Yea it isn't easy emotion_skull
But you can do it! biggrin
My favorite boy is Asra which is why I made him first, then I absolutely love all the Satrinava family so they are next on my hit list wahmbulance
Yuhhhh right? I am trying to make a cosplay of Nafizah but it's difficult af finding hair and a dress that matches her emo
I sortaaaa got one for Nasrin but mehhh baby asra is by far the most accurate whee
lmaoo i know!!! i just went over with it cause jeez!! the characters suddenly become stronger after
talking about family or hearts or love im like oh ok welp here comes the finishing blow!!!!
ngl, it's shitty lol. i just watched it for the sake of my childhood lmao i remember going gaga over it when i was younger!
i knooow jesus! it's just way too much!! i'll probably be 40 by the time i finish it all LMAO
omg i knoooow! i recently finished fairy tail, and god the amount of filler episodes lol. i just skipped them anyway!
ughh jeez i know! that thing's almost a thousand episodes, and it's still ongoin!! wtf
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But you can do it! biggrin
My favorite boy is Asra which is why I made him first, then I absolutely love all the Satrinava family so they are next on my hit list wahmbulance
find better friends then awwhwhahah i kid you
I sortaaaa got one for Nasrin but mehhh baby asra is by far the most accurate whee
talking about family or hearts or love im like oh ok welp here comes the finishing blow!!!!
right?? it's so annoying!! like wrap it uppppppp
i knooow jesus! it's just way too much!! i'll probably be 40 by the time i finish it all LMAO
ughh jeez i know! that thing's almost a thousand episodes, and it's still ongoin!! wtf