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Ixor Firebadger's Husbando

Snarky Mage

Ivory wouldn't herd Rudy off, since his help meant she could take off more quickly. After saying her goodbyes and goodnights, she then left.

She actually did have some difficulty in finding Roaven's hiding spot, though she seemed amused that it had turned into a game of hide and seek. "Enjoying yourself?" she quipped once she finally located her.


"Ugh, right, guess we'll have to wait until they give the house the all-clear," Terrence groaned. Bummer. Ah well, better safe than sorry. As it stood, though, he didn't have the flu, so he didn't have to deal with what the rest of the household seemed to be going through. He'd drop by to see what room Kat had secured, and then he'd locate Terra for their little talk. By the time that was done with, he was well and truly ready for sleep and would gratefully return to the room Kat had got them.

While it had been awkward, the talk had also been helpful to Terra. After all, it was a talk with an alternate self. Hearing how their lives matched and diverged was definitely entertaining. She was also glad he didn't bring up the topic of his and Kat's relationship. That topic was a sore spot in light of Kevin's behavior earlier. Heck, she didn't care what he did in his off time, what she did care about was that he had failed, in her eyes, as a partner in at least trying to get a hold of her. That was one thing she did query Terrence about, and he confirmed that he didn't get a strange call with a male on the other end of the line with Kat's number on his phone.

With the talk over, not that it had gone on very long, Terra was also very much ready to retreat to a bed and just forget temporarily the events of the day. She slinked back into the Traveler's quarters, checking to see if any one was up, in particular one person whom she did not wish to see, and would go and claim a bed.

Thieving Rogue

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"Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to argue your point. I'm inclined to agree that I am a good luck charm." Darren nodded with a smile, amused at the thought of Rimm's tail going haywire and wagging around. Man, that thought was far too adorable. It was probably for the best that she was in her human form. He let his hand fall away to his side and nodded, settling in and crouching down to get more comfortable. "Right. Well, he's same level as me in the group I work for. With, whatever. Anyway, he had a couple guys under his command show up half-dead, and the culprit walked into him, so he had to deal with some tension, there." He explained. He was truncating it a great amount, of course, but that was the idea. "I'll tell you the story in more detail over food, give it the justice it deserves. At any rate, I think she signed on with him, in the end." He explained


Roaven did her best to suppress the grin that she was wearing when Ivory ended up finding her, taking a deep, slow breath to return to her serious demeanor. "Maybe. Maybe not." She replied coyly, echoing the Dealbound's statements about the bet earlier. "I indulged you about combat, so I thought it was only fair to put the ball back in my court, so to speak." Whatever her performance in the fight, at least she could still hide. Aleria would have been proud of her, if the girl wasn't unconscious as...heck. "Well, with that bit of fun out of the way, shall we get to prowling?"

Ixor Firebadger's Husbando

Snarky Mage

"Why not? Fair warning that I'll have to deal with undead activity that we might chance upon should said activity prove detrimental to others," she replied with a smirk. She wouldn't go out of her way to look for such trouble, but if they did, then Roaven should know so she could sit back as she so saw fit.

Thieving Rogue

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"Going to drag me into it in the end anyway." Roaven sighed dramatically, though really she didn't mind. She knew how to keep her head down, so she wasn't worried about being dragged into something that she wasn't interested in, and she was plenty capable of escaping if worst came to worst. She understood why it was a problem, though, at least, and there was no sense ruining a perfectly good prowling just because something might happen. After all, what were the chances they'd run into more undead? Unless Gallows brought back friends. Nah, who knew how long that would take. By then, hopefully she'd be gone and whatever her male version was could deal with it. She didn't like saddling him with the consequences, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

Vicious Pumpkin

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Kuro Ryuu Hime
When Deratus moved to wipe his tear-soaked -- and probably snot-streaked -- face on his sleeve, Keaton almost instinctively rummaged through his coat pocket and offered the boy a tissue. Even if it was just a regular shirt or jacket, something inside the feraborn wouldn't let him allow clothing to get icky in such a way. "...Where are you from? ...Do you know your parents' phone number?" he asked, trying to get information that could help lead the kid home. He wanted to help, of course, but...the kid looked kinda young. If he could get Deratus home easily, he'd...rather not have to face the implications that could arise from a twenty-something rich guy picking up what looked like a fairly young teenager and traipsing about the City...not unless the simple solutions didn't work out.

