No need to fear... all the info about me... is HERE.
biggrin Full Name: Adriane Brianna Anderson
What you can call me: Brianna, Bri, or Rain
What's unique about my name: Well everything has to do with a guy... my first name is the feminine spelling of a male name-- which means Brave. My middle name is just the feminine form of Brian, and it means strong/honorable. (BTW: It's pronounced-- Bree - on- nah) And my last name means SON of St. Andrew. I promise I'm a girl though... No worries, kay?
Age: I'm 16. (:
*Color-- Purple or Teal
*Day-- Friday the 13th
*Pet-- Ferret or Dog
*Book/Movie-- Harry Potter
Least Favorites:
*Color-- Orange
*Band/singer-- Taylor Swift or Justin Beiber
*Book/ movie-- Twilight
*Animal-- Spider
*Homophobes--even if I'm no homo. xD
Don't add me if:
*You're conceited
*You're judgemental
*You're a beggar
*You're a stranger
Love you all. PM me, kay?
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