wildly passionate about things that arent important at all basically
wildly passionate about things that arent important at all basically
Birthday: 01/27
Personal stuff; always set on private, so don't bother, 'kay?
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Nah~ I could never forget you. emotion_kirakira We had some pretty long and epic conversations!
And since you changed your username, sushi had to alert me of your movin' away from Gaia. o3o
She said you has Tumblr... I don't.. buuuuuuut... email? Or somephin?
I feel abandoned Zlae. emotion_donotwant
I really hope you enjoy your time away from here! emotion_hug
Thank you again for the item. emotion_bigheart
i missed dat sexy bod
lookin' good thar gurl emotion_dowant
And yes, Katawa Shoujo is my favorite dating sim game.
Were you watching the ending for Sakamichi?
It's okay man, that's not the only fuc ked up thing about Gaia as of now.
The economy's a pile of shi t.
All right, I'll stick to Zlae then. c:
Its already freaking March 2014. It didn't feel like two months have passed at all. ._.
Seriously? I'm such a noob. rofl
FML, Tumblr is the one site I don't have an account on. But just in case Gaia terminates or something how can I find you on Tumblr?
You really don't have Twitter though?
NEIN. I'm just dead bored at home 'cause my brother's hogging the computer and graphic tablet. I'm really bugging him to get another tablet for himself asap.
Shi t, the first time we met was what, four/five years ago on your old account?