My nam is Kattie Im 16 and I lyk poems my fav poems r by Pizzatogo
Da piz togu i:s hr numbar fan
Ohmy gawsh Piztugo sh so gudat peoms I is hr nmbar 1 fan sh col> her hr tuf>>>
* There I saw him, in that bed
I saw that pillow under his head.
I saw my mother she looked very sad
Almost like she was mad .
She thought it was her fault he died
but no one blamed her instead they cried
I saw my sister, nephew, niece
My heart felt like it lost a piece
For the sights I saw that day
Never again ,Lord I pray.
I saw my sister so depressed
The tears fell down as she clenched her dress
I saw my nephew sitting there
his face was red but still so fair
As the tears run down his bright red checks
the sun goes down the dark starts to creep
My niece then hugs her mother dear.
Her mother comforts her “There there”
And tells her that she should not fear
he’ll always be with us right here
We then went out to the old cemetery
to the place where he would be buried .
We said our good byes
and all of us cried.
And then after that cold sad day
I often wonder in every way
Why did my Joey leave me I wonder
Leaving my heart ripped asunder
But I know I am not the only one
Mom misses him, he was her son
My sisters all want him back, this I know
Its like there hearts are covered in snow
Nevertheless knowing he’s with Christ
My heart no longer feels like ice
>>>>hr bur jeoy<<<^^^^^>>>Bey pizatuGo
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Juju sejemehi z zjazjeboo
Sh i go nu c piz gud cz i lyc hr
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