
Faerie's avatar

Wish List



I’m just a fluttering faerie wandering around on here in sporadic spurts.

I don’t linger for long on here, as I’ve learned to appreciate life & its beauty.

But if you “catch” me online, feel free to message or comment.

Blessed be, & have a wonderful day/eve.


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aquito Report | 08/15/2024 9:07 pm
Uhh that is scary experience.... is it true that if you tell the police, they would not do anything about it?
aquito Report | 08/14/2024 7:12 pm
Same! I hate working at night. Maybe next year i would try applying to work again in government. One thing I like is that the company I work offers free gym but uhh @_@ i feel shy working out without a friend.... all my workmates doesn't have any motivation gonk

Yep just take things slow or in your pace.
aquito Report | 08/14/2024 9:03 am
Afternoon till night. 2pm to 10pm. The sched 8s okay coz i can still sleep at night but they might change the schedule by next week but i do hope i have morning sched.

Condolence and sorry to hear that. Its hard losing a family member, just leave a message if you need someone to talk to.
oO-Ui-Oo Report | 08/12/2024 8:06 am
You're welcome. <3
oO-Ui-Oo Report | 08/12/2024 5:47 am
I love your avi.
It's so sparkly.. 'A'
aquito Report | 08/11/2024 7:18 pm
After I left my hometown for city life again, everything seems fast pace. I make new friends in work but I dont like my new work schedule. Im more of a morning person. Im doing good in between xd I mean I did not got my dream Job in government but I need work for my hobbies. Maybe I will try next year again so Im stuck in private company for the second time.

How are you also? Girl! It seems I missed soo many goods items gonk
aquito Report | 08/11/2024 1:45 am
No just hiatus hehe
Careless Kim Report | 07/16/2024 6:07 am
Careless Kim
Thank you so much. I don't get on as much as I use to, because I'm currently laud off work and have no computer. I was on a lot when I was work, because I barely ever had enough work to do.
Sinful Goth Report | 07/14/2024 7:11 pm
Sinful Goth
Thank you heart
Xx_Mistress_Luna_xX Report | 07/14/2024 5:07 pm
I don’t mind! And I left California because of how expensive it is, and due to family reasons.
And I don’t mind a new friend! heart