
buttsandbros on 03/23/2024
RenEtwal on 01/06/2024
~ShortyLuvsYou~ on 12/29/2023
The Nocturnal Witch on 10/06/2023
SweatshirtNinja27 on 09/18/2023
Sherlock Homeslice on 09/15/2023
Narrate Wonderland on 06/04/2023
l e a sidhe on 12/28/2022
Seldanny on 12/08/2022
Fluoridex on 08/02/2022
Infected Mooshroom on 04/10/2022
x INEDIBLE e d i b l e s on 10/28/2021
KOS_MOS89 on 09/23/2021
Raynick_The_Hallowed on 06/11/2021
Better Off This Way on 06/03/2021
JaneDoe247 on 05/11/2021
Vicious Madam Mari on 03/21/2021
cafe owlatte on 02/26/2021
The scarlet jester on 02/15/2021
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I have posted alot haven't I?

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My signature

"To know even one life
has breathed easier
because you have lived
This is to have succeeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

God's not Dead

I would rather RP romance
than be in a real life romance. Shiz is just easier that way.

What I hope to get someday



x-EternalAlice-x's avatar

Last Login: 06/01/2024 10:21 pm

Registered: 04/24/2007

Gender: Female

The story of my life

I'm not sure if anyone will read this. But, I finally decided to put something here for shits and giggles.

Basic shiz:
Favorite color: Any shade of purple
Favorite animal: Cats
Favorite food: Mac n Cheese
Favorite video game series: Devil May Cry
Favorite manga: Tie between 07 Ghost and Pandora Hearts
Favorite anime: Devilman Crybaby, but this could change again.
Favorite book: Undecided(Literally, have no idea)
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite gemstone: Mystic Fire Topez
For other favorites, you'll have to ask me. I probably forgot a basic favorite you list.

Now, onto the more descriptive stuff about me.

Currently, I work as a stocker while trying to get through graduate school. Besides that, there isn't much to my life. When I'm not working or doing school related tasks, I am on here rping in the forums or playing video games. That's my main two hobbies. My other hobbies are writing poetry, writing little short stories, drawing, and reading. I will sometimes watch anime like how I recently watched Devilman Crybabyl. I wouldn't call myself an avid watcher though. Hence why I don't call watching anime a hobby.

When it comes to addressing me pronoun wise, I will go by he/his or she/her. She is just what I'm used to. Just don't call me it or else I will just ignore you. Oh, and if you do decide to hit on me, read my signature. If you don't get the hint then, it means I'm unavailable and don't care to seek anything right now. I'm perfectly content with having my family, my best friend in the whole wide world(Lurve you Seb~), and my friends. Don't need a man or woman right now(Yes, just admitted I like both, even if I feel my sexuality is hard to fit into a standard label).

As to my religious beliefs, I am a Christian. I am not a perfect follower. I have come to terms with the fact that I will likely never take everything in the Bible as my personal teachings. But, I do my best to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and follow what I do believe to be right. He gave us free will for a reason. I know he may not see me as he saw his devout disciples and other Christians may see me as a hypocrite. However, he loves me all the same and I know I will go to heaven after I leave this life. And that's enough for me.

I think that's pretty much all I will say to any old stranger reading this profile. If my family happens to read this, well I'll have some explaining to do. But, that's besides the point. For the rest of you, if you wish to get to know me more, then talk to me. We might not be able to hit it off and that's okay. Some people just don't mesh. I say it's worth the risk though right? I know it was for me when it came to my best friend. Courage can make dreams reality(Brownie points for those who get the reference).

Have a great day everyone and I will see in the next episode of Dragonball Z! *shot*

My buddies and I

View All Comments

The scarlet jester Report | 02/15/2021 12:11 am
The scarlet jester
*nose book just to be random*
SnowFlowerxo Report | 01/06/2020 12:54 am
We have a lot in common. I prefer dogs over cats though because I am allergic to cats. Purple is my favorite color too. And I prefer romance in role-plays instead of ooc as well.
Torii_Ume Report | 04/28/2019 3:26 pm
You're welcome yum_puddi
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/30/2017 9:36 pm
im watch orochimaru videos
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/30/2017 1:52 pm
cool i only enter if find avatar can win it or a chance at it
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/30/2017 1:41 pm
i do it fun i also like zOMG and pinball and jigsaw and some time i play runway i mosty vote on there thro
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/30/2017 1:29 pm
yep do you like play lake kindred?
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/30/2017 11:36 am
its one my fav anime
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/15/2017 9:31 am
sound cool but do you like anime like naruto?
and do you like to role play?
kittyangeluchiha Report | 08/01/2017 2:36 pm
i never seen that anime before , do you like naruto?