Yin: Asian Most Wanted

Yin Minamora's avatar

Last Login: 09/13/2009 2:43 am

Registered: 04/23/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Osaka

Birthday: 06/06/1989

Occupation: Dominatrix

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Tough Knuckles on 05/06/2024


As all of you may not know Randi has sadly passed away. I don't know why or how we all knew her as a cool, kind and strong person who will forever more be in our hearts. Words can't express the pain I feel right now. She was my friend and like a sister to me you are part of my heart. I will always cherish the good times we had together I know the others will too... R.I.P Randi I'll miss you so much now you will always be a star you've always wanted to be....~ Wolfie



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Nega Wolf Report | 04/10/2021 2:59 pm
Nega Wolf
Miss you..
Tazuto Nekiruhs Report | 06/06/2013 11:58 am
Tazuto Nekiruhs
That is ******** amazing if true! and if so please tell her i wish her a Happy Birthday today =D
Nega Wolf Report | 01/13/2013 12:47 pm
Nega Wolf
Randi is not gone, she had to go to hiding due to abuse of a boyfriend. Randi is fine and well I apologies to those who are upset.
The main important thing is she is safe and alive.
Tazuto Nekiruhs Report | 08/01/2011 6:36 pm
Tazuto Nekiruhs
Happy late 22nd B-day Randi
Tazuto Nekiruhs Report | 02/06/2011 8:17 pm
Tazuto Nekiruhs
I didnt know she was gone, this sucks....

Randi please rest in peace, i would say id never forget you but i do tend to get distracted with many different things, thank you for all the fun chats and roleplays we had long ago, they will forever be saved in my inbox. crying
Ayame_blackwolf_shinobi Report | 08/20/2010 9:04 am
she was a sister...can't believe shes gone..can't believe i'm just now finding out about this...i feel so bad and awful..i'm a bad sister ;-;...i love you Randi..RIP
Swagless Report | 09/13/2009 7:33 am
God damn...

Randi was like a mother to me man..

This ******** blows... so much..
Gaebutt Report | 09/13/2009 2:52 am
Randi, first of all I want to say thank you for being a good friend.
Although I did lied to you once you brushed it off as it was nothing and our friendship continued to grow.
I feel sadness and regret for not being able to be a better friend for you, to cheer you on, to laugh alongside you, and most of all, talk to you during your last moments in this life.
Even if this is the end of your journey in this world, i'm sure i'll see you again, I know our friendship will reunite us once again.
Till then, rest in peace friend.
Swagless Report | 06/10/2008 6:00 pm
Sorry I was late. No internet.

Happy Birthday ;O

And love the Rap >x3
xx PublicEnemy xx Report | 06/07/2008 3:54 pm
xx PublicEnemy xx
sorry u have the wrong person i dont gave one.........


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