Ŧღ HateÐ Aŋgel ღŦ

xXx Hated Angel xXx's avatar

Last Login: 08/02/2012 12:55 pm

Registered: 04/09/2007

Gender: Male

Birthday: 12/20/1991


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Profile base: A.D.A.M.-Adam was a human born in 1991,December 20. Most of his childhood was rough,he was abused for half of his life. One day Adam's heart couldn't contain any more negative emotions. So when he fell asleep his heart departed from his soul and left him beside himself. When Adam woke up he was cold and pale,his skin itched and some of it even started to fall off. When he looked at his reflection he saw 6 scars on himself, they each represented a common feeling that Adam one used in his life. In it's search for the 6 emotions his heart's whereabouts remain unknown. Only two strong willing emotions stayed in "Adam's Heart".-ANGER-and-Sadness-. The Sadness shows externally,while the ANGER shows internally. If Adam ever wishes to be truly alive, he must find all 6 emotions that make Adam..Adam. Otherwise he will remain xXx Hated Angel xXx. About: ,..jus another kid in this dieing wurlD but w.e i just like music, video games,and the ppl I love (VERY FEW)and i rly dont see any point in these about me shits cause no one rly doesn't wanna no about mE bUt w.e i guess i like playing guitar looking forward to making it a career someday or maybe graphic design (most likely GD cause dreams never come true but w,e remember you dont care so i rly dont know why im sharing this with you lol im gonna go bac to cali one day to see Tom<3 miss tat dude thats all u need to know i guess..,and o yea =D I'm pathetic but I look at it this way, at least I have the knowledge and awareness of it. And I'm not mindlessly making a fool of myself (least I no I am and take it into consideration)I am what I am,and what I am is me. There's no hope as far as my eyes can see for me. Something I had Is something I lost. Something I lost is now something I have, I lost Her but I have Her.----------------------------I deserve neither to be honest, I'll never hurt her and that is, a promise. I'll love her with every ounce of my heart,I just hope it won't fall APART. " Forever It will always Be US together you and me,It sucks right now but soon you'll see nothing will this destiny " And I can't be without you at all, cause I know without you, I will fall. And it hurts, every time to say goodbye, cause I know without you I will cry" I hate the sun cause its like no matter what you wear how you dress you cant hide from it , it exposes your true self with its piercing light it shows everyone for what you really are the sun is to honest and real and doesn't change the way you look it brightens things that you may not want people to know about,,,

I have absolutely 0% TOLERANCE FOR IGNORANCE Ignorance is the effect and your the cause so just stop with the labeling labels are for soup cans not people if you ask me if im emo im just gonna straight up tell you "Well Define What Emo Means To You And I'll Have Your Answer" if you think emo means cutting and suicidal and all that BULLSHIIT then no im not emo or the emo your referring to so get some knowledge in your brain there's a reason ya have 1 DIC ~<3 <3 you think you know "some1",you think you do?you think you know "some1" til that "some1"doesn't know you.you think it?!you think you've got "some1" all figured out,when in actuality that "some1" has nothing but doubt,nothing but doubt for you.yea for YOU.so now what?what do you do.you KNOW this "some1" but this "some1" has no clue of you.you thought this "some1" knew you by now,but after what you've witnessed your all wOw...,
,...what you do is "Give Up",give up on that "some1" because that "some1" gave up on You."Theirs No Such Thing As "some1" Changing You Just Find Out Who That "some1" Really Is...GIVE UP!, why help,why do,why care,why you.why bother,why think,why try,why why.why go through the stuff?when clearly it's "not enough." theirs nothing you can say,theirs nothing you can do theirs nothing at all.because it is not up to you.not up to you to do all this work....,
,..Leave it alone.Let it be.Leave it alone.Just wait and see.Because when you leave it alone you'll start to see...You'll stop thinking about the other and start thinking about me.Me is more important then other because it is only me,there will NEVER be another.There will always be another other,but you have to think....do you really want another?,YOU BLINK,your alone.....
Theirs nothing but dead memories in my HEART <3 . I knew it, I just knew it would all fall apart. From start it was fun from end it was done,it was done from the start I HATE this feeling in my heart <3 . I should of listened before,why didn't I listen before now there is nothing more........................nothing more nothing less,the way I feel right now..heh, I don't even wanna finish the rest. Weather I choose to LIVE or DIE is not entirely up to me,but more up to my emotions where will they take me? Lets just wait and see....................Choose death or choose LIFE? Choose continue or choose KNIFE,what would you choose in my position?...NVM. I forgot it's not your decision. It's not your decision to choose weather I live or DIE,the choice is mine and I choose to TRY! User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
.,,,,Love me, or hATE ME,,.
..,whichever one doesn't make me.
,,Wat makes me?is me.My personality, my fEatures, so ya I dont need a teacher on how to bE me,cause I already found the beSt teacher of aLL,,.mE. Me. me. Me is kewl. me is Quiet. me iZ me so shut up wit the rioT. m3 ish talented, me is STRANGE me Is ADAM the 1 that will NEVER change.,. User Image
Emo doesn't mean u cut.
Emo doesn't mean ur gay.
Emo doesn't mean ur suicidal.
Emo is real.
Emo is people.
Emo is everything.
Emo is a label.
Emo is being free.
Free to b u.
Free to express.
Free to tell everyone to ******** off!

