Maggs <3

Name is Magen I am 17 years old and live in Canada
Gaia is pretty much like okay
I LOVE my friends they are the best people in my whole life besides me family I would be nothing without them all .
I love chocolate. Its my secret obsession x3
I go to high school still sadly, school is very much a drag but whatta do umm... I dont play any sports My ffavorite colours are purple and red I dont go on the computer very often so dont expect to see me on here very much I like reading better currently I am reading City of Fallen Angels again
Im a bit of a ditz so if I dont get what your saying the first time please dont get angry
I hate snakes, perverts, cleaning, n0obs, sharks, horror movies, and Olives EWwWww also fast food! (makes me sick)

User Image


DJ_Tman - Pandy Pack <3 <3 <3
Transparent Sunrise- 2,000
Quiksilver Drake- 2,000 and the plasma gear <3
xox-dolly-xox- gold
xLady PenelopeX- gold
Kialdin- Brown basic skirt
Miss Tiss- black tie
Hotchick101sns-Jenny's Sentimental A-line Dress
Demi Goth- 6,000
Wishing bone- Demonic Anklets <3 <3
Zanenn- 9,600 <3
foxykat399 - buck teeth
Mandeeshopper - 9,000 <3
Cashuea- 5,000
Coconutandlicorice- 100g
Xurik -200g
No Life Queen-10 000

Thank you everyone! <3 <3