The boy nodded. "I... Th-think... s-so... B-but..." Deratus pressed the tissue to his face. "Everything's f... funny, s-s-since I g-go~ot her~re," he informed the feraborn through one of those shudders found on the tail end of tears.

Sexy Goat

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The boy nodded. "I... Th-think... s-so... B-but..." Deratus pressed the tissue to his face. "Everything's f... funny, s-s-since I g-go~ot her~re," he informed the feraborn through one of those shudders found on the tail end of tears.

...This would take a bit of work, wouldn't it? "Well...if you know your parents' phone number...maybe I could lend you my phone a moment so you can call?" he offered, already fishing around his various coat pockets for it. He...knew it was somewhere, but he had a lot of inner pockets and didn't always keep track of what was put where. It was a great thing that Alicia did most of the organization for him back home...

Romantic Sex Symbol

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"Well good, 'cause I think you are." She answered and listened to him explain a bit of the story. Sounded really interesting. Rimm wondered if his friend dealt with the culprit and how. It was really exciting. "I can't wait to hear about it, sounds thrilling!" She exclaimed a bit and grinned some, Mishka sitting by the water...just sitting for once, like she was in deep thought about something. Could never tell with that creature.

Thieving Rogue

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"Well, I'm sure that he would tell the story better than I would, having lived it out, but he wasn't around for the conflict, more the aftermath, so maybe we're on about even playing fields." Darren decided, conceding that he could probably do the story justice enough in his retelling. As far as Mishka's suddenly clam behavior, he decided that she was either worn out from her play, or she was pondering her place in life now that she had stalked and killer her prey. Animals were entitled to deep thoughts, too, as far as he saw it. "Well, it's been a bit. We should probably start heading over there. Our number should come up soon."

Vicious Pumpkin

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Kuro Ryuu Hime
...This would take a bit of work, wouldn't it? "Well...if you know your parents' phone number...maybe I could lend you my phone a moment so you can call?" he offered, already fishing around his various coat pockets for it. He...knew it was somewhere, but he had a lot of inner pockets and didn't always keep track of what was put where. It was a great thing that Alicia did most of the organization for him back home...

The Navita boy nodded. "I th-think... so..."
Having used the tissue to dry his face, it had gotten quite wet. Deratus would probably appreciate another one. If Keaton gave the seventeen year old his cell phone, the boy would attempt to dial his parent. Momma always had her phone... Right? Please, please, please, Momma?

Romantic Sex Symbol

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User Image"I'm pretty sure too. Thing is you're here, he isn't. I'm sure you'll do just fine. I believe in you." She responded and smiled to him happily. Hopefully that would be another thing that would make him happy as well. She sure was on ball with the compliments to him today."I do so hope it comes up soon, I'm starving a bit." She stated and rubbed her stomach as it decided to make its presence known further and creating a loud noise that Darren could easily hear. When he mentioned they should get going, she got up off the bench, fixed her skirt behind her and nodded to him.

"Alright then." She finished and looked at Mishka, her hand coming from behind her, making a forward gesture movement in front of her to tell Mishka they were going. That was as soon as Rmm knew she had the little creature's attention. At least now Mishka was mostly dry already. She gave herself another fluffy shake, though didn't splash either of the two of them this time. Mishka's fur fluffed up though due to some of the water still being trapped and it just had that sort of effect.

Sexy Goat

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The Navita boy nodded. "I th-think... so..."
Having used the tissue to dry his face, it had gotten quite wet. Deratus would probably appreciate another one. If Keaton gave the seventeen year old his cell phone, the boy would attempt to dial his parent. Momma always had her phone... Right? Please, please, please, Momma?

Keaton provided Deratus with another tissue, and then his phone. Wait, wasn't that the new model that just came out a week ago? You bet it was. Then again, to those who knew about him...would it be all that surprising? Still, it was one of those smartphones, so he had taken a moment to bypass the lock screen and get the dial-pad up before handing it over. He figured the kid probably knew how to work it from there, so now it was time to stand back and let Deratus make the call.

