed round dese parts." His southern accent was mixed with an odd British tone. His Father had been an American patriot and true red neck, his mother had been British royalty. How the odd couple had ever mixed was beyond him but they had and now here he was, in a realm far from earth living a calm and easy life. He stepped into the room, taking a look around as he slipped his hands into his pockets and sighed. "Ain't none of my business really but I gots a feeling you are here for more then stuff...arn't ya?"

He left it at that, staring into her eyes and nodding with a confirmed thought deep in his head. "Don't mind me and my nosy ways, go on bout your business and take all the time you need." He turned to leave, walking to the door and pausing for a moment as he sighed. "I may be a b*****d for doing this but take it how you want......he just lost his daughter......he is out to the west, the graveyard in the pine forest by the shore. You ain't obligated to do nothing and my advice to you is gather your things and get the hell on out of this place. Get away from here and all the sorrow it brings, and don't ever look back missy...your too good for this place and hell a too good for him. Sorry...just thought you should know that...rain coats are in the closet by the stairs...."

He left on that note, his thick steps booming on the concrete floor as his bare feet met cold stone. The door at the end of the hall opened and closed, signaling his departure into the main hall.

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