My first love is anything and everything art related. When I can tare myself away from photoshop, biking, picnics, beaches, or a bit of sketching outdoors is mandatory. I do get into anime watching sprees when I find a good series like Mushi shi, Durarara!!, or when I need a Miyazaki movie night.
Listening To:
Quirks and Quarks radio broadcast feeds my hankering for science news.
Vinyl Cafe makes me feel at home even when I'm far away.
Favourite Noises:
Cicadas make a hot day seem hotter, and slow time down to a molasses pace. When I hear them I want to drink iced tea and fall asleep in the grass.
My favourite man made noises are distant trains at dusk, and the beeps that signal the door shutting on the subway. Gawd that's the best!
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adventure time with finn and jake heart
Thanks for the comment, I still have a long way to go in my art. XD
Yes I did c: I drew that artwork C8 <3
how people can say it gonk
I'm really glad you like my avi! I like it to but honestly I'm looking to make a new one but haven't come up with anything worth keeping yet. sweatdrop
Have a nice day ^-^