Tough Knuckles

Tough Knuckles's avatar

Registered: 10/07/2005

Birthday: 10/19



I reappeared from time to time thinking my old friends will return and everyday I disappoint myself.

I've met the friends that I needed to meet and will cherish them for as long as I can I hope you too will find amazing friends to hold on to. heart

Thank you GaiaOnline for showing me that online friendships are just as valid as in person friendships.

The avatars that I leave on my profile are some of the greatest people I have ever met in my life and I hope one day, we'll be reunited again. I never forgotten about any of you. It's bittersweet. I miss you and I love you, Nao. You too, Randi


To Love's End

Yin Minamora
Marik Ishtar

Sleep Well Gaia World

I never stopped loving you, Nao.