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Name: Nadia
Age: 24
Location: Poland

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Eltierant Lithan Report | 06/09/2017 7:10 am
Eltierant Lithan
Thanks for Buying
Koalalova101 Report | 04/30/2017 9:21 am
Hihi! Thanks for the buy, and all the best! 3nodding
LucreciaTatsumoto Report | 04/07/2017 12:04 pm
Thank you for your purchase
abcthroughz Report | 10/15/2016 1:09 am
This is so random and im sorry but i cant help it with you avatar. ITS SOO emotion_kirakira
K that's it, Bye emotion_facepalm
my little halfling Report | 09/24/2016 1:46 pm
my little halfling
Your most welcome.
my little halfling Report | 09/24/2016 1:36 pm
my little halfling
Much better lol.
my little halfling Report | 09/24/2016 1:35 pm
my little halfling
Oops didn't realize they were so smol. rofl
Keep being awesome sauce. yum_puddi
Yhmera Report | 09/21/2016 5:22 pm

Hello! Nice to meet you.

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Guide for the New Gaian is a place for the new and old. We will help you with gold, items, navigation, making friends, and finding hang outs. We have answers to many common questions on Gaia. And if the answer you seek isn't there, feel free to ask. Simple Click on the picture and let your adventure begin.
fauwn Report | 09/21/2016 12:40 pm
Ah yeah I'm pretty tired myself and it's only almost 4PM here haha. I woke up WAYYY too early today. Ohhh good luck with studying!
As for me, I'm good. Just HUNGRY but there's not that much to eat so I'm gonna grab fast food in a bit. Other than that today has been an incredibly lazy day. Which is a good thing.
fauwn Report | 09/21/2016 12:33 pm
But of course~ How are you today?




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