Thieving Rogue

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Dark Laidair

"Well, I certainly appreciate it." Darren laughed when Rimm mentioned that she believed in him, amused that it seemed such a petty thing, but legitimately appreciating her support nonetheless. He wasn't much of a storyteller, well, okay, he was good at stories that involved himself or other people looking good, whether or not they would with the original story. Not so much lying as...ah, painting the story, framing the truth. At any rate, Roaven was better at telling stories, or at least ones edited only to downplay his own part in things and mainly keep the truth intact, while Thaddeus had him beat as far as stories about combat went. Still, he certainly was going to give it a try, and he figured he'd manage alright.

"Well, any minute now. Might end up waiting a bit on the far side, but hopefully not much. Let's be off, then. And you too, fluffball." He added, turning to affectionately address Mishka with that last line. He couldn't help it, she was normally pretty fluffy, but with her fur poofing up from the water, it was just too easy a title to give. At any rate, he would take Rimm's arm once again and set off back towards the restaurant, which fortunately wasn't that far off, and, even more fortunately, they would be seated just about when they got there, so they could almost immediately head inside and take a seat, even netting a nice corner window with a window view that looked out to the side, so they were spared the view of people waiting and instead could enjoy the scenery. Not bad, all things considered, and so far appearing worth the wait in Darren's eyes.

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User ImageRimm wasn't the least bit sad that he laughed at her believing in him. She understood why he had in a sense. "You're quite welcome, Sir Darren." She teased, being silly due to the fact that they were holding arms again. She quite liked it and it told her that he was probably still single. A taken man wouldn't be with her like this, going to dinner and touching her...right? She sighed happily, thinking on it and kept on walking, looking at Mishka's extra poofyness. Rimm was glad Mishka was growing...she was now clearly bigger than your average house cat, but surely that she still acted more cat like than anything wouldn't matter.

There'd come a time when Rimm would tell him about Mishka too. Though likely he wouldn't be that surprised. Or maybe he would. She could never tell with people. "Sounds fine to me." She replied about them walking around a bit in the longer way. She giggled when he called Mishka a fluffball. Cause well she was. When they got there and got seated she was more than happy. Meant food would be had soon. She looked around at the table they had and sighed happily again. "This is nice." She answered, really liking the scenery.

AnCatDubh's Waifu

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Ruby showed up at haven the day after the Travelers had begun showing up. She owed her other self an apology. She seemed to be in a much better humor, this morning, than she had been in weeks. Antony was impressive, but she couldn't relax with him nearly so well. That was all a charade and who knew which predator would get bored first and decide to stop playing with their food? At least on that level, she still trusted Steel. Actually, she felt rather sheepish for doubting him in the first place. What had she been thinking. A little tickle in the back of her mind knew exactly who was to blame.

She showed up around noon, figuring that everyone had been up quite late and would not be up before then, if they didn't just sleep until evening.

Eli waved at Ruby when she walked in, again reclining lazily in his chair with his feet propped up. If one looked hard enough, though, he would appear ready to burst into action in any direction at a moment's notice. Anyone who just saw a lazy man would find themselves painfully wrong if they tried to misbehave.

Ruby could smell some very familiar scents coming from the kitchen and wandered in to find Rudy making breakfast, or rather, brunch.

Ixor Firebadger's Husbando

Snarky Mage

Terra was also up, but she looked like she ought to be back in bed. Insomnia of the sort where she just couldn't stay asleep had plagued her, so she'd given up on it. While she made a modicum of effort to straighten out her hair from its sleep-mussed state, that's as far as she went. For now, she was sitting at the table, head propped on her arms as she stared off into space.

Tatyana was still asleep with Sammy and would remain so for a while yet.

Isa was curled up next to her mate under a blanket, not really asleep but not really awake. Things had been busy, stuff had been accomplished, and attempts at sleep hadn't really panned out. So, she was settling for what amounted to a string of cat naps. Some other clothing had been appropriated at least so that she wasn't resting in the borrowed suit or the robe from Argyle.

As far as the kids went, Aleria was awake and sitting watching the TV. Eve was still asleep with teenage lassitude. Geist remained with her, a shaggy grey companion at the foot of the bed.

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