You Say Pink,
I Say Black~
You Say Jonas Brothers,
I Say Alesana~
You Say Zac Efron,
I Say Shaun Milke~
You Say Rap,
I Say Rock~
You Say Im Weird,
I Say Im DIfferent~
You Say Im Emo,
I Say Im Me~


The flinch in your eye
Calls you a bluff
Feel free to drown when you have enough

Useless cause is breaking your back
Your life will end when you attack
Make your move, Make your stance
Make the win
Heh, like you can.

See the war
See me rule
See the mirror
You'll see a fool

To take me out you most fight like a man, To take me out you most fight like a man
You've yet to prove that you can, You've yet to prove that you can!
So you might be compared to something, So you might be compared to something
That is something is nothing, that is something is nothing

Time to figure
Time to sin
Your time is done
When you begin

Live for suffer
Live for revenge
Now your life comes to an end

Taste the blood, taste your fate
Swallow your pride with your hate

Your last breath, Your last stance
The last of all with your command

Knees in the blood with your crying pleas
Wait in your sorrow, bathe in the fear
Clear the mind of the righteousness of it
Witness the moment of failure prosper!! User Image

...freinds..HA what friends..


View All Comments

ItsHarmie Report | 06/22/2012 7:37 pm
But not has much has mauh :^D
LeaRex Report | 06/22/2012 1:29 pm
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww heart heart heart heart heart Thanks babe :* I love youuuuu
ItsHarmie Report | 06/22/2012 1:25 pm
I Love Creepypasta
LeaRex Report | 06/22/2012 1:07 pm
HEY BABEEEEEEEEE!!! I heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart YOUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :* emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_brofist emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_hug
devil_may_cry 66 Report | 04/20/2011 7:12 am
devil_may_cry 66
Legendary Creature Report | 04/11/2011 9:48 pm
Legendary Creature
thanx man twisted
x Loved Devil x Report | 02/03/2011 3:25 pm
x Loved Devil x
adam i need to talk to you... u blocked me on fb? =[ why
Lost Oracle Report | 11/25/2010 7:40 am
Lost Oracle
Hey I'm Cissnei :3
Lost Oracle Report | 11/22/2010 2:39 pm
Lost Oracle
Nice profile smile
Btw my names Cissnei :3
EmXo Report | 11/20/2010 4:45 pm
Badoop. ^_^

why give up,.,

,..,why give in.

My Wife :D ->

sister In law in the house, you need a hamburger