Hey there! You've reached the profile of XSilent_Moonlight_BreezeX, aka. Rufus is a Ghost!
Unfortunately, you have reached me at a time where I have decided to be on a hiatus. Life is currently busy and I'll only be on for short periods of time at a time, mostly playing games haha.
Sorry to all of my friends on here!! But if you are still wanting to chill with me and stuff and keep up on my life, I'll gladly post my two Tumblr accounts!
Personal: rufusisaghost.tumblr.com
Art Blog: shanalikeanna.tumblr.com
I am on there quite a bit, and I'm always trying to reblog some fun stuff as well as update whoever cares about my life!
Au revoir!
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Well now~ It was a blast meeting you when I first joined Gaia.
I can remember the shenanigans that transpired in the Kingdom Hearts II Sticky before it was deleted.
It was a blast getting to know you ya'know~
So much stress....so little time...
But...you live on on, you know? I just wish all this crap wasnt dumped on me all at once
And gosh, it's been ages since I had sea salt ice cream. It is weird how nostalgic I am for this site now that I'm back, I'm gonna admit. o_o I can't believe you're still on here, haha. Have you never left, or do you just pop in from time to time?
Beat those finals butts!